새벽 : 권명해

replace with fcreplace with fcreplace with fc
kwon myung hae
"how come a vampire likes playing baseball? because he's good at BATting! i'm such a classic"
FULL NAME  kwon myung hae / 권명해
끌보 / kkulbo + the word 'kkul' means honey and the suffix -bo comes from the word yeobo, which is honey in marriage form. the people at the company and members gave her this nickname because it contradicts her personality bc she isn't smooth or sweet like honey. this nickname annoys her but who really cares?
• 비타 / vita + her french/ english name 
• 큰아기 / big baby + given to her by her members because she's the tallest in the group yet the youngest
DOB + AGE  05 • 31 • '00 (15 - internationally ; 16 - korean age)
BIRTHPLACE  paris, france
HOMETOWN  bordeaux, france ['00 - '11], seoul, sk ['11 - present]
NATIONALITY  korean french
• french + native tongue / self-explanatory
• korean + fluent / she learned it as an outside class growing up in france because her parents didn't want her to forget her culture
• english + conversational / took it as foreign language class during her elementary & middle school years
• mandarin + basic / starting highschool, she took that as her foreign language class instead of english and is hoping to learn more and become fluid in that language

FACE CLAIM  kim yoo jung (actress)
BACKUP  kim so hyun (actress)

HEIGHT & WEIGHT  175 cm (5'6 ft) & 57 kg (128lbs)
• her left is smaller than her right, so when she smiles her left eye is almost unseen and when she winks it's always with her left eye
• she has a subtle smile
• because she can't any tattoos just yet ( which plans to get in a few years when she's old enough), she tends to get a henna tattoo every week on her left forearm and it's always a design of a lotus flower and next to it the name of her grandfather in french: 
grand-père haehyuk
• myung had been scarred one time when she was looking through old photos of her back in elementary and seeing her fashion back then really scarred her. it was ugly and she regret looking like that, she went through the gothic/ emo stage and the very bad makeup stage. she's always made it promise to herself to dress nicely and look her best no matter what. she loves to leave an impression on people whenever she wears her clothing pieces. she always has to look her best and she's rarely seen dressing down or dressing bad. the only time she is seen like that is when she's at the company training or at the dorm. and those times are her worse, she looks like she literally rolled out of bed and didn't bother washing up. or as her members put it: a homeless person. 
if she leaves the dorm and doesn't feel confident in what she wears or dislikes it, it'll bother her all day and she'll complain about it, it gets her very insecured. 
[+; loud, humorous, sefless, honest, loyal]
[-; short-tempered, impatient, irrational, erted, serious]
• for myung hae, people often think that her personality matches her face and the other half think it doesn't. well, myung hae (positively) matches her face. being the youngster she is, she loves to crack jokes and make stupid insults towards her eonnis and get yelled at. however, her jokes aren't funny whatsoever (like they're super lame) she always cracks jokes, expecting people to laugh but it's just only her laughing at the joke by herself. then others laugh not because she's funny but she made an effort and also because it's funny to see her laugh (bc she literally is a clapping seal). her voice is crazy loud, she'll always tell stories and talk really loud (she doesn't know how to whisper sadly :c) being the youngest, it's obvious when people say "the youngest always has to help out or listen", but she doesn't do it because she's forced and she's young but because she cares for others a lot. she has always grown to put others before herself, she always felt like others mattered more than her. you'll see that she's usually the first to always offer a helping no matter what the situation is (as long as it doesn't involve her getting in trouble with the law ;D) she's also very honest, that sometimes her older members see it off as rude, but it's just she doesn't like sugarcoating or having to lie. she feels that if people are close enough with each other to be called friends, there should be no reason whatsoever hide things and makeup some lie. 
• this part of her personality, probably you're right - doesn't match her face. myung hae's kinda like a ticking time bomb, she can explode at anytime. and anything, (i mean anything) can set the young girl off. and once she's angry - sorry you're stuck with satan all day (or minutes or hours, depending how bad she's pissed off). when she's angry, she doesn't talk to anyone or if she does - she curses up a storm or acts sarcastic about everything and has a solomn face. it is probably rude that being the youngest she acts like this but whenever she's angry and her older members try and care for her or ask whats up or try to get her side of the story, she'll say, "i'm fine." or "i'm leaving." or "none of your business, bye." in a cold tone. but most of the members that it's good to not cloud around her when she's angry because that only gets her angrier. so if she replies like that, they know to talk to her after she's cooled down. she's very impatient, she hates waiting around and likes to get things done quick and easy and clean. like every other young teens in the world, she's irrational - she doesn't think the things she does through. when people, "not that's illegal to do," or "no that's bad, you'll get in trouble." it's probably not a safe choice?? but to her, she thinks it's a good idea and to just go for it anyways. her irrational level can from a 3 to 57423.  being young, everyone thinks she'd be innocent and bubbly, but she's very erted. whenever her older friends or members are talking about erted things, she'll be like " i agree" or whatever. from time to time, she'll insert erted jokes here and there and earn a slap on the back of the head by the older girls, "yah! you can't know that!" etc. she's also very serious, though she's all these things, she knows when to be serious, especially during those times needed. she tends to love having an intellectual and serious conversation with others. 
• born on may 31, 2000 in paris france, she was born as the second and last child, as well as the only girl, to two parents who are basically the opposite of her. her parents were never musicians or involved in music of any sort, in fact, her father used to be a goalie for the korea's national soccer team for the summer olympics in '88 & '92, while her mom was a gymnast for korea's national gymnastic team for the summer olympics in '92 & '96. where did myung hae get her musical abilities then? from her grandfather. her grandfather back in his youngin years, he was a singer who was in band that hopped from companies to companies. her parents throughout her years growing up, wanted her to follow their footsteps of being athletes, so they put her in soccer and ice skating. she loved the sports but didn't feel connection with it. she felt a greater connection with music, as her her grandpa showed her FIN.K.L, shinhwa, H.O.T., BoA, TVXQ, etc. she loves hearing the music and the colorful images and strong dances. 
when she was in the fourth grade, she went to her friends during class and was like, "guys, when i become a singer, will you guys support me??" in which they all laughed at her, telling her to stop being ridiculous or that she'll never be as famous as the American singers. upset, she went home crying. she told her grandpa and her grandfather reassured her one day she'll become one. in 2011, she moved to seoul, korea because her father said it'd be good to have her grandfather spend his possible last few years back in his home country. when she was eleven, she felt it'd be good to finally start for her dream. she told her parents her of her dreams and instantly they disapproved. which upset her a lot. her grandpa being person in charge of taking of her while her parents worked, secretly applied her to dance classes and everyday after school he'd take her, seeing how much she wanted to reach her goal. her parents worked as coaches for the future olympists, so would work from 3 pm - 10 pm every day. so the the grandpa had enough time to take her to lessons and help get her ready for future auditions. in 2012, the lack of time her family spent together took a toll on her parents. they decided to divorce on good terms, since for them it felt like they went from a couple to friends living with each other. having to choose who to live with, in that moment, bc of selfish reasons of wanting to become an idol, she lived with her dad for her grandpa to be able to support her and help her out. her mom didn't have a problem and only smiled at the young girl for knowing what she wanted to do with her future, so her mother and older brother moved back to france to live. within the next few months, her father remarried a woman with a son named, Song Minho. he was a trainee under yg entertainment. 
the two didn't get along well that much because of the age difference but as well that her step-brother was a trainee and she was jealous of that and didn't know where to start. she'd ask him but felt he wasn't always the nicest person around.  While Minho on the otherhand felt it was ridiculous of her to even try so he never bothered to help her out. so one night, it was minho's day off from the company so he decided to come visit and surprise the family, he came during dinner but myung hae wasn't downstairs eating because she didn't want to lose precious moments and was up in her room composing, creating new choreographs and rapping. she got into rapping because of minho inspired her even though she never admitted it. after dinner, he was walking to his room about to get ready for bed when he heard her rapping. leaning against the door, listening careful - he was slightly pleased to see how well his step-sister was trying, not noticing the door knob turning, as it opened he fell backwards. "Minho Oppa?" she looked down at him on the floor with a confused face. "What are you doing here? Aren't you usually at the company." she asked, crossing her arms. 
"Ehem, well you see, little Myung Hae," he got up and dusted himself. "I'm going to give you tips, to be an amazing rapper as me." Minho patted her shoulder awkwardly, "Please, I'll learn myself." she flipped her hair. "Who needs your help." she rolled her eyes. "For someone who's younger than me, you've got lots of guts to talk back." 
"For someone who's never home and arrogant and criticizing, has lots of nerve on telling me what to do." 
"Yah! If you've forgotten, I'm the one under a company, you're still here." Minho smirked. She balled up her fist and huffed and didn't say anything else because Minho was right. She couldn't argue back, he at least was under a company training. From there, she decided to accept Minho's help. Overtime the two got along well, and the september of 2012, she auditioned for YG, suggested by Minho. In which she did, she was a trainee there for a good two years, every monthly evaluation she aced, in fact, they would have planned for her to debut soon or start a duo. until her grandpa who passed away in 2014, her monthly evaluations began to suffer and she stopped improving. Minho knew why she couldn't focus, because her inspiration was gone and began to worry for her future. She was then dropped from YG entertainment seeing she could no longer improve and so instead of just flat out being dropped and having to audition again, she was transffered to DSP media. From there, she worked even harder, and everything she is doing currently is for her grandpa. 
"I understand what makes you happy now. Aim for it, I'll be here watching silently." 
father - kwon haemin(48) - soccer coach @ Sungkyunkwan university - short-tempered, quiet, humorous ; her dad has always imagined big things for myung hae one day like a future ice skater or future soccer player but never an idol. he knew the struggles of it hearing it from about it from his father throughout his years growing, so he didn't want his daughter to go through the same. the two tend to fight a lot when they talk because to myung hae's ears it's as if he's criticizing her choice in life but he doesn't mean it, he just trying to look out for his only daughter. occaisionally, he'll text her: "keep it up my girl," to let her know he's beginning to warm up to her and her choices in life. 
"I may be far away, but I'm showing all these gymnasts how proud I am of my daughter."
• mother - jang na rae(46) - gymnastics coach - sassy, 'cool-mom', humorous ; her mom had always been supportive of her with whatever she chose to do. but to become an idol in her opinion, is hard. you either make it or you don't. so she don't want her daughter to go down a road in which could lead her to a path where she's struggling. that's why she was hard on myung hae about being an athlete instead. myung takes her humorous side from her father and mother. her mom and her are sassy with each other, when they talk on the phone they throw jokes at each other back and forth. myung hae rarely discusses the topic of her training or becoming an idol to her mom because she's scared her mom will get even more upset just like her father. so she thinks her mom thinks she's still in school and figure skating and doing soccer. but na rae gets her updates from her ex-husband (since they're on good terms and best firends) and is quite proud of the woman that myung hae is growing into. na rae would send flowers to korea often under anonymous as a gift to myung hae with the help of haemin delievering it to her. 
"I've watched you grow the last few years, man - you were annoying. But now you're talented, kudos, kid."
• step-brother - song minho (24) - idol / rapper of WINNER - chic, charismatic, arrogant, protective ; of course in the beginning, the two despised each other and didn't get along well. well the reason myung hae never liked minho was because of his mom, she didn't like the lady. and never formally called her step mom. anywho - overtime as minho helped train her, their relationship with each other grew stronger. the two still act like they each others guts thats why they see each other it's just insults thrown at each other, bombs of insults are thrown mercilessly and that's how they are with each other. minho would never hit a girl but myung hae would always hit him to points he'd bruise. all he could do is just laugh it off. minho protects his younger step sister lots, seeing she'd get teased and bullied during her trainee years at YG, he'd tell those other kids off. he always texts her specifically in the morning, ten minutes before lunch, during lunch, mid-afternoon and at dinner time and before bed. when he texts her, it's just encouragement and of how much he's proud of her etc. 
"no no no, myung hae - don't question the things I do. it seemed logical to splash milk at you in moment."
• best friend - bobby kim (kim jiwon) (21) - idol / rapper of iKON - dorky, loud. gullible, clumsy ; bobby was one of the first friends myung hae made when she started training at YG. she met him through Minho, since the two were best friends. Minho called Bobby the male of version of myung hae, because he was equally as annoying and loud and funny as her. the two clicked really well, sharing really lame jokes with each other and what not. pretty damn awkward, but at one point, bobby had the hots for myung hae. minho finding out about that, listed every reason that was wrong about liking his younger sister. but myung hae just found that funny and waved it off. the two get along really well, well their relationship consists of insults and milk throwing at each other for no reason. after myung hae was transferred to DSP, he continued to support her on her journey. 
"wait... so i heard you like apples, do you want this? nope, this is peach nevermind." 
• older sister figure - ahn gayun (18) - groupmate - timid, naive, loyal, focused ; when myung hae first started training at DSP she felt like a total outsider and didn't make much friends in the beginning. however, an older girl, gayun had approached her. she asked myung hae who she was where she was from and stuff, the basics. myung hae stared at the girl and blinked a few times before saying, "je ne sais pas coréen(i don't know korean)," she shrugged at gayun. gayun, confused, wondered how someone with no korean usage could become a trainee so easily. then myung hae started laughing, "i'm kidding! i know korean," she beamed. gayun relieved, found that myung hae was a dork, she began to watch over myung hae seeing she was so young and taught her the ways and helped her grow. 
• left-handed
• lactose-intolerate
• hates spiders and insects
• allergic to dogs & dislikes dogs due to the fact she was bitten on the leg by her aunts dogs when she was younger
• has a pet cat at home named; jacques (taemin)
• loves to write short stories / poems
• loves discussing about politics
• she loves coffee, she chugs it down like water
• has a huge cursing habit (curses in french when she's upset)
• she plays the saxophone & guitar very well
• loves to mop and iron clothes
• when she first meets new people, she loves to speak in french and act like she doesn't know Korean and watch people be confuse
• she's probably a least like trainee during her time because she wasn't really afraid of calling people out for what they did wrong. especially since her brother wasn't there to protect her anymore, she'd call people out for talking crap behind her back or trying start things with her. if she keeps it in and doesn't confront the person, it'll bother her during her training/ practice
• doesn't look left or right when crossing the street
• her most popular lame joke is: "how does a vampire girl flirt? by batting her eyes."
• when she first met the CEO, she spoke in french and gave her hand out, "Bonjour, je m'appelle Kwon Myung Hae, comment ca va?" (hello, my name is kwon myung hae, how are you?) that earned her cleaning duty on the first day of training, it wasn't on purpose, it was just second nature when introucing herself. 
• eats about six apples a day (two for morning, two for lunch and two dinner)
• has a habit of sleep walking and tends to walk into her other members dorm rooms and sleep with them
• very good at soccer but not so well at figure skating
• loves skinship
• she has a tendency to switch between languages
• queen of making pure ugly faces and doesn't mind if it ruins her image of an idol
• doesn't know what sugarcoating is and is always 100% brutally honest
• she tends to go up to the older girls and then flip her hair and walk away for no reason

• she seems like she has no manners, but she has lots and lots of manners and she only acts the way people claim rude, towards people she's close with
• scrunches her hand when nervous
• she hates burdening people with her problems or stress so she keeps it all inside herself 
• her way of saying i love you is: [I'm so ready to punch you], [I hope ants bite your toes off tonight], [you're being a damn hoodlum - bye.]
• she hates expressing her feelings to people, she feels like it's pretty mushy. so that's why she tends to act like whatever towards everything. she feels like its too mushy and weird and ughh
• she loves offering to pay or spoiling her friends and members with surprise gifts even if its something small
• when her members are talking to her she makes weird noises, it ranges from dying seal to crying t-rex
• when her eonnis lecture her she makes the "meep" noise to annoy them so they could go away

PERSONA  globetrotter + they feel like she's a representative for the global, knowing french, korean and english (+somewhat mandarin). and the fact her manners are more on the foreign side, rather than the traditional korean manners. (hence greeting the CEO with a handshake rather than a bow)

POSITION  maknae, lead rapper, vocals & dance
BACKUP POSITION  fotg & main vocals
vocal  :  han sunhwa [secret]  :  lee hi 
rap  :  le [exid]  : hyuna [4minute]
dance  :  nana [after school]  : jeon hyosung [secret]

TRAINEE DURATION  3 years & eight months ; YG - two years and one month / DSP - one year & seven months
TRAINEE LIFE  trainee life for her, people had high expectations for her. being song mino's little sister they expected a lot. during her time at yg, people would bully her about her music abilities being weaker than everyone elses and that she'd never become and idol, etc. this angered her lots of the time, but she wasn't trying to become an idol for anyone else besides her and her grandfather. minho would occasionally protect her from the bullies, but after her grandpa's death and her failing multiple monthly evaluations - they were disappointed in her. she had a chance to debut in yg but failed ultimately. because of that they transferred her to DSP, this gave her another chance. it woke her up, that she shouldn't mope around being upset letting it in get in the way of her goal. 
so she began to work even harder because she was in it thanks to her grandfather. so she worked tremendously hard, ignored people who bullied her, if anything - she'd call them out and sometimes start things with them but would stop so she wouldn't get kicked out. she worked hard to get noticed. on her part, she felt bad that she was song minho's little sister but wasn't as good as they hoped. she felt like what if minho was disappointed and embarassed by her. so she began to work hard so that people would realize that she's just as talented and so that minho wouldn't think any less of her (which he never did, it was just her insecurities getting to her). she worked hard enough to be apart of the final line-up.
LOVE INTEREST — n/a ; myung hae would rather focus on her career first but she'll have the occasional flutter for the beautiful male idol that walks by
BACKUP — because you can't always get what you want
GENDER — who knows, you could have a girl
PERSONALITY  please write the personality section well because i would like to know people's personality
• write how they met and how they got into a relationship. were there any hardships or was it just a smooth ride?
RELATIONSHIP this is basically interactions. write their interactions and what they do together
i had lots of fun writing this up and I hope you like myung hae! hahaha but yes and good luck on this story too author-nim
• myung hae's mom & father coming together to  surprise her on her debut day
•  and anything else you'd like author-nim, it is your story afterall
i feel like they should a cover a kara song, like step, pandora or jumping! (: 
replace with l/ireplace with l/ireplace with l/i


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