( 滑稽 狂気。yang sae ji is having fun after midnight.)

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jungdongpark . blue . 10/10

'karma takes too long to punish people. i'll do it myself.'

about ysj

yang sae ji is the little foreigner that everyone considers a firecracker only because she's very much all over the place. from being a loser with lame jokes to a heated satan. she's very much known for being filterless and on top of that - not knowing when to shut up. the girl practically loves her friends too much, juust a bit too much from spoiling them with gifts to doing their homework for fun. her famous joke is, "how does a vampire girl flirt? by batting her eyes." and her most famous insult is, "you're such a damn hoodlum." she likes to take things into her own and deal with them on her own aka violence. note: her irrational side is probably telling her its ok to fight when everyone else is saying no. it's not always smooth sailing with her but as long as you feed her apples six times a day - then you're good. 

yang sae ji

may 31st

paris, france
170cm & 58 kg

questions and answers

001 // how did you react to the news about minjae leaving seoul? 
 - i know it may seem like i'm a bad friend but i swear i'm not! i've been a little busy with school lately, college entrance exams and all... but i only found out just like yesterday night. i'm upset about it. extremely upset. she and i haven't talked lately, but even if we didn't, she should have told me... i don't know whether i'm more angry at her for not telling me and me being the last person to know or her dad relocating and making her come along. i mean she could always live with me. 

002 // what are your thoughts about having the surprise event at an amusement park?
 - hah... well i thought, yeah - amusement park. that's open and filled with people. but it isn't. and the thing i thought was, "you guys are all crazy bastards." and it proceeded with many of my insults in the group chat. /shows phone/ hahaha, yeah... i insult them quite a bit. anyways, it's dark and scary and just /shivers/ ugh... for minjae, this is for her. i can't really disagree since i was the last to know about her moving. but i'm still pretty heated about that. 
 003 // besides hiding, what else were you doing during the game 'hide and seek'? (minjae suggested to play it and be the seeker, this is when everyone split up in the amusement park, before being unconscious)

 - ok, i at hide & seek. and let me tell you why, it takes me a while before i can really grasp what is going on during the situation. so i'll just run around and question and shout hoping any one of my friends would answer my question that is going through my mind. but before i could i actually settle in one place to hide i was just simply running around frantic and confused. /blows hair out of face/ i sound crazy haha

004 // do you have any idea what was happening, after waking up in a dark room?(reminder that they are alone in the room, with only a walkie talkie to contact the other members of the squad)
 - nooo, i didn't. /frowns/ in fact, i thought it was a prank getting back at me for being a faced friend that wasn't keeping up to date on my minjae. /rolls eyes./ but then the walkie talkie, i heard my friends all frantically scared and questioning everything... so thats when i realized everything was confusing for them as well.

005 // what are your strengths and weaknesses?
 - my strengths?? i could solve riddles very easily, i'd be able to decode anything quickly if i have too. and my weakness is just fear and anxiety. theres only so much that i could take in before i say, it - i lose the game. kill me or whatever etc. 

006 // do you think you and your friends can escape the amusement park, alive?
 - i have to try and overcome my weakness and hope that my friends and i could get out of this horror house quick and alive. theres no reason to stick around to be a toy. so i am really really hoping we make it out of this place alive, we all have dreams and reasons to keep moving on. 


WHAT WOULD yang sae ji DO IF:

001 // she/he is lost and alone in the dark (in the amusement park)
 - yang sae ji wouldn't do what she did playing hide & seek which was running and yelling. if she's lost and alone, she'll keep to herself and stay quiet. but very likely she becomes extremely paranoid and is on high alert. if she becomes way too paranoid, she'll find one space to hide in until she can spot someone to help her and whatnot. 

002 // she/he is being chased by an unknown figure. (warn others? climb up a tree? fight it?)
 - if an unknown figure were to be coming at her, more likely she'll either warn others, unless it's the one person she dislikes in the group, she won't even say a thing to that person and let them deal with it on their own. because she wants to save her friends and especially minjae and want them be safe, she'll try and fight back the figure. she'll try and provoke, "oh yeah! what are you?! why won't you show your damn face, you !" "come out at me, what are you too ing scared now??" 

003 // a friend has died or is injured.
 - she'll act like its a joke. she can't handle things like that. in fact, she'll be in heavy denial. if her friend died, she'd be like, "oh,  no you stay here, i'll look for help", etc acting as if it was still alive. she won't believe that the person is actually dead. if her friend is injured, she'll try everything in power to repair them up in the best way possible so they could keep moving on.

004 // one of them has to face a punishment. (this happens when they did not complete a mission or disobeys. would they pass it on someone else? take it for the team? try to avoid the punishment with persuasion?)
 - she'll make a bet with the person. "if we do this and this then this and this happens..." that's her best idea of assuring no possible deaths/ punishments could happen. the only time she'll take one for team is when she ends up feeling like a burden or that she can no longer help, so she'll sacrifice herself for the punishment.

005 // the squad has finally escape the amusement park.
 - she's relieved but somehow has a heavy feeling that not everything is over and hopes to get out of there asap and have a rejoicing moment later. she'll more likely go home and stay cooped in room to try to relax the stress off. since to her the amusement park thing wasn't a good plan, she'll just invite minjae over a girls' night.




"bonjour, je suis sae ji."
(hello i am sae ji)

full name: Yang sae ji 
: Vita - her french name and only minjae and her parents can call her this
: ryuk - this nickname was given to by her group of friends because of her obsession with eating apples. it was based off of the anime character, ryuk from death note, the god of death who constantly was in love with apples and always wanted to eat them. 

: french - native tongue ; self-explanatory
: Korean - fluent ; had to take this as an outside class as she was growing up because her parents didn't want her to forget her own culture
: english - conversational ; a foreign language class she had been taking throughout her years but can easily forget it from time to time

blood type: ab

face claim: krystal [f(x)]

backup faceclaim: sulli 

appearance: sae ji's hair is always long down to her bum and naturally very wavy. her hair ranges from various amounts of color from time to time. she has a tattoo on her left forearm that she got when she was sixteen that says, "ma maison est ta maison." which means my home is your home. she as well has a lotus flower tattoo that she got when she was 17 on the back of her neck. 


"i may be an angry little pig, but i still bought you guys food." 

(+; humorous, selfless, honest, loyal)
(-; impatient, irrational, short-tempered, arrogant)

elaboration: sae ji is a bit of rubix cube. she's a very humorous girl (not really bc her jokes are lame). she will often tell jokes and then laugh at it by her self when no one else is laughing. everyone else laughs because it's hilarious to see her laugh and look like a dying seal. she's pretty much loyal and very honest. she would never ever treat her friends like crap or backstab them (however, if it's someone she doesn't consider a friend - she'll do all that). she doesn't like having to lie to her friends, she's always straight up and honest. to her, if y'all are friends - there should be zero reasons why you have to sugarcoat things and hide what you think and say. she's a very selfless person, she feels that other peoples lives matter more than hers, so she'll always be the first that you'll see to help others and be there for people when they need her.


however, all those things about her are quite good and all but, she has a negative side. she's quite the firecracker, a ticking time bomb if you will. she can get angry very easily, note that she isn't sensitive at all whatsoever. it's those "its so obvious" moments that piss her off and people purposely act dumb about it. but when she does actually get angry over real issues, you're basically stuck with satan all day (or a few hours or a few minutes depending how badly angered she is) she's very impatient, she likes things to be done quick and easy and clean. she hates waiting around. the girl is a bit irrational, when people say certain things aren't a good idea or illegal or whatever, to her it means, "YES!! Good idea, i shall attempt!" her level of irrationality can go from a 3 to 343 when she's angry. she doesn't think half of things she does through. she's quite arrogant sometimes too, she tends to act like the higher up of certain people. especially when it comes to her group of friends, she'll act like they're the best people ever and disregard everyone. but around strangers or people she doesn't like too, she'll be all arrogant and sassy. 


background: yang sae ji, also know as vita ave yang in france, was born on may 31,'98. she's the youngest of the three siblings. she had grown up in a high middle class family, they had always given her anything she needed throughout her life. but she was never the annoying, self-centered brat. her parents taught her to keep in mind that not others could be like her so she should keep that in mind and be kind. she hadn't always been close with the people in her family, she was always the type to hang by herself and be alone or choose friends over family. she just never liked the mushy feeling of "family forever, family just needed to be there when she asked for it - not every second that she didn't ask or need them to in. when her family moved to korea when she was eleven, she was hitting the puberty stage, so that kinda made her push her family out of her life a little more. and so, her family respected that. and didn't bother her unless she wanted to them to be there for her. in a way, that strengthened her bond with her family. it got her to be more social with them and communicate with them a bit more. 


as of now, being 18 - or throughout her teenage years, she became a bit of a hassel to take care of and watch over. the girl was probably calling another student out on their dumb bull almost every other week just to protect or defend her friends. that always ended her getting sent home early. at school, she's practically well liked. at least, when you didn't try and mess with sae ji - she was practically an angel. (she wasn't but at least she was being a total ). everyone knows that she hates being mushy with feelings so when they hear her insult her friends or others, it's either her way of saying "i love you guys" or "you're ing dead to me." she has yet to get into a fight where her friends don't hold her back - and that's something her parents fear only bc they told her its bad to fight, whether or not you're trying to defend a person. but she doesn't listen. it has to be solve with violence from time to time to her. she tends to create a relationship with her teachers a lot and her friends know that this is her way of later on if she forgets to do an assignment, she can get an exception - since she isn't the smartest kid around, like an average c+ to a B- student. she hates new friends in her circle of friends. she always treat the new person in the group pretty much worse than everyone else bc to her it's a "you don't belong here" type thing. it's just that feeling of possibly being replaced that she hates the most. but her friends always reassure her that she'll never be replaced. 


"my friends are my friends. don't you dare hurt them." 

relation ships: 
song minjae | best friend + fave out of the group | when sae ji first moved to seoul, she was practically a loner. she felt that everyone avoided her because she was somewhat a foreigner. she was walking home from school one day and stopped by the park just to play on the swing. until one day small girl about her age, approached her. "Hello, you're sae ji from school right?" earning a slight nod from sae ji, "i'm minjae, song minjae." she said as she stretched her hand. after meeting minjae, minjae would invite her to hang out with her at lunch and play and come over etc. minjae and sae ji began to grow really close with each other. throughout the years together, even if there were times they hadn't contacted each other bc of being busy or whatever, they always somehow find a way back together and rejoice as if nothings ever changed between them. 

joo nam go | older 'brother' | nam go was a friend that minjae had introduced her too when they were in the middle school since she hadn't known anyone and wanted to make friends. "This is sae ji, she moved here from france, nam go." minjae said. "hey, i'm joo nam go." he grinned brightly. "umm... bonjour, je m'appelle yang sae ji, mais je ne sais pas ce que vous dites. (hello, my name is yang sae ji, but i don't know what you're saying.)" then nam go's face turned into a frown. "she doesn't know korean?" he asked minjae. "w-what?? i mean, she did like a few minutes ago." the two looked at the girl who did not seemed phased by the confused kiddos. then she bursted out laughing, "just kidding! i'm yang sae ji, once again." she stretched her hand out to nam go. he was the second person thats her best friend in which she considers her older brother. because he was only a few months older than her, he was pretty protective over her and treated her like a little sister and would often defend her or help her from occasional bullies growing up.  

squad section: whenever sae ji is around the group, she's probably the most 'extra' person ever. she laughs the loudest, says the most jokes, says the most unnecesaary things, etc. but they all love her anyway because thats how she is. she tends to does weird things when everyone else talking like make ugly faces or weird noises. however, in the group theres a person she dislikes because she's always had heavy feelings about that person - feeling like they weren't really a true friend and just a traitor. so she always ignores that person or treats them the worse, causing everyone to think thats when she goes overboard. because that person is always clingy towards her two best friends, it gets her jealous a bit sometimes, but she doesn't say anything because she doesn't wanna seem even more of an towards the person. but everyone else in the group, she completely loves being around, although - they see her negative side more often than her positive side only bc they love to piss her off on purpose. 


>| eats apples about six times a day (two in the morning, two in the afternoon and two at night)
>| left-handed
>| she has a horrible cursing habit 
>| fears; dark places, spiders, clowns
>| has to sleep with at least one night light
>| tends to spoil her friends, buying them gifts or taking them out to eat as her way of saying, "i appreciate your existence." but since she hates being mushy, she'll take the gifts and throw it at them at times and be like, "there have it. bye." and leave
>| queen of corny jokes
>| has the worse of insults but it gets her message across
>| she has a habit of sleep walking, so if she's sleeping at home or sleeping at someones house, she'll sleep walk to their room and cuddle to sleep with them
>| within the weird things she does around her group of friends, when they don't notice, she'll slap their butts and run away
>| allergic to milk and dogs
>| no matter whatever it is, she loves to help others
>| when she first meets people, she'll speak in french to confuse or trick them that she doesn't know korean. only minjae was exception because minjae approached her and she was shocked.
>| she's not dumb or stupid, she's actually smart. but however, she's very lazy so she rarely does her work or anything or try to even put in effort hence being the reason why she's only a C+ to a B student. 
>| sae ji's either a loner or a person with many friends. she isn't very social without her friends there, she'll sit there silently, minding her own business unless someone approaches her and starts a convo. but other than that, she'ls pretty much kept to herself. but she'll be a huge social butterfly all she wants around others if her friends are there. 
>| has a pet cat named pabo only because sometimes the cat can't find the cat door in the door.
>| stays out really late most of the time, doesn't come home until 11 or 12 at night. only fridays - sunday are the times she's at home, if in case her family decides to plan a hang out.
>| she doesn't have a bad relationship with her family, she just wants her own space and independence and so her parents respect that and leave her to do her rather than being nosy
>| she can sprain her ankle about three times in a course of two weeks because she has pretty weak ankles and at walking sometimes
>| doesn't look left or right when she's crossing the street


comments: hello! i really enjoyed filling out this app, it was quite fun and different tbh. but i hoped i filled everything out accordingly. on top of that, especially the little box that we summarized our character, i hope it's alright (-:

questions: n/a
scene requests:so "the person" in the group, that sae ji doesn't like, could be anyone idc haha, idk i guess you could have sae ji possibly plot something that could go against the person she dislikes i guess lol / but anything else works bc it is again, your story author-nim (-: 

password: sae ji loves the carousel rides 


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