〈 TWILITE 〉| the snow : : jung taemin

  jung taemin。
   blue  jungdongpark  5
— peach / her members call her this because of her obsession for peaches
— lila / her english name and anyone who knows her, knows her english name and call her this from time to time
— kkulbo 
/ kkul meaning "honey" and -bo is apart of the word yeobo, also meaning honey but used in a married form. the two words are put together to make "kkulbo", and her members gave her this name as a joke making fun of her personality and her cold exterior because she's definitely not smooth or kind like honey
— namja 
/ namja meaning man/ boy and because she has a boy name, everyone as her members and labelmates make fun of her for this
AGE 20

BIRTH PLACE Paris, France
> bordeux | moved their at age 3, lived up there until age 12
> incheon | lived there until age 13
> seoul | lived there since age 13
ETHNICITY Korean French
— french / native tongue / self-explanatory
— korean / fluent / her parents always wanted her to embrace her culture and had her learn the language all the time and everywhere she went she had to speak korean to her parents and only spoke french in the places that needed to be spoken
— mandarin 
/ semi-fluent / took it as a foreign language class in her highschool years but proceeded to take it and learn the language when she entered the company
— english 
/ conversational / took it as a foreign language class back in france during her primary years, but overtime not having used it that much, she's only remembered enough to hold a conversation longer than most
treat everyday like a performance and you'll never fail. i guess.  ♡

  mirror, mirror on the wall。
FACE CLAIM kim hyuna
BACK UP FACE CLAIM im jinah (nana)
— gallery

APPEARANCE any minor physical changes between your chosen face claim and how you want your character to look (ie. different hair, eye colour, birth marks, scars, etc goes here. can also include height, weight, or just general body type.
> | 168 cm & 47kg
> | tattoos: she has a tattoo of a lotus flower on the back of her neck and behind her left ear going down it says "grand-père minhyuk" in rememberance of her grandpa
> | taemin had always been born with light brown eyes, kinda like the actor seo kang joon. her left eye was usually smaller than her right eye, that's why you always see her winking with the left eye because it's easier to wink. her body type isn't generally like everyone else's, she has a wider bottom, meaning she has curves. though some people look at her and tell her she's fat, she could really care less. her eyebrows tend to be naturally arch and doesn't have that straight korean eyebrow, so usually the makeup artists have to use concealer to cover up the extra bit of eyebrow hairs to achieve the straight eyebrow look.

STYLE  taemin is in love with fashion. she never likes to go out looking her worse, you'll usually see her very dressed up and nice looking. she always wants to put a great impression on people. she rarely dresses down (in public at least), but when she does that's only for practice/ training. but when she's in public, she tends to pull off that fashionable sporty look if she wants to dress down. for taemin, even something as simple as going to the grocery store or gas station to buy something real quick, she has to get dressed up. she always wants to look her best. at practice, is the only time you'll see her look like she just got out of bed and didn't even bother to wash herself up. (besides her members see her like that everyday). she just throws whatever on for training, one time she put on a random ripped shirt on the floor at the dorm and wore it to training but the ripped shirt had a hole in the stomach area and wore mixed match socks and a purple jacket to top the outfit. 

  but looks aren't everything。
+; selfless, witty, dedicated, honest, loyal, respectful
- ; short tempered, impatient, irrational, sarcastic, erted

jung taemin's a box full of surprise. people say her personality matches her face, some say it doesn't. but the only people who really know is her family and members. taemin grew up always a well respected and discplined child. she always show her seniors and elders respect, a little too much respect that some people misunderstand it for a kiss up. however, she isn't. taemin always displaying her emotions, she always felt certain she displayed was too icky or too cringe-worthy. so she always hid it with a straight face, acting like she doesn't care. but in all honesty, she cares for the people around her deeply. she will put her friends and family before her all the time - no matter what. sometimes people would ask her, "what about you?" and she'd just wave off and said, "it doesn't matter." she's always willing to do whatever for anyone, if someones in need, she'll be the first to offer help. taemin is hard-working and once she's hooked onto something, she's dedicated and will work hard towards that goal. a very honest girl, she's always known as the no-sugar, because she never sugar-coats what she says. she has no filter and she feels that she should always be straight up with her friends bc she wouldn't want her friends sugar-coating the truth. sometimes it comes out as rude or heartless if she's honest. 

this is the side that, i guess you could say, matches her face. she's easily angered. she's like a ticking time bomb. anything sets her off really. some people are really careful about what they say around her because they fear when she's anger. she tends to become a real cold-hearted and mean person when she's angry, like if her friends and her were to argue, it's like taemin wasn't even there anymore, the words she'd say would hurt more than her being honest normally. once she's angered you're stuck with satan the whole day (or a few hours or minutes depending on how bad you angered her). she's quite impatient, she hates waiting around and likes things to be done quick and clean. she's also very very irrational, and her irrational side is her normally and when she's angry. her head, the things that people say isn't very logical to do, she finds it logical to do in her opinion. she tends to get in trouble for her reckless actions. she's very sarcastic and erted. she usually makes erted jokes at any possible chance she can get when conversing with friends, or throw in a sarcastic remark when she can. 

although, she can display her negative emotions very well, she can't do well displaying her positive emotions. in her mind, they're just too cringe-worthy, so she'd rather look and act like she doesn't care then show it out to the public. she tends to not say much to strangers (unless she's on a variety show, she could be a chatterbox), but she usually replies with one or two words and she would have a bored look on her face. 

BACKGROUND  jung taemin, english name: lila, was born in paris, france being the the middle child and only girl. her name is a boy name because her older brother gave her that name because her brother had hoped for a younger brother and when she came out, he saw that she had no hair and assumed she was a boy and therefore named her taemin. being the only girl, her parents and older brother cherished her very much and spoiled her. but she grew up never to be snobby or ignorant. she was well-mannered. when she was a kid, she was always seen playing with her grandpa, he was always showing her the lastest kpop songs from groups like Shinhwa, FIN K.L., etc. taemin was always interested in the whole industry that her grandpa showed. as she grew, she'd go into her classes and tell all her friends she'd become a kpop star one day and etc and they'd all laugh and say, "but you'll never be as popular as american singers, lila!" she'd be upset and never mention that idea ever again. she was bullied from time to time about it when some random kid in class brought it up. 

when she was 11, her family and her moved to incheon, korea to live because her younger brother was being born soon. but she told her grandpa daily that she wanted to be a star and her grandpa supported her 100% but with her parents overhearing the idea, immediately didn't allow it and would rather her focus on her studies. her grandpa was the one in charge of picking her up from school daily, so he wanted to grant her wish and signed her up for dancing classes and took her everyday after school without her parents knowing. "I'm only taking her to the library everyday now from 3 - 7pm, you want her to focus on her studies right? I got it, I'll make taemin smart!" her grandpa told her parents. they never really found out until they got a letter home from SM entertainment saying she was accepted into becoming a trainee. her grandpa had recorded her dancing and sent the audition tape into the company. her parents had no choice but to let her train, seeing how far she had already gotten.

when it was her very first day training at the company, she had gotten a call from her parents during break that her grandpa had passed away in a car accident. it broke taemin to pieces, the person who had been her supporter for so long passed away and could never be there to watch her reach her goal. it had completely changed her and made her work even harder and always told herself no one else's opinion matters, besides the words her grandpa always told her. 

>| coffee ; drinks it like water, she knows its bad for your body but who really cares at this point
>| her guitar & saxophone ; instruments she had learned to play when she was 6 and has not stopped playing since
>| peaches ; has an obsession for peaches 
>| apples ; eats about 6 large apples a day (two for breakfast, two for lunch and two for dinner)
>| skinship ; she loves to just touch and hug her members and caress them in her arms
>| criminal shows ; when she's not busy, you could usually catch her binge watching her favorite criminal-drama shows

>| spiders & insects ; just no to her
>| ghosts ; just no as well
>| sleeping in the dark ; needs at least one nightlight for her to able to sleep
>| dogs ; was bitten in the leg by one when she was younger when she was visiting her aunt (she's also was allergic before the incident)
>| wind ; she's probaby never been angry at anyone or anything as much as she's been towards the wind, which she blames for ruining her hair and outfit all the time

>| not reaching her goal (aka disappointing her grandfather)
>| spiders & ghosts 
>| heights

>| writing short stories & poems
>| playing her guitar / saxophone to relieve her stress
>| learning new types of dishes to cook

>| scrunches her hands when she's nervous or scared
>| sleepwalks a lot and usually into her members room and sleeping with them
>| pulling all-nighters a little more than a normal human should (all those late-night kdramas are just too good)

>| tends to just walk by her members or close friends and slap their butts
>| curses waay too much and when she's angry, she swears in french
+; allergic to milk
+; left-handed
+; when she forgets certain words in korean, she switches to french to explain herself, assuming people would understand
+; when she first met the ceo of SM as well as other trainees, she said, "bonjour! je m'appelle jung taemin," (hello, my name is jung taemin) and gave her hand out to shake rather than bowing
+; isn't a picky eater
+; she has plenty insecurities about herself, especially her body and face but like she's always told herself, no one else's words matter, just her grandpa's. that's why she always ignores what people say about her or her talent, but deep down it does hurt her but she acts like it doesn't.
+; SM at first had her train to become an actress for a year, but after listening to taemin's constant bicker and complains about being an actress, they finally switched her to the music department to train with other dancers and singers
+; was a backup dancer for TVXQ's music video Spellbound
+; Twitter sns - @lilajung & ig: junglilatae
+; currently goes to sungkyunkwan university 
+; you can often spot her at the cafe studying when she isn't training
+; she acted as the younger Heon Yeon Woo in the tv drama, The Moon Embraces the Sun in 2012, since SM didn't want her one year acting skills to go to waste
+; usually composes songs for her to play on her guitar and saxophone
+; being the amazing dancer she was, the choreographers at the company would sometimes ask her to come and incorporate any dance ideas she had into her seniors' dances


  never forget。
grandfather / jung minhyuk / 78 / kind-hearted, energetic
taemin's grandfather and her had always cherished each other. her grandfather would always treat her so kindly and with much love and supported her towards any goal she'd want to achieve. anything taemin does now, is all for her grandpa since he died. 
— father / jung minwoo / 54 / quiet, hot-headed
the two have very similar personalities, so they both tend to argue a lot. it wasn't until taemin turned 15 when she stopped communicating to her father. the two always have different opinions and whenever they open their mouths to talk it will usually end in a fight. her father truly cares for her wants her to grow up well and watch out for her but sometimes him lecturing her comes out as him yelling which just makes taemin defiant and wanna argue back even more to prove her standpoint correct.
— mother / ahn taera / 50 / quiet, strict, kind
their relationship together is the same as her with her fathers, only more toned down because at times they could actually talk together and get along. only reason why taemin doesn't talk to her mom (as well as her dad) much is because they've always critcized her rather than support her about anything
older brother / jung pierre  / 24 / loud, dorky, arrogant
Pierre had always cared for his little sister, Lila, since the day she was born - even if she turned out not to be a boy. he wants to see her grow and succeed in life, so he supported whatever she wanted to do after their grandpa passed away. he's the second biggest supporter in taemin's life. but since she's busy with her future career life and he's busy with college, the two don't get to communicate as often anymore but theres the occasionally "work hard!!" text message from each other
younger brother / jung rome taehyuk / 10 / playful, energetic, loud
Their with each other are pretty far, but taehyuk had never communicated with taemin much. by the time he was 2 or 3, she was already off in seoul training to become a future idol. but she came home during the holidays and he wouldn't recognize her well because she was never around and he wouldn't open up to her. just like her, not welcoming towards strangers and that's how taehyuk would treat her sometimes. but when she isn't busy, she takes any chance she could get to facetime with her little brother and see how well he grows up. taehyuk eventually opens up to taemin and would cheer on his sister when he sees her as cameos on tv.

best friend / kim namjoon / 21 / wild, loud, playful
when SM gave all the trainees a free day, another trainee invited taemin to go watch an underground rap concert with her. so she agreed and there she was captured by the way this kid rapped and his lyrics. after the show she came up and introduced herself to him, giving him her number and invited him for coffee sometimes. the two are close and usually come to each other when times are tough and they basically have a love-hate relationship. always insulting each other and criticizing each other but it would end with a hug and a genuine compliment
— best friend / kang seulgi / 21 / dorky, weird energetic
the two met each other when they were trainees. during the time when taemin was assigned to be in the acting department, go ara had asked taemin to go get something for her in a trainee room, getting lost, she entered into the wrong practice room where seulgi happened to be practicing a dance. she was mesmerized by the way the girl danced and watched for a few minutes before snapping out of it and bowing and saying, "i'm sorry, i didn't mean to interrupt." in which seulgi returned with a smile and asked for her name and asking if she knew how to dance, as well as to show her a few moves. go ara later came looking for taemin and saw her practicing with seulgi rather than for her acting lines. go ara scolded her but seulgi said, "Sorry, sunbae, I made her stay because I heard she was a great dancer, it's my fault." from there, seeing how seulgi defended taemin and got her out of trouble, the two became really close friends. doing everything together, eating, sleeping, watching movies, gossiping, etc. eventually seulgi debuted before her, the two communicated less but always texted each other night when everyones schedule was over and catch up. 

   anyone in the spotlight can get lost in that if they are not careful...
STAGE NAME ♡ Vita (비타)
PERSONA  no-sugar ami (ami is french for friend, no sugar as in she seems like she has no "flavour" to herself, cold, expressionless)
PLOTLINE & POSITION  the snow & main dancer 
>| singer ; hyosung of secret 
>| dancing ; KaHi (ex-afterschool member) 

TRAINEE YEARS ♡ 6 years and 4 months
TRAINEE LIFE  dreaming of being able to become an idol ever since she was younger had been a goal of hers. even though she's been in there for longer there for 6 years, she works hard because in the end she'll have a good outcome and prove the people who made fun of her wrong. she had done much research on the company before she admitted in. and it was as well being her dream company, she didn't care how long she had to be in the company for to train, as long as she could debut under her favorite entertainment. seeing her trainee friends leave for another company made her have the urge to leave as well, but refused too. she was on the final cut for red velvet's debut, but in the end was replaced by Yeri. It discouraged Taemin just a bit, it was so close but yet so far.
Another few years of training, it began to tire her out. she tried her hardest day and night, creating new choreography routines for her "possible future group", for her sunbaes, etc. she overworked herself to the point she broke her ankle, her leg injury had her cut from training for a few months and all she could really do was practice on her vocals, when really she just wanted to get back on her feet and perform. her leg injury pushed her debut date even farther she thought, if there was even a group ready to come out for her. she'd often never tell people her problems of her trainee life because she left like it'd be too much a burden so she'd keep it to herself and sometimes when she's showering, she thinks of all the hardwork she's done and cries and thinks of how they aren't good enough because if they were, she would have debuted by now.
when she was finally able to get back on her feet again to dance, it was announced that she'd debut in a co-ed group and it'd be forsure that she'd debut. 
>| played the younger Han Yeon Woo in the Moon Embraces the Sun
>| helped choregraph some of RV's & EXO's dances (ice cream cake & call me baby)
  Seo kang joon。
   Park bogum 
— beagle / taemin calls him this because of his features that remind her of a beagle
— milk / because most her members call her honey, she calls him milk as a joke only because she says "milk & honey go together!" and jokes about how they'll probably never date because she assumes he only likes her as a friend nothing more.

SUMMARY  seo kang joon is the hugest clueless dork anyone has ever met, in all honesty. he's very kind-hearted and faint-hearted. he always is cracking jokes and making everyone smile. he's playful and energetic, it's rare to see him not hyper. 

kang joon is always "up to no good." as his sunbaes would state it. he loves to read books in his free time when he isn't reading his scripts and could cook really well. he cares for his friends well and would never like to see them hurt because it'd hurt him.

I wanna grow throughout the years and learn along the way ♡

  soul(mate) searching。
FIRST MEETING  during the one year that taemin was training as an actress, SM had her go audition for a few shows and get herself known. she met kang joon at an auditioning site. everyone was paired up as a couple because the role they needed to fill was a couple and kang joon and her were the last to audition. when they acted together, the judges could see very well that they had chemistry together but only kang joon ended up getting the role. however, taemin was able to get his number and they became friends from there. 
RELATIONSHIP the two became really good friends after the audition. the two meet each other outside the industry and hang out and eat and etc. as kang joon's popularity began to rise, she showed up to his apartment with a cake as a congratulation. they'd eat sugary treats together and catch up with each other. when she'd sleep over at his apartment when she had free days, the two would just unintentionally wake up the next morning cuddle against each other. the two bicker at each other like a couple, care for each other like a couple, etc. people, especially their friends, know that they both have feelings for each other but the two tend to always deny everything and say, "friends do this too, don't they??"

CONCLUSION they end up together, keeping it quiet because of both sides having the "crazy" fans and etc. but eventually make it public because they didn't care, it was their relationship to begin with and no one elses. 
  last call。
FAMOUS LAST WORDS nothing else, just that I had so much fun applying for this app, author-nim!! i'm sorry if some areas were really long )-: but i hope you like my character [in the password, I sent the jap. ver too as well only because I don't know if you could hear the lyrics well in the korean ver]

SCENE SUGGESTIONS whatever you wanna write! it is your story after all (':

PASSWORD  kingdom (kor ver.) + kingdom (jap ver.)


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