Anyone auditioning for kpopstar?

Okay, so, I think everyone has had a fantasy about being rich or dreamt about being a singer, musician, or artist because it seems appealing and if you haven't thought about it you either are lying or are very rare. I've thought about it too not gonna lie, but I was just curious if anyone is actually plans on auditioning? The show, K-pop star, is having global auditions and I guess this season 6 is the final season and i thought about it.'s all a fantasy really because the odds are super mega slim but the thing is, I remember Day6's Jae talking about just seeing the poster one day and like auditioning because why not? And I think there's an important lesson in there because so many times people stop themselves from doing something because they think it's useless to try when the odds are against them, and that might be true, but it never hurts to try. If you try and fail, at least you went all in, you laid down your cards and even if you didn't win you tried. It's not good to live with 'what ifs' in your life because those tiny demons will always come back to haunt you. I think the best anyone can do is try, so anyone reading this, if there was something you were afraid to do, audition for, confessing, this is your message. Just try. And know that it's okay to fail. If you tried your hardest, gave it your all, only to fall flat on your face you already did better than those who didn't try. But if what you want is something you've dreamed about and are really passionate about don't let opportunities pass you by. Don't give up on something prematurely because there is no zero probability. There is always a chance, a possibility, that stands behind you and it might not be a gunarenteed thing but it hardly ever is. There is never a zero probability, just remember that. 

I wish you the guys the best of luck with your endevours, whatever they may be! And let's keep our heads up, yeah?


(Maybe I should just be a motivational speaker instead^^')


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cgao753 #1
LOL hah i'd love to try auditioning... but tbh sometimes i just get too self concious and boom i just get all jittery when i sing >_< like i remmeber when i didn't have stage fright but now i kinda do if it involves singing for some reason??? like whuttttt >_<
but i love the message sent through this :D
This is a good message :) One should always believe in themself and believe more in their dreams ^_^ thank you
I didn't hear about k-pop star until now but I was contemplating this entertainment industry coming to our school and this post just kind of helped me decide. Thank you, for this, because I probably would have chickened out. Even though it wasn't what you were aiming for, thank you :)