「 → ❝ SUMMER LOVE ❞ ┊jung kyung min (vita) 」



( vita )

jungdongpark | blue

History | Discography | Audition | Youtube


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FULL NAME: jung kyung min
NICKNAME(S): kyung min isn't a huge fan on nicknames

AGE: 21
BIRTHDAY: 31 of may 
BIRTHPLACE: paris, france
ETHNICITY: korean 
>| bordeaux, france ; 1995 - 2007 (age 12)
>| seoul, korea ; 2007 - present
>| french ; native tongue - self-explanatory
>| korean ; fluent - her parents had her take it as outside class growing up in france so she wouldn't forget her own culture
>| english ; advanced - foreign language class she's been taking in school since the fourth grade

COMPANY: jellyfish entertainment

FACE CLAIM: krystal [jung soojung - f(x)] 
krystal 01
>| krystal 02
>| krystal 03
>| krystal 04 
>| krystal 05

BACK UP FACE CLAIM: luna [park sunyung - f(x)]
>| luna 01
>| luna 02
>| luna 03
>| luna 04 
>| luna 05

HEIGHT: 167 cm
WEIGHT: 52 kg

tattoos: 1) a lotus flower on the back of her neck in which she got when she turned 18 in honor of her religion, since she's buddhist. 2) on her left forearm, it says "grand-pere kyung jae" which is grandpa kyung jae in french in honor of her grandpa because he was the reason why she even got into the music industry 3) on her left shoulder blade it says, "aimer ou ne pas aimer" which means to love or not love

STYLE: kyung min treats everyday like a runway or well at least, she tries to look her best everyday no matter what. she hates going out in public looking like a mess, she loves leaving a 'wow' effect on people and getting good impressions. she's rarely seen dressing down or slouchy in public and if she is, she's probably wearing the sporty look. the only time she's seen dressed down or slouchy is at her home, the company practicing or at her friends house. and thats when she looks her worse, as if she didn't even bother to wash up when she woke up. if in the morning she doesn't feel confident or pretty in what she wears and she's already left the house, you'll probably hearing lots of complaints coming from her throughout the day. 

Profile Picture


[+; humorous, selfless, honest & loyal]
[-; impatient, irrational, short-tempered& flirty]

PERSONALITY: there are times, where people say, her face matches her personality, and other times they say it doesn't. i guess you could say this part doesn't match her face?? she's quite the awkward little lamb (is what she considers herself). not really awkward but she feels that in an awkward situation, she's there to save the day, by pulling out one of her dumb jokes. which are insanely lame and she laughs at them herself, but then she sounds like a dying seal so them everyone starts laughing because hey - her laugh is pretty hilarious. she's a very selfless and loving person. she tends to put others before herself all the time because she feels that others are more important than herself. you'll always see that she's the first person to offer a helping hand and no matter how hard it is, she'll do it. when someone asks her for a favor jokingly, she'll do it anyways because if you need someone there for you or to help, she's willing too no matter what. she's super honest, anything that comes out of is practically brutally straightforward. it comes off as rude sometimes. but she feels that if she's friends with someone and stuff, there should absolutely be no reason why she should have to sugarcoat things or lie just a bit to make a person feel better. people deserve to know the truth and she would want her friends to do the same thing back. isn't really the type to be a backstabbing friend at all, she's very loyal and committed to her friends and loves them all so dearly. but if any of them happen to backstab her, it'll take her awhile to drop them because she's developed this loving relationship and probably won't accept that they hurt her but she will however start to communicate with them less.

ok ok, so this maybe the part where people claim it matches her face quite well. she's quite the little ball of anger. or firecracker - whatever you feel best describes her negative side. she gets angered very very easily. and really anything can piss her off, from little dumb petty comments to things that really make sense as to why she's upset. it seems like she's very very sensitive, but she isn't. it's just certain things shouldn't be said bc it's so obvious and theres no need to act oblivious towards it. once she's very angered by something that possibly hurt her or hit her home - sorry man you're stuck with satan all day (or a few hours or minutes depending on how angry she is). she's very impatient and hates waiting around. she wants things to be done quick and easy and clean. no need to be staying around much longer for anything if it's done. when you hear people say, "no it's illegal" or "no it's not safe you'll get in trouble." etc, it probably means it's not a good idea. but to her, somehow she thinks it's definitely okay to do - which sometimes results her getting in trouble with the people around her but never with the law because she isn't THAT dumb. ok, well when she's angry her irrationality level goes from a 3 to 34234 so maybe, just maybe she'll think about doing something to get in trouble with the law. the girl naturally is a flirty person, it's not intentional, she doesn't ever mean it - it just comes out unintentionally which sometimes gives people mixed signals. sometimes she'll insert random erted jokes into her conversation with people and so some people (weirdly) find that a cute charm of hers. 

>| coffee addict, chugs it down like water even though its so unhealthy for her
>| peaches, basically her favorite fruit
>| r&b
>| books, reads it whenever she has time, she loves the genre drama & mystery/thriller
>| the color grey & red
>| classical music
>| guitar & saxophone

>| spiders and insects
>| dogs, because she was bitten in the leg by one when she was younger
>| milk
>| not having her glasses with her bc she's near-sighted
>| hates getting belittled or looked down upon
>| being dependent

>| writing short stories or poems whenever she has time (in the car, at home, showering)
>| playing on her guitar or saxophone 
>| before she sleeps, she'll watch at least one episode of the current kdrama she's watching & read some fan comments
>| covering dances from her fellow kpop stars when bored
>| likes to stay at the company after hours to get some work in 

>| scrunches her hands when nervous or scared
>| plays on her guitar or saxophone as a way to relieve stress
>| sleep walks, usually when she's spending the night at someone's house, she'll sleepwalk into their room and cuddle with them to sleep
>| horrible cursing habit, curses in french sometimes when she's angry
>| switches languages back and forth at times
>| when she first meets people, she likes to speak to them in french as a way to confuse them, making them think she doesn't know korean before she bursts out laughing
>| eats about six large apples a day ( two in the morning, two in the afternoon and two at night)
>| whenever she feels a bit overweight or sees that she is overweight (not according to the company but to her own preference), she'll go on a strict diet which is either a water diet - a consumption of mostly water and very little food, or eating only her six apples a day and one banana in the morning, at lunch and at dinner. and that way she loses weight quicker and from there she can "start over" to get back to her preferred weight. 

>| left-handed
>| every morning, she lights an inscence and prays
>| during the weekends, if she doesn't have a schedule, she'll usually go and volunteer to help out at orphanges, nursing homes, homeless shelters, etc - not for publicity but she truly loves to help others
>| back in 2014, she had a scandal where netizens released a video of her back in high school and in that video it seemed that she was bullying another female student. but it was later found to be false as the female student spoke up and said thats how kyung min and her would joke around by insults that'd seem lke they were bullying one another. but sometimes netizens claim the student was lying because kyung min was paying hush money
>| allergic to milks and dogs
>| is a huge cat lover and has a cat named mijoo that accompanies her on days she doesn't feel like going out
>| has a pet turtle as well named, no eyes - which she received as a birthday gift when she was 19, and the turtle hasn't died out on her just yet
>| has a hat collection (mostly baseball style caps)
>| usually loves to slap her friends butts when she walks by
>| if she didn't become an idol, she probably would have entered the law enforcement field or somewhere along the lines of political work
>| plays soccer very well
>| enjoys spoiling her friends, as in taking them out to eat or buying them treats which is her way of saying "thank you for beng my friend"
>| can't sleep in the dark needs at least one nightlight in her room to be able to sleep
>| doesn't like to burden others with her problems so she keeps it to herself
>| doesn't really look left or right when crossing the street
>| loves loves skinship
>| her famous corny lame joke is: "how does a vampire girl flirt? by batting her eyes!" 
>| her full name in french is: Vita Ave Jung - Ave is her middlename. 
>| a tendency to switch back and forth on languages: ex; "i was trying to marcher (walk) au magasin (to the mall) and buy food, but then i left my wallet home."
>| became a regular cast in november 2015 of Happy Together replacing Kim Min Sun after her leave
>| enjoys being on variety shows & has interests on acting one day 


BACKGROUND: born and raised in france, the jung kyung min - also known as Vita Ave, was birthed by two parents who are practically the opposite of her. both of her parents were former olympic stars on korea's national gymnastic and soccer team. growing up, there was only two kids in the family, her and her older brother. her parents had hoped for the two to one day become amazing athletes as well as they were before. her brother, was interested in her father's sport. soccer. to her, watching soccer was fun so her dad put her in for a few years. however, she didn't have that close of a connection towards it at all. one day, her grandfather decided to show her some music, like shinhwa, h.o.t, fin.k.l., etc. as she watched the colorful music videos and upbeat music, she suddenly grew an interest in it. one day, she went to her fourth grade class and told everyone she'd become a kpop idol one day. and that only earned herself a bunch of laughters and tease from other students saying she'll never make it one day. going home, she'd cry and cry and her grandpa simply said, "don't cry - they're just jealous that you have your future planned." 

when she was 12, her parents decided to move back to korea so that her grandfather could spend his last few years in his motherland. in this occasion, she thought it was a perfect time for her to try and actually achieve her dream and goals. when she told her parents of her dream of becoming an idol, her parents for one disapproved and was upset because they had wanted her to become an athlete just like her parents and brother. her grandpa seeing how much it upsetted kyung min that her parents didn't support her, he signed her up for dance classes and singing classes without her parents knowing. because he was always in charge of taking care of kyung min every day after school - he'd used those days to take her to her dance classes for her to practice and get her well ready for her future auditions. after a year, feeling that she was confident enough to audition, she went to auditon for the company jellyfish entertainment. still not telling her parents about it and her grandpa just making excuses as to sometimes why they were home late - her parents found out when her older brother, Hae Jak, brought in the mail and was confused as to why the company was addressed towards Kyung min. her parents opening the letter up and found that she was finally accepted as a trainee. when she had gotten home after her dance class, her parents lectured her and yelled at her constantly for doing something behind their backs. they were as well as upset at her grandfather for not telling them. for a few days, she'd go to school and lock herself in her room - upset. her brother feeling bad, tried to convince her parents constantly to let her become a trainee because she worked hard for just one audition. 

in the end - her family finally approved. feeling bad how they hurt the poor girl's feelings, they decided to sign the contract and let her start training in 2008. at almost every monthly evaluations, kyung min had worked well and done an amazing job. but about two years into her being a trainee, she got a call one day from her parents saying her grandfather had died. upset, she couldn't focus as much when she was training, she'd began to not improve. until one day - one of the dance instructors yelled at her to get her crap together otherwise they'd drop her from being a trainee. seeing how that was a wake up call, she decided to work hard again just for her grandfather. because he was the reason why she's trying so hard in the industry. in 2011, she was to debut with a six member group called: the Geminis, but soon disbanded before they even got to debut because of company issues. so in 2013, the company decided to debut her as a soloist.

Jung Taemin | father | 54 | living | quiet, short-tempered, humble | her father and her don't talk very often after she had debut as a solor because he was a coach for soccer teams and his schedule would usually be the opposite of her schedule time. but however, when ever the two did communicate, her father would sometimes worry for her health and all and it'd end up in a lecture which would just upset her. but her dad is just there worried and caring for his one and only daughter

Yook Saeng Ah | mother | 52 | living | short-tempered, humorous, hardworking | her mom and her have an alright relationship. because throughout the years, her mom was always constantly nagging her for the most simplest things ever and it'd annoy her a lot. she tries to not do anything to upset her mom but anything can cause her mom to yell. the two can sometimes end up just not talking and usually always arguing. but whenever there are those rare moments they aren't arguing, it's like they're actual best friends. 

Jung Pierre | older brother | 25 | living | dorky, humorous, talkative | the two have a close sibling relationship, they basically have each others back no matter what. even though pierre had always wanted his sister to as well become an athlete, he's perfectly fine with the path she's chosen. they usually text each other good luck messages before a game or before a music show. 

Jung Kyung Jae | 78 | deceased | bright, supportive, sefless | her grandfather and her had the best relationship, growing up, she always loved being with her grandpa and cherished him for everything he did for her. he was the reason why she even got into the industry. 

Lee Hana | close friend | ?? | living | dorky, adaptable, bright | the two met backstage at a music show once when Kyung Min was making her usual rounds before performing, greeting all the performers. she had then come across Lee Hana and her group Dreamy. Honestly, Kyung Min has this weird thing of admiring people from afar. and so when she finally got meet Hana face to face, she straight away said, "Hello! I don't know you personally but I know of you... HOWEVER, I think you're absolutely the most gorgeous person ever." she laughed. Hana was pretty shocked but then returned with a smile, "Thank you, you're so kind." then there was an awkward silence and suddenly Kyung Min's name was called up next to perform, she waved Hana good bye and left. Afterwards, when she was done performing, her manager had told her Hana left her number behin with a note saying, "Let's meet up one day for coffee, okay?? Talk to you soon!" and so feeling happy she made a new friend, she immediately texted Hana. The two, three weeks later, met up for coffee. surprisingly, they got along really well and soon the two girls became very close with each other. talking about boys and then ranting and complaining to crying, etc. the two are usually there for each other no matter what. 


Profile Picture

LOVE INTEREST: wonho [shin hoseok - monsta x]
BACK UP LOVE INTEREST: shownu [son hyunwoo - monsta x]

RELATIONSHIP STATUS: crushing on each other 
AGE: 23

PERSONALITY: wonho is basically a huge ball of fluff. he's always laughing for no reason and making fun of others. the kid has a huge confidence in himself and his looks no matter, however, being confident - he's not arrogant or cocky or anything. he loves to crack lame jokes that'll make everyone just go quiet and think as to why they're friends with this person. he could also be a serious person during times that are needed to be serious. whenever he's upset or anything, he keeps it to himself because he doesn't wanna burden others with his problems. he'll usually talk less when he's angry. most of the time, he's always all for helping someone out and help cheer them up. 

HOW YOU MET/WILL MEET: on an episode of weekly idol, kyung min happened to be MC-ing in place of Hyungdon and monsta x was a guest on the show. during one of the segments called, "Grill Idol", to be able to eat the meat, each of the members had to do an action to try and get the female guest MC's heart beating. whoever gets her most flustered would be able to eat the meat for that round. and so then each of the boys went up and did their thing to wow kyung min over and honestly she was flustering over I.M. the most, with him coming close to her and then rapping on spot, complimenting her. with all the other boys, they couldn't impress her as much as I.M. rapping, and so the last the person to try and win her over was wonho. he came over to her straight way and his face just inches away and he bites his lip and then whispers, "i like you." his whisper gave her the biggest chilling and made her turn so red, she pushed him away and ran over to the corner and crouched, blushing so hard. she couldn't face them. 

"Yah! what did you do!" Defconn shouted. "You just mentally scarred her!" all the members pulled him back, complaining that what he did was too weird, etc. after a few seconds, after she got her composure back, she walked over and sat back down next to Defconn. not saying a thing and kept a serious face. then she looked up and her eyes met Wonho's and bursted out laughing again, "Oppa, I can't do this!" she hid her face behind Defconn's shoulder. "What do you mean you can't?! Just say who eats this round already, oh my gosh, it's not that difficult." they all kept laughing. "Hohoho," she breathed out before snickering. 

"Thanks for making me fluster, by the way." she mumbled into her cue card, covering her face. "I pick Wonho!" she giggled and beamed brightly. "Wait, wait - explain your reasoning please." Hyungdon asked, as he handed wonho his plate of meat. "I've never stated or ever in my career time mention my ideal type... but it's Wonho-sshi." she said. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!" Defconn and the other members yelled. "YOU DON'T JUST FALL FOR SOMEONE BECAUSE THEY BREATHE IN YOUR FACE." Defconn shouted causing an uproar in laughter. She laughed some more, "I'm just kidding. He isn't my ideal type but he's very good-looking." after the recording was over, wonho had asked kyung min for her number and in which she gave to him. 

INTERACTIONS: after receiving kyung min's phone number, the two would talk whenever they got the chance and met up whenever they got the chance too.  but when they met up with each other, they were all jokes and laughters with each other. kyung min would crack one of her lame jokes and wonho would just sit and laugh because it was so dumb. the two have a love-hate feel type relationship, they'll insult each other, nag each other, argue over things with each other and care for each other, etc like couples would. which would get people telling them to just "shut up and date already" because everyone could look in and see that they're definitely falling for each other but they always reply with, "friends do this too don't they?" whenever the two are around each others friends, they'll be just a tad bit clingier towards each other, it's not like they do it on purpose, they're pretty much unaware about it most of the times. it just happens. 

>| the two tend to usually get dinner with each other around midnight and dinner as in like, not really dinner but going around and buying street vendor foods
>| wonho works out usually at night time out in the park bc it's just cooler 
>| the two insult each other a lot and by the end of the day they'll always have to say they appreciate each other
>| whenever one or the other has a comeback or appearance on a show or something - they show up to each others dorm/ apartment as a surprise with a cake that says, "congrats!"
>| he always eats ramen 
>| and if he were to go to her apartment and hang out, he'd always prefer her to cook ramen over anything else she decides to make
>| he likes to wear all sorts of hats and usually wears it if he has a bad hair day
>| whenever kyungmin is stressing out or whatnot, he'll come over to her place and just comfort her and distract her mind
>| has a huge fear of heights
>| he gets upset very easily like kyung min but isn't as irrational
>| does taekwondo & swim
>| loves eating cold noodles in the summer
>| eats a lot (up to 5+ bowls or rice)
>| if kyungmin has a busy schedule and doesn't answer her phone, he'll usually just leave her a little voicemail, farewelling that he's going to bed
>| no matter how late it is, wonho will answer her phone call, but she'll just call to say good night and nothing more and he'll reply with a sleepy, "sleep well."
>| cares for the people closest to him most
>| insults from kyung min to wonho: 

  • shut up you damn rasberry
  • really hope ants eat your toes off at night
  • whaaaat a hoodlum

>| insults from wonho to kyung min:

  • maybe you'd get less bags under your eyes if you stopped ing
  • honestly, i hope you run into the door and smash your precious nose
  • sometimes i admire your effort in speaking korean but it still after living here for 9 years

>| kyung min likes to speak in french to wonho from time to time just confuse him and see him get angry for not understanding what she said
>| makes weird and ugly faces when he's bored
>| talks to the wall when the other members are busy with other stuff
>| being flirty for kyung min comes out unintentionally and wonho tends to get jealous whenever she's talking to the monsta x members and she's smiling super bright and flipping her hair, etc. 



SINGING CLAIM: kahi (ex-afterschool member)

GROUP: n/a


>| bad girls (2013) / [originally sung by lee hyori]
>| miss korea (2013) / [originally sung by lee hyori] 
>| find me (2016) / [originally sung by jeon hyosung]

Profile Picture


>| any like k-idols throw a summer party and like most k-stars come and have fun and possibly do things fans can't imagine which could spark up multiple scandals?? sorry :c thats all i can think of atm. 

QUESTIONS/ANYTHING ELSE I SHOULD KNOW: i had fun filling this whole app out and i hope you like kyung min and that I did everything you've asked. hahaha, but yeah... hope you like her! if there are any mistakes i'll be sure to fix it asap

PASSWORD: monsta x + nct u 


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