Here and There; I'm Everywhere.

Boom Boom, la la la don't let go. [Miss A's Lips]

I've been so dead, sometimes coming on the site like a creep, lurking in chat for the fun peeps online. So, I'm now a high school senior, dealing with the last semester of school, which is full of fun like the senior trip, grad nite, prom, and etc. I received my acceptance letters to universities so I'm pretty ready and decided for the first steps past high school. Past all that boring info, I've started reading and would like to see if I can find any Hunger Games readers.
Preferably people who haven't read it just because it's going to be a movie or is popular.

Preferably not people solely interested in the romance or the so called "Team Peeta" and "Team Gale."

Because I mean really, there were SO much other things going on besides romance...I don't know what book you read, so yeah. Er, like survival, savagery in all mankind, governments, wilderness as a theme in general, etc. But then, I am a nerd for good books with interesting themes and motifs that make me want to debate it with fellow readers. 

Groups I'm currently in love with: JYJ still. Wonder Girls after seeing them at their premiere in the CGV theaters in Koreatown. The girls were so nice to talk to us for the second screening, so sweet and even dorky. Ah, and Miss A with their latest album, I love.


Besides all that, how is everyone? Have my readers given up on me ;) because I've been uber lazyyyyy. Yeah, so I have nothing else to say, I'm just bored.


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