ㅤ ✧ 장환태 has no dreamㅤ

"we're all put on earth to be miserable honestly." 

full name . jang, hwan tae (장환태)
other names .
>| Vita - Her english name ; only allows her parents and siblings and namjoon to call her this
nick name . n/a
dob & age . 05/31/1998 + 17
birth place . paris, france
home town . bordeaux, france
ethnicity . korean
nationality  . korean - french
languages . 
>| french ; native tongue - self-explanatory
>| korean ; fluent - her parents had her learn it as an outside class as she was growing to never her culture 
>| english ; conversational - a foreign language class she had to take during her elementary and middle school years but has forgotten a bit overtime
>| mandarin ; conversational - a foreign language class she took in high school and hasn't really found a situation to use it yet
 jungdongpark / blue / 10
"tu est fou (you're crazy)... just like everyone else" 
face claim . wendy (red velvet)
back up . kim yoo jung (actress)
height & weight . 166 cm & 48 kg
appearance . sometimes hwan tae dyes her hair various amount of colors but she usually loves to leave it a nice light brown in the end. when she was sixteen, she got a tattoo without her parents knowing, one on her forearm that says "grand-père taehyuk" in honor of her grandpa death, which she wore long sleeves all of the summer to hide it from her parents, but eventually showed it to her parents. 
other . n/a
style . hwan tae has always dressed her very best everyday. she always loves to leave an impression on everyone when she leaves the house looking good. she's rarely seen dress down and if she is, she's probably wearing the sporty look. but the only time you'll see her not look her very best is when she's staying over at her friend's house or at home. if in the morning, she doesn't like what she's wearing or feel confident in it and she's already left the house - then she's gonna be upset with herself all day and complain. 
"how does a vampire girl flirt? by batting her eyes." 
personality traits . 
(+; humorous, selfless, loud, bubbly)
(-; impatient, irrational, short-tempered, erted)

personality . people sometimes say hwan tae's personality goes with her face and sometimes it doesn't match with her face. but it's probably true. hwan tae's not the funniest gal alive, but however she does try. she always tells stupid and lame jokes (like very lame jokes) and laughs at them herself. even though people don't find it funny, they laugh not because of her joke but bc she tried and it's funny to see only that she's laughing. she has some weird insults towards people too and they find that pretty funny. she's very loud and upbeat at times, looking in if you were to meet her for the first time, you'd think that she never had a speck of problem her whole life. hwan tae's usually seen rarely ever caring for herself (not that she doesn't), but she feels that others are more important than her. she'll put her closest friends and family members before her. you'll see that she's always the first to offer her helping or whatever, no matter how difficult whatever the issue is. she just dislikes seeing others hurt or struggling. 
this part of her personality, is where people say it doesn't match up with her face (pretty much the opposite of her happy side as well). hwan tae's like a ticking time bomb basically, she can get easily angered by anything. and once she's angered - sorry, you're stuck with satan basically for a whole day (maybe a few hours or minutes - depending on how badly you pissed her). sometimes her friends watch what they say around her because they never wanna see her angry or upset because she's not herself, she sometimes cusses up a storm. she's very irrational as well, when people say, either "no, that's not illegal" or "no, that doesn't solve anything and it's dumb." it's probably not rational right?? but to her she thinks it's pretty rational. when she's angry, her irrational level goes from a 3 to level 34234. she's very impatient, she hates waiting around, she likes to get things done quick and easy and clean. when talking to hwan tae, people have noticed that she'll slip a erted joke in here and there at times. she can basically create anything anyone says into another mean but it's all just a joke. she's quite a serious person too, she loves to talk about things that make people question human life or politics too. but many appreciate her serious side, a reminder that she's a human with worries and problems too, not just a robot always smiling.
>| moved to korea at age 13
>| youngest and only girl out of the four
>| tends to act more on the negative side more than the positive (usually her close friends see this side more often having to be with her a lot; they tend to piss her off on purpose though) unless it's in front of strangers or newer people, she tends to be on the positive side a little more
>| she hates being misunderstood, being called disrespectful, being thrown under the bus and hates especially when someone blames a situation on her when clearly someone else started it. it gets her extremely heated
>| allergic to dogs and dislikes dogs
>| somehow the word "sugarcoating" doesn't exist in her vocabulary. when you talk to her, she has no filter, she'll give you the most brutal and mean and honest advice ever or whatever you guys are talking about. she believes if you guys are friends with eachother, why should there be a reason to sugarcoat? just be honest
>| usually eats apples 6 times a day (two in the morning, two at lunch and two at night)
>| once she was having weight issues, she basically went on a water diet (basically just consuming water for fourteen days or at least however long she felt like she was finally at her wanted weight)
>| she cusses a lot (cusses in french when she's angry)
>| she usually puts up a smile in front of everyone
>| when she had a boyfriend, she had many family issues stirring up at home and always had a person to talk to about which was her boyfriend. but after a year of being together, he left her. that had broken her for a good six months, no one saw a smile on her again. (the negative side of her was seen way a lot more than ever). as she got better and began to move on and smile a lot more. she was always seen smiling no matter what, rarely did she tell people of her issues at home. as she viewed that as a way that drove her love out. hence as to be the reason why people view that she has zero problems ever and assume everything in her life is going well
>| when someone says something offensive about her online or to her face, she always smiles and says, "I know, thank you." but deep inside, it hurts her but she acts like nothing ever affects her. she can only hold in so much before she starts bursting out and crying
>| she hates burdening others with her problems
>| left-handed 
>| lactose intolerate
>| captain of the girls' soccer team
>| cares for her friends more than anything else in the world 
>| doesn't talk about her family ever, pretty rarely
>| the hopeless romantic type
>| the sarcastic type
>| things you'll often hear from hwan tae (& everyone knows this is her way of saying i love you): [usually says this to her closest friends]
  • i'm so ready to punch you
  • stop being a damn hoodlum
  • i hope your toes get bitten off
  • either shut up or have your face ready to be decked like
    oh my god 
>| extremely good at soccer (bc her dad was a former soccer player on the national soccer team in korea, he coached her throughout her youth)
>| her dad, formerly being a soccer player on korea's national team, he coached hwan tae throughout her years growing up so she could be an excellent soccer player. while her mom on the otherhand, had always heavily pushed her on academics. the two forced her and would overwork the poor girl, wanting her to be as successful as her older siblings one day. they'd lecture and yell at her constantly, comparing and etc. hwan tae would be exhausted and overworked constantly. 
>| hwan tae doesn't being left alone, if she's left alone longer than a couple hours, then she starts to think of stuff like; self-doubting, whether or not she'll make it anywhere in life, etc or she'll think of her ex and why she wasn't good enough and sit there and cry
relationships . 
yuk giwon | close friends ; giwon and hwan tae usually talk about anything together, about the most random things together. she actually first met giwon when hwan tae just moved to korea in the second year middle school, hwan tae didn't speak to anyone much but giwon approached her in a friendly aura. 
park jimin | close friends ; jimin and hwan tae met their third year of middle school when jimin first moved to the city. she approached him seeing he was getting lost around school, offering her time and helping him around. the two get along well, usually laughing about the jokes they made on their own, etc. jimin usually goes to hwan tae when he has problems and issues and she usually helps him out and gives advice, etc. 
life at school . hwan tae's life at school is pretty energetic and loud. she's usually the one that either gets in trouble or the one that the teachers love. she usually is always messing around, causing ruckus sometimes. she's usually creates a relationship with her teachers that's very good to the point she's allowed to make jokes with them or about them.
year . second year ; junior year
how  do you act in school . hwan tae usually goes into school minding her own business, listening to music during passing period, usually walking alone. or seen by herself in classrooms, studying or listening to music, on her phone or conversing with the teacher. but if she's with her friends, she's pretty loud and rowdy, tends to make a huge ruckus a lot of the times. when she's in class, she's both very smart and a huge jokester.  usually you can find her dozing in class and even if you didn't know she was sleeping in class, you can tell bc her eyes get puffy and she looks lost. she's an average B+ to an A student, she usually focus on her studies a lot just bc she wants to get rights sometimes to say she's smart. bc she does her work all the time, teachers won't bother her much if she sleeps or doesn't stay on task. but when it's after school, during soccer practice, being the soccer captain of the girls' team, she's very focused always trying to figure out new drills, etc. 
how do you act outside of school  . when she isn't at school or at home, she acts like a person who's been captive for so many years and gets to finally see land and breathe the oxygen. she gets amazed by everything. she gets pretty adventurous until she trips and lands on her face. she doesn't know what "look left and right before you cross the street" even means. because of her being reckless, she sometimes almost gets hit by cars. by night, she usually loves to take everything in, the air, the night time lights, sky, etc. at night, she finds it peaceful to do all of her thinking, the sounds of the cars and etc. 
how do you act at home . in her household, the norm is her going from school and staying in her room and never comes out unless it's dinner time or to get more snacks and water to eat while studying. she doesn't really socialize with her family ever since the death of her grandpa. whenever she talks to her parents or tries too - it all ends up in a fight. so, to avoid all that she cooped herself up in her room to study and study. when her grandpa was alive, he usually stopped all the yelling and arguing her parents did. it knocked some sense into her parents, but after him dying of old age, the arguing and yelling came back. she tries to act like everythings okay around her parents and her older brother (since the two oldest moved out), she just smiles and leaves to her room. even though she doesn't like being left alone, she usually is occupied by videochatting with her friends, or comes home late so that it's just her by herself for an hour or two before heading to bed. 
"aimer? ou ne pas aimer? (to love or not love)"

do you know giwon . yes, i do. we've been friends since second year of middle school year.
do you know the boys . yes, only one. not jimin's whole crew. 
if you have, how did you meet them . i met jimin third year of middle school, who just moved to town, he's pretty new. 
are you close? what is your relation to them . i'm... i'm only a close friend.with jimin and giwon. actually, i'm not actually forsure if they consider me a close friend because they have their own group of friends and i just hang out with whoevers really willing to talk to me, i don't have preference. *smiles awkwardly* but i think we're close friends! *smiles brightly* i like them a lot, we're cool with each other.
what do you think of the boys? what do you think of giwon . well... i found that jimin is a great person, haha. he's kinda like me - maybe not my temper, but he's definitely a jokester. he and i get along well. but his other friends? they seem scary a bit, i don't talk to them or have tried. i asked jimin about them once, but he kinda just waved the topic about them off, he looked a little a bit tensed when i asked, so i never brought up anything about them again.
>| i like giwon a lot! she's such a kind person. really thoughtful... if it weren't for her, I probably wouldn't be here... forget what i just said *chuckles lightly* she's adorable. i have the habit of getting rid of friends after feeling like they backstabbed me or that they bother me too much... but ever since i moved korea, giwon's the first person I haven't had to really to ignore or feel like she's dead weight. she's a great person.  
have they ever talked to you? have you tried talking to them . oh! jimin's friends you mean?? or giwon - well, i mean giwon have class together so it's obvious we talk. the only time jimin's friends have talked to me was when they came to my house, which i don't know how they know my address buuuut, they came asking for jimin's backpack that he had left at my house when we were studying for our calc exam. who was it that knocked on the door... oh, some tall guy named namjoon and... jungkook i think? that's the only time we've ever talked. actually another time was when i was supposed to meet up with jimin because he needed to talk to me about something and i was at a the cafe we were supposed to meet at, but i saw his friends but not him. so i asked where he was. someone named taehyung, i think, told me that he wasn't with them that day. but other than that, we've never come across to talk to each other again. and giwon and i talk to each other frequently, the occasionial sleepovers and hangouts . 
if they or you have, what was said . jimin often came to me for like... *frowns* just, depression problems really... i know how he feels, i wish i could make him happy, and no - i don't say the usual cliche, oh it'll be alright, etc. because that doesn't help a person. he said things about wanting to go away and he hated thinking about his future like growing up and making it somewhere in life. for giwon, in middle school her ex-best friend yisu, treated her like utter crap, i guess. she came to me about that. and i have never personally talked to giwon about anything serious, if anything, giwon walked right into it. towards the end of the first year, highschool. i was dealing with weight problems, my boyfriend leaving me and family issues since i had taken a year off of soccer; and my parents weren't really helping, pushing me over my strengths, i had just about it. i didn't really remember making any plans with giwon that day,  in fact, i told her that i had to cancel our girls day because I wasn't feeling all too well. i wanted to just simply go away. my oldest brother was a cop and when he was visiting us, he had left his gun at our home. although, he couldn't make the drive from seoul to cheonju since it was pretty far so he had said to pick it up on the weekend. that being said, i offered to keep it safe. but i wanted to go away, and i didn't know any other way besides to just shoot myself. quick and easy right? just as i put it in my mouth and was about to click the gun, giwon walked, "hey hwan, you left this at school -" she freaked out and tried to calm my crying down, grabbed the gun away from me. all i remember left was just constantly crying in her arms and telling me, "it'll all be okay." and kept comforting me giwon saved my life. and that was what was spoken between us. 
if you haven't met them, would you want to . i want to meet the rest of jimin's friends, yes. they seem out of character yet so intriguing. 
what do you think it takes to be apart of their little gang . teens nowadays are a bunch of broken and mislead souls or rich snobs or just regular kids. they seem to be the broken souls, i guess you just have to understand and relate to them to be one of them. 
 kim namjoon
"we're all in this together, we'll make it through." 
full name . kim, namjoon (김남준)
other names . n/a
nick name . hwan tae doesn't seem comfortable to give him nicknames or at least thinks he doesn't like it
dob & age . 09/12/1994 + 21
ethnicity . korean

face claim . kim namjoon
back up . jeon jungkook
"what do you call a camel with no humps? humphrey."
personality traits . 
(+; jokester, confident, loud, dorky)
(-; arrogant, disorganized, careless, forgetful)

how they act around you . in front of namjoon's gang, he tends to act very chic and much leader-like. like too cool for you kind of attitude. he tends to act all tough like and high and mighty. but if it's just them too, then he's very soft and kind. 
how you are with each other . for hwan tae, she doesn't change how she acts around people (unless it's stranger) but as she got to know namjoon, she became softer, appreciative of his existence. the two developed a relationship based on just jokes and laughters. since the two love trying to put smiles on others, they're always cracking jokes about each others, with the occasional insults like "wow you're chinkier than usual" or "wow, i seriously hope ants bite your ugly toes." the two are total soaked and comfortable in each other's existence and usually is comfortable with each other knowing each others secrets, etc. the two are each others shoulder to cry or go-to if something good happens. 
"could it be... no one knows their lonely until they die?"
how you met . the very first time they met was when namjoon and jungkook went to hwan tae's house to pick up jimin's backpack that he had left. jimin couldn't get it because he was sick that day and couldn't even leave his bed. "she's a good friend, don't worry - she's always open for new friendships by the way." jimin said on the phone before hanging up. namjoon was always uneasy about meeting new people, but since his friend was sick, he had to go. when hwan tae opened the door, she was surprised to see people who were jimin's friends. "could... i help you?" she asked nervously, she always thought they were scary sometimes. "just here to get jimin's stuff, um... his backpack specifically." namjoon replied. "sorry - hyung's pretty rude, i'm jeon jungkook and this is namjoon hyung!" jungkook gave his hand out and smiled. "ahh, i see... i'm jang hwan tae," she smiled. her smile kinda gave namjoon chills a bit, it was a warm and nice, bubbly smile. hwan tae was thinking in her head about how she could see namjoon's face much clearer and that he was actually very handsome. "he'd never talk to me though..." she accidentally aloud from her thoughts. "excuse me?" namjoon asked. "oh!" she immediately shut . "i'm sorry, ignore what i said - um, I'll go get his backpack, come in, it's quite cold outside." as she left upstairs to get his stuff, namjoon chuckled a bit at her shy action. "she's cute, huh?" jungkook nudged his older friend. "i don't know." he responded. 
how your relationship grew . ever since their first meeting, they started seeing each other every where. even when she was friends with jimin, they never run into each other often at all. whenever namjoon and hwan tae ran into each other, jungkook happened to be there as well. the two would give each other stares and never a word of "hi" or "how are you", etc. jungkook noticing a lot of the times, decided to break the awkward barrier, "hwan tae, right? you should come hang out with us tomorrow night, we're gonna watch the soccer match on tv, jimin told us you played?" surprised jimin talked about her and the fact they (lol as in only jungkook) invited her, she gladly accepted. as she came over the first time, it was awkwardly silent, she decided to crack a joke, "so guys, how does a vampire girl flirt?" 

"by batting her eyes." namjoon replied as he sipped his coke. she turned to him with her eyes wide, "you know that joke too??" she was getting excited over a simple joke. "well, i guess we have another namjoon on our hands." yoongi had said. because they knew namjoon was always uneasy about meeting new people, but the fact the two had begun to bond over a joke, yoongi kinda pushed namjoon to hang out with hwan tae more. but namjoon being shy didn't. so after that one hang out at the house, they didn't talk or hang out much again, but kept running into each other at the same spots (local cafe, grocery store, etc.) however, she had left her phone charger at namjoon's house when she last hung out. so namjoon finally decided to just show up after school and give it to hwan tae. jimin telling namjoon she had soccer practice, he waited there until five to give her, her charger. she walked out, sweating, listening to music and drinking water, until she saw namjoon leaning against his car looking at her. assuming he was waiting for jimin and jungkook, she nodded at him and continued walking towards him. he then was like, "wait, you left your charger at my house like two weeks ago." he said shyly. "ah.. thanks," she said. "but i realized and got a new one, sorry.. but were you waiting to just give this to me?" she asked. namjoon stuttered, looking for words. "anywho, thank you though." she said before bowing and tried leaving again. "wait, i could give you a ride home?" she looked at him for awhile before accepting. from there, namjoon would find random excuses to see hwan tae (like taking jimin's homework and giving it to her saying jimin did it for her, or that she left her notebook and jimin's house studying - even though she didn't) the two eventually got closer, conversing more in those little car rides home or a quick chat after running into each other at the coffee shop. 

status . close friends / crushing??? idk lol sorry
"stop, you need to be healthy"
trivias . trivias a
>| namjoon is the only person (besides her parents and siblings) that she allows to call her by her english name, "Vita".
>| namjoon's the person she finally is able to open up to about her issues and problems 
>| namjoon and hwan tae always have stupid corny jokes at the top of their heads
>| since hwan tae has soccer practice every mondays, tuesdays and thursdays, namjoon usually waits for her during those days until 5 and gives her a ride home or go to the coffee shop and chat
>| namjoon's the first person to see her look like a lil cockroach and that was when she was running to the convienence store to buy some ramen for late night studying (besides giwon) since she's always dressed up nicely
>| the two have the worse insults about each other, "oh yeah, well you're dimple looks like moon craters!" / "ok shut up you beaver"
>| the two get jealous of each other with their friends. if lets hwan tae was talking to taehyung a lot more that day he gets a bit jealous, or like if namjoon talks to some lady friend she'll get jealous too
>| sometimes when she's up all night studying, she'll get a 2 a.m. call from sleepy namjoon saying, "work hard" and then he'll fall asleep and she hears him snoring through the phone
"im allergic to milk bye"
pictures .
"just live a good life while you can"
play list . 
>| pain poem ; kim bum soo [sm station]
>| narcissius ; heechul x wheein x jungmo [sm station]
>| day by day ; t-ara
7월 7일; red velvet 
>| AM 4:44 ; bang yongguk
>| error ; vixx
>| fighting again ; epik high
>| it's cold (ft. lee hi) ; epik high
>| you're pitiful ; fiestar
>| voice message ; bap
>| chained up ; vixx
>| apology ; ikon
>| hurt ; exo

character death . hwan tae dies by feeling like a dead weight on people. she starts to feel like she's just a dog following its owner (even though thats not true) after being able to open up and come to others about her problems and get help, she genuinely feels like the more people she comes for help, the more she's a burden. so she gets rid of herself by trying to commit suicide again, through gunshot. but as possibly namjoon tries and stop her by trying to take the gun from, but as the two fight over the gun, namjoon accidentally clicks the gun in which it shoots her and she dies. 
"put on a smile or try for me"
comments . hahahahahahaha ok well 1) i probably filled out somethings wrong, so i apologize - i just wasn't sure on how to go with things ;''c im also sorry if its not angst enough i tried )':. 2) i actually had fun with this app a loot! it's very different and new, i like it. 3) im so sorry for bombarding one of the squares with relentless photos of wendy, she had juSt a Lot of aesthetic photos hahaahahah 4) im soooo sorry, like sincerely sorry there were areas that were so long!!! i didn't mean too ): 5) but i hope you like her and the app is well (:
concerns . just hoping i filled everything out correctly, if not - i'll fix it !!
questions . n/a
scene requests . honestly up to you atuhor-nim, it is, afterall, your story (:


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