rewind girls generation : jang tae guk

BIRTHNAME : jang, taeguk

vita — her french name and she'd rather use that than create a whole new stage

 kkulbo — her members call her this as a joke because it contradicts her personality and the meaning of honey, which is considered to be smooth and soft. 'kkul' meaning honey, and the suffix -bo coming from yeobo which is also honey in married form.
♕ no eyes — when she smiles her eyes fully disappear and was given this nickname by her fans. 

DATE OF BIRTH : may 31, 1994
BIRTHPLACE : paris, france
ETHNICITY : korean

french — native tongue ; self-explanatory

korean — fluent ; her parents wanted her to learn the language even while living in france so that she wouldn't forget her own culture
♕ mandarin — conversational ; a foreign language class she took in her high school years and learned a bit more over the years
 english — conversational ; foreign language class she took in her primary and middle school years 
 japanese — proficient ; having to study it since they as well promote their music in japan

FACE CLAIM : kim hyuna (4minute)
BACK-UP FACE CLAIM : jeon hyosung (secret)
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 167 cm and 50 kg

on tae guk's left forearm, it says "grandfather minguk" in french
 behind her neck, at the base it's a tattoo of a lotus flower


 she's the type to treat everyday like a runway or at least treats everyday to look her very best. she's always dressed her best to impress people, she loves leaving an impression. she is rarely seen dressing down (unless she's at practice) but if she does decided to dress down, she's probably wearing the chic sporty look. if in the morning, she dislikes what she's wearing or doesn't feel confident in it, and she's already left the house - she'll be upset or grumpy and complain how she doesn't look nice. whenever she's at the company, training or practicing, she absolutely looks her worse, she looks like she just woke up and decided to not even bother to wash up. she looks like a homeless really. the only time she looks her worse is at home, at her friends house or the member's or at the company. 

one of me and one of you lets remember that

[+; humorous, adaptable, loyal, honest, open-minded]
[-; impatient, impulsive, short-tempered, erted, arrogant]

PERSONALITY : taeguk is quite the lovely person, at times. she's very humorous, she loves to be filled with jokes (very lame jokes though). she's always trying to make others laugh no matter what, when she cracks jokes she laughs at them herself because no one else thinks her jokes are quite that funny whatsoever, but laugh along because it's funny to see her sit their look like a dying seal. she's a very adaptable person, she tends to try and be optimistic about the things around her so she is kinda forced to adaptable in that sense. but she can easily blend into things very quickly or learn things very quickly. so its rare that she's behind anything. being a loyal and honest friend or partner is her number one thing. she hates nothing more than when someone isn't honest or loyal with her. she always has the most blunt remarks ever and it could come off as a rude, but she would rather her friends know the truth then hear a lie. she would want her friends to tell her the truth, so why would she lie to them? she's such a loyal person, she'd never throw her friends under the bus or ever backstab them, she always defends them no matter (even if her friends or family is wrong) unless it's something that involves the law then n that case hahah sorry pal, she's not defending you unless it's not your fault. she's extremely selfless, and will always put others before herself. she thinks others lives matter more than hers. you'll always see her as the first person to offer a helping hand no matter what. 

taeguk is a little bomb, and doesn't really know how to control her anger at times. anything can set her off really. she's not sensitive like how some people think, it's just things she hears like narrow-minded and despiteful comments can easily make her angry. but honestly, she's a ticking time bomb and once she's angry - oops, sorry you're stuck with satan all day. (or a few hours or minutes depending on how angry she really is). she's so impatient and impulsive. she hates waiting around to get things done, she'd rather just get things done quick and easy and clean. when people say it isn't a good idea or its illegal, to her - it just means, "hey!! i should do it bc it's a good idea!!!!" she doesn't think through the things she does, so it's usually out of impulse or irrationality. and when she's angry, everything she does is probably out of impulse. she's quite the erted girl, when she's talking to people, she'll sometimes insert the occasionally gross nasty joke in there. sometimes it surprises people that she'd say something like that because her face and the way she acts is so far from that sometimes. being arrogant is almost like her second nature. it's not like she doesn't on purpose, it just comes out that way. she knows what she's good at and what are her weaknesses and strengths, so she forms around those and avoids the weakness. and that's how she can form into a better person - and so she tends to act like the higher up of a person and act better. it's not like she does it on purpose, she just knows that she's better than this person or that person by a lot. 

BACKGROUND : born in paris, france on may 31, '94, both her parents are far from how she is now. first of all, taeguk is a female with male name because when she was first born, her brother saw that the small baby had no hair and assumed it was a boy and named it taeguk. her parents were both originally olympic athletes for korea's national gymnastic and soccer team. her mom competed in the olympics in '88 for gymnastics while her dad was a goalie for the team competing in the olympics in '88. growing up, her parents wanted her to do sports just like them and become an athlete. in which taeguk couldn't refused and agreed, playing soccers for about several years in her life, she took after her dad's skills. however, she didn't feel the connection with it. her grandfather, who lived with her, always introduced her to music like shinhwa, fin.k.l, h.o.t, etc. and she grew an attachment towards that rather than sports. one day, going into her fourth grade class, she announced to everyone she'd become a korean idol one day and with that - she got laughed in the face. bullied and remarks saying that she would never be as big as american artists or she should just give up on it already. she'd come home everyday, crying to her grandfather about it and he told her that they were just jealous they didn't know what to do with their life already and that she did. and that she was a lot better than them. because of that, that's how her arrogance grew. she didn't really realize it, she just always told herself, she was better no matter what. 

when she was 11, her parents decided to move back to Korea so that her grandpa could spend his last few years back in his motherland. at this point, she thought of this as an oppurtunity to achieve her goal. she finally had the guts to tell her parents that she wanted to become an idol rather than an athelete. her parents disapproved and said nothing else about it just that they were disappointed in her. her grandpa told her parents to not be so harsh on the poor child. seeing how much she wanted to become an idol, her grandpa decided to take care of her afterschool while her parents were working. he'd take her to singing and dancing classes after school everyday except for the weekends, to get better and reach her goal. finally, after a year of getting classes and practicing - she finally auditioned for daybreak entertainment. this secret was practically hidden from her parents for a long time until one day they got a mail home from the entertainment saying she was accepted in as a trainee. her parents were angry at first that she'd do something like that behind their backs. discouraged, knowing her parents wouldn't let her, she kept herself in her room for several days. until finally, her brother spoke and tried to convince her parents to let her train. seeing that she did work hard for the audition, they decided to finally sign the contract and let her train and achieve her goal. this made her grandpa the happiest. 

about five months into her training, one day she got a call from her parents during her break saying that her grandfather had passed away. that upsetted her to the core. her inspiration was gone and that distracted her from cooperating and working hard. she had stopped giving in effort in for a few weeks until one day a trainer yelled at her, threatening that she'd be dropped if she didn't get her act together. seeing that was a wake up call for her, she decided to work even harder and become an idol for her grandpa and no one else. everything she began to do as an idol and all was just for her grandfather and no one else. 

LIFESTYLE : currently, with the ending of the 'IGAB' promotions, taeguk has been promoting her new drama that she's been in, due to busy schedules of her drama - there are times she can't attend meetings for their japanese album that's coming soon. in general, taeguk usually has a busy schedule of shooting a drama, a cf, or helping out charity or shooting an episode for whatever variety show. there are one or two people in the group that she had a few problems and drama with resulting in her being the first in the group to move out. she moved out and is currently living on her own in cozy two room apartment in Seoul, close by the company. she has a cat named maero that accompanies her on days that she has free and watches movies. she loves giving fanservice, so occasionally from time to time whenever she doesn't have a schedule, she'll post on her SNS, "hey guys! i'm this day, so i'm having a mini meet-n-greet! there'll be food and all, so hope to see you guys all there!" so she'll just set up meet n greets whenever she feels like it, but it's not often it's like every few months. 

on the weekend is usually when her schedule isn't that much, so she tends to go to orphanage homes or elderly nursing homes or homeless shelters to volunteer and help out. not because for the fame and title she's a good person but because she genuinely cares for others and loves helping out. at that moment, she is dating someone, she meets the rapper usually every weekend because that's when they're most free. usually the two don't do much but stay home and watch movies or sleep all day and just cuddle and eat. 


 her full name is: Vita Ave Jang ; Ave being her middle name and her whole full Korean name is Jang Taeguk
 plays soccer and swims very well
she has a hat collection (baseball caps only)
♕ lefthanded
♕ lactose intolerate
♕ loves r&b and ballads
♕ eats about six large apples a day (two in the morning, two in the afternoon and two at night)
♕ tends to sleep walk and if she's spending the night at someones house, she'll sleep walk into their room and sleep with them
♕ scrunches her hands when she's nervous or scared
♕ has a huge obsession for coffee even though it's not healthy for you, she chugs it down daily anyways
♕ allergic to dogs and dislikes then due to the fact she was bitten by one in the leg when she was younger
♕ loves to write short stories/ poems 
♕ usually slaps her friends/ members butts for fun when she walks by
♕ loves skinship so much
♕ loves discussing about politics
♕ if she didn't become an idol, she probably wouldn't have taken the athlete path and become a politician or something along the law enforcement area since those are what she's interested in
♕ plays the guitar and saxophone
♕ when she first meets people, she tends to act like she doesn't know korean and speaks in french to confuse people for fun, "bonjour! je m'appelle jang taeguk, comment allez-vous?" (hello my name is jang taeguk, how are you?)

♕ doesn't look left or right when crossing the street
♕ doesn't know what sugarcoating is because anything she says has no filter and is straight pure blunt rude truth
♕ she's the queen of corny jokes her most popular one is; "how does a vampire girl flirt? by batting her eyes." 
♕ her ideal type is the guy she is dating but if it was someone else she'd had to pick it'd be the actor nam joohyuk
♕ she loves going on variety shows, she acts very differently on there. she often acts more upfront and straightfowarded and erted
♕ she has a tendency to switch between languages (french & korean)
♕ one she was on a variety show and said, "I was trying to marcher (walk) au magasin (to the mall) and buy food until i was stopped - " and then mc yoo jaesuk shouted, "Yah! you can't just switch languages like that! how the hell is anyone supposed to understand!" earning lots of laughter for everyone. 
♕ isn't that great a cooking but attempts it anyways before resulting in having to eat only ramen because she at cooking
♕ can't sleep inthe dark, has to have at least one night light in her room
♕ she likes to hug people she knows randomly
♕ hates burdening others with her problems so she keeps it all to herself unless its her partner

♕ has a bad cussing habit (curses in french when she's angry)


 always in my heart


best friend — krystal (21) / idol of f(x) / quiet, humble, soft-hearted / the two met each other through jessica jung. when one day jessica was visiting the daybreak company, she brought along her younger sister krystal. taeguk was just playing around in the practice room with her saxophone composing music for it. until krystal walked in, "was that you playing?" she questioned. krystal had scared taeguk bc she thought no one was in the room and nodded, "yep - me and my good ol' sax." she chuckled. krystal was immediately interested and talked to her about it and the two began to converse over instruments, music, their life, etc. from the two ended up getting close and did everything together. from gossiping to eating to crying to each other. the two can just text each other ugly selfies and would be fine with that, whenever one of them has a comeback, the two show up to each others home with a cake as a congratulations and pig out together. 

best guy friend — bobby kim (21) / rapper of iKON / dorky, loud, humorous / the two met each other backstage of a music show, the younger groups were going around greeting their sunbaes and handing out their new album. the group found iKON to be such cute little kids, shy and nervous. taeguk then decided to come up introduce herself to bobby which she thought was the leader and gave him tips - even though he turned out to not be the leader and she was quite embarassed about that, the two exchanged numbers and would meet up for coffee occasionally and catch up. their relationship itself is a love-hate type. if you were to read there text messages it'd be just them sending each other insults constantly back and forth. but they both know thats their way of saying you're a great friend.

 momster — eungi (24) / lead vocalist, lyricist / caring, kind, open-minded / taeguk calls eungi the momster because eungi's practically like a mom to taeguk. when taeguk first joined the company, eungi was the first to introduce herself to taeguk and show her around and show her the drill. making things flow a lot easier for taeguk. soon enough eungi began to make sure taeguk was eating alright, feeling okay - not wanting to throw up on the floor and run away from the idol weird just yet. taeguk deeply appreciates eungi for her kindness.  

the more damage it causes, the more it sells

PLOTLINE + BACK-UP : lee soonkyu + kwon yuri


twitter ; jvtguk
♕ instagram ; jguk_
♕ sc ; jangtae
♕ weibo ; jvtguk
♕ tumblr (this is where she posts her short stories & poems) ; jvtguk.tumblr



 jang taeguk (vita) former high school bully?! — june 2011 /  false / a video resurfaced the internet of her in high school, when she was 16. in the video it was between taeguk and another female student yelling at each other back and forth, taeguk yelled some pretty brutal stuff. however this was proven false by the other student because she stated her relationship with taeguk consisted them mostly yelling and insulting each other because they hated being mushy and they both knew they were joking
♕ vita cheating on her partner for iKON's rapper, Bobby?? — september 2015 / false / vita and bobby were out seen one night grabbing dinner and coffee afterwards. the two were together because they were conversing about future project collaborations with each other, confirmed by the both companies and bobby himself
♕ vita flipped off the dj during a radio interview — august 2014 / true / during the break of the interview, the dj had been throwing constant teases and jokes about taeguk, at first she was okay with it but it then became consistent and she got annoyed. to show that she was bothered, she laughed it off and flipped the dj off. taeguk released a video apologzing to the dj for her poor actions. 


♕ she became a regular cast on happy together replacing kim min sun after her leave — november 2015 
♕ acted in the drama The Moon Embraces the Sun as the young Heo Yeon Woo — jan. 2012 - mar. 2012 
 ost for Who Are You: School 2015
♕ cf for SKINFACE — oct. 2014 - present (has a two year contract)
♕ solo debut (singing) — april 2009 (predebut)
♕ acted in To the Beautiful You as Seol Ha Na — aug. 2012 - oct. 2012
♕ currently filming for Vampire Detective — mar. 2016 - present 



♕ won an award for best rookie actress
 voted most influentional in 2014 for her contributions towards the community and the people around her


♕ mamamoo's solar looks up to her
♕ vixx's N & ken looks up to her 
♕ hyungdon (weekly idol mc) has stated she would be his ideal type in the group
♕ song minho of WINNER has as well stated that she'd be his ideal type
 actor kim woo bin's ideal type

everyone is a spider pretending to be a butterfly

“girls' generation has been in the indsutry for the past 6 years. what was the most memorable moment for you?” : 

a lot of idols say, "my debut day" etc, somewhere along those lines. in which, I do agree! you're right, those are memorable. but for me, my memorable moment was the first time we got our win with 'Gee'. honestly, we couldn't think anything of it at that time, it was just a song another one of our girly songs to us. but when we got our first win and it becoming a worldwide hit, that's when it really hit me - all the hardwork we put in, has finally come to this moment. that was definitely memorable for me. 

“who are the junior groups you are looking forward to? do you have any specific reason as to why you are keeping your eye on them?” : 

i'm actually rooting or monsta x and got7 as well nct u. between those three groups, you can already distinguish the difference in music genre. which is something that i genuinely appreciate, monsta x has that bad boy - rapper group vibe, got7 has this versatile music genre that every song they release, i'm hooked man. and nct u, i love the whole trap music vibe to it, it's very interesting. so those junior groups are not only my favorite buut as well the groups im looking forwarded to grow and develop into something greater. 

“you have been stated to be the ideal type of kim woo bin. are you happy to hear this? : 

 honestly, that is such a blessing haha! because i respect him so much as an actor. i want to get to know him honestly hahaha, oh and have a chance to act with him. I've done OSTS, cfs, and dramas but never have I ever gotten to meet him personally in those chances. I'm actually very happy to hear it, he's very handsome. Please meet up with me one day, I'll treat you to coffee!

“fans all over the world has showed you their love and support to you and girls' generation over the past few years. what can you say to them?” : 

thank you so much for continously supporting us, it's amazing and I can't tell how much I appreciate you amazing bunches of honey nut cheerios. god, lets grow old together and when we're 78 y/o, lets dance back to our old songs together. 

LOVE INTEREST : bang yongguk 
BACK UP LOVE INTEREST : seo kang joon


 yongguk tends to care for people around him contantly, he's contantly worrying for them about their health and etc. he seems like the scary gang leader, but really he's such a total sweetheart who does subtle things for the people he loves. he is very humble and tends think he still has room to grow rather than thinking automatically he's on top of the world. he keeps his problems to himself lots of the time and rarely shares it with others because he doesn't wanna bother others with it.


 the two met each other on the show running man when they were both guest stars of the show. throughout the show, because they were the closest to each others age, they teamed up together to finish the missions. throughout the time, yoo jaesuk and lee kwangsoo would make cute little teasing remarks towards the two causing crazy amounts of blushes. after the filming of the episode was over, the two exchanged numbers to meet up. over time the two hung out pretty often, they'd nag each other like a married couple, argue like one, joke like one, care like one, etc. others looking in could obviously see they liked each other. the two have seen each other in probably their ugliest states and all. they love insulting each other to see who has the better insults.

but they both denied it, claiming that friends could act like that. during BAP's hiatus all of 2014, the year that taeguk was also least busy, everyone encouraged yongguk to ask taeguk to be his girlfriend. finally gathering up the courage, the two met at a Central Park in Incheon, a little over half an hour away from Seoul . There, yongguk confessed his feelings for the younger girl, admiring how much they clicked so well. however, because of the dating policy that was put on Taeguk, the two didn't officially date until the january of 2015.

RELATIONSHIP STATUS :  dating + since jan. 2015 [one year & five months]

ENDING :  hopefully they continue dating? (:

jungdongpark : blue : 10 out of 10

LAST WORDS : nothing else really and I know this is probably fast and honestly let me tell you it's 3:33 am rn. I was studying for finals until I saw that you updated so i was like LIIITTTT and so I decided to just put the all nighter and fill out this app! :DD haha, but I hope you like Taeguk and I hope I did everything you asked omg haha and i'm sorry if i filled eungi's part out kind awkward, i just didn't know what she really like or how to fill her out sooo, i'm sorry ;cc


double date w/ any of the girls and their l/i ((-:
♕ possibly another scandal or scene that would have real evidence whether or not yongguk or taeguk are cheating on each other this time around



turn in : story : cheatsheet


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