six out of ten
about me.

full name : kang jin ae 강진애
nicknames :
kang some members of the choi family, the mean ones, would call her by her birth surname because despite being adopted by the choi family, she doesn't count as she's not blood related so they call her kang. other people caught on and use this as well.
jin a general nickname some people call her by because it's so hard for them to say their her full name though it only has two syllables .-.
reporter (jin) a nickname given by someone from the choi family, when they found her notebook, which s filled with a lot of things about what she did or saw, as if jinae is reporting everything that has happened in her notebook. 
gender : female
birthday : seventh of august
age : seventeen
birthplace : seoul, south korea

faceclaim one : ryu sujeong, lovelyz
faceclaim two : choi yewon (arin), oh my girl
height : one hundred and sixty five centimetres
weight : fifty six kilograms
appearance : she has long straight hair that stops near her chest and has semi bangs. her hair colour is natural golden brown, different to her adoptive parents who have dark brown, almost black hair. she keeps her hair down most of the time when in public but the moment she steps inside her house, she ties it up in a ponytail. her skin is pale, because she doesn't go out often and she has a petite body, despite how she can eat so much but don't as much weight, she does have soft chubby cheeks though.

style : she's not picky or has a style, she can wear anything besides tight clothing, except leggings. she owns alot of flowy dresses and oversized clothes. when she's at home she just wears shorts and a over-sized shirt, maybe a sweater when it's cold. on hot days, she puts on a flowy dress that stops at her knees with a cardigan or shorts with a tank top and flannel. on cold days, she wears lots of layers, she puts on leggings, oversized sweater and jacket, and maybe a scarf.

a little more.

personality : 
 i put on a smile easygoing, buoyant, open minded, diligent, selfless
blindly optimistic, passive, sensitive, naive, dependent to hide my pain

in a nutshell : all the emotions can be shown on her face, just like an open book. even if she's all laughs and smiles you can read her expressions through her eyes. she's more of a people person, always relying on others and enjoying their company but she tries to act brave, always saying that she doen't need anyone and always putting on a smile to because she always get the feeling of being a burden to people.

trivia : 
jinae is blood type ab positive.
 jinae is allergic to nuts. she also can't eat avacadoes - she's not allergic but she just doesn't like the tastes bland and is mushy and gross. she's not a picky eater though.
 when it comes to sugary foods, she can eat anything sweet. she would do anything for chocolate or sweets and would crave alot of sweets that cause her to get distracted easily. her favourite is strawberry cake.
 jinae is a terrible cook and could only make instant noodles and sandwiches, just the simple stuff that doesn't involve using an oven or stove.
 jinae is a big talker, a very loud one. very cheerful and hyper most of the time, always happy when the people around her are happy. 
 jinae has monophobia, the fear of being alone. though it's not severe, she becomes insecure and anxious when she has to cope without people. loneliness makes her have panic attacks, rapid heartbeats and shortness of breath. 
 and from the counseling she gets once every few months, the doctors had said she has a case of dependent personality disorder (DPD).
 jinae has huge interests in writing and literature. she has written a few books online and even has a notebook, sort of like a diary, where she writes about almost anything that's on her mind, what happened on a certain day etc. writing helps her clear her mind.
jinae does well at school and her grades are between average and excellent. she joined a few clubs in the past, from drama club to choir because she didn't have anything to do, but avoided sports activities because she at sports, besides bicycling.
 but she rarely goes outside because she's either sick and can't go out or the never-ending piles of schoolwork but she loved being outside instead of being isolated inside her room all day, so whenever she gets a chance she would take her bike out and go on a ride around her neighbourhood.
 jinae gets sick easily. she has a weakened immune system so she easiy catches a cold or fever easily. she at looking after herself because her way of getting better is just sleeping, so she usually needs someone to take care of her. she feels guilty to rely on others all the time, feeling that she is a burden to always ask for help.
 knows about thing between seojun and joowon, she even wrote about it in her notebook shhhh, but she kept it a secret because she thinks that if someone finds out, things will be a mess like what happened to her in highschool and she doesn't want that to happen to the guys. 

my tale.

[sorry for the word vomit, i'll cut some down if you think it's too much ;^;]

"well, from what i can tell, everyone knows that i was adopted. i was adopted as an infant so i wouldn't know who my birth parents are, who died in a car accident. my adoptive parents, they were close to my birth parents, told me i was lucky to survive, but knowing that your parents died and that you won't ever see them again, it hurts." jinae lets out a shaky breath before continuing, "but i know i'm hurting my adoptive parents too by wondering about my birth parents so i tried to focus on them more, since they are all i have. the only people i can rely on. they keep refusing to tell me about them, and lashed at me for mentioning them one day. so i stopped bringing them up, even though i was dying to know who they were."

"i thought i did well at hiding that i was adopted, i really did. i never mentioned about it at school and introduced myself as choi jinae. everyone i know had their real parents and i tried to fit in, when i heard one of them said it's unlucky to be adopted, i actually believed it. how stupid was i... the kids from the choi family kept calling me kang, because they know, but i didn't think much of it at first but i was cautious.i had this stupid fear that if they said it in public, people will know and hate me, how naive i was, back then." she shook her head and knocked her forehead a few times, "but everything was fine i guess; i made friends, did well in school, joined many clubs and even got a boyfriend, which didn't last long," she couldn't help but laugh, remembering the peaceful times.

but her laugh faded and silence took place. "it was when sixteen, things weren't peaceful for me because i couldn't keep my mouth shut. i was sick of hiding the fact that i was adopted, i was sick of acting that I'm fine and nothing's wrong. so i ranted in front of the one person i though i could trust but then the next day, she told someone about and then the new spread like wild fire. most didn't care which i was happy for but there were a few who mocked me and teased me for being adopted. it's not my fault! i can't just bring my parents back to life or whatever!" jinae's eyes were teary and she wiped the tears that escaped with the back of her hand. she put on a sad smile and sighed, "but then i realized there was nothing to be afraid of, i could just be myself and that things happened for a reason. which makes me feel so stupid now that i think of it. i still be teased about not having my birth parents, that i don't belong in the choi family, though..."

"living with the choi family was.. quite difficult. seeing that some of 'relatives' don't accept me for being a choi and my guardians, my adoptive parents, had trouble with income and couldn't look after me because of their business. i got a lot of love from them when i was young, like i was their number one priority. they thought i was already accustomed to living with them, they don't pay attention to me as often. actually they're never home at all. it's..." another tear dropped and jinae couldn't keep her head up. she played with the hem of her skirt, not looking up. "i'm sorry, what were we talking about?"

she didn't take her eyes off her small hands when she continued, "leaving my adoptive parents it felt like deja vu, when they told me they couldn't look after me anymore. do you know how painful those words were? why did they adopt me if they can't look after me to the end? yeah i'm old enough to take care of myself but they knew i hate being alone. it was kind of a good news, that there's someone from the choi fam to take me under their wing, but knowing that i won't see them anymore..." jinae wanted to cry at that moment but she smiled and wiped the stray tears. "i recently moved in, like a few months ago, and i'm still trying to get used to the new environment but i'm kind of happy to live with seojun oppa, joowon oppa and the rest of the family. they're very nice to let me stay with them, though i know they think im such a bother. i guess that's how my parents must have felt too..."

people who know me well.


adoptive parents choi yewon and kim insung. the couple knew the kang family, they were very close so when they heard that their friends got into an accident, they couldn't help but take the kang's daughter and raised her as their child. jinae never once hated her adoptive parents. they weren't close but they got along eventually, though when jinae mentions her birth parents, yewon or insung would cut her off, not wanting to bring up her dead parents. she tries to blames her adoptive parents for not being with her and for abandoning her when they're at work, after the struggles she faced already living under their roof but as much as she wants to hate their guts, she also miss them. 

friend park soomin. seventeen. jinae has a small group of friends, and soomin was one of them. they were friends since middle school and jinae thought she could really trust this person so she was the first person to tell her story. soomin would always visit her and took care of jinae when she was sick. soomin didn't know she was the only one who knew and told the rest of the group, thinking they knew too. soomin was forgiven because jinae knew it was a mistake but they weren't as close as before, they still hang out and stuff but there will always be that thin wall seperating them and their friendship.

'cousin' choi seojun. twentyone. though jinae isn't good at saying what she really feels, the two got along quick and jinae didn't struggle to tell him his past, since both experienced the same situation of beind abandon from their parents. seojun is the one who can make jinae feel welcomed at home, help her get used to the changes and always feel like he needs to be by jinae's side all the time, which gets frustrating and jinae can sense it, so she always push him away but besides that, they're quite close.

'cousin' choi joowon. twentyone. it didn't take long for jinae and joowon to become friends, jinae always wanted to become close with the choi's. jinae didn't mind the closeness with joowon at first, they talked about a lot of things and nothing was awkard but joowon, always sticking his nose in people's personal space, jinae feels uncomfortable, always being asked about her past or what she's up to - oh well, it's better than feeling like your existence doesn't matter at all.

everyone under the same roof jinae tries very hard to get on everyone's good side and fit in, not wanting to be feel left out and abandoned, since there's a lot of family members who knows each other well. she follows orders from others without complaining likes helping people with chores and stuff, even if they refuse her to. she can be clingy to some of the girls and seojun but can be a bit awkward to the guys but it doesn't stop her from making conversations with everyone in the household, sometimes sticking her nose into their conversations. when the house gets gloomy, she tries to cheer everyone up, even if she's gloomy herself.

the end.

a few words : wow i , you should hate me :'') and ofc no, why would i kill you? because your writing is so good??? jinae is based on a character i read some where online who she has dpd, i also have a friend who has a similar disorder. i wrote a lot in 'my tale' so im sorry if nothing makes sense ;u; and don't mind the pastels, trying to be aesthetic tho i balls :^ ( hope you like jinae tho o/
scene suggestions : some are trash lol but ill add more late ; u ;
surprise! all the kids come together to throw a secret party for seojun and joowon as a way of thanking them for taking care of everyone! jinae is picked to go out shopping for the things, to prove people she can do things on her own but things goes haywire dun dun dun.
don't read it when jinae's not home, someone from the choi family finds her laptop open and decides to do some snooping and finds one of her written books.
don't read it pt.2 same dealio but with her notebook, and jinae finds a page ripped out from the notebook and becomes sherlock holmes to find it.
a nice day seojun and joowon plans an outdoor picnic with all the kids, thinking 'what can go wrong?' everything goes wrong but at the end it was a fun day and lots of bonding and fluffy happens.

password : lyn - miss you... crying the lyrics will make you cry a river ;;;; and it kinda relates to jinae :''')



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ah so your small bean is adopted too
she seems to have more conflict between her and society than my character does
she's a sad child :(((