COMPETITOR // SM's Alex Germain

Keep calm and carry on? No thanks. I'd rather raise hell and change the world



Alex Judith Germain

NAME: Germain, Alex Judith 
NICKNAME:Bin Joo Rang; Korean name
BIRTHDATE: 01/09/1992 (24)
BIRTHPLACE: Bordeaux, France
ETHNICITY: French Korean
— French / fluent
— Korean / fluent
— English / high conversational

book's cover


FACECLAIM: Francis Lola


APPEARENCE & LOOKS: Alex has long hair and currently it id multiple shades of purple. She has very fair skin but she is a few shades darker than the others in the group. She is 157 cm tall and weighs 49 kg

FASHION & STYLE: Alex is very much a fashionista, but it isnt Asian fashion. Her style is very european and fabulous. She loves hats and skirts and she wears some more risque clothes some times, but not often enough for it to be a problem



TRAITS: adventurous, generous, openminded, independent, straigt forward, agressive, impulsive, impatient, explosive, pickey
PERSONALITY:adventurous: Alex is willing to take risks, she loves the thril of life and will go out just to be dong something. she is the knd of friend who will go ut with out just she wont be bored
generous: Alex is more than willing to help people. she is ready to give up her time and effor to help others. she is kind when it commes to helping strangers
openminded: Alex doesnt judge peoplel for anything, every. She takes people for how they are. It doesnt matter if you are weird or awkward, she will take you for you
independint: Alex doesnt need to always have people helping her. She is used to doing things at her own power so that is how she likes to do things. She doenst need people, but she doesnt mind when people help her. 
strightiforward: Alex doesnt beat around the bush nor does she like when othre do either. she wants people to shoot stright forward and tel her the whole truth. she is usually pretty good at seeing thorugh lies and she is good at reading body language and between the lines. she can read lies very well
agressive: Alex does not sit back and let life go past. she is in the front seat, taking life by the horns. she is very dedicated to her life and her skills. she doesnt really know how to reign it in
impulsive: Alex doesnt really think everythin through when she is doing it. she jumps the gun a lot. she will see somethng and jump into it quickly
Imptient: Alex doesnt like having to wait. She wants to do things now and she doesnt like having to exlan things over and over agan
Explosive: Alex doesnt get angry oftn, but when she does everyoen will know. When she gets mad she ges mad.
Pickey: Alex isnt the person who will just go with it. She wants whatshe wants and when she doesnt want it she wont take it

flipping pages


BACKGROUND:  Alex's parents were a bit well off. Her dad owned his own company and his mom didnt have to work. They could afford many luxories most couldnt. As soon as she could walk she was in ballet classes. Soon after she was also put into classical classes. She loved it and tried to convince her mom to let her stp going to school and just be a dancer. She was seven and her mom did not take to the idea. She did find more classes to put her in though.
The year Alex turned seven many things happened; Alexs younger brother Tanner was born, her grandmother cme over from Seoul for the first time, her dads bussiness picked up and she got a letter from Paris Center of the Arts inviting her to come study there when she was older. Life was perfect. It couldnt get better. 
Alex kept taking dance classes and had to auditon multiple times, but she was selected for enough scholorships to go to school for free. She had her life set out for her. The only thing that she struggled with was learning to communicate with her brother. He was born deaf so she had to learn sign language for him. It took her a few years, but by the tme he started school she was fluent. 
When the economy took a hit in 2009 Alex's dad lost everything. They lost their house, bussiness and lives. Thankfully though Alexs grandmother offered to fly them nd ll their belongings to seoul nd they could live with her. They packed everything up and moved. It took them almost a year o get settled in and figure everything out. That was the year Alex was supposed to be starting at Paris Center of the Arts. Her parents knew it was hard, so they managed to get her into Seoul Performing Arts School. 
Because of her extensive dance background and lack of Korean languae knowlage, the school had difficulty placing her in classes. They end up putting her into specalised classes. Basiclly it was just her and a teacher for the entire class. She had  few classes like normal, but she needed help. Her favorite cls was choreography. She took to it incredibly well. 
After school she worked with a tutor to start learing Korean and by spring of 2011 she was taking classes with toher students. She was still in advanced calsees and toping the class lists. It took time, but she was almost back to where she was back in Bordeaux. 
Over the holidays, there were all kinds of entertainments having auditions and the school hosted a ot of them. Alex was going to auditions dn the one she wanted to get into was JYP Entertainment. She auditioned but was deniyed right away. The next week they were holding auditions in Busan so she and her mom took a train down so that she could audition again. The next day Big Hit and Jellyfish were havg auditions at her school and she auditioned for them as well. She thought for sure she wouldnt have gotten in,  she was tired and over stressed. She heard she didnt get into JYP and Big Hit with in the next week, but it took another week to hear back from SM.
Alex started training on her 15th birthday. It was the best present she had gotten. Because of her odd class schedule at school, she could spend a lot more time training than other her age. Her school was willing to let off because of how advanced she as in classes. 
Alex spent most time in dance calsses ecasue that was wht she was good at. She dominated her dances and was at the top of the lists. When it came to singing though she was only average. She took an extra class, just on a whim, hoping it would help and it did. The class was a begining rapper class and her teacher told her this was not the class for her. She was instructed to take a differnt rppng class, one more suited to her needs. She was surprised to see some of the better rappers. In that class, she struggled and was towards the bottom o the class every time. Alex started taking less dncing classes so that she would have more time to work on rapping. She wanted to be able to be the best she could be.
Time seemed to fly by and she was getting no where. She was frustrated but she wasnt leaving. She dedicated her life to this. 
SM announced that they were setting up a competition with JYP and YG entertainment to finally see who is the best and a team leader came and found Alex. They wanted her to go dance and sing for them. 

TALENT: singing, dancing


main character


she hates being underround
she has a pet fish
she doesnt eat cheese
she brushes her teeth all the time and she carries a tooth rush around she gets picked on for it
she loves having her hair done
she is a super junior fan
she knows how to play the guitar
She has perfect penmanship
She is a great speller
she has a tattoo of waves on her left side
she is a very heavy sleeper
she drinks coffee non stop
She studied dance in Paris
She trained for eight years
She knows how to play the violin

HABITS: She re-choreographs dances when she is bored 
She sings in the shower, but not super loud
she sleep scurled up in a ball
if there is someone around her when she is sleeping she will grab on to them and not let go until she wakes up
she is so still in her sleep people have had to check that she is still breathing
she has to shower in the morning or she just cant wake up

LIKES: Red bean mochi
Dressing up 
Blocking out songs
'Writing' songs
Romcom dramas
Sound of rain

DISLIKES: horror movies
people trying to lie to her
bubble tea

important people

FAMILY:  Jacinthe Flavienne Germain | Mom | 54 | French tutor | Loud, outgoing | Alex talks with her mom every day. She is a mammas girl.
Jourdain Gérald Germain | Dad | 49 | Manager | Mannered, clever | Alex is civil with her dad, but they arent close like her and her mom
Justin Michèle Germain | Younger brother | 19 | College Student | Rude, bit snobbish | Alex and Justin dont interact. They avoid eachother. This sibling relationship is not one of the good ones

FRIENDS: give me who they are, what they mean to your character, and what kind of relationship they have with your character.


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