sweetly and softlY
jae joon is the little foreigner that everyone knows because all she does is confuse people with her languages that she knows. she's also the little foreigner that is a firecracker that tends to get herself into trouble rather than out. 
lila ; her english name | everyone who knows her personally and they call her this whenever they feel like it
uyen (oo-wing ; pronounce it fast) ; her vietnamese name | her parents call her this and sometimes her close friends and trainees and seniors of the company attempt to say her name
peachy ; her obsession with peaches | her close friends & other trainees
kkul (꿀 - honey) ; this is a joke between the trainees and people at the company, they call her this because it contradicts her personality and jae joon absolutely hates it. 
eurasian ; the seniors of the label call her this because they find that it's adorable that she's a mix from a country in europe, as if she was representing both sides
may 31 1996 [20]
bordeaux, france
french | native tongue | self-explantory
korean | fluent | growing up she often heard her family speaking it and picked up on it and took it as an outside class to learn and become fluent
vietnamese | fluent | same as above^ + it was easier for her to learn because some parts of the language was originated from france
mamamoo's solar
fiestar's cao lu
jae joon has a tattoo behind her neck at the base of a lotus flower and one on her forearm that says, "grand-père il suk" in rememberance of her grandpa. jae joon's left eye is smaller than her right eye so you can always see her winking with her left eye.
>| the way jaejoon dresses is very clean and fashionable. she tends to treat everyday as a runway type stage. she loves to always put an impressin on people. she rarely dresses down (unless she's at the company, training) but if she does choose to dress down, she's probably pulling the sporty look. she always has to feel good about what she wears, she dislikes it most when she doesn't look good in what she wears, if she's already left the house and she hates how she looks, then she's most likely be upset and complain all day. but whenever she's going to the company to train and what not, she'll look the worse she's ever been, as in she looks like she just woke up and didn't even bother to wash up.
(+; selfless, humorous, loud, bubbly)
(-; impatient, irrational, short-tempered, erted)
(=; confident, open-minded)
jae joon is an overall decent human being at times.  she's quite the jokester, she loves to create jokes that don't make sense (and they're super duper lame) and laugh at that them by herself, which makes everyone laugh along, not because she's funny but because her laughing at it by herself makes people laugh. she tends to put others before herself all the time and this is because she dislikes seeing people hurt and is usually the first person you'll see to offer to do something for a person or help someone else. 

however, this part of the personality is the reason why she gets the nickname: kkul (honey). she's like a ticking time bomb, anything at any moment can set her off. and once she's upset - welp, sorry you're stuck with satan all day. (or a few hours depending how upset you get her). she's a very irrational person too, when she thinks things many will say, "no that's stupid." but to her, it's not stupid and she'll go on to do whatever that irrational thing is. she's very impatient, she hates waiting around, she wants to get things done and quick and get a move on things. she's quite erted too, anything anyone says, she can twist it into a different and grossier meaning then what it really is.  
>| she's lactose intolerate
>| left-handed
>| eats about 6 large apples a day (two for breakfast, two for lunch and two for dinner)
>| she has an obsession with skinship, she loves just walking by and slapping her members on the as a joke or going up to any of the trainees and just hugging them
>| she tends to make the ugliest faces alive, she could be known for having a pretty face than a super ugly face
>| she has this habit of going up to her friends and sniffing their shoulder and then walking away
>| she scrunches her hands when she's nervous or scared
>| allergic to dogs & as well as scared of dogs, she was bit in the ankle by her aunt's dog when younger
>| loves cats
>| eats peaches more than she does apple, but its whenever so there isn't a set time she eats them
>| plays soccer very well, but stopped when she moved to Korea at age 13.
>| probably the most brutal person in dolce as in there's no such thing as her sugarcoating anything she says, so sometimes it comes off as rude to some people
>| she cusses often and when she's angry she curses in french 
>| has been playing the guitar and saxophone since she was in elementary
>| loves to eat meat and theres a quote from her grandparents about it "if you love meat that much, you'll have to make lots of money one day!"
>| when she first joined the company, she greeted everyone in french, "bonjour, je m'appelle jung jae joon! comment ca va?" (hello, my name is jung jae joon, how are you?)
>| from time to time, towards new people especially, she speaks french or vietnamese to confuse people. she loves watching them try and to decipher what she says, sometimes she goes overboard and speaks n on-stop in her foreign language.
>| if she's stressed or upset, she keeps it all inside her and tends to sit in the shower to either think it out herself or cry
>| always puts on a smile no matter what, whether or not if it is tough, she tries to be as optimistic as possible
>| she doesn't like to express people her feelings that she cares, bc she finds it mushy and she doesn't like being mushy. so if she were to buy  her friends food without them knowing and they get excited, she'll throw the bag at them and be like, "yah... eat well." and walk away. 
>| when she gets annoyed she tends to say, "i'm so close to punching you." and everyone knows it's her way of saying i love you.
>| a huge coffee addict, yes, everyone knows it's horrific for your body. but she chugs it down so frequently as if it's water.
exid's le/ elly
jae joon's audition tape: rapping

jung jae joon had been training for about five years and four months, she moved to korea at age 13 and was admitted into SM when she turned 14, through casting. when she was was casted, she rapped for them. technically, she's been training under the music department for three years because her first two years, SM put her in the acting department, training her to become an actress. overtime, she made friends through the music department and was upset she could do what she loved passionately. after two years of complaint and grumbles of her, she was finally transferred over to the music department. not wanting her acting skills to go to waste, SM decided to put her into a drama which where she got many appreciation for. she always her mind set for doing things and she always told herself, she'd never let anyone get in the way of her goals. she was also the trainee that people avoided when angry and frustrated, she'd push herself passed her limit and sometimes she'd just be rude to people just because she was so angry or frustrated that she couldn't get one thing correct in her training.

in 2014, she was in the final lineup for red velvet, but was replaced by her best friend, Seulgi. she didn't have hard feelings at the time, but rather proud for her friend. but when 2015 came around and SM announced there'd be on more member to RV, she was as well one of the final girls being considered for the group and ended up being replaced by the younger Yeri. that's when jae joon became even more upset. she'd push herself even harder, stay after company hours to work on her rapping, dancing, skills anything. eventually that led to her injury. dancing was her second expertise, she had twisted her ankle in a very bad way, trying to learn a new dance for the monthly evalutation. it put her off of dance training for a few months, which upset her even more. when her leg began healing, she immediately tried to start dancing, even though it hurt her, she took it slow and tried to get better. 

; starred in the Moon Embraces the Sun, playing the role as the younger Han Yeon Wo
; background dancer for TVXQ's Spellbound
; starred in Iris II: The New Generation, playing the role as the Ji Sooyeon
; was in the background of Amber's music video "Shake that Brass", playing the saxophone
a guy who loves to throw random seaweed boxes at people as a treat to eat and looks at you in disgust when you deny eating seaweed.
december 9 1991 [24]
main rapper, shinee
(+; charismatic, humorous, dorky, loud)
(=; optimistic, confident)
(-; impatient, boastful, jealous, unpredictable)
when jae joon first entered the music department, after transerring over, there was no rap instructor on site at the time because they were at other companies writing lyrics for idols. minho offered to help instruct the newbie. upon sight, jae joon was struck and thought he was so handsome. seeing him, she just introduced herself in french on accident out of nervousness. in which minho thought it was cute. overtime, he began being her full-time instructor (not when he was promoting with shinee though). soon overtime, they became good close friends, an older brother looking out for a younger sister (which was how minho saw it or so how she thinks minho thinks it). jae joon clearly knew that was how minho saw her, hearing it from people around the company. 

but whenever they hung out together, it was seen different. the two had gotten so close to each other, they always insult each other, bicker at each other, nag at each other, care for each other like a married couple. people can view in and clearly see that the two like each other but they always deny it saying, "don't friends do this too?" or for minho, "she's just a sister to me!" (but minho says this to avoid any scandals bc fans r crazy lmao)  they're usually always getting something to eat together after company hours, or just hanging out together. the two love constantly saying rude things about each other and hating each other and wanting to choke each other to death bc they both annoy each other. but by the end of the day, they always tell each other how much they're grateful of one another.
close friends
i leave in ur hands bon-bon ('':
; jae joon recieving a drunk call from minho one night when she's at the company overworking again and in the phone call, he admits he likes her
; the rest is in your hand bonny! 
exo's kim jongin !
by bonnay


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