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bang taehyun
BIRTHNAME. bang taehyun 
BIRTHDATE. may 31, 1997 
BIRTHPLACE. paris, france
HOMETOWN. bordeaux, france
STATUS. third year, sungkyunkwang university - criminology major
NATIONALITY. Korean French
– Vita ; english name | only bobby, her parents and brother are allowed to call her by her english name
– kkulbo (a mix of the actual word honey and part of the word yeobo also meaning honey - 꿀보) ; her friends gave her this combined name as a joke because the other half of her personality contradicts the idea of honey 
– french ; native tongue
– korean ; fluent
Choi jin ri (sulli)


HEIGHT. 167 cm
WEIGHT. 47 kg
APPEARANCE. taehyun as a lotus flower tattoo behind her neck at the base and a tattoo on her forearm that says, "grand-pere joon" in remembrance of her late grandpa. her eye color since the start had been a natural light brown just like seo kang joon, when she smile, it tends to be gummy with a cute eye smile. her fashion style is usually to always look good and leave an impression on others. she loves to look nice and clean cut out in public, she hates it when she dresses down but when she does, it's probably just the usual sporty girl look. but if she leaves her house not approving of what she is wearing, she'll probably complain all day and be upset. 


[click to enlarge]

(+; humorous, selfless, loud, bubbly)
(-; impatient, irrational, short-tempered, erted)
PERSONALITY. taehyun's personality has always been half and half. half of it matches her face, the other half doesn't. she's probably the loudest and most bubbly person ever. not to mention she loves cracking jokes all the time. (however, her jokes so not really jokes???) but since no one ever laughs at her jokes, she'll think it's funny herself and laugh by herself and others start laughing just bc it's funny that she's laughing and hey - she made an effort to get people to laugh. she's known to be very selfless to the point she forgets to care for her own self bc she's always caring for other's well being. she usually puts people before herself and you'll always see that she's the first person to offer to do something or help, etc. 
this part of taehyun's personality is the part that doesn't match her face whatsoever. she's a bit of a short-tempered girl, she's like a ticking time bomb, waiting to explode anytime. sometimes anything can set her off, but once she's angry - well, sorry buddy, you're stuck with satan all day (maybe for a few hours or minutes depending on how badly you pissed her off). she's very irrational, she doesn't really think anything through and just do it because it sounds reasonable to her but not to others. she's super impatient, she hates waiting around. she has to do things quick and easy and clean. you can say taehyun's a bit of an open person, sometimes too open. meaning she makes erted jokes or comments all the time. sometimes anything anyone says she can just throw in a erted comment or joke here and there. it doesn't bother her at all, some people say she should just keep it to herself but she doesn't care. 
– eats six large apples a day (two in the morning, two at lunch and two at dinner)
– left-handed
– loves skinship, likes to go up to her friends and just slap their butts and walk away
– she's lactose intolerate
– has the tendency to make super ugly faces all the time
– allergic to dogs & scared of dogs bc of an incident when she was younger, her aunts dogs bit her right in her ankle
– cat lover
– plays soccer very very well
– most brutal person ever when it comes to being honest, there's no such thing as sugarcoating in taehyun's dictionary
– she has a boy name because when she was first born, her older brother thought since the baby had no hair, it had to be a boy and therefore named her taehyun
– her favorite quote is from her grandpa, "you love meat so much, then you're probably gonna have to make lots of money to eat it everyday."
– she greets everyone in french before revealing that she can actually speak korean like, "bonjour, je m'appelle bang taehyun aussi Vita, comment ca va??" (hello, my name is bang taehyun also Vita, how are you?" 
– she also has a habit of acting like she forgot her korean and switches to french and starts speaking like a madman to confuse people before saying, "hey guys i know korean!"
– huge huge coffee addict, she'd consume it every hour if she could but to save herself from not dying she doesn't consume it every hour. every other hour. 
– she curses very very often and has a tendency to curse in french when she's angry
– bang taehyun says:
  • "i'm so close to punching you in the face."
  • "stop laughing at me ."
  • "i hope your feet gets burnt off in your sleep"
  • "oh shut up, stop being sensitive."
  • "oh look, it's your home!" *points at trash can*
ever since when pierre found out his "brother" turned out to be a girl, he avoided playing with her throughout their childhood. but when they both moved to seoul when he was 16, he had a sudden change in heart, a guilt that he never appreciated his sister's existence more, the two became closer. however, the two's relationship is pretty much filled with insults and pranks and arguing about who didn't wipe the bathroom countertop after brushing their teeth.
WHAT DOES MR. GO MAN POST?: go man ( or pierre, but goes by any), tends to post selfies, showing off his tattoos, his body or food or with his friends because he's super "cool".
taehyun began following eunha bc she found that her page was pretty adorable with all her selcas and all. the two became friends in real life after a few months of talking online and became close after hanging out with each other a few times. taehyun is always up to make new friends, but she was especially glad to become friends with eunha because of how kind she was and how much she was there for taehyun if she needed it. especially if it's about boy problems
WHAT DOES @EUNCHOO POST?: eunha tends to post selfies or funny little statuses about anything really
@SEHUNBOOBA • BESTFRIEND • OH SEHUN • 22.he's one of the sunbaes that are friends with her older brother. however, even though he's friends with her brother, it doesn't mean that taehyun can't slip in an try and swerve her way to become friends with him too (especially since he's such a sparkling diamond in her eyes). the two at first had cold feelings towards each other and refused to communicate, overtime, living with her brother and seeing sehun come visit so often, there'd be times it'd be just them two and were forced to communicate. since then, they've actually opened and learned that they have much in common. and just like her older brother, the two's relationship is filled more insults than love, but everyone knows that's their way of saying "i love you", "you're a great friend", etc. sometimes buttface pierre gets jealous of their best friend relationship because sehun's also his best friend.

WHAT DOES @SEHUNBOOBA POST?: boba, food, selfies of himself, him pranking his other friends or weird photos of himself he gets from friends or people

@SEULSEULK • BESTFRIEND • KANG SEULGI • 21.the two had met each other at orientation, in which seulgi had transferred over to the new university and didn't know her way around. noticing that seulgi was lost, taehyun offered help. the two afterwards spent the afternoon getting lunch and getting to know each other. while they were eating, someone had accidentally spilled their drink on taehyun and didn't even bother cleaning up or apologizing, in fact blamed taehyun for causing the spill. angered, seulgi stood up and defended taehyun and forced the university kids to clean up and pay for dry-cleaning. noticing seulgi already caring for her like that, she admired that. soon after the two became best friends, doing everything together. and I mean everything, like eating, swimming, showering, etc. 

WHAT DOES @SEULSEULK POST?: selfies of her and her friends, the nature, any random art or videos of her dancing



he's one of pierre's friends as well, but like usual ; lil taehyun's got swerve in to steal some of her brother's friends bc she's cool like that. ;D but however, she treats namjoon as her second brother and namjoon treats her as the little sister he's never had. often taking her out for ice cream trips and food trips. 
WHAT DOES @NAMTHEMONSTA POST?: usually posts his fashion style or selfies of him to show off his dimple and nature and random stuff he likes or videos of him laughing


character archives


@BANGKKULBO. im having cramps... really craving fish, weird. 
@PGOMANBANG. hope you bleed to death ((': love u
@BANGKKULBO. you're such a , you know that @pgomanbang
@SEULSEULK. fish is on the way girly! don't die oN me yEt SENPAI
@SEHUNBOOBA. fish smells. just like u
@BANGKKULBO. guys, guys - the namja in my photo isn't anyone but a friend, IM SINGLE AS A PRINGLEEEEE
@SEHUNBOOBA. that's right, better be single. i'd like to see a man lay a finger on yOu, mmmMmmM they gon get it.
@BANGKKULBO. yoU'rE not my brOther lmAo byE booooiiiii @sehunbooba
@PGOMANBANG. lol idc what you do with your life, just don't get in trouble with the law, lMaO girL bYe 
@NAMTHEMONSTA. you mean that "namja" is ME, hahaha get it bc my name is namjoon and that says namja, but we have the syllable nam... ok i'll stop here.
@SEULSEULK.  i can't believe i know you people, you're all embarassing
@BANGKKULBO. the next person that tells me that i look like an acorn is gonna get it
@BANGKKULBO. wow, nice to know the 200 of you that liked this either condone me fighting OR really think i look like an acorn
@EUNCHOO. but guuuuurl, you don't so don't worry. it's all good !!! <3
@PGOMANBANG. she's lying to you^
@NAMTHEMONSTA. you look like an acorn
@SEULSEULK.  you definitely look like an acorn
@SEHUNBOOBA.  you need to stop using those face products, bc it makes you look like an acorn
@BANGKKULBO. i'm so close to decking you all in the face, i hate you all except for @eunchoo
01. back in time ; bap
02. check on ; bap
03. my star ; lee hi
04. papaoutai ; stromae
05. quand c'est ; stromae
06. fly ; got7
07. light me up ; red velvet
08. seattle ; sam kim
09. no no no ; apink
10. r.o.d. ; g-dragon
11. bonnie & clyde ; dean
12. fire ; bts
13. i miss you so bad ; ikon
14. i wish ; ft island
15. 7th sense ; nct u
16. superman ; super junior
17. the clouds (ft. clara c & jay park) ; dumbfoundead
18. the forbidden fruit ; j.cole
19. what is love ; exo
20. city of stars ; logic
21. the answer ; exo
22. outro: love is not over : bts
23. prelude no. 4 in E-minor, Op. 28 ; fredric chopin
24. silence ; ludwig van beethoven
bobby kim
BIRTHDATE. december 25, 1995
BIRTHPLACE. seoul, korea
CURRENT CITY. seoul, korea
ABOUT TAEHYUN'S OTHER HALF. bobby had always grown up to be a very bright kid, throughout his life, he'd try to have optimistic and open-mind about everything, whether it's to make his parents proud or him getting into a car crash. he always thought having positive thoughts would help him get better days, not saying that he doesn't believe in negative times in life. he always hated seeing people suffer or get hurt, so he always had a kind heart in helping others, putting others needs before his. although, he does involve himself in some hardships throughout life, he tends to keep it to himself, hating to burden others with his problems. he's very quiet when upset, doesn't speak much, or spill out his usual lame jokes. 
currently, bobby is in his third year of college, majoring in physiology. he's pretty much a social butterfly at taehyun's university, everyone knows who he is, knows what sports he plays and what he does for fun. he's an all around nice guy. probably after college he plans to become a professor or a teacher. who knows, he's still pretty much clueless about his future, but as of now, he's living whatevers happening right in front of him.
RELATIONSHIP STATUS. "sometimes i really wonder this thing we have going on... is it ever going to become more?" [ friends ; crushing on each other ] 
LOVE STORY. second year of high school, new kid transfers in. everyone was familiar with each other already, they knew who hung with who, who dated who, etc. but this new kid no one recognized, although his name was kim jiwon, english name bobby. he seemed shy, well he just moved from America, he wouldn't be shy. hearing from around school that he moved here to from another country, taehyun immediately knew how that felt and immediately sympathized with him. she approached him and gave her hand out saying, "bonjour! vous etes nouveau?" (hello, you're new?) in french. it struck him before she started laughing and spoke in korean saying, "i'm from france, you must be the new foreign transfer. don't worry, I know how you feel. you have another foreigner here! me!" she beamed. noticing her friendliness, bobby gave in and smiled back, "i'm bobby kim." she replied back saying, "I'm Vita Bang, but my korean name is Taehyun." 
the two from that day on, stuck to each other like glue. people called them the foreign couple only because both grew up in a rather different country than korea. but they did almost everything together, cared for each other constantly, argued with each other, comforted each other, etc. the two never knew how they felt about each other, but they'd often get that butterfly feeling when they see one another dressed up looking handsome or beautiful and think "aren't i the luckiest to get to know him/ her?" or when they're at each others house just in sweats and watching a movie and think it's comforting to be in each others presence. 
both parties feelings weren't confirmed until bobby got a girlfriend the first year of university. taehyun hadn't known about it, she was at her house studying, when all of a sudden, bobby bursted through her bedroom door, "Vita! Vita, I need to tell you something!" Bobby had a huge smile on his face. She nodded for him to proceed and took off her glasses. "I have a girlfriend!" he held her shoulders, beaming brightly. "W-wait, what??" taehyun was pretty shocked about hearing the news and somehow on the inside she felt uneasy and upset but anyhow, she mustered up a smile to say, "tres bon," (very good) she spoke in french, and a part of it he only understood that bon - meant good. "but, midterms are coming up, i have to study, could you please go?" she turned around without even looking at him, putting back on her glasses. bobby could have sense something was off about her, "you good?" he asked. she nodded and said, "i'm just tired, please leave." believing that she was actually tired, he left her alone. bobby and his girlfriend dated for a year and a half, within that time period, bobby and taehyun rarely communicated, but she was still there when bobby encountered relationship problems but not as much as before. when they broke up, bobby messaged taehyun first to meet. bobby realized his feelings for taehyun but taehyun had been dating at the time, so it hurt him the same way taehyun was hurt. whenever the two dated someone, the two avoided each other, to avoid their feelings for each other. but the both have been single for a few months now and the friendship isn't like it used to be but everyone could look in and tell they want to fall in love with each other but for whatever reason, something's holding them back.
ENDING. bobby calls up taehyun one midnight, drunk, someone else takes his phone asking taehyun to come pick him up. and so as taehyun picks up the drunk bobby, she drags him into her car, letting him settle down for a bit. it's quiet for a bit until bobby opens his mouth, in a soft tone, "bang vita taehyun..." shocked because bobby's never called her by her full name before. "i've been in love with you for the longest time ever." he looks over at her, he had sobered up a bit. [ and lololol i feel like from there you could pick however ending you want ] 
– taehyun only speaks to him in french when she's upset or sad or just to confuse him 
– bobby is the only person taehyun allows to call her Vita, besides her brother and parents
– borrows each others stuff (bobby takes her caps, she takes his sweaters and hoodies)
– usually eat out late at night with each other
– bobby and taehyun to make jokes and laugh at it themselves bc they're too lame for anyone else to laugh along
– despite the fact they don't talk each other if one another are dating, they stalk each other on crush network to see how they're doing


COMMENTS. i had soooooooo much fun doing this !!! i totally avoided doing homework all day just to finish this ;DD not good but it's coolio ~
YOUR IDEA OF HOLIDAY. my idea of a holiday is going on adventures like car rides and sight-seeing, eating a places i've never eaten at before. that's usually what i do and call them holidays, they're quite fun, nothing too fancy. 
WISHLIST. anything you'd like author-nim ! it is afterall your story (:


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