Finals and Coffee

The title sounds like something I'd name a story tbh xD but anyways, I just had my final for thatre! All we did is that the whole class including the teacher went out to a resteraunt and we just talked and ate. It was super nice because the class only five students including me so it wasn't really hectic. It was just a nice, calm outing and the teacher is super chill. I'm really gonna miss the class so I'm happy that I didn't end up transfering out! 

Oh, and I'm gonna work at Starbucks! Honestly, I would have liked working at maybe an indie coffee shop because it feels more intimate but it would be cool just talking to people and getting to know them. Plus I hear coffee drinkers tip well and I need them tips because my and two of my friends plan on taking a trip to Cali so I'm gonna save up. 

but yeah, most relaxing final I've had so far, it was great xD


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Hayaley #1
I know it may sound crazy, but I can actually sit at starbucks for hours...and I mean 5 or more and get work done or simply write.
dude, you should totally make a collegeau with the finals and coffee idea!!!!
and whispers make it dojae too >:D
wow, that was definitely a really nice gesture from the teacher!
ayyyy, i love starbucks coffee! haha at first i didn't like the taste of it cause coffee in general tastes so weird to me, but after you know college and all nighters well.... it's like my bff now.
i've become a heavy tea drinker(i have to have my tea really strong similar to my coffee being black with no sugar) otherwise i can't function in the morning. I'm trying to lay low from the coffee a bit because this week i couldn't even sleep from drinking way more than the usual.
it's stress *sobs*
good luck with becoming a starbucks barista! i know you will do amazing! :^D