HOW DO I LOOK?                 ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ          ㅤㅤㅤㅤX

"im gonna punch the next person that eats my apple."

BIRTH NAME  bang taewon

>> pierre | his english name ; usually anyone he knows, knows his name english name and calls him it from time to time
>> banger | just a play on his last because he's loud & loves to mess around with girls and this is nickname is given by his closest friends only
>> chugwang (a combined word of soccer & king -
축왕) | being captain of the soccer team, most people in school call him this because he's the best player on the team, playing the sport since he was a child. 

AGE 18

BIRTHDATE 03 26 1998

BIRTHPLACE paris, france

HOMETOWN bordeux, france - moved to bordeux when he was 3 (2001)
LANGUAGES max two fluent languages, the rest is up to you
>> french | native tongue ; slef-explanatory, growing up in his motherland, he should know it amazingly right??
>> korean | fluent ; his parents had him learn his parents' language so he wouldn't forget his culture s
>> english | conversational ; he learned it for a few years in his primary and middle schools for his foreign language class 

FACECLAIM  bobby kim (iKON)

BACK-UP FACECLAIM  jung daehyun (bap)

APPEARANCE a brief description of how they look like include physical features like tattoos and hairstyle, marks, height in cm and weight in kg, etc
> | 186 cm & 63.7kg
> | tattoos: left forearm that says; "grand-p
ère chae xvi" (grandpa chae , 16 meaning the day he passed away)
+; taewon's smile is very chinky like, his eyes disappearing when he smiles widely. when he isn't smiling, he seems like the grumpiest and meanest person ever (so like a male -face??) his body is quite lean, but he works out plenty and has nicely carved abs and his viens are very dark so they are always showing and usually popping out of his arms.


IN THEIR SUITCASE taewon isn't like a show off or anything when it comes to clothes. he's just the type to go out and wants to look his very best whenever he's in public, he tries to leave a charming impression on people. he could wear simply grey sweatpants and a sweater and just somehow manage to look like he just stepped out of a catalog. he looks his very best in suits and tuxes, etc - because that's when he tries extra extra hard to look good. his sort of style is like "i'm not trying to put effort and look casual but really i did put effort". it's pretty casual nothing too fancy most the time but he still looks clean and not like that he needs to be arrested by the fashion police.

BEHIND MY MASK               ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ           ㅤㅤㅤㅤX

"stop taking what i say up your , i swear."
"you guys love to piss me off, don't you?"

(+; independent, humorous, confident, considerate, energetic)
(-; short-tempered, irrational, flirty, impatient, arrogant) 


ELABORATION throughout the years, people associated taewon's personality with his face. if the kid looked mean on the outside, then he must be a jerk on the inside too! however, it isn't true. (ok maybe some of it) he's always been the type to make everyone laugh at anything and his jokes weren't the best - in fact they . he'd be the one laughing on his own. but people would laugh along because he made an effort and him laughing by himself was funny on it's on. the kid wasn't a social butterfly, but he still spoke enough for everyone to know him (the loud boy he is). he's never been dependent on people because he always felt like it'd be a burden and leave most things up to him and himself. taewon is like a crackhead when he doesn't sleep, that's when he gets most energetic and hyper and becomes carefree. i know right, hyper when you're sleep-deprived?? but taewon's energetic even with sleep, he'll jump from place to place and scream and shout and make lots of jokes about anything. 


he loves his friends more than anything and is usually always down for them. even though he's had a cold appearance, most people know deep down (even though he does display his emotions of care towards other well) that he puts his friends and family before himself all the time. people's feelings matter to him and he usually tries to brighten peoples day up.


however, he may seem like a lil ball of bursting joy, he's very short-tempered. in fact, he's a ticking time bomb. for taewon, anything can set him off real quick. so his friends are really careful around him about what they say or do. but once he's pissed off man - like sorry, you're stuck with satan for the whole day (or a few hours or minutes depending on how bad you pissed him). he's very irrational, in his mind the most stupid and reckless thing is the most reasonable option for him in his head. he does irrational things out of anger a lot of the times. even if he wasn't angry, still irrational kid. he's very impatient, he just wants things done quick and hates waiting around. he usually tends to not talk much to people he doesn't know and has a cold exterior around them and when they try and communicate with him, he replies with one or two words.


people say it isn't right of him to do this but - like father, like son, right? he's a huge player/ flirt when it comes to girls. it's a pretty bad habit, but he's actually never stayed committed to anyone, he's scared of committment, because he sees his friends in failed relationships and people he knew getting divorced. so he'd rather save the pain by not getting committed and just play around while he's still young. having to be known as one of the best players on soccer team AND being captain, he holds his head high, way too high. and arrogant. sometimes he looks like down on some people and comment bad things just because they aren't up to his level. 


STUDENT INFORMATION bang taewon, born being the youngest and only son, he was treasured very well by his family members. especially by his two older sisters. his family was strict growing up, so he had manners (luckily) and was a polite kid. taewon always loved the word, sports, growing up. he always spent his time after school playing kick the can or soccer or basketball in the streets of bordeux with the neighbours' kids that were his age. as the little boy grew, he was good academically, but focused rather on soccer and let his grades slip from time to time. when he turned 12, his parents suggested the idea they move to korea to live, but taewon never thought they'd go through the idea because they say it all the time but it never happened. plus, he hated change. he was comfortable in the country he lived in. 


when taewon moved to korea, he stopped playing soccer for a few months out of bitterness and anger of having to leave france and his friends and family behind. after a few months of his parents being annoyed about his resistance towards playing soccer, they signed him up for the youth team anyways and he had no choice but to play again. although he'd been wanting too for so long. he began to feel at home again when he played soccer, eventually becoming one of the best players on the team. when he got to highschool, he didn't really try for captain or anything - he just wanted to prove he was a better player than everyone else. when he was chosen as captain for the soccer team, it came as a surprise for everyone and some others on the team were angry. the kid who didn't care for the authority spot on the team was chosen.

when taewon was living in france, he had felt the need to rather be friends with these type people than another type, hence making his social circle pretty small. but when he moved to korea and reached highschool, he opened up more (because his coaches forced him). he was more upfront and forward. he did hang with his teammates, but he hung out with whomever he felt like being with that day. people say he's part of the popular boy squad because the amount of his friends, but he denies. although, he is popular among the females and loves to give them all the attention and play around.


CHARACTER STUDY the trivia section where you can give me some additional infos about your character

 has a habit of walking by his male friends and slapping their butts because he knows it makes them uncomfortable
 wants to be part of the national soccer team one day
 if that plan doesn't work out for him, he plans to go to america or back to france and study
 eats about 6 six large apples a day (two for breakfast, two for lunch, two for dinner) has a huge obsession for apples
 sleep walks a lot & if he's staying at someone's house or someone's staying at his, he tends to sleep walk over to their bed and cuddle with them
 usually curses a lot (but when he's angry, he curses in french)
 being 'the boy from france', he would meet new people and act like he doesn't know korean so he says, "bonjour, je m'appelle pierre aussi bang taewon, comment ca va?" (hello, my name is pierre also bang taewon, how are you?) he'd throw in some french sentences from time to time to confuse people or to impress the females
 isn't a huge fan of committment with females because of seeing many failed relationships around him
 is said to be good at basketball and swim (but he purposely acts like he because he doesn't wanna show off)
 he's a good student academically, average B - but his weakest subject is math
 plays the guitar & saxophone
 music taste: r&b, hip-hop, alternative rock, classical (this helps him focus on homework)
 most of the the crap taewon says when he opens his mouth is either dumb or the most coldest and sarcastic remark ever
 usually when taewon hears people talking on him, he's usually the first confront them and it usually ends in him almost getting a fight (thank the lord for his best friends holding him back)
 loves coffee too much he consumes it down as if it was water
 taewon often gets in trouble with the coach for being late or not showing up to practice, but won't kick him off or take away his captain title because he's the best player
 usually he insults his friends all the time but everyone knows that's his way of saying "i love you guys"


Baek Hyunjoo | best friend - #wedontseemlikebesties

baek hyunjoo, one of the first girls that talked to taewon when he first started highschool. taewon at first just thought she was the most annoying girl, she was "too materialistic" in his opinion about her. so he'd wave her off or just reply to her in flat out french, acting like he had know knowledge of korean. they started talking when he was at the cafe after practice just chilling there alone. hyunjoo happened to be there, but he ignored her existence until she walked by and on accident (like seriously on accident), her bag knocked over his drink. she turned around and panicked and apologized quickly. annoyed, he ignored her and got up to order another drink. she had come over to keep apologizing and right before the cashier took taewon's money, she took it and paid it with her money. "thanks." he told her and walked back to his seat. she followed him and tried to talk to him. "french kid!! I don't know your name... isn't bang taewon? i'm really sorry." he shrugged and continued scrolling on his phone. upset, hyunjoo left. they didn't start becoming friends until her twin brother (who was his friend), came over and nagged taewon about being kinder to his sister and etc. so after the next few days, taewon decided to apologize and talk to her more often just so her twin brother wouldn't kill him. but overtime, the two became super close. their relationship as friends consisted of them insulting each other and making jokes all the time. and at times, hyunjoo would be taewon's shoulder to cry on. 

"yah, hyunjoo-ah! stop eating my ing fries! I just bought you fries right in front of you!" taewon clenched his jaw. 

"I just helped you pass your math test! don't give me an attitude, taewon." hyunjoo glared at him.
"i just helped you pass your math test," taewon mocked. "if it wasn't for your brother, i would have thrown you out the window by now." 

"if it wasn't for my brother, i would have done the same." she rolled her eyes.

Hyunjoo's Twin Bro | best friends - #alittletoocomfortable 

baek hyunjoo's twin brother and taewon get along a little too well. though the two tend to have useless arguments about uselss topics that they think makes sense too each other (and only each other). they met when taewon came to the school and talked to the coach about their sport program. the head coach at hyunjoo's brother explain how everything works to taewon. because the two weren't in season yet for both their sports, they'd usually find interest in going to watch other sports practice, like basketball, swim, etc. the two have a relationship where they do everything together, almost every other week they'd be at each others house chilling and sleeping over, talking about girls - doing things boys do.

"i'm gonna go shower dude, be right back." taewon said as he opened his closet to get a towel.
"im gonna sit on the toilet while you shower, you shower too long so i get bored." hyunjoo's brother replied, getting up from the bed.
"ok ok, just don't pull open the curtains on me like last time." taewon warned. 

Jiang Kun | co-captain - #angelonhisshoulder

jiang kun is the soccer team's co-captain. he's very easy-going yet strict on the field. they're usually together always studying or practicing for the game together. he's the second best player on the team. as well as arrogant and cocky a bit like taewon, the two best players refuse to practice with anyone else but each other. however, he's quite the dork and makes actual good jokes (unlike taewon who's jokes waaay too much ). kun usually is seen as the opposite of taewon even though he does carry some traits like him. he's more of a bigger social butterfly and more bubbly. kun is usually the one who gives him advices about females and other necessary advices that taewon might need because he's very irrational. kun usually is one of the first people to break up a fight taewon gets into.  


"taewon, i feel like you need to think this through..." Kun mumbled.

"why can't we kick him off??" taewon grumbled. "he doesn't deserve to be on the damn team." 
"I'm so ready to kick you, you donkey ." Taewon threw his dirty towel at Kun's face. 
"Okay, kick me off - then who's gonna be there to save your when you get in trouble, hmm??" Kun grinned brightly. 


LET ME HOLD YOUR HAND        ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ          ㅤㅤㅤㅤX

"im usually not like this... but you.. you're a blossom to me."

LOVE INTEREST NAME  baek hyunjoo
BACK-UP LOVE INT  another applicant ?? or min yaemoo (oc)

AGE 18

BIRTHDATE january 15 1998

FACECLAIM twice's dahyun & backup : bae joohyun (irene) ; red velvet

RELATIONSHIP STATUS the two are currently just best friends and if anything, hyunjoo doesn't think that taewon has a thing for her because of his playboy like life and his fear for committment. 

ABOUT  hyunjoo's basically the queen of the school, she's very loyal and loves her friends with all her heart. she cares for them a lot and is usually there for them. she has a soft spot for anyone who respects her however, she sounds very perfect doesn't she? although she has some insecurities. and could be a bit bossy sometimes (which waver off as rude to some people). she's not the most perfect girl ever, but is kind. after her leg injury, her self-esteem dropped just a bit, just fearing she's not in the spotlight anymore.  
HISTORY the two met on the first day of school, hyunjoo had been the first person to approach and talk to him but like usual, towards strangers, he ignored her and put on a cold exterior. the reason they started becoming friends was due to hyunjoo's twin brother, threatening him to be kind to his sister. because taewon treasured his friendship with hyunjoo's brother, he forgave her after the coffee spill accident (which i accidentally explained in the friends area). from there they became close friends,  although, at first taewon was pretending to like hyunjoo for the sake of his friendship with her brother but overtime, he began to like her more and more and the two became best friends.
THE STORY  usually at school, or when they're over at each other's house, they treat each other like enemies. throwing insults at each other back and forth and arguing back and forth.


"TAEWON, STOP USING MY BATHROOM TO PEE IN!" she stormed into her brother's room, screming at Taewon. 
"Wow, blame me already won't you? what a ." he crossed his arms. "what if it was your dad or brother." 
"My brother doesn't pee all over the bowl - " 

"Haha, sorry sis, Taewon didn't pee. I did." her brother interruppted. 


Taewon's never been a fan of relationships (like stated 500x now im sorry), but when he would be with Hyunjoo, even with all the insults and arguments, there'd be occasional laughters and jokes and he feels his best around her. taewon is his true self around her, not the cold, soccer captain - but the dork with stupid jokes no one wants to hear. At times, it'd just be the two of them going out to get something to eat. He'd just watch her get so happy looking at the food display in the cafe. 


"Taewon-ah, look! they added a new flavor of macarons, caramel apple!" she grinned brightly at him. "How do you think they'd taste??" 

he was mesmerized in her smile for some time before he snapped out of it and said, "You're so dumb, those aren't macarons, they're like cookies." he rolled his eyes. sometimes he'd think about actually dating her and how great it'd be. but then he remembers, she has feelings for the baseball team's captain. 


in the summer event, he'd tries to be less of a and become kinder around her and hang out around with her little more, every moment with her was happiness to him.


"Taewon, why are you being like this?" she asked, while laughing. 

"W-what do you mean?" he stuttered.
"You're being too nice, you'd never compliment me and you'd never help me out with anything. In fact, remember when you had us come over to clean your house and you threw the dirty towel at me??" 

"Yah!" he shouted. "I-it's summer, who wants to be a , it's too much work to be an ." he looked down at the ground. Then he picked up an empty water bottle on the ground and threw it at her shoulder. "Bye," he huffed and walked away.

"BANG TAEWON, STOP THROWING THINGS AT ME!" she shouted as he walked further. "Pierre!!" she screamed. 


Taewon's opinion, no one else called his english name like the way she did. Whenever she said Pierre, her voice was like milk and honey. He turned around to face her, "Stop calling me, Pierre - no in fact, you lost the privilege to call me Pierre." and walked away. 


"I didnt' even do anything." she frowned. the only reason he's acting like this towards her is because he's just been starting to like her and is in a stage of denial that he actually likes a person. 

ENDING  by the end of the summer, they began dating. but possibly in the middle of the summer event he accidentally admits to her, he likes her and she friendzones him but by the end of the summer they both end up dating.

 Jungdongpark · blue · 10 ❞

READY TO PARTY?             ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ          ㅤㅤㅤㅤX

"soo do you like milk? becuase i don't."

COMMENTS  i had fun fun fun filling this whole app out! hopefully you like taewon, im sorry if some areas are long ;-; i didn't know hyunjoo's twin brother's name who to put, so i just put 'her brother' and etc, i'm sorry ))-: and i'm sorry if theres any mistakes


  • love triangle between junghankyung - hyunjoo - taewon ??
  • taewon does get into a fight for whatever stupid reason and this time Kun doesn't even stop him

PASSWORD narcissus - sm station (heechul x jungmo x mamamoo's wheein) [osfwoejbwsb i have so many favorite songs atm]


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