Quiz: What Flavor Water Are You?

to take the quiz, click this link: What Flavor Water Are You?

and please share your results in comment section (n even better, your comment/take on your results?)...:) (it makes me happy and it gives you karma point and also that comment reputation thingy cuz i'll be giving that one so why not?)

cuz quizzes rock~!




my result?




          You Are Lime Flavored Water



        Your personal life philosophy is to keep a cool head no matter what. You don't get emotional.

You have a deeply logical and rational perspective on life. People find your advice and counsel refreshing.

You are mild-mannered to the point of being neutralizing. You are a natural peacemaker and moderator.

You are flexible and able to fit into any situation. There are many roles that you play well.




I'm so.... surprised? lol...i am realistic, at least in fictional world...to the point of borrrriiinggg...cuz why would anyone want anything realitstic in oh so imagination filled land of fiction? but i don't think i'm considered realistic at all compared to all real life people around me...but i guess...speaking of rational n logics...that's definitely me...n i used to have fans of my advice back in school...especially love related even when they knew they're asking advice from someone with no merit...lol. adapt though? i never adapt to be honest...i go everywhere n just be me...even if i stuck out like sore thumb everywhere...ugh...trying to adapt n fit in is so damn tiring i don't even wanna try....i do mediate a lot of miscommunications/arguments around me(especially in the house lol) since i can understand what everyone's seem to be trying to talk about...i don't get emotional though???? what? really? hahahaha... 



so...what's your result people? passerby? anyone?







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ThoseWithGlassHearts #1
I'm strawberry flavored water!!!!

"Your personal life philosophy is to treat others as you would like to be treated. You like to lead by example.
You are sensitive to the needs of others, and you do your best to make sure everyone is taken care of. You put others first.

You are quite sincere, and you are more heartfelt in your speech than most people. You have no problem expressing appreciation.
You are inclusive and accepting. You are always happy to add good people to your circle of friends."

Yep, this sounds like me ^_^