Got a new story and I need help!

Hello guys

It's been a while since last time I posted something here hehehe..


I'm going to write a police fanfic. It's gonna havr two lead characters  (two females/males) and it's going to be about their friendship and the conflicts they would face while they serve justice. So, I needed you're opinion on so stuff:

1) The lead characters, two males or two females, which one is the best? And recommend me some boys and girls for the roles too, please?

2) i was thinking for the boys, maybe Bang Yongguk and Song Mino would fit. And Irene and Suzy for the girls, what do you think?

3) i also need some love interests that would be unique.

4) if you have any further suggestions, ideas or advices, please tell me.

And thank you♡


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