‘ 泣き虫: XIANG (祥) + (tw?)

Establishment Year: 2005
Size: 188cm & 63 kg
Face Claim: kris wu/ wu yifan
Backup Face Claim: seo kang joon
Apperance: as a doll, xiang has sharp onyx black eyes and porcelain skin. a lot of his features are very structured and carved well. xiang was made by a Tawainese doll company called, Fu Guang Inc. in '05. He was created because the company dealing with scandals that the dolls they were facturing had released foul odor that - quote and quote - "could kill a child as well as an adult." So in response to this, the company began making ten hand-made dolls. Only ten was released before being shut down. Xiang's doll was especially the most special. All the other hand-made dolls were the regular editions of lifesize dolls. Xiang was the new "bad-boy" edition, in which he was also taller than the rest of the life-size dolls. The person who carved him wanted him to look very human-like, a perfect human doll. Xiang has a sharp, tall nose, chinseled jawline, perfect smile - trying to recreate the perfect bad boy look. Xiang's hair wasn't made out Saran, or plastic fibers like the other dolls. It was real human hair (rumored that the maker had grown an attachment to Xiang and went out of his way to make Xiang perfect and even murdered a person to get the perfect hair for the doll). People sometimes get an eerie feeling of Xiang, after looking at him for awhile, he seems too real
Everything from his head to his toes, his body was carved intricately and no sign of a flaw. His outfit is only consisting a black skinny jeans that are ripped at the knees, black suede loafers, a grey sweater and green military bomber jacket over. his hair is always done and is rarely left without done (just like above). 
(+; adaptable, humorous, independent, social, loyal)
(- ; cocky, irrational, short-tempered, arrogant, impatient)

"you won't be going anywhere. you're stuck, dummy." 
BRAT | #hisqueen | she's the queen and he's her pet (of some sort). always stuck and trapped in her room, they always play prince and princess. he's the knight that's always at her command. however, Brat treasures Xiang more than anything - not only because he's a special editionand perfect, but she grew an attachment for him. To the point of actually considerring of wanting to marry him one day. carved into his skin with a knife, she had written, "mine - brat." Of course, being just a doll - he can't do much but stand there and suffer and go through her torture. however, he feels superior that Brat loves him a lot and tends to always have a playdate with him more rather than other dolls. he just wants to be her favorite - afterall he is the perfect doll. so why wouldn't he be her favorite?
"it won't hurt. if anything, it's numbing." 
BASTARD | #punchingbag | Bastard is obviously a brutal and self-centered jerk. he deals wit so much on school that he began to take it out on his sister, yelling at her, cursing, etc. But it found it useless if he couldn't punch Brat in the face without getting in trouble. He began to have the idea of taking it out on her toys, borrowing Xiang from time to time when she isn't around. He takes Xiang out to the front or backyard to throw stuff at, punch or just sit do drugs next too. Talking to Xiang - knowing that he couldn't be alive - he sits and releases all of his venomous secrets to the doll. Sometimes, Bastard would think he's real and stuff drugs and alcohol down the doll's throat. The occasional horndog would take Xiang up for a ride and is the last thing that he ever wants to experience. Xiang takes up all the pain, it is his owner anyways. he can't disobey what they want. afterall, if someone's angry - let them be angry, he's just a doll. what can he really do to defend?

"we're in this together. one day - we will expose them."
Vena (bap's zelo)| #littlebrother | another bad boy in the doll house, chic though. he's the definition of youth, his ambitions and energy. when he was first brought home, Xiang scoffed at the arrogant doll, seeing how he didn't know how crazy of a ride he was in for. When Vena started experiencing the pain and damaged brought by Bastard and Brat, Xiang felt a sudden pain. Seeing no one would help him, he decided to take Vena under his wing and take care of him. Though, after all the damages, anyone's youth and ambitions would be scarred and gone. It only created Vena stronger. The two usually have each other's backs and trust not that many dolls besides each other. 

"the devil's greatest creation yet." 
The Struggle: in the beginning, the maker of Xiang had refused to sell him because of the attachment he had towards Xiang. He stored Xiang away in the back room of the company where they threw away toys that were useless and couldn't sell. He stored Xiang there for a few months while he worked on the other dolls, but also so that no one else could have Xiang. As the dolls were about to be released, seeing there were only nine - the CEO questioned the tenth one was. 
"perfection, isn't it?" he said, as he opened the door to show his CEO.
"it is... this should be sold for a high price." the CEO smirked. the door suddenly slammed shut. 
"No! this is mine, he's mine." the maker looked had him with wild eyes. An argument aroused from the CEO and maker. He was resulted in being fired. The night before he left, he sat in the room to talk to Xiang. "You're beautiful... perfect, okay? Mine." he chugged down another bottle of alcohol. Then a blow was made at Xiang's face. "NO ONE COULD HAVE YOU UNDERSTAND ME?! You're my creation, I created you." the maker had had enough of people wanting to have Xiang, if the maker couldn't have Xiang, no one could. To resolve the problem, according to the maker, he would plan to die in the room with Xiang and lock himself in. He fixed Xiang up again before his drunk self pulled a gun out and smiled Xiang, "you're not going anywhere, you're stuck." a with that, he shot himself straight through the brain. Blood splattered all over Xiang and his attire. the next morning, the CEO and the marketers knew the maker was fired and had probably left, so they went to the backroom to get the doll to only open the door and find a bloody scene right before them. Xiang was considered to be in a position that looked like he was trying to caress the maker. His face was still smiling, that bad boy look, but the CEO had regarded if you look in his eyes - you have chills from it, a soul definitely lived in him, but it was an eerie feel. 
The CEO covered up everything and still proceeded to sell Xiang. That's how he became a part of Brat's possession. Xiang would never try upon anything to harm his owners, he had the mindset of being the perfect doll - superior to every other doll. He had to be loyal to his owners. Whenever Brat or Bastard weren't around to abuse him, he'd sneak and steal some Bastard's alcohol and drugs. He'd sit on Brat's windowsill and just drink and smoke and let everything cloud his mind. The idea of being a perfectionist to him was to constantly make his owners happy and pleased with how everything is going. He took that if Brat was beating the doll up or angry at it or didn't play with him that day, he took it as him failing to please his owner. He, himself, knew that Bastard's intentions were different and was just cause he was a reckless and impolite little . 
"I know you're real! C'mon, move! work your damn body, you doll!" Bastard screamed at the tall doll. Obviously, in front of these mammals, Xiang didn't move. Didn't turn to life like Bastard wanted. Having to see that there was no response from the doll, it angered Bastard even more, having to punch and kick him and abuse the doll to his fullest strength. He wasn't able to comprehend as to why the owners would do something like that to him. He was a doll, he wasn't to speak or act near them.
Whenever he felt like he failed to please his owners, he'd drink some stolen alcohol, smoke some of the drugs, and cut. Having to endure so much pain, he sees the cutting as a sport now. He slits his wrists and other parts of his body, as if he craved the pain. He missed receiving the backlash from the owners a few hours before. To him, it was a way to relieve his stress and anger. All the feeling of the endorphin would rush throughout his body and he was just feel so relaxed and calmed by the pain he was giving himself. 
But overtime he started to watch when Brat or Bastard messed with the other dolls, and abused them - he was interested. his mind stopped caring whether or not to please the owner, he just wanted to see how that felt. as at night when he came alive or by himself, he would try those abusive methods out on his own, to a certain extent - but still. the pain was a riveting relief for him. Sometimes other dolls, or his little brother, Vena - worried for him. Thinking he was just slowly giving into their abuse and was decomposing away. But really, as he harmed himself some more, the siblings argued more and would threaten each other and try to occasionally fight each other. It was a tactic. Brat would assume Bastard was messing with her prized doll, or Bastard would get angry thinking the doll would live and rat Bastard out. Xiang just wanted to see the cruel family fall and break apart. He just wanted them to slowly crumble the way everyone else was. 
Their Thoughts During: Xiang becomes adaptable towards the whole abuse situation, one day after the other. Realizing how the schedule all goes out for him. His irrational behavior sometimes had led him to almost get caught during the abuse. As once, Bastard had used him to relieve his feelings late at night, Xiang lifted up his arm, about to hit the boy on the head, but Bastard had looked up and immediately, Xiang dropped his hand and acted like a doll-form again. which scared Bastard, plenty. This created Bastard's constant suspiscion of Xiang. Though, Xiang was always angered he couldn't do anything back to the two satanist siblings. Sometimes at night, when he is cutting himself, he'll drop bits of his blood onto Brat's face, in which she'll scream and run for help only to find when she comes back - everything was normal, Xiang hadn't moved from the place she last kept him. 
this made Xiang happy. to be the boogieman in the house and scare the kids as well as relieving his anger through pain. Everything he did; he claims it is for a reason to break them apart and down and expose them of their sins. He held grudges easily, after getting punched for the first time by his maker - it angered him. he had done nothing wrong, he was just made, just born. what could a new born do to have angered the maker so much. And so, he started to realize abusing and watching others hurt was a game to the siblings. As he wanted to do the same back to them. 
The Outcome: Bastard and Brat had broken up and killed another doll. Upset and fed up that they had kept destroying the people only Xiang could communicate and probably relate too, he decided to take things into his own hands. However, he talked to Vena th night before about his plan and it was to murder the two siblings. Vena insisted he had gone crazy and to just think everything through and not be so irrational. That being said, upset at Vena's response, the next night he decided to follow his plan whether or not Vena helped. At this point, suspiscions of the dolls being alive had Bastard on high alert, however he had fallen asleep early that day. Xiang decided to sneak into Bastard's room, making bits of noises here and there and woken up Bastard. looking around seeing that nothing was to be in sight, bastard laid back down on his side, restless. as he rolled over, he saw Xiang just laying next to him - grinning a horrid smile and let out a shriek and to which Xiang pounced on him and choked him. the lights flickered on to see the younger annoying version of Bastard: Brat. 
Shocked and scared at the horrible image, Xiang got off the bed, after assuming Bastard was dead, he steadily moved closer to her, "You're next. you won't be going anywhere, you're stuck, sweetheart." he repeated the same lines she had said to him awhile back. As he was about to grab her, a knife would went straight through the doll's neck, blood splattering all over Brat's face and body. Bastard had killed Xiang. All of that revenge, in the end, the siblings won the game. 
Comments: Hello! I, for one - feel like Xiang is all over the place at times and I hope it isn't too hard for you to understand. This actually my first time applying for something like this and wanted to give it a shot! I don't know if it necessarily has trigger warnings at some parts and I don't know so I put tw in the title just in case it was. So i tried and i hope you like Xiang and did what you asked for (: 


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