⌈ Spice ⌋ → Bae Amelie (Bae Haneul) → Sugar

Bae Amelie

Jaehime — Kim — 9/10

basic profile.

name — Bae Amelie (Korean: Bae Haneul)


▪ Ame :: The short form of her birth name and her paternal gradnparents' nickname for her
▪ Bijou :: It means, "a small and exquisitely wrought jewel". Her grand-mère (grandmother), tante (aunt) and maman (mother) call her this because to them, "she is the most exquisite jewel in the world". The small part was cute when she was younger but Amelie grew up quite tall at 174 cm, so it's kind of ironic now.
▪ Printsessa :: Russian for "princess". She is her dedushka's (grandfather's) princess, alright. She is closer to him than her grand-mère.
▪ Angel :: It's pronounced the Russian way, as in, "ahn-g-el". Her dyadya (uncle) calls her this.

birthday & age — May 18, 1996 & 21 years old (20 years old in International Age)

birthplace & hometown — Paris, France & Seoul, South Korea.

ethnicity — 1/2 Korean, 1/4 Russian, 1/4 French

language(s) — 
▪ Korean :: native speaker :: She grew up in Seoul, after all.
▪ French :: fluent :: Her maman, tante and grand-mère would've been disappointed in her if she wasn't fluent in this

▪ Russian :: fluent :: She loves the way her dedushka lights up when she talks to him in Russian, causing her to study the language until she was fluent. This is also for her dyadya
▪ English (American)  :: semi-fluent :: English is an important language, spoken by a lot of people so she decided to learn it.

face claim & backup —
▪ After School's and Orange Caramel's Nana (link1, link2)
▪ [backup] Wassup's Nari (link1, link2)
▪ [backup] Hello Venus' Nara (link1, link2)

Height and weight — 174 cm and 58 kg

Blood Type — Type A

me, me, and me. 

style — Amelie is a very fashionable girl, thus she doesn't have a specific fashion style as she believes that "fashion is changing everyday" and that she shouldn't "limit myself to only a few pieces of clothing and accessories". She loves to mix and match stuff until she gets the perfect outfit for the occasion. One thing that's important for her outfits is that she must look good - her maman and tante would be disappointed otherwise, after all. Though she has a fondness for black clothes.

Appearance — Fortunately for Amelie, she was born of families who have good genes and she got the best traits from each. Her pale, snow white, flawless complexion and nose was given to her by her paternal grandmother and father. She shares her naturally rose red, cupid's bow lips and shiny, smooth, thick, dark brown hair with her maternal grandmother, aunt and mother. Her unique gray eyes is something she shares with her maternal grandfather and uncle. Amelie, her paternal grandfather and her father share the same jaw line and eye shape. Her height of 174 cm is attributed to both sides of her family.

Amelie's body is definitely more on her mother's side than her father's though. Her 34DD s, small waist, wide hips and large is something she shares with her 
maman, tante and grand-mère. She's especially insecure of her body, especially since many girls bullied her for it as she isn't as slim or skinny as other girls due to her generous curves. Ever since she was young, Amelie grew up exercising - a hobby ingrained into her by her tante. Her tante, an avid fitness and health nut, told her the benefits would be great once she's older - like a rocking body and a body less prone to illnesses. And well, her tante was proven right. She has a healthy flush on her skin and a leanly muscled body with 11 abs.

She has a small mole near the outer corner of her eye on her cheekbone (like Nana's). She has 2 piercings in her right ear and 1 in her left. Amelie is fond of nail art and her nails have a different design every time she feels like it.


▪ Postive: Big Hearted, Charming, Patient, Open Minded, Sincere, Creative, Adaptable
▪ Neutral: People pleaser, Sensitive, Passionate, Altruistic, Loyal
▪ Negative: Insecure, Emotionally Fragile, Bottles Up Emotions, Loud, Indecisive, Innocent, Naive

Big Hearted, Open Minded and Sincere— Amelie's the type of person to always think about the positives of a person and never ever judges. She's also the type of person who gets hit by a car but apologizes for the traffic delay her accident caused. Being angry at her or hurting her is like kicking a puppy or kitten.

Patient— She is a very patient person, so much that she rarely gets angry. Be warned though, if you piss her off, run. Her countenance turns into ice and her tongue could cut through diamond.

Creative— She is highly creative and likes being original. Her imagination is very high and she likes to do DIY stuff, paint and draw. This is one of the reasons why she doesn't mind [Nutmeg]'s out of this world personality.

People pleaser and Altruistic— She always smiles and helps everyone when it's needed and never complains even when she's sick or tired or hurt. A lot of people take advantage of this but she never pays them any mind. She just likes helping people.

Passionate— Once she's interested in something, Amelie will put her all into it. This also applies to tasks given to her. She would work as hard as she can to fulfill her task. She has a tendeny to overwork herself though.

Sensitive and Loyal— She's incredibly sensitive of not just herself, but of other people - to the point that she cries when other people get hurt. Her loyalty is seriously off the charts. She would still try to help you even if you hurt her, cause she would still care. She's the type of person who would support you until the end. Many people have tried and succeeded in taking advantage of her sensitivity and loyalty, causing her hurt every single time.


Insecure and Indecisive— She doesn't believe in herself, but she does still do her best. Because of her insecurity, she doesn't believe in her decisions either so it's very hard for her to make one. She revels in praise and is hurt by criticisms (except of constructive ones).

Emotionally Fragile and Bottles Up Emotions— She is emotionally fragile and easily hurt. She allso bottles up every negative emotion she has, in the belief that revealing them would just burden everyone around her.

Loud— Amelie doesn't know how to be quiet. She finds silence stiffling and boring so she's always loud and talking.

Innocent and Naive
— Despite being bullied, her age and being a trainee, she could still be quite innocent and naive to the true harshness of life, since she was spoiled as a child. She always got what she wanted, even when she doesn't say it. She's also too trusting and guileless at times.

▪ Chocolate
▪ Food
▪ Coffee
▪ Plants
▪ Animals
▪ Children

▪ Exercising
▪ Any shade of violet
▪ Photography
▪ Movies


▪ Close-minded people
▪ Betrayal
▪ Conformity for the sake of conformity
▪ Thunderstorms
▪ People she cares about getting hurt - physically, emotionally, mentally
▪ Tea
▪ Being called the useless member

▪ Her periods
▪ Needles

▪ Nobody gets between Amelie and food. She'll do anything to get food.
▪ She absolutely adores children and animals, and would ignore everyone when she's in the face of one.
▪ She is great at aegyeo, and knows it. She uses it a lot.
▪ Her hobbies/specialties are baking, cooking, doing art, DIY-ing, exercising and photography.
▪ She has a crush on Jay Park. A huge one. That everyone knows. Even the man himself. Amelie blurted it out in front of him and died of embarrassment.
▪ If a fan brings a child during a fansign, she'd borrow the child. She'd dote on the child and act very mother-like.
▪ She has the worst periods ever. She's usually quite sassy and diva-ish during her time of the month.
▪ She wants to learn more languages, like Japanese and Mandarin.

▪ She has never dated nor had her first kiss yet.
▪ She covers her eyes up sometimes, whether sunglasses or colored contacts.
▪ She has over 20 different scented hand lotions, lotions, soap, perfume and shampoo.
▪ She did gymnastics, ballet and cheerleading when she was younger.
▪ She started dancing lessons very young.
▪ She's a versatile dancer. Contemporary, hiphop, latin dance, popping, waltz, folk dance, name it and she has a huge chance of knowing it.

▪ She's loved hiphop since she was a kid. Surprisingly, it was her dyadya who introduced her to it.
▪ She likes cuddling with the other members.
▪ She also likes stealing the other member's clothes and then wearing them - well, the ones that can fit her, anyway.

▪ She's pursuing a degree in Business Management in Seoul National University solely because she's her father's heiress. She wants to try other degrees after this one - probably ones in the Fine Arts or Performing Arts, just Arts in general.
▪ When BTS' "Beautiful" MV was shot, she was only 17 years old and 168 cm and was 18 years old and 171 cm during "War of Hormone".
▪ Amelie knows a bit about rap because of Namjoon.

 She plays the piano, the harp and the violin.

home is where the heart is. 

Amelie was born to Bae Junyoung and Ivanova Carole. Unfortunately, due to complications during her birth, she stayed as an only child. She was brought up in an extended family structure: her, her parents, grandparents and mother's siblings living under the same roof.

Growing up, Amelie wanted for nothing. She had everything she needed and was given everything she wanted. Amelie wants to learn to dance? Sign her up to the best dance class here in Seoul. She wants to learn how to sing? Find her the best vocal coach money can find. She wants that teddy bear? Buy it. She wants to learn how to cook and bake? Sign her up for cooking and baking classes. She wants that necklace? Oh let's get it. It still surprises people that she didn't end up a spoiled brat but a caring, understanding woman. Her family may have indulged her, but if she threw a tantrum or did anything bad they punished her.

Amelie had many friends but only a few were people she considered true friends, the one that didn't befriend her because she was the "half European girl", or the "rich girl" or the "only child of Bae Junyoung" or the more obscure "the niece of the model".

Sometime around middle school, Amelie started becoming chubbier than other girls. Her mother's side of the family assured her that it was normal, that her maman, tante and grand-mère had been like that too and look, they have great bodies don't they? However, she was mocked and picked on by her schoolmates. They called her a pig and ugly and that she was undeserving of the wonderful life she's had, to waste all of the money and care put into her by becoming thicker than most girls. At first, it was just taunts and jeers before it evolved into stealing her stuff and sending her death threats. Amelie braved through it and never mentioned the bullying to her family.

She auditioned for BigHit in April 2011. This was when her trainee life began.

family — 

▪ Bae Junyoung | Father

The current owner of the "Fantasia" chain of restaurants. A stern but loving father and a caring husband. Junyoung loves his family with all his being. He is a bit disappointed by the fact that his mother doesn't get along with his wife and her family but knows there's nothing he can do with his stubborn mother.

▪ Ivanova Carole (Korean Name: Kim Dasom) | Mother
The vivacious, fiery French language professor of Seoul National University and the middle child of her sibings, Carole is also a loving, doting maman to Amelie. She had a passion for ballet when she was younger but was deemed 'too tall' (thankfully, things like that are okay now).

▪ Ivanova Angelique (Stage Name: Angel Bellerose) | Maternal Aunt
Amelie's actress-model aunt and the youngest sister always makes time for family, like making sure her schedules are clear when there are important events and never missing out on anything important. She's health and fitness nut and has rubbed off some on her niece. Amelie adores her and wants to have the same quiet confidence and stunning beauty her aunt has. Angelique often heads with Amelie's paternal grandmother.


▪ Ivanov Mikhail | Maternal Uncle
A reserved, quiet and thoughtful Russian language Seoul National University professor and the eldest of the Russian-French siblings, Mikhail is the person Amelie comes to when things just become too much and she needs advice. He almost always knows what to say to make her feel better. He's currently in a relationship with Do Hanui.


▪ Ivanova Eloise (Dead)  | Maternal Grandmother
Amelie was devastated when her grand-mère died in June 20, 2012 due to a heart attack. Sure, her grand-mère was strict but she was the person Amelie turned to when things go bad, when she needed the cold, hard truth to solve her problems. Her grand-mère was the person who knew how to smack sense into her brain and the one who made sure she didn't grow up too spoiled.


▪ Ivanov Ivan | Maternal Grandfather

She adores her dedushka a lot. He's a jolly, friendly man who never fails to make her smile. He's very happy go lucky and no one would suspect that he's a scarred, paranoid, World War II veteran. Amelie does everything she can do to make her dedushka happy, to make the hidden shadows in his eyes disappear. He is close to Amelie's other grandfather and the two can often be found together.

▪ Bae Hwayoung | Paternal Grandmother

As much as Amelie hates to admit it, she and her grandmother aren't as close as she wants, mostly due to the fact that her grandmother didn't (and still doesn't) approve of parents' marriage. Hwayoung dotes on her granddaughter, but has a love-hate (with more on the hate side) relationship with her daughter-in-law. Hwayoung isn't much fond of her granddaughter's other set of grandparents nor her aunt and uncle but tolerates them. She and Angelique often heads though.

▪ Bae Kyungsoo | Paternal Grandfather

He is a hardworking, passionate man and the founder of the "Fantasia" chain of restaurants around the world. At first, he didn't accept his daughter-in-law, but has come around, unlike his wife. Amelie and he are quite close and he spoils her quite a bit. He's also close to her dedushka and the two can often be found together.


friends — 

▪ Do Hanui | Uncle's Girlfriend and Cellist
A sweet, mild-mannered, kind cellist. Hanui is one of the few people outside of the family who can make Mikhail smile and laugh. Amelie absolutely adores her. She thinks that Hanui and her dyadya should just get married already.


▪ Kim Namjoon :: Rap Monster | First Crush, Male Best Friend and BTS leader
A goofy but smart rapper and leader of BTS. Amelie met him when she was 6 because her dad and his dad were friends. She developed a huge crush on him and, much to her older self's embarrassment, had declared that she would marry him when they were older. They became friends and the crush died a horrible death. Since his debut, she doesn't see him as often as she'd like but they're still good friends. She sees him as an older brother and Namjoon sees her as a younger sister. He's her "brother from another mister".

▪ Cinnamon | Friend and Groupmate
She admires [Cinnamon]'s leadership skills and revels in her mother henning. Sometimes, Amelie calls her Leader Umma. When [Cinnamon] gets stressed and feels weighed down with her role as the leader, Amelie is always there -  whether for a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on.

▪ Cocoa | Friend and Groupmate
Amelie admires how charismatic [Cocoa] could be but is actually quite protective of [Cocoa] because she is the maknae. She always makes sure to leave [Cocoa] encouraging messages before [Cocoa] goes on variety shows and buy [Cocoa] her favorite stuff/food.

▪ Chili | Friend and Groupmate
She admires [Chili]'s rapping and wishes she could rap too. Amelie always helps her unnie during dances. Sometimes, Amelie envies her unnie's ability to be laidback but she doesn't let that color her interactions with her unnie. She encourages her unnie to do her best in dancing.

▪ Nutmeg | Friend and Groupmate
Amelie doesn't mind [Nutmeg]'s weirdness and tries to understand what she says. Thankfully, she's getting better everyday, though [Cocoa] will always be the best at understading [Nutmeg]. Amelie also always goes along with [Nutmeg]'s weirdness - following a weird idea or a weird action.


IM ReAdy to be a star.

STage name — Sky (it's her Korean name, it's easy for international fans to say and she wants to be like the sky - open and accepting of all)

Trainee Life 
Amelie entered BigHit during April 2011, happily reuniting with her best friend Namjoon - who she had only been communicating through calls by this time. Unfortunately, having a best friend already prepared for debut pretty much gained her the ire of other trainees. They still bullied her but she prevailed, if losing a bit of her naivete and innocence. It got a bit worse when Namjoon actually debuted and when she was chosen as the girl in BTS' "Beautiful" but quickly subsided after a few months. It turned into an all time high, however, after her appearance in "War of Hormone" and her and Namjoon's dating rumor. This was when Amelie transferred to AOMG.

AOMG was different than BigHit. People were more understanding and weren't as resentful, though she did have some bullies there too. And Jay Park was a huge plus. Amelie decided that this time, she will stay here and so she pushed herself to improve. Being chosen for SPICE was admittedly a big shock for her.


TRAINEE YEARS — 3 years and 7 months in BigHit (from April 2011 to November 2014)  + 1 year and at least 5 months in AOMG (November 2014 to 2016) = 5 years in total

Fanclub + Color — Snowflakes (cause they're special snowflakes) + Light Sky Blue (#B0E2FF);

plotline — Sugar

Talent twins 
▪ Singing :: SPICA's Jiwon (Purfles' Wooyoung)

▪ Dancing :: f(x)'s Luna (Ex-missA's Jia)

PERSONA — The Sweet Princess

INTRODUCTION — "Annyeonghaseyo, SPICE's Sugar and Sunshine, Sky imnida!"

Pre-debut activities? 
▪ She was the girl in Bangtan Sonyeondan's "Beautiful" MV

▪ She was the girl in Bangtan Sonyeondan's "War of Hormone" MV
▪ She was a backup dancer in Jay Park's "Solo" ft. Hoody Choreography version


▪ BTS' Rap Monster dating the girl from "Beautiful" and "War of Hormone" MVs? / After the release of the War of Hormone MV, the two disguised themselves and went out to a cafe to celebrate and catch up. Unfortunately, an ARMY was there and recognized both of them. The fan took a picture and posted it online. Namjoon had to post a clarification on the fan cafe. Some fans are still bitter though and targeted Amelie after her debut.

the one and only.

love interest — VIXX's Leo (Jung Taekwoon)

▪ VIXX's Ravi (Kim Wonshik)
▪ Infinite's L (Kim Myungsoo)
▪ BTS' Rap Monster (Kim Namjoon)

personality — Leo is famous for being camera shy and talking little when the camera is present. He gives off an aura of coldness and unapproachability. He doesn't smile nor laugh often. Though, he's improved a lot since VIXX's debut, talking and smiling more.
In reality, Leo is very kind and considerate of people. He adores children and animals, to the point that he ignores other people when seeing a child or an animal. He is very strong and a sports prodigy. What he lacks in verbal communication is compensated by his actions - he'll show you how exactly he feels about you through his actions. He's also pretty level headed and easygoing. When he focuses on something, he goes all out. He's also very well-mannered but doesn't hesitate to speak his mind when it's necessary. He also eats anything that can be eaten.
He can be very stubborn, and would never do anything that would go against his views and ideals. Though he's athletic, if Leo doesn't want to move, then he won't move. Leo is also quite strict - the reason he's known as VIXX's Father. He's also very aggressive when it comes to sports, but he isn't a violent guy - he just gets immersed too much.

(They haven't met yet. I leave it all to you cause I know you'll be able to do it.)

As Friends :: Despite Amelie being quite loud and Leo being quiet, they have an easy friendship going on. Amelie is able to understand Leo, and vice versa. She makes Leo smile a lot and he helps her self-confidence. They both love children and animals (and will probably be seen doting on those).

In A Relationship :: They're the same as when they were friends, except they act more couple-y, like holding hands, hugging, kissing. Amelie is really thankful, because she thinks that the best relationships are the ones that balance both friendship and romance. Trust is a very important part of their relationship.

Ending :: They'll be happily dating. Amelie can see Leo in her future and vice versa. And then they'll get married and have a family with lots of kids.

last messages.

comments/suggestions — I hope you like her! She's my second ever app! :D
Sorry about so many relationships, but Amelie values all the people who are true friends.

scene request —
▪ SPICE in reality shows like Running Man, King of the Jungle and others like that
▪ SPICE bonding!
▪ Weekly Idol shenanigans


password — Red Velvet's Dumb Dumb

turn inback to story


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Hi, this is your horrible author.. Im here to say that i plan on starting the story finally I'm sorry. If you're still interested could you please write the relationship your character would have with each group member. Please do so in the format below. Thanks so much! Also if you have any suggestions when it comes to your character please let me know. It could even be a request to change the face claim entirely just let me know!
Name / Plotline / Closeness (out of 10) / Description of their relationship
(for you specifically I've noticed that i really prefer nana as the fc rather than what i picked but its up to you just let me know)