( 滑稽 狂気。name is having fun after midnight.)

keep width at 170px

NAME in special characters

username . alias . activity rate

'put whatever here tbh, whether it's a quote or catch phrases, just put something in speech marks lmao'

about name

(replace name with your character's initials) here you write a overall description of your character. this box is not fixed, so go head and write as much or as little as you need.

birth name


oocm & ookg

questions and answers

(this is like an interview section, just answer the questions in your character's perspective!)
001 // how did you react to the news about minjae leaving seoul?

002 // what are your thoughts about having the surprise event at an amusement park for minjae?

003 // besides hiding, what else were you doing during the game 'hide and seek'? (minjae suggested to play it and be the seeker, this is when everyone split up in the amusement park, before being unconscious)

004 // do you have any idea what was happening, after waking up in a dark room?(reminder that they are alone in the room, with only a walkie talkie to contact the other members of the squad)

005 // what are your strengths and weaknesses?

006 // do you think you and your friends can escape the amusement park, alive?



(this is like a scenario section, here you write how your character would act in the following situations)
001 // she/he is lost and alone in the dark (in the amusement park)

002 // she/he is being chased by an unknown figure. (warn others? climb up a tree? fight it?)

003 // a friend has died or is injured.

004 // one of them has to face a punishment. (this happens when they did not complete a mission or disobeys. would they pass it on someone else? take it for the team? try to avoid the punishment with persuasion?)

005 // the squad has finally escape the amusement park.


full name: 
nickname(s): optional.

languages: max of 3.

blood type: abo

face claim: links are not needed

backup faceclaim: links are not needed

appearance: what they look like basically (their fashion style is not needed but if you want to add it in, go ahead.)


traits: balance of both positive and negative traits, neutral traits are optional.

elaboration: do whatever you want, as long as i can get a grasp of your character. stuff like mbti, tropes, archetypes are cool, so add it here if you want : )


background: can be brief or detailed, add important events here and also their lifestyle as of now like school life, before the surprise event.


relation ships: there's no format, add only necessary people, since the story will start off before the surprise event + add a 'squad section' and write how your character act and behaves around the group. best to add minjae here !


trivia: ah yes, my favourite section. add fun facts, likes & dislikes, habits and other things here! unlimited so go wild.



scene requests:

password: ohohoho


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heres my app !! i hope you like my character (-: