❀ Glamour | Shin Baek Gyu | Main Rapper, Vocalist


Shin Baek Gyu

jungdongpark • blue • 10/10


the basics.

name » shin baek gyu

nickname(s) »
>| lila ; her english name & everyone who knows her call her this anytime they want
>| peachy - her obsession for peaches
birthday » may 31, 1994

BIRTHPLACE » paris, france
hometown » bordeux, france

ethnicity » Korean
nationality » korean - french

language(s) »
>| french - native tongue
>| korean - her parents had her learn it to not forget her culture ; fluent
>| english - took it as a foreign language class back in her primary & middle school years ; advanced

face claim » han sunhwa (secret)

backup face claim » yoo jungyeon (twice)

height » 168 cm

weight » 48 kg

blood type »  AB


appearance » baek gyu's face is pretty solomn whenever she isn't smiling, so it seems like she's angry all the time or just a plain . however, when she smiles, her eyes disappear but has the cutest eye smile and a very gummy smile. her eyes are a light brown, kinda like the acto seo kang joon. her left eye is smaller than her right so when she winks it's always with her left eye. baek gyu has a tattoo behind the base of her neck of a lotus flower. she is curvier and wider at the 

style » baek gyu likes treat everyday like a runway. she always tries her best to look amazing in public, she loves to give off a great impression on people. she rarely dresses down and the only time she does is when she's going to practice and training (those days are when she looks like she just woke up and didn't even bother to wash up). but when she's in public and does decide to dress down, the outfit tends to be the usual cute sporty look. if she doesn't feel good about what she's wearing that day and has already left the house, she'll just complain about it all day long.


" im about to punch you so hard "


"just stop. admit you like my jokes, even if they don't make sense."


the girl next door.


personality »
(+: humorous, selfless, confident, bubbly)
(-: short-tempered, impatient, irrational, erted)

baek gyu's personality is quite all over the place sometimes and it may seem like her personality would match her face, however, it doesn't. luckily. she's the most funniest person ever (funny as in lame jokes and laughs at it by herself & people laugh at her laughing rather than her jokes) even though her jokes so much, the fact that it and she's trying makes me people laugh. however, the girl is quite erted. along with her jokes, at any chance she gets, she'll throw in a erted joke here and there, anything anyone says she can just make it into a weird, nasty joke. baek gyu is pretty considerate and selfless, she tends to put people before herself and always puts people's happiness before hers.

even though the girl can seem like a jokester, this part of the personality you could say definitely would match her face. she's like a ticking time bomb and anything could set her off. she gets angered real easily and once she's angered - sorry dude, you're stuck with satan all day (or at least a few minutes or hours - depending on how badly you pissed her off) she's very very impatient and she likes to get things done quickly and fast and hates waiting around. she's quite irrational too, most of the things she does aren't very rational, especially when she's angry. in her head, they seem rational at the moment, even if others say they aren't - she ignores it. she has a very sarcastic tone whenever she talks so no one could really tell whether or not she's kidding, but most likely she's sarcastic 76% of the time.

likes » 
>| coffee ; consumes it like water, which is unhealthy, but does she care? nahhh
>| apples ; eats about 6 large ones a day (two for breakfast, two for lunch and two for dinner)
>| skinship ; loves just going around and hugging and touching her members and like always walks by a pats their for fun 
>| guitar & saxophone ; instruments she learned how to play when she was 9 and hasn't stopped since
>| criminal shows ; you can always catch baek gyu when she's not busy - catching up on her morbid shows she's obsessed with
>| peaches | favorite fruit and her obsessions

dislikes »
>|spiders & insects ; they're just no-nos
>| ghosts ; same reason ^
>| dogs ; was bitten by one when she was younger when visiting her aunts house & was allergic to dogs quite before that incident too
>| sleeping in the dark ; she needs at least two night lights in her room
>| wind ; nothing can make her as angry as the wind, she hates that it always ruins her looks

habits »
>| scrunches her hands when she's nervous or scared
>| sleepwalking, tends to walk into her roommates or members room and sleep with them
>| cursing way too often
>| pulling all nighters (i mean all those late night kdramas are too A1)
>| plays her saxophone or guitar when she's stressed
>| just randomly hugging her members
>| walking by and hitting her friends butts

hobbies » 
>| writing short stories or poems
>| composing song lyrics for her group to sing and for her to rap
>| composing songs for her to play on her guitar/ saxophone
>| learning new types of dishes to cook

>| left-handed
>| allergic to milk
>| when she first the CEO and other people in the company, because she was so used to foreign ways, she accidentally said, "bonjour, je m'appelle shin baek gyu, comment ca va??" (hello, my name is shin baek gyu, how are you?) and shook their hands rather than bowing
>| back up dancer for TVXQ's Spellbound
>| started out as an trainee for acting because SM wanted her too, but after two years of bickering and complaint of how much she wanted to become a rapper, they finally switched her over to the music department
>| not wanting the two years of acting training to go to waste, they had her act in the Moon Embraces the Sun as the younger Han Yeon Woo
>| she usually curses in french when she's angry
>| occasionally, she'll just get bored and speak in french to confuse people for fun
>| she tends to always say, "i'm about ready to punch you in the face" and everyone always knows that's her way of saying, "i love you"
>| definition of clumsy, she has very weak ankles and tends to trip over herself at times
>| currently goes to sungkyunkwan university
>| song minho of winner is her step-brother
>| was part of the final line-up for RV, but was later replaced by Yeri


standing in the hall of fame.


stage name » Vita
persona » globetrotter (like a representative for foreigners)
position » main rapper, vocalist
back up » triple threat

singing twin » cao lu (fiestar) [sunhwa (secret)]

dancing twin » nana (afterschool) [dasom (sistar)]
rapping twin » le (exid) [hyuna (4minute)]

training years » 8 years and 4 months
pre-debut experiences » 
>| acted as the younger Han Yeon Woo in the Moon Embraces the Sun 
>| backup dancer for TVXQ's Spellbound
>| done a CF for Sprite
>| helped choreograph RV's Ice Cream Cake & EXO's Call Me Baby
>| helped composed lyrics for the f(x)'s 4 walls
scandals » 
>| rumored song minho and her to be dating to only find out they're actually step-siblings
>| a video resurfaced to the internet of baek gyu threatening to beat up someone, but later revealed from the victim in the video that they're actually close friends and is their way of loving each other


home is where your heart is.

background » shin baek gyu, english name: lila, was born in paris, france being the the youngest child and only girl. her name is a boy name because her older brother gave her that name because her brother had hoped for a younger brother and when she came out, he saw that she had no hair and assumed she was a boy and therefore named her baek gyu. being the only girl, her parents and older brother cherished her very much and spoiled her. but she grew up never to be snobby or ignorant. she was well-mannered. when she was a kid, she was always seen playing with her grandpa, he was always showing her the lastest kpop songs from groups like Shinhwa, FIN K.L., etc. baek gyu was always interested in the whole industry that her grandpa showed. as she grew, she'd go into her classes and tell all her friends she'd become a kpop star one day and etc and they'd all laugh and say, "but you'll never be as popular as american singers, lila!" she'd be upset and never mention that idea ever again. she was bullied from time to time about it when some random kid in class brought it up. 

when she was 11, her parents divorced due to relationship issues, so her father, her grandfather and her moved to incheon, korea to live. she told her grandpa daily that she wanted to be a star and her grandpa supported her 100%. soon her dad remarried a woman who had a son older than a year (who later becomes a rapper under the group WINNER from YG) baek gyu began to develop a relationship with minho, both having interest in the same thing. with their parents overhearing, immediately didn't allow it and would rather them focus on their studies. her grandpa was the one in charge of picking the two up from school daily, so he wanted to grant her wish and signed her up for classes for dancing and she practiced rapping on her own and took her everyday after school without her parents knowing. "I'm only taking her to the library everyday now from 3 - 7pm, you want her to focus on her studies right? I got it, I'll make baek gyu smart!" her grandpa told her parents. they never really found out until they got a letter home from SM entertainment saying she was accepted into becoming a trainee. her grandpa had recorded her dancing and rapping and sent the audition tape into the company. her parents had no choice but to let her train, seeing how far she had already gotten as well as minho. 

when it was her very first day training at the company, she had gotten a call from her parents during break that her grandpa had passed away in a car accident. it broke baek gyu to pieces, the person who had been her supporter for so long passed away and could never be there to watch her reach her goal. it had completely changed her and made her work even harder and always told herself no one else's opinion matters, besides the words her grandpa always told her. 


family » 
> ; father | shin minwoo | 56 | distant relationship with each other after her grandfathers death, the two would always argue whenever they talked because they had different views and opinions, so to save each other from hating each other, they just don't talk as much
> ; step-mom | jung ahroo | 54 | never really made an effort to create more of a mother daughter relationship with her, she wasn't baek gyu's actual mom so she had no reason to give effort or actually try and care
> ; step-brother | song minho | 23 | the two had both interests in the area of rapping and becoming famous to have their music known for their passion. so they got along quite well and often text each other encouraging messages to boost each other. the two hang out with each other often to catch up. 

friends/rivals » 
>| kang seulgi | best friends | 21 | red velvet | the two met each other during baek gyu's trainee acting years, Go Ara had told her to get something for her in one of the practice rooms, but getting lost, she accidentally went into a room where she seulgi practicing her dances. she stopped and bowed, apologizing for interrupting, but seulgi stopped and asked her, "aren't you one of the new trainees that was supposed to be in the music department?" baek gyu nodded, so seulgi requested to see what baek gyu could do, not realizing time was wasted between the two showing each other their talents, Go Ara found baek gyu and scolded at her but seulgi decided to take the blame since it was her fault. and baek gyu was let off of trouble, from there the two became best friends, supporting and defending each other through everything
>| kim yerim | rival | 17 | red velvet | through out baek gyu's trainee life, she's always tried to avoid any trouble or drama that could resort her to get her trainee time provoked. however, yeri was always her rival. the two competed for the spot of red velvet, and even before that, the two never got along. baek gyu hated the fact that for someone younger, they acted cocky or higher at times. when they were all trainees together, the choreographer and trainers often paired the two up to work on a dance, song, etc. but yeri would never listen and often played around (bc she was still young) even then, baek gyu hated she never took anything seriously. after finding out she was replaced by yeri for the final line up of RV, it hurt her and her pride. 


the one and only.

love interest » jackson wang (got7)

backup love interest » seo kang joon (actor)
status » close friends


personality » jackson's very bubbly and outgoing and energetic. he's the kid that when you were younger you thought was pretty annoying because he'd keep trying to become your friend because no one was his friend. but no matter what he always had a smile. he's very similar to baek gyu joking wise, he's very lame sometimes. he's also a poor clueless kid who confuses things with each other sometimes and doesn't get anything.

jackson is also a very serious kid, he tends to be very soft-hearted and cares for people who get hurt very easily. he is serious when he has to be. he puts others before him and always cares for s. he tends to be very sassy but it's very dorky and cute to others. 


history » the two met when she was in the trainee room with other trainees and she was on her phone debating whether or not to dm him on instagram. the other trainees kept encouraging her to do so, bc what did she have to lose? she was still a trainee. she ended up dm-ing him saying, "hello jackson-sshi! i was recently watching your MC-ing on Go Fridge, you were absolutely funny!" within the next hour, she got a reply saying thank you and that her acting on the Moon Embraces the Sun was amazing. surprised, he recognized her or even knew her existence, they talked a little more then decided to exchange number.

interactions » the two don't have a cute relationship, it's more of a love-hate type feel. the two always insult each other, yell at each other, care for each other like a couple. people can see they clearly like each other, but they always say, "don't friends act like this too?" but by the end of the day it ends with them being mushy with each other, saying how grateful they are to have each other. when the two have free days, not training or having a schedule, the meet up to eat and hang out. whenever jackson is mc-ing another show, she always shows up to the dorm with a small cake as a congrats. 


last words.

comments/suggestions » nothing else,, besides that I had fun feeling this out!

scene requests » it's up to you author-nim !!

password » i'm a fangirl !!


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