50 Questions About Me and Writing - Demitria_Teague + Picture (Of me ;)

AUTHOR:  Demitria_Teague (>>>Master List)

Thank you for the tag Memorize! Everyone who reads this is tagged as are all the people who are my friends. [I posted all of the questions, spaced and blank, at the bottom of the page, so that it'd be easier for you to copy and paste and do this on your own.  ^_^  You're welcome ;) !


Describe your comfort zone--a "typical you" fic.

  Realistic, well written, even though it's Fandom based - it'd have to be wholey original - I'm always searching for that diamond in the rough.  

Is there a trope you haven't tried your hand at yet, but really want to?

  ...F/F... It's not really my thing, but it's something I haven't done yet.  I'm not sure if I'll ever get to it.  There'd have to be a F/F pairing that really stands out to me before I'll even look twice at it.

Is there a trope you wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole?
  So far as I know - nope.

How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?

  ...Waaaah... don't make me count!  

  Let's see...  I really really and like really really want to write a fic for Taemin's Press Your Number MV.  I have an idea and it's coming together, but I haven't really started yet... by that, I mean... Ok... I've written a little bit of a first -maybe- chapter from Taemin's POV and some notes for his identicle face wearer and his fiance'...ah spoilers.  ;)  

Share one of your strengths.

  I always finish a story.  It may take me years, sometimes, but it will be completed.  I may rehaul some of them (edit from the very beginning to refine it, because my writing is better than it was from even last year) and then repost it, but it will always be completed.  I start stories for a reason and all of them are my babies.
Share one of your weaknesses.

  I sometimes start to doubt myself and get in to a writing slump.
Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.

  *Gasps from excitement.  "Ok."

  >>>Continuum (SHINee Zombie Apocalypse AU) [I'm proud of it, because I freaking love survival stories and I love SHINee (the real version and my version of them) and the snippet is ing awesome, if I do say so myself... although it also needs to be refined.  -_- Don't judge me.  Spelling errors and repeating words is something I do more often than I'd like to admit.]

  Continuum Snippet (Here we go)!

  Jonghyun hears the shuffling of familiar footsteps and guttural moans and groans, so he stands in front of Taemin. He wants to hold him close and shoot at the same time, but he can't do that with one dislocated shoulder. He's close to panic that it's not even funny. They're blocked in on all sides and this was a really stupid idea, even if it was their only one. Who the knew that their escape would also be what got them killed?

He pulls the trigger the second he sees the rotten, protruding face of a tall woman in a long purple dress. There's a sickening crunch as one side of her head explodes. The body is pushed forward by the Walkers behind it. He lets out a whiny sound before he shoots the bald one that was standing beside her, then the blonde headed whatever they are, he honestly can't tell if it'd been a man or woman, beside him.

They all die instantly and all of their bodies are just pushed forward and stepped on or tripped over from the ones behind it. He doesn't have enough bullets to kill all of them. That's when he remembers Taemin's gun. Where was it? Dread fills him as he fires off his last shot.

He glances around quickly and doesn't see Taemin's gun anywhere.

What the hell did he do with it?


He jolts as the sound of another human voice. A loud whistle rings out and the Walkers pause in their movement.

"Are you hungry, you ugly mother ers?"

Was that...? It is. Onew. His heart leaps and his eyes start stinging with the need to cry from happiness. He wants to shout to him, but that'd be counterproductive, so he just stays still.

"Yo, Jonghyun. Wave your gun around if your still alive."

Grinning, he does it. Dudes a genius. He wants to clap his hands as the Walkers start to turn in his direction, then he suddenly feels a little jolt of panic. Just because he hasn't known Onew very long, doesn't mean he wants anything bad to happen to him. He seen him take down a person easily and he hopes those skills are as solid when it comes to Walkers.

His eyes go wide when he hears Taemin groan. He quickly spins around, drops to his knees and covers his mouth. His eyes flutter open and they look hazy. There's no way he's not in pain from that cut and he worries what other wounds he may have.

"Dude, watch out for stragglers," Onew yells.

Jonghyun gasps. He jumps to his feet and spins around. His heart is beating wildly, but thankfully there are no stragglers. There's an unfamiliar sound, the sound of something striking and his eyes go wide as white sparks start shooting out in every direction. He takes a step back and the moans and groans of the Walker closest to the front seem to drop an octave before they start hitting the ground. He wants to ask what the hell just happened, but he has to be quiet.

More sparks go off and the same thing happens to the middle group of Walkers. He can clearly see Onew now. He's standing on top of a yellow and orange traffic stopper and he's holding something small that he can make out. They lock eyes. He does not look happy.

"This is my last little bit," he says and there's malice in his tone where before there hadn't been any.

He gulps.

There's the familiar flick of a Zippo before he sees it. Onew slowly raises what ever he's holding in his other hand, then in a quick succession of motions powder is swished forward and he dragging his light through the air. There's one spark and the rest bursts in to flames that quickly consume what ever it's on. Walkers start to melt before the left overs subsequently fall to the ground.

Jonghyun is in awe when ever the flames go out and there's nothing but four stragglers left. There's two on the left and two on the right. Onew waves one of his hands wildly in the air and starts blowing on it and Jonghyun winces. He hopes he didn't actually get burnt. Maybe if he only got singed a little bit he won't try and actually kill him.

Onew jumps down from the traffic separator and goes straight for the first two. There's a crunch sound as he punches it and the strength of the impact makes Jonghyun stand up a little straighter. The Walker looked weak, but not that weak. He pays closer attention the hand he'd punched him with. It takes him a minute, but he finally spots the unmistakable metal of brass knuckles.

Son-of-a-. Who was this guy?

Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes and explain  why you're proud of it.

  Continuum (A scene between Key and Minho)  [I'm proud of it, because Key is hilarious and it's actually a moving scene - you'd have to read the story to grasp the true feelings behind the conversation - hint hint ;) ]

  The rising sun cast a pale blue overcast, giving the scenery a pale blue hue. It was quiet, almost in a haunting way. Minho slid his blade through the flesh of the apple in his hand, cutting off a tiny piece. He raised the blade and brought the piece to his mouth. The sweet tangy flavor burst on his tongue as he on it.

So far, it was a quiet morning and he was enjoying the peace and quiet. He heard Key as he moved through the house. It wasn't long before he opened the door and sat down down beside him.

"Is that a hickey?"

Smiling in amusement, Minho looked at him. He was holding a steaming mug of his usual morning tea.

Key looked at his neck again and made a face. "You . I thought you said he didn't like to be touched."

He snorted and said, "I didn't touch him. He touched me."

They were both quiet for a few seconds, Minho cutting off another peice of his apple and eating it and Key analyzing this new information.

"I'm confused," Key said, breaking the silence. "You said he would break bones if you touched him. Why is it different for you?"

Minho sighed. He'd never had to explain Jinki's personality quirks to anyone before. "It's a touch of PTSD... I think. Mixed with his general dislike of people."

"Was he in the army or something?"

He snorted and shook his head 'no'. "He's an introvert from hell and... something bad happened to him when the apocalypse first happened." He pressed his tongue against his right canine until it ached as he thought about it. This always made him angry. The things he would do to those guys if he ever caught up with them.

He took in a deep breath to calm himself down and cut another piece of apple off. He appreciated Key's silence in this moment. If it had been anyone else he would've cut this conversation off before it even had a chance to get started. Key's unfailing empathy and patience gave him the time he needed to work through his own internal issues with the situation.

It was a miracle that his voice came out evenly when he spoke. "Three guys jumped him when he went out for a food run. He was alone back then." He looked at him. His eyes were wide and full of sympathy, because he had a pretty good idea of where this conversation was going.
His voice came out low and hesitant when he asked, "Did they...?"

Minho nodded. "They held him down and... took turns." He looked away sharply. "They just left him there. He got up and..." He shook his head in disbelief. "...still brought food back to where ever he was staying at the time. Sad thing is, he never ran into either one of them again after that."


"Yeah." He put the piece of apple he was holding in his mouth and spoke while he chewed on it. "Imagine what he'd do to them if he found them now."

Neither one of them said anything else as (for Minho) delightfully twisted bloody scenarios played in his mind and (for Key) he blew on his hot tea to distract himself from similar thoughts that were trying to come unbidden in to his mind.
Which fic has been the hardest to write?

  It's going to have to be Lovely Baby (The Chinese Reality Show).  *Rolls eyes.  I'm still having issues with it.  I think it needs more detail.  I feel like I missed something or left a lot of somethings out from the very beginning, so it needs a 100 percent overhaul.
Which fic has been the easiest to write?

  Definitely going to have to be Continuum.  I freaking love that story.  I'm going to publish it.  After tons of editing and... stuff, but yeah.  Nothing ever keeps my attention or stays as close to my heart as easy as this story has.  It's a first for me.  I finally did something I've always wanted to do and that was to create something that I could be excited about.  
Is writing your passion or just a fun hobby?

  *Laughs hysterically.  I-is it... psh... Iii-is it just as hobby... haha... *clears throat.  Definitely a passion.  I'd die if I couldn't write.  I'd first have an anxiety attack, then a panic attack, then a heart attack, then bye bye birdy.. or... writer me.  Yeah.  Have you recognized my eccentricities yet?  Dramatic - eccessive much?  That's me.  ;)
Is there an episode above any other that inspires you just a little bit more?

  An episode?  I'm just going to assume this question means 'if you watched an episode from your Fandom that inspired your works'.  For each story, my inspiration is a combination of things, usually.  I just keep watching the MV's or interviews, or reading the story or stories, listen to the music or What EVER first inspired it, to YES, keep inspired and feel that feeling that first brought the story alive in my heart and mind.
What's the best writing advice you've ever come across?

  It would have to be a phrase I hard from writer Natalie Goldberg in her book Wildmind.

  Basically, she says, give yourself permission to write crap.  Don't go in to any work expecting to write the Next Great American Novel.  We are writers and we're always going to write. We're not always going to write well, but the act of writing is what we live for.  We need to let it be what it is.  

  Writing, rather it's good or bad.  We need it and we need to be kind to ourselves while we do it.  It is our soul food.  If we punish ourselves mentally because things don't turn out perfectly, if we try to only create perfection, then we're being cruel to ourselves and it's unneccessary.  

Word To Live By

1)  Give yourself permission to write crap.
2)  Be kind to yourself as you write;  Writing is essential for our souls.
3)  Let's not add to the torture and angst that we as writers already suffer from (if you're a seasoned writer, you know what I mean.  If your a new writer - you will learn that you're not the only one who feels self doubt or self loathing when things don't turn out the way you want - you're not alone - this is normal).   Because of this:  See rule #1 and #2 ;) !
     (#3 is from me)
What's the worst writing advice you've ever come across?

  If I've ever found any bad writing advice, it must not have been too bad, because it didn't leave a dent big enough in my brain to remember it.  :D  I always find awesome or A-typic (but no less helpful) writing advice.  

If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?

  Continuum (Definitely).
If you could write only one pairing for the rest of your life, what pairing would it be?

  Exo's Chen/Xiumin/Luhan (Yes, I went there M/M/M) 

  [I can't give up my XiuChen or my Xiuhan babies - nope - never + I can never live without Chen, so there you go]
Do you write your story from start to finish or do you write the scenes out of order?

  From start to finish.  I've debated writing other scenes, but it makes me antsy.  I just can't do it.  

Do you use any worksheets or outlines?

  The most I get to outlining something is to write out a few notes, here and there.

Stephen King once said that his muse is a man who lives in the basement.  Do you have a muse?

  Um... The little erted fairy flying over my shoulder?  JK... that's weird.  No.  I just get inspired and I sit down to write what's bouncing around in my head.
Describe your perfect writing conditions.

  Not too hot, not too cold [ the cold - I'd rather be hot enough to strip , then be cold... sorry *clears throat... I just really don't like the cold]  Um... I have to be comfortable.  I like to be able to sit cross-legged, a cold drink or drinkable temperature coffee by my laptop, my notebook and pen beside me - just in case, various things like lotion, a lighter and ash tray, a brush - things to do when I need to take 5.  Yeah.  Perfect.

How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting? 

  As many times as it takes until it feels right and reads smoothly. 
  [My motto is Quality over Quantity]  
Choose a passage from one of your earlier fics and edit it into your current writing style?

  -seriously?  No.  At least, not at this moment.  I'm having a lazy night.
If you were to revise one of your older fics from start to finish, which would it be and why?

  I would be this one fic, not AFF related, The Mentalist Slash Vampires, because I love Patrick Jane and Theresa Lisbon, vampires and the ideas I had for that.  I will pick it back up one day.
Have you ever deleted one of your published fics?

  Yup.  A couple times.  They just weren't working for me.  Like totally...  hahaha.  Sorry.  Diva!

What do you look for in a beta?

  I've never had a Beta, but if I were looking for one, it'd be someone who could get my chapters editing QUICKLY, but EFFICIENTLY and someone who was interested in being my friend and not just this random person I sent my babies (my stories) to on a regular basis.  That's just weird.  I wouldn't trust them to give it back if I wasn't close to them.  
Do you beta yourself?  If so, what kind of beta are you?

  I have Beta'd.  I am encouraging - I want the writer to find their own style.  I help with grammatical and spelling errors.  I never try to get the writer to change their material, unless I think it's not working.  Seeing as how most of my stories have close to or over 200 subscribers, I think I've earned that right.  I want to see my writer babies succeed, be proud of themselves and help them create an awesome piece of work.  

How do you feel about collaborations?

  I love collaborations.  If it works for two people, then go for it.  I've never done a collaboration with anyone.  I can't see how that would work out for me.  I'm a 'do it my way' type of person and I feel like a second person in the mix would cramp my creative process.  *eyes widen, anger stirs - at just the thought of someone being all up in my creative space on a regular basis.  Just no.
Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.

  Liyussi (quality writing, awesome plots - Empire State Of Mind (Dark Xiuhan))
  taelighted (amazing fantasy stories, amazing characters, gush gush, love - Running With Wolves and Run A Little Faster - 2ThumbsUp!!! (KaiXFOC)
  GameOfHearts (Yes to The Problem Children - Mama AU with FOC- can't wait for an update)

If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?

  I don't have one at the moment... or just can't remember.  I'm sure there are a few out there, but they are currently escaping my memory.

Do you accept prompts?
  Yes (>>>HERE) on AO3 [SHINee or EXO related - only - for now]

Do you take liberty with canon or are you very strict about your fic being canon compliant?

  Ha!  I allow the inspiration to throw me where ever it wants and I happily land there - rather it be in space, on a giant mountain, under the ocean, in an alternate universe - BRING IT!
How do you feel about ?

  ........... 98 percent of my stuff has M material or Explicit material (AKA: )
How do you feel about crack?

  0.0  I really hope we're talking about the Funny Genre and not the drug.  If that's the case - and I choose to believe it is - then if and when it's done correctly, I <3 LOVE <3 IT!!!  Comedy is the spice of life.

What are your thoughts on non-con and dub-con?

  I hope these mean Canon and non-canonical.  If so, then you either have to choose one or the other, right?  I guess I adore them, because they exist and I have choices.  They are essential to write with in a Fandom.  They are precious.

Would you ever kill off a canon character?

  Yes - but it would be really really hard.  The story would have to be screaming at me for it to happen.  Unless I'm in a maniacle mood, then it *bang bang bang boom Pa-chooooool *death everyone *evil laughter *Mwahahahahaha... Yeah, something like that.
Which is your favorite site to post fics?

  AFF definitely!

Talk about your current WIPs.

  They are all awesome - check them out >>>HERE!  Form your own opinions, then if they're not awesome - keep it to yourself.  I really don't need to hear about it, but I highly doubt that'll be the case.  I'm not full of myself, they just are good stories that people seem to be enjoying, so I'll share them.  They are written to be enjoyed from the get go - so GO!  ;)

Talk about a review that made your day.

  I had more than one person tell me how much they enjoyed the dynamics between my SHINee cast in Continuum.  This makes me happy.  I've had others tell me how they get excited to see an update from me.  This makes me giddy.  I love my fans.  They are such sweet and loyal readers.  They make my day.  

Do you ever get rude reviews and how do you deal with them?

  I rarely get rude reviews.  When I do, it's either a Troll or someone who had a misunderstanding (which I'm quick to clear up).  I ignore blatantly rude remarks.  They're pointless.  I delete them and forget about them.

Write an alternative ending to [a fic of yours] (or just the summary of one).


  Thank you for taking the time to read my answers and if you 'did' get this far, then really really thank you ;)  You're a trooper.  Feel free to leave me a message.

  [If you want to do THIS test/interview thingy yourself, I've posted the questions, spaced and left blank, so that it's easier to Copy and Paste for you - below this line]

Thank you for the tag Memorize! Everyone who reads this is tagged as are all the people who are my friends. [I posted all of the questions, spaced and blank, at the bottom of the page, so that it'd be easier for you to copy and paste and do this on your own.  ^_^  You're welcome ;) !

Describe your comfort zone--a "typical you" fic
Is there a trope you haven't tried your hand at yet, but really want to?

Is there a trope you wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole?

How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?

Share one of your strengths

Share one of your weaknesses

Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.

Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes and explain  why you're proud of it.

Which fic has been the hardest to write?

Which fic has been the easiest to write?

Is writing your passion or just a fun hobby?

Is there an episode above any other that inspires you just a little bit more?

What's the best writing advice you've ever come across?

What's the worst writing advice you've ever come across?

If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?
If you could write only one pairing for the rest of your life, what pairing would it be?

Do you write your story from start to finish or do you write the scenes out of order?

Do you use any worksheets or outlines?

Stephen King once said that his muse is a man who lives in the basement.  Do you have a muse?

Describe your perfect writing conditions.

How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?

Choose a passage from one of your earlier fics and edit it into your current writing style?

If you were to revise one of your older fics from start to finish, which would it be and why?
Have you ever deleted one of your published fics?

What do you look for in a beta?

Do you beta yourself?  If so, what kind of beta are you?

How do you feel about collaborations?

Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.

If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?

Do you accept prompts?

Do you take liberty with canon or are you very strict about your fic being canon compliant?

How do you feel about ?

How do you feel about crack?

What are your thoughts on non-con and dub-con?

Would you ever kill off a canon character?
Which is your favorite site to post fics?

Talk about your current WIPs.

Talk about a review that made your day.

Do you ever get rude reviews and how do you deal with them?

Write an alternative ending to [a fic of yours] (or just the summary of one).


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Oh man, I'm definitely going to do this when I get home. It looks fun. Also, it was very cool to learn more about you!