replace with a pic of your fc, or something that represents them. remember to keep this at 500x167!!
we're here, the fun boys
replace with an icon of your fcreplace with an icon of your fcreplace with an icon of your fc
birth name  han dae hwan [한대환 ]
• pierre ; his french name, only his parents and siblings call him this and nungha
• kkulbo ; his teammates call him this because it's a way they . kkul meaning honey and -bo originating from the word 'honey' which is in married form. they gave him this girly nickname because it contradicts his personality and its to piss him off.
• banger ; known to be having 'fun' with girls pretty often but not many know if these are true and he's a huge player or just a rumor, but anywho it's his nickname given around school when they saw him with a girl going somewhere and the next minute it's a different girl, etc.
date of birth  may 31, 1998
birthplace  paris, france
hometown  bordeaux, france
ethnicity  Korean
my fatal body movements
replace with an icon of your fcreplace with an icon of your fcreplace with an icon of your fc
face claim  nam joo hyuk (actor)
back-up fc  seo kang joon (actor)
height  189 cm
weight  67 kg
appearance  has a tattoo on his left shoulder blade that says "grand-pére 대죽"in rememberance of his late grandpa. 
style  dae hwan dresses very street like, he likes to dress in the nicest way possible. he wants to leave impressions on girls, strangers, etc. he doesn't like it when he looks his worse (which is a t-shirt & gym short - unless it's practice that's definitely A-OKAY) but other than that he always pretty much looks the best and clean. he can go from daddy to hello sir, i'm dating your lovely daughter. he occasionally loves to dress classy, he loves to wear the whole suit and tie look, he feels thats when he looks his super duper best. 
(click to enlarge)

i don't even know myself
• pos humorous, selfless, loyal, loud, honest
• neg irrational, impatient, short-tempered, arrogant, flirt
han dae hwan is pretty much all over the place at times, but for one thing he sure is a hilarious person. (no he isn't - in fact, he has the most lame jokes ever). he tends to crack dumb jokes and laugh at it by himself while everyone else looks at him weirdly. but then everyone starts to laugh because it's hilarious to see him laugh at the jokes himself. he's quite a loud person, so if a person talks louder than him, he talks louder - he just likes to be heard. dae hwan is pretty much an extremely selfless person. he always puts others before himself, he feels that others lives matter more than his own - so he puts his feelings and problems aside just for people. you'll usually see him being the first person to raise his hand and offer help. he's pretty much the most honest person you'll ever meet. to him, he thinks that even if he and the person he knows are just aquaintances, they should know the truth rather than hear a petty lie. he would always want people to be honest with him so he's honest with them. plus, he doesn't know what sugarcoating is and has no filter, sometimes his honesty is seem rude and -like but hey it is what it is. he's pretty much the most loyal person ever when he's found someone to talk too and be in a relationship with. he would never ever do anything to hurt the partner. or with his friends, he would never backstab them - if anything he defends them 24/7 even if sometimes the things they do are wrong. 
ok, this is where the nickname 'kkulbo' comes into play. honey is sweet and gentle (but obviously most guys aren't gentle but sweet at least). dae hwan is a ticking time bomb basically, and anything can sent him off (and no he isn't a sensitive little face) he just gets mad really easily. like hearing someone say something so stupid and obvious can just piss him off. but usually when he's super angry it's something that truly sets him off and once he's angry - , you're stuck with satan all day (or a few hours or minutes, depending on how badly you pissed him off). he's very irrational, when people say, "hey! it's not a good idea," or "don't do it, it's illegal and you'll get in trouble." it means it isn't rational, but in his it's a good idea. he tends to get in trouble for his dumb actions because he just isn't careful whatsoever. (or think things through). he hates most is waiting around, it gets annoying and he wants things done quick and easy and clean. he's probably known as being the most arrogant person ever, because he knows his skills and weaknesses, so he tries hard to avoid the weakness and up the strengths. and because of that - it makes him a stronger person and he tends to be arrogant about it with the whole "i'm better than you" atmosphere. he'll look down on others sometimes because he feels that they haven't reached up to his level yet. he's quite a flirt (and yes i know - you thought he was loyal?? i'll explain) he's very loyal, but when he isn't in a relationship or found a girl he's caught his eye on yet, he'll talk around, flirt - do some stuff basically. he can woo girls over by just breathing (ok - not really bc some guys have super weird breathing habits) girls are so charmed by his actions and looks, he loves to just see girls fall for him and get excited over him and whatever he does. it's a huge confidence booster for him. 
background  born '98 may 31 and born in france, he is the only son and the last out of the five kids born. both of his parents were both athletes, his dad was a goalie for the national soccer team for the olympics in '84 & '88, while his mom was a gymnast on the korea's national gymnastic team for the olympic in '94 & '96. while his older sisters took in figure skating and took after his parents in athletic skills but weren't as good as their parents at least, their parents didn't think they were olympic level yet at least. by the time dae hwan was born, his dad took this as a chance to start him young and hopefully he'd be 'olympic level' just like he was when was younger. when dae hwan was four, his dad put him soccer but seeing the kid didn't have an attraction his dad was upset. until one day, playing with his grandfather, his father taught him how to play lacrosse. dae hwan grew a huge addiction to the sport and wanted to play it almost everyday after school when he got home. dae hwan adapted to things very easily and learns things very quickly, seeing how good he became within two years of playing, he went into his fourth grade class one day and told his classmates that he'd become a famous lacrosse player and would play professionally one day. and with that, he got laughed at - teased that his eyes were too small to see to catch the ball, etc. upset, he stopped playing lacrosse for two weeks and didn't show up to practice. he was quick to give up his dream until his grandfather reassured him that those kids were jealous dweebs who were jealous they couldn't play sport. 
in 2010, he was 12, his family planned to move to Korea to live and for his grandpa to spend his last few years back in his motherland. from there he joined a lacrosse team, his skills were very above average, he would constantly come to practice an hour early and leave two hours later to work hard and become one of the best players and he wanted his parents proud that he could be an athlete just like them. eventually starting his high school career, he wanted to be even better and more and amazing than anyone would have thought. he basically wanted to be the best player on his own - no help from anyone and would create new drills for himself to dry. he also wanted to make his grandfather proud since his grandather had passed away his freshman year. very rarely will you see him home because he's usually at practice or staying after to work somemore. people tend to know he overworks himself because he wants too and he does this to prove his hardwork and by his senior year, with all his hardwork and effort proven, he's captain. 

"you know, it's ridiculous the choices you make - think please before you ruin this team."
[fc; im jaebeom ; got7]
#captainrivals | won haeil | 18 - between haeil and dae hwan, the two are probably the biggest rivals in school. the two respect each other as captains but don't approve of each others actions as captains. because of dae hwan's irrational behavior and choices, haeil finds that unfitting to be captain but it always ends well for dae hwan - so it proves haeil wrong at times. because of haeil's blunt comments about dae hwan being captain, it gets on dae hwan's nerves so it makes snarky blunt comments back. the two get into heated conversation and sometimes could result in a fight. the two both fight for superiority and question each others leadership skills. occasionally dislikes each other to the point that they try and get each other both removed from the captain position.  
"let me do me. it is none of your damn business - if it weren't for me, you'd barely have this team under control, haeil." dae hwan scoffed and gritted his teeth.
"think you're so great, don't you? this whole team is going to hell because of you, it's not under control!" haeil argued back.  
"honestly - it's excessive to make someone run three laps just because they forgot their goggles." 
[fc; kang haneul ; actor]
#angelonhisshoulder | cha kangta | 17 - one of dae hwan's closest and best friend. he's on the water polo team with during the winter season. he's also the person that helps dae hwan think his decisions through and hope that he's reasonable about it and usually helps him get out of trouble. he's the captain of the water polo team but dae hwan isn't - however, kangta considers him to be a co-captain and lets him be in charge only because kangta gets lazy sometimes or doesn't feel confident enough in leading. kangta has been friends with dae hwan ever since he moved to the country. however, he's a lot more easy-going and humble than dae hwan. he tends to refuse to practice unless dae hwan's there because he feels his better performance is with his buddy
"ok - I will punch you in throat if you decide to make me swim frosh." kangta said as he viewed the new kids that joined water polo that year. 
c'mon, the captain shouldn't act like that, he should take pride in hanging out with these kids." dae hwan gave a smile as he waved good bye and jumped into the pool to swim with varsity. 

"i think about throwing you out of the window - and i hope you know idc if i get in trouble for that."
[fc; son seunghwan - wendy ; rv]
#notrealbutannoyingoldersister | han vita | 19 - vita's only older than dae hwan by four months and as well as not being his real sister. she's the only the adopted one. even though she's adopted, dae hwan gets along with her more than he does with his other older sister. the two share a love - hate relationship. when they're in school together, they act like they don't know each other even though people know they're siblings. people at school tend to have the hots for vita so being the brother, dae hwan's very very protective of his older sister and refuses to let her date (even though he has no right to say that - oh well lol). she's the only exception who doesn't do sports, if anything she's into film making and acting. 
"stop using my ing hairbrush you !!" she shouted as she barged into dae hwan's room while he was changing. 
"yah! there's something called knocking you damn fly!" he tried shoving her out of the door. "it's not my fault, jima noona took my hairbrush when she moved out!
"pierre, i'm gonna cut your ears off, you hear me?!" she huffed as she punched him in the stomach, then closed his bed room door, leaving him on the floor to struggle. 

"interested in me that much? FIGURED, I'M PRETTY INTERESTING." 
• fluent in korean, native tongue - french, english - conversational 
• left-handed
• plays soccer, water polo & lacrosse
• eats six large apples a day (two in the morning, two at lunch, and two at dinner)
 has a habit of walking by the teammates in the locker room and slapping their butts
• bad cursing habit (curses in french when he's angry)
• woos girls over when he speaks in french; ex - "bonjour, mon jolie fille. comment allez-vouz aujourd'hui?" (hello my pretty girl, how are you tday?) 
• occasionally switches the languages back and forth because it is a habit
• sleep walks a lot and will walk into other peoples room and sleep with them
• being the boy from france, he loves to trick people into thinking he doesn't know korean and speak in french to confuse people for fun bc it's fun to see them confused to him
• plays the guitar and saxophone 
• whenever he opens his mouth it's either super sarcastic and blunt or very dumb 
• dae hwan always gets in trouble with the coach for being late to practice, but because he's one of the best player the coach doesn't do anything about it 
loves coffee like crazy and tends to consume it way too often
• he hates being mushy and all by saying things like: "i appreciate you" or "i love you" so he tends to insult his friends and that's his way of saying i love you and the only time he's mushy is with the person he's in a relationship with.
• lactose - intolerate
• allergic to dogs
• if he doesn't like a person, he treats them as if he doesn't exist or give cold remarks towards them
not afraid to confront anyone if he hears them talking on him, his friends or anything
• defends his friends waaay too often when sometimes people don't have his back 
• appreciates the french artist; stromae
• he's quite a loud mouth with no filter and tends to get in trouble for that
• loves the feelings of girls falling for him, it just raises his self-esteem
• he respects his sunbaes but if it's him and hoobaes, he tends to ignore them or not even try to acknowledge them because he feels sometimes it's a waste of time to explain them. or he feels that they should learn on their own
• he is a huge foodie probably consumes for calories then you're supposed too 
• he gets very offended when coach add new kids to the varsity team and they act like they already know everything
• when he's angry, he tends to stay quiet or cuss a little too much and then just treat everyone like crap

"i'm pretty much the best player, what can you do about it?" 
position  midfielder
division  varsity - captain
transcript  his senior year, throughout all four years of his high school career he's been an average B+ to an a- student, honestly he feels that he could get smarter and higher marks but he's too busy or too lazy to work harder. around school he's well known as that french guy who has a great advantage in pulling in girls because of his charming french voice. however, people also know when he's in a relationship, he's the most committed person ever - a hopeless romantic. he's very popular around school but is picky about who he hangs out with. he has a small group of friends and usually thats the mix of the water polo and lacrosse kids, but those are the only people he's close as a small section of friends. everyone else is just whoever he feels like talking too but doesn't trust or have a connection with them. it's just a selfish reason of his because he feels much more "cooler" or well-known if he hung out with that and he's not using them - he definitely loves them, but that's just how he feels. his peers in lacrosse and water polo look up to him a lot and want to be just like him - hardworking on their own to reach their goal without anyone's help. but feel that dae hwan doesn't like them - but it isn't. it's just his pride gets in the way so he acts rather arrogant and like a know-it-all in front of them. in the lacrosse theam, he's close with the majority of them, except for haeil. but he doesn't dislike haeil, he just hates the kids attitude and leadership actions. he's very involved in school though, usually he's the hyped one at pep rallies and all. he loves creating a close relationship with his teachers, this way if anything he gets in trouble for or doesn't do his hw, etc - he can get out of it and it definitely works. 
roster  dae hwan takes his sports seriously and works very hard in it no matter what and tries to be optimistic about it even if he's not good at it. his jersey number is 24, when he chose his jersey with that number it was because his grandfather passed away on february 4th, and that's his way of honoring his grandfather for introducing him to the sport. he had started in elementary in france, about a year after he started soccer and didn't really like the sport as much. so when his grandpa introduced him to the sport when he was five, he was hooked on immediately. he firsted started out as a goalie, he felt it would've been reasonable because his father was a goalie, however, he wasn't that good at being a goalie. so later he was switched to being the attacker and did very well in that field, when he moved to Korea and joined a team to play - his coach put him as midfield. at first, he disliked it at first because he always loved being the one to score goals. he would purposely at the position he was in so he could be switched back to attacker, but however the coach realized what he was trying to do and threatened him he'd be kicked off if he didn't get his act together. that being a wake up call, he started to work harder again and that's when out of all the three positions he was in, being midfield was his best one yet. and since sixth grade, he's been playing midfield. to even better (as mentioned before), he'd overwork himself by going to practice an hour early to practice on his own and leave two hours after to practice. throughout his 13 years of playing lacrosse, he's had times he felt time he should quit and was really easy to give up on his dream because of being bullied or switching positions or feeling like he wasn't good enough. he sometimes needs a wake up call to realize his talent in the sport he's playing. but he honestly fell in love with the sport and would always pick lacrosse over anything. honestly, he'd fight anyone on spot if they were to talk trash about lacrosse. 

he takes being the position of a captain very seriously and takes it very seriously if anyone tries to step over his authority. it angers him a lot if he worked hard for the spot and people decide to just step over him just because they think they can. 
replace with a pic of your l/i, or something that represents them. remember to keep this at 500x167!!
any other fun people?
replace with an icon of your love interestreplace with an icon of your love interestreplace with an icon of your love interest
l/i's name  .차넝하 [fc ; kim so hyun] 
back-up  sulli (choi jinri)
date of birth  june 8th, '98 + 17
personality [humorous, adaptable, humble / insecure, naive, impatient]
transcript  nungha is a very smart girl, she's an average of an A student and that's only recently, her whole school life she's been able to maintain A's. but before, she was really lazy so never even bothered to try, so she when she got to high school and thought of college, she decided to work harder and things seriously. she's the twin sister of cha kangta (which is dae hwan's best friend). she's in water polo or lacrosse, but she is in the school's orchestra, playing the cello and violin since she was ten,  she is a great musician. around her, she's very well liked because of her kind actions and innocent ways. she's very humble and hates showing off, which is the reason why people like being around her. however, she does have a bad side and tends to argue her way through everything and refuses to lose sometimes. 
let's ride, go with me
replace with an icon of your love interestreplace with an icon of your love interestreplace with an icon of your love interest
past  the first time nungha and dae hwan met was when he came over to kangta's house to hang out and study for their english assesment his freshmen year. even though, dae hwan was always at his house, nungha was rarely ever home and was always out either auditoning for orchestra groups or hanging out with friends. but nungha happened to have zero plans that day, kangta and daehwan were studying when nungha barged in and asked if kangta wanted to go out and eat with her. surprise, not knowing there was a guest, she said, "oh, nevermind! I'll go run out and some boba for your friend." she shot a kind smile towards to dae hwan and left the room. "you have a sister??" dae hwan asked, hitting kangta's shoulder. "ow... my shoulder's injured remembered," he muttered. "but yes, i do. she's just never home for me to introduce you to her," he shrugged and continued reading his english notes. 
from then, dae hwan would find random excuses to go over to kangta's house to see nungha. kangta began to catch on and would immediately disapprove, "lol, she's not dating anyone until age 40, btw daehwan."
present  when he first met her, he began to recognize that she was in his class. the quiet girl that he'd never noticed before was related to his best friend. overtime, the two began to talk more when dae hwan would invite her to watch his games for fun, because he was focused on just getting at only nungha, he treats her like an absolute princess. (well that was early on in their friendship). but overtime as they got comfortable with each other, the two just yell and nag each other and insult each other a little too often. he tends to be a little protective with her. the two have seen in each other in their ugliest states and saddest states and would find ways to make each other laugh often. but it's more insults and punches and playful hits rather than a loving friendship.

"you know, pierre, you may be the most annoying imbecile i've ever met, but i'm glad i did." nungha laid on the soccer field looking up at the sky. dae hwan stared over at her, she looked so peaceful and happy. 
"yah, stop that." he rubbed his hands on her friend. "i'm glad I met you too, but being cute doesn't get you out from losing the game and buying me food." he chuckled at her. 
future  nungha is well aware of his "flirty" actions towards other girls, so over the course of four years, she freely dated whoever she didn't think he had feelings for her genuinely. and that hurt dae hwan but she didn't know he had feelings for her. so whenever she dated someone, the two didn't hang out or talk for that course of time. so goes for dae hwan. both party would always realize their feelings for each other whenever one of them was dating someone and avoided contact each other to avoid growing feelings. so by the middle of senior year, the two are both single at the same time, dae hwan calls her out to their favorite meeting place which is called central park in incheon, even though it's 43 minutes away from where they are, the two always make the effort to go there and meet each other. when they finally meet at the central park, dae hwan reveals his feelings for nungha that he's been holding in for so long. and they date lmao (you can elaborate on that)
i'm me from start to finish
jungdongpark. blue. 10.
QUESTIONS, COMMENTS, CONCERNS  i don't have any! i just wanted to say that i had so much fun writing this character lol hopefully you like dae hwan and i think i created him how i expected it?? idk hahaha , but idk if you've seen the dramam school 2015, but hahahahhaa omg the l/i and the main character are them hahahahaha ok yeah... it was definitely unintentional i swear but hopefully you like my chracter ((:
scene requests
whatver you feel like author-nim
password  [whispers quietly and gradually gets louder] my- myunghwa stand up! my-myunghwa stand up! (and either captains get in the middle of the huddled circle) [one of the captains start shouting] I SAID MYUNGHWA YOU SAY PREP! myunghwa ! Prep! myunghwa ! prep! MYUNGhwa!!!


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