replace with face claim or anything you want 500*240

secret garden : Busarakham Wattana


BIRTHNAME : Wattana, Busarakham

▸ Sara — what she decided to go by when she had moved to Korea because it was way easier for everyone to pronounce.

▸ Maca-maniac — this girl has a serious unhealthy obsession with macaroons and had gotten this nickname for it.

▸ Pun villian — learned a lot of her Korean through a pun book, and says them constantly and at the worst possible times making anyone want to hit her and the person who gave her the stupid book. (Sara thinks she's puntastic no matter what everyone else says)

▸ Samster — She looks like a hamster stuffing its cheeks when she eats so the girls have affectionately given her this nickname.

▸ Ninja Sass — underneath that cute face and happy grin is a volcano of sass just waiting to explode. She surprises everyone when she'll just say a couple of comments that seem so out of character and misplaced.


DATE OF BIRTH : October 4, 1997
BIRTHPLACE : Bangkok Thailand

▸ Thai — fluent; native language 

▸ English— almost fluent; had been studying and learning it since elementary school

▸ Korean — conversational; started learning when she had moved to the country and more as she was a trainee.  

FACE CLAIM : clc sorn
BACK-UP FACE CLAIM : tiny g mint
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 161 cm and 45 kg

▸ With a round face,puffy cheeks, and a button like nose Sara has a unique but cute appearance that people either love or hate. She does curse her genes for being on the shorter side and doesn't fail to remind them of this fact any time she can. She's constantly changing her hair, both in length and color trying everything to see what looks good and what doesn't. 

▸ Sara's style is random, seriously she can go from cutesy and girly to ripped up jeans and tank tops. It's a stange lookiing into her closet and finding just about everything under the sun in there, but she's the one to go to when you need something to wear and can't find anything good. 

tell me about yourself



▸ (+) Clever, Courageous, Persuasive, Playful, Easygoing
▸ (=) Sassy, Free-spirited, Outspoken
▸ (-) Blunt, Artificial, Careless, Obnoxious, Rude


"Lets taco bout it."
Sara may only seem like the fun loving pun telling girl but don't be fooled she's actually extremely clever, and can come up with many solutions to problems that may present themselves in front of her. If there's a way she can get around something she'll do it without so much as a glance in the opposite direction. She's also witty beyond belief and has a comeback for everything that someone could throw at her and then play it off like nothing happened. This girl is about as courageous as they come, seriously it seems like she isn't scared of a damn thing. She's dragging those who happen to be close by with her to try some weird food, which may or may not be posionous, or to try some stupid stunt that will probably end with a broken limb. Does she think about the possible injuries? Of course not it's all about the thrill and the adrenaline rush, swearing up and down how much fun it will be. However that's not all, if Sara sees someone being bullied or suspects as such she will drop everything and intervene. Should she? Probably not all the time but if she is witnessing someone being hurt then it doesn't matter and she won't think twice about helping. She can also be persuasive if she puts her mind and aegyo to it. It's hard to say no to her cute face and sparkly puppy dog eyes, but if someone does then she goes to plan two. Evidence and reasoning. You'd think she was studying to be a laywer with the way she'll argue her point even when she's completely and totally wrong just to bring others on her side.

"What did the sushi say to the bee?" *dramatic pause* "Wasabi.. Get it?"
Sara is a playful girl. If the puns didn't give you a hint then the pranks and teasing will. Nothing will stop her from saying these jokes day in and day out or teasing those close to her because that's just the way she shows she cares and is comfortable around people. It's hard not to be amused when she's around with all of that energy she never seems to run out of, and that devious grin that proves she's up to no good but one can't help but grin back and follow her just to see what she had going up her sleeve. She's also rather easy going most of the time and will go with the flow of the others if it seems interesting and fun enough to go. It's easy to become friends with her and get wrapped up in her carefree and fun nature, only to think about the consequences after the fact but can't get mad at the cute apologetic puppy dog face that stares up when she knows she's in trouble until all is forgiven. She doesn't make too much of a fuss most of the time. However Sara is just about happy grins and fun pranks but is also quite full of sass. The worst part is that it'll come out at the worst times in the most random moments stopping everything and all eyes turn to her who then shrugs and smiles trying to play off that she didn't just insult almost everyone in the room with a few words. Her words can pack quite a punch and makes a person want to be mad but just can't because it's so funny when she does. 

"I tried to take a picture of some fog." "Sara don't." "I mist."
She's a free spirit through and through. Going along with the wind and doing what she wants, within reason she's not that bad, it's hard to reel her back in when she is set on doing something. Sara will stand up for herself if she needs to, and comes off as being independant looking after herself and sometimes others. Well until she tries to cook anything then she's a sad hamster who need assistance to get some food and not starve. Whatever troubles come her way she faces head on and won't let them get her down or too much because even some things will pierce that thick skin she has. Even though she's easygoing and loves going along with others it doesn't stop her from being outspoken. She has no brain to mouth filter and everything and anything will come out of only to regret, or not regret, it later and try to apologize for it. When she gets heated in an arguement or conversation it comes out a lot more and when it's paired with her blunt personality it's asking for some scolding. Sara can't control or words and is the one to say what everyone else is thinking in the worst possible way. It makes her look like a rude person and someone who is disrespectful. It does sadden her that people think this way of her, and they don't even try to get to know her but won't try and defend her actions because well she said them and no matter how wrong it might have been she'll stick by her words only apologizing when she feels that she had seriously stepped out of line. 

"I know it's cheesy.." "Then please stop." "But I feel grate!" 
Many people think that Sara is artificial when they first meet her. There's no way that she can be so cute when first meeting someone and then so rude after a short time of seeing her. She's been called plastic and fake so it's hard for people to get close to her and understand that yes she is the cute girl who they first see when meeting and yes she's quite blunt to where it can come across as rude, but also there is so much more underneath than those two dominant traits. She's tried explaining herself and how she acts but learned quickly that people won't listen to words and have started to show that she's so much more than what people think. When she's stuck on something or is doing something that she really shouldn't she is quite careless. She'll turn off her brain and jump head first into it because hey what could possibly go wrong right? A lot of things but obviously at this point and time she won't think about it until afterwards and then will laugh talking about how crazy that was and then sit there and get a lecture from those who were worried about her. At first Sara seems like a lot of fun, and she is, but the longer someone spends time with her they learn that she's like that twenty-four seven and it starts to become obnoxious. Those stupid jokes? Yeah they don't stop and if she can make a pun off of something someone has said she grabs onto the opportunity. Nothing is wasted and it makes everyone want to beat her upside the head at the end of the day.


Busarakham Wattana or Sara as she prefers to go by was born right smack dab in the middle of Bangkok Thailand on October 4, 1997. Even as a baby she was a sassy thing, no she didn't cry often but she would pout like there was no tomorrow. As the years went by she seemed to grow into her sassy self more and more, but now she was also getting into everything. Nothing was safe and if she could grab it she would and then test it out to figure out what she had so sneakily grabbed. That's how there ended up a scribble mural all over one of her walls with her mother's makeup, something that she is never allowed to forget. School was very much the same she still got into things that she wasn't supposed to, got in trouble every once in a while for talking back but could usually get herself right out of trouble with the cutest face that she's been perfecting with an equally cute apology. Everything seemed to be going great as she had gotten older, until there was a snag in her near perfect life. Divorce. 

Sara didn't know what to do when her parents had decided to split and even less when she had to move all the way to South Korea with her mom, despite not knowing a of the language or the culture all because she needed a change of scenery and was given a transfer from her publishing company to another one. Needless to say her daughter was not pleased in the slightest. She had to give up everything just like that? No she didn't think so and tried to make it as hard as possible wanting to go with her dad, who didn't say a word to her. After months of arguing with one another Sara finally gave in, though it was mostly because she was already on the plane, pun book in her lap trying to learn at some Korean before she had to start school. Surprisingly for Sara it didn't take her too long to find herself fitting in with some of her new classmates. There was still a bit of a language barrier but they had still managed to bond over their love of Kpop and obviously fangirl all over the guys. She didn't think much about becoming an idol at first, though she had started to take a new interest in rapping, since it was obviusly the coolest positiono in any group, until she had begged her mom to let her go to an Infinite concert. 

While she was there taking in the surroundings, the fans screaming and chanting, the gorgeous boys dancing and singing their hearts out, and the over all electric atmosphere that was all around them Sara knew that she didn't want to be in the stands watching in awe, she wanted to be to the one being watched by others. She wanted to stand on that stage and shine like there was no tomorrow. It had hit her like a ton of bricks and well now she was determined. After school she practiced everything, dance, vocals, and most of all her rapping, but she was also researching everything that she could about idol life. She knew that it wasn't going to be easy and that it was actually going to be more difficult since she was a foreigner, but that didn't get her down. Sara had finally narrowed it down to the one company she thought would be a good fit for her Saseum Entertainment, and auditioned estactic when she was accepted and vowed to work her hardest to make her dream of standing on the big stage come true. 


▸ Macaroons (they are life)
▸ Puns (if you don't then she can't be friends)
▸ Infinite (a close second in life)
▸ Spicy food
▸ Sleeping in 
▸ Adventures


▸ Being judged immediately (but you can totally judge her afterwards)
▸ People who are too serious
▸ Sitting still
▸ Oranges (don't ask)
▸ Bugs 
▸ When it's really cold


▸ Napping 
▸ Collecting hats 
▸ Trying new things
▸ Making boring things fun


▸ Puffs out her cheeks when annoyed 
▸ Says whatever comes to her mind 
▸ Picks at her nails when uncomfortable 
▸ Face turns red when angry 
▸ Sighs a lot when stressed
▸ Will switch between Thai and Korean


▸ Literally has every single Infinite album 
▸ Loves sleeping in large oversized sweaters
▸ Really wants a puppy 
▸ Wants to try skydiving or bungee jumping at least once 
▸ Favorite color is purple 
▸ Has an easy time falling asleep but can't stay asleep
▸ Can often be seen dancing around like a crazy person through the building when listening to music (will also sometimes be singing way off key)
▸ Has several pun books laying around and always leaves the house with one in her bag
▸ She has a really hard time relaying her feelings to the others
▸ Never let her cook ever
▸ Is also a big fan of Sistar
▸ Favorite season is summer

friends & family



▸ Mother — Anchali Wattana (43) / Publishing Editor / Kind Hearted, Hardworking, Sensitive / 7/10
Anchali and Sara are pretty close considering, but after moving to South Korea their relationship was kind of strained. She is still always supporting her daughter from the background giving her the time and space she felt was necessary. During Sara's trainee period they've slowly been mending their bond. 

▸ Unni I have another joke! — Miyaa Tama / Idol Garden  / Cheerful, Loyal, Naive / 7/10
Sara and Tama have a very up and down friendship if you will. While Tama will happily listen to all of the jokes Sara has and comes to her, the other half the time the main vocal is wondering and worrying about why her dongsaeng would say such mean things to her. 

▸ I guess I'll be friends with you. — Choi Minha / Idol S&S / Friendly, Confident, Childish / 8/10
You never know about these two, it seems like they get along and then they're both being stupidly childish and refuse to admit they were wrong waiting for the other to apologize. But somehow they make it work (mostly shoving their arguements under the metaphorical rug so neither has to admit they were wrong) and are really close friends, and Sara really likes the fact she's taller than the other girl.

impress me


The Sassy Assassin




Sara trained at Saseum Entertainment for a year and a half. She didn't try to go for another company, mostly because of all the good things she's heard from this particular company while researching which would be a good fit for her. She had a little bit of a hard time at first, not with practicing or keeping up but with showing her true self and being accepted from strangers. Some of the older trainees and sunbaenims didn't know what to think about her and had their reservations at first however they eventually came around when they saw that though she may come across as fake and rude she was sincere about becoming an idol and was working her hardest to achieve that goal. 


▸ Vocal : F(x) Amber
▸ Rap : F(x) Amber
▸ Dance : F(x) Amber
▸ Variety : F(x) Amber

think fast


why did you want to be an idol? : 

▸ "Because it was something interesting to do." She laughs and shakes her head at the strange look she was given. "I wasn't done. Yeah it was something interesting to do while living here but it's something that I've wanted to do sice I saw my first kpop concert. I mean if you saw Infinite up close and personal it'd change your life too."

why did you pick saseum entertainment? : 

▸ Sara gives a big grin and a saluate with a wink. "Well you may not believe this but when I decided to pursue being an idol I did a lot of research on other companies. It was between Saseum and JYP and well you currently do not have anyone from Thailand so that meant I could stand out more here."

which sunbae do you admire most?: 

▸ "Infinite of course. I mean have you seen them? They are perfection sorry F&I sunbaenims. Sugar and Spice sunbaenims are a close second though all of them are cool with me."

anything you'd like to say to me, the ceo?: 

▸ Clears throat. "Ahem what do you call a group of unorganized cats?" Pauses for effect grinning like an idiot. "A CAT-astrophe!!" Grins for a minute before giving a bow. "But all amazing jokes aside thank you."


LOVE INTEREST : macaroons


▸ lovely and delicious


▸ While Sara was walking through her new city of Seoul she had come across this bakery nestled inbetween two other shops. There was nothing particularly interesting about the little shop but it had piqued her interest so she of course walked right in. What she wasn't expecting to find was the love of her life staring at her behind the clear glass just asking to be taken home with her. Eating those macaroons was a changing day in her life and it was the start of a beautiful and loving relationship. 

RELATIONSHIP STATUS :  togehter forever sararoon ♡♡

ENDING :  Her happily eating a boxful of her lovely macaroons, and always carrying them in her heart forever and for always

stormatsea : clara

LAST WORDS : I'm back with another one~ Hope you like her!

 ชื่อจริงไทย วัฒนา


▸ one of the girls hiding Sara's pun books because they are just so done with the crappy jokes coming out of
▸ more to come later 

turn in : story : cheatsheet



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