I am BEYOND annoyed.


In my last class of the day, Animal behavior, we watched the movie Bowling for Columbine with the purpose of taking notes on aggression. Concerning the movie, I really do recommend it to those that care about global issues, the welfare of others, and simply justice overall.

After watching the first 30 minutes of Michael Moore’s documentary (you may recall him from Fahrenheit 9/11) my mood has turned into one of fury, indignation, and even a pinch of amusement.


I’ll tell you why. How is it that human beings can only care for themselves? How can they consider history a boring subject? How can humanity be so ignorant so as to not even know the first five presidents of the United States of America or their country of residence? Do YOU even know? I’m not labeling anyone as stupid for not knowing, but simply that it frustrates me. And if you don't know, go get a history book, expand your knowledge!

Do you know what is even MORE annoying? That half the people on this site would rather a Korean idol than help or even CARE about the world. That some of them probably don’t even know what is going on around in the world. Some users know that for example, two members left U-KISS. Yet, they are not aware of the wars being fought? Or of where our naval and military bases are currently stationed?

Personally, if I were to choose from marrying Kim Jae Joong (my ual fantasy) and saving lives—I’d choose the latter in a ing heartbeat. Kim Jae Joong is just one man while around the world HUNDREDS of children are DYING. And these kids have not even done anything wrong. We are killing innocent Iraquis children daily. And what is even more ironic is this—our way of spreading peace with war is only gaining us more enemies. (Remember the twin towers?)


And I don’t even blame those countries.

Yet at the same time, I don’t blame my country either.

I know it is impossible for evil to vanish or just be driven away for good. However, this does not mean you all should carry on with your lives in ignorance and not speak up when a crime is happening beneath your nose. Albert Einstein once said, "The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."

Speak up. Let your voice be heard. Care for the world. We only have one life. And its our duty to make the best choices possible.

Another thing about today. During the movie, I was outraged at the lack of interest my classmates displayed. A girl was texting on her phone while another was chewing gum similar to the way a cow chews grass. The boys in the back corner were making stupid comments, being their typical immature selves. How is it that people care more about whether the notes we take on the movie are due at the end of class instead of the actual CONTENT of the documentary. How can you NOT feel your chest tighten at the injustice others face every day on the other side of the globe?

My own friend even said after the movie, “What does this movie have to deal with aggression? I don’t understand it.”

Perhaps the connection to the animal kingdom was not the best, BUT, I must say, I’m glad my erted teacher left that for us today. Once again I was awakened. To the harsh reality of the world. So what will you do? Are you going to live on, caring only for what benefits yourself? You're only condemning the future generations to a world--one that may soon have an end.

If you're uninterested in these kinds of matters, I'm not going to judge you. Nor pity you. I'm SICK of standing back and just observing. I need to start giving back to the community. I live such a prosperous life. Why not share some of what I own with people that ACTUALLY need it?


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I feel the same way. I love my Korean pop idols,but if it were a choice of saving a life then I'd choose that over my pop idols any day. Like for the earthquakes in Japan and Haiti: It seemed to me more anime fans,cared about the Japanese earthquake then the Haiti one. Both were disaterous and horrible don't get me wrong,but 99% of the anime fans only cared about the Japanese earthquake because of a freakin cartoon. I like anime,but I was outraged when the fans only cared about the manga artists and anime creators. I live a very happy life and never have had a disaster happen except the death of a few loved ones I really cherished :( But if someone was in need of help,I would pray for them and try to do at least something to help them you know?