( 滑稽 狂気。minjae is having fun after midnight.)[barely 10% finished orz]

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cherrysoda . darry . seven

'put whatever here tbh, whether it's a quote or catch phrases, just put something in speech marks lmao'

about smj

eyes red and puffy, nose runny, and food left on the bedside, untouched. SONG minjae didn't expect it would happen too soon. the reason for her messy state? THE CHEERFUL GIRL THAT EVERYONE KNOWS and loves—WHO laughS at lame jokes, faintS at the sight of chihuahuas, cries about her dropped ice cream, and WOULD ruin her pride just to put a smile on their faceis moving out of seoul because of her father's business and the thought of not seeing her friends again makes her not wanting to leave her bedroom. minjae can be a bit exaggeratting with her words, but that just shows how much she'll miss her dear friends and her wonderful hometown. (this is bleh lol)

song minjae

august 4th

seoul, sk
167cm & 56kg
(oh, hello :--))

questions and answers

001 // how did you react when your father told you, you're moving out of seoul?

002 // what were your thoughts about your friends throwing a surprise event for you?

003 // besides looking for your friends, what else were you doing during the game 'hide and seek'? (minjae suggested to play it and be the seeker, this is when everyone split up in the amusement park, before being unconscious)

004 // do you have any idea what was happening, after waking up in a dark room?(reminder that they are alone in the room, with only a walkie talkie to contact the other members of the squad)

005 // what are your strengths and weaknesses?

006 // do you think you and your friends can escape the amusement park, alive?



(this is like a scenario section, here you write how your character would act in the following situations)
001 // she/he is lost and alone in the dark (in the amusement park)

002 // she/he is being chased by an unknown figure. (warn others? climb up a tree? fight it?)

003 // a friend has died or is injured.

004 // one of them has to face a punishment. (this happens when they did not complete a mission or disobeys. would they pass it on someone else? take it for the team? try to avoid the punishment with persuasion?)

005 // the squad has finally escape the amusement park.


full name: song minjae

languages: max of 3.

blood type: A

face claim: kim jiho, oh my girl

appearance: what they look like basically (their fashion style is not needed but if you want to add it in, go ahead.)


no matter how hard you try; attentive, benevolent, reliable
some things will never change; SENSITIVE, UPTIGHT, passive

elaboration: tba


background: can be brief or detailed, add important events here and also their lifestyle as of now, before the surprise event.


relationships: there's no format, add only necessary people, since the story will start off before the surprise event + add a 'squad section' and write how your character act and behaves around the group. best to add minjae here !

squad: she may not be the loudest or funniest in her circle of friends but she's often that one person at the back watching and laughing her head off. if one of her friends need to let out their steam, minjae is there to listen to their rants. she's very 


trivia: ah yes, my favourite section. add fun facts, likes & dislikes, habits and other things here! unlimited so go wild.


comments: that about smj section is eh, its 5 in the morning and should be in bed but i want to write something for you guys to get a gist of who minjae is (but i have failed to do that lol)

scene requests:

password: ohohoho


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