It takes one minut to make someones day and one word to destroy someones life. 



Bak Na Yun


NAME: Bak, Na Yun
NICKNAME: Nana; a lot of her friends call her than
BIRTHDATE: 05/19/1995
BIRTHPLACE: Ulsan, South Korea
LANGUAGES: Korean; fluent.

book's cover




APPEARENCE & LOOKS: Na Yun is 166 cm tall and weighs 45 kg. She has short blond hair and fringed bangs. She has creamy pale skin and deep brown eyes that have golden flecks in them when the light hits them. She always seems to be a bright person and have a smile on her face. 

FASHION & STYLE: Na Yun has a cute sense of style. Everything looks good on her. She likes funky fabrics and denim and hats. She likes to test things a lot



TRAITS:[+] ; sweet, compationate, friendly, altruistic, charismatic, 4d
[–] ; forgetful, emotional, indecisive
Na Yun has a differant way of thinking. She thinks outside the box and is quite imaginative. she still thinks life is a happy place. she doesnt take long to adjust to a new place and she likes change, enjoys it even. she lets her imagination run wild though. she waks up every day with a smile and tries to get others to smile as well. she usually succeeds. she is very selfless and thinks of others quite often, she can talk with anyone and people tend to like her.

Na Yun has a poor memory. she forgets simple little things like her bag or phone all the time. she is always loosing things but she remembers things a lot better if she put it to music. she can never make up her mind with most things. if she doesnt know if she should do one thing or another she will ask her sister for help. she relys on others heavily for support. she tears up easily and it doesnt take much to make her cry. her emotions are written on her sleeve.

flipping pages


BACKGROUND: There was a lot of complications when Na Yun was born. Her umbilical chord got wrapped around her neck and she wasnt breathing for a few minutes. Apparently that affected her growth and how she developed so she needed a lot of attention growing up. 
Her parents fauned over her for years and she was never alowed to do any kind of strenuous activities that could bother her. No sports, no dancing, hardly any playing. She hated it but older her understood why. 
Na Yun always seemed to be one of the popular kids. The other students just seemed to like her so she got away with hardly ever doing anything. She was good at school and everything, but she never had to worry. 
The summer before she started high school one of her best friends started dancing and Na Yun wanted to do it with her. Her friend would teach Na Yun and they would practice together. They started a little dancing club at school but there was only fourof them. They had enough fun though. 
When Na Yun was seventeen, she and her little club wet and auditioned for YG Entertainment and all four got in. They all trained together for a while but one of them broke off and started singing. They all still hung out at school, but not while training. 
When SM announced they were going to be doing SM Rookies all four were so excited. They all were sure they would get in. Only their one friend who stopped dancing got in. They were all angry and totally iced her out of the group. 
As time progressed, Na Yun got less and less angry at her friend and started to make amends and that was just in time for her to debut with Red Velvet. Na Yun was upset but supportive. 
As time went on Na Yun started to feel like one of the left behinds. She didnt think she wsa gong anywhere fast and that she was getting washed up. She started taking more classes and trying to learn more, but nothing seemed to help. 
There was a huge blow up between the big three companies and they said they were going to have a compeition. SM picked Na Yun ad they said it was because she has been showing inititive that past few weeks. She wasnt going to point out that she felt washed up so she just went with it. 

TALENT: dancing


main character


TRIVIA: » she has an older twin
» she is left handed
» she hates pork
» she has more shoes than she has room for
» she loves to go swimming and she says she must be a mermaid she likes to swim so much
» she is a terrible speller
» she has terrible penmanship
» she loves when people play with her hair
» she is terrified of bugs
» she always has her nails done
» all her bedding is hot pink
» she shares a room with her sister
» she wants to be a fashion designer when she grows up
» she wants a pet dog
» she will go bare foot when ever possible
» she is lactoseintolerant

HABITS: » when she is scared she will grab on to someone and hold on tightly
» when people scare her she will scream and drop to the ground
» she snuggles things in her sleep

LIKES: » strawberries
» coffee
» pink
» dogs
» staying up late
» Swimming
» shoes

DISLIKES: » bugs
» mornings
» bananas
» Tea
» the dark
» creepy crawlies
» milk

important people

FAMILY: Dad; Bak So Hyun; Na Yun's dad has always been a helecopter parent. He is always so worried about her and wants her to stay home and not go live her life.
Mom; Bak Hee Na; Na Yun knows she is her moms favorite and she may play into that slightly. She keeps trying ot get Na Yun to stop dancing but she wont. 
Twin sister; Bak Na Yeon; The two of them have never been close at all and Na Yun thinks its her fault. Growing up their parents were always with her and not Na Yeon. She wants them to be closer

FRIENDS: Best friend; Park Soo Young; For the longest time Na Yun was angry with Soo Young but at time went on they got back together and since she debut with Red Velvet they have just gotten closer. 
Best friend; Lee Min Hee; Min Hee was one of the four but she stopped dancing all together soon after Red Velet debut. She sorta fell off the map
Best friend; Kim Tak Na; Tak Na was one of the four and she is still a trainee. She is super discuraged that she is the only one left as a trainee and Na Yun does what she can for her. 


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