❬ we live together ❭ — ❝ huang yen | the elegant model

Huang yen
(jungdongpark / blue / 10 / イッカク。 )
little star
( full name ) : huang lila yen
( nicknames )
• Lila / her english name / anyone she knows
• vivian kan / her stage name / when she goes on interviews, she uses this name or when she's out modeling or within the vicinity  filled with elites
( gender ) : female
( dob / age ) : 31 • 05 • 1988 (28 y/o)
( birthplace ) : paris, france
( hometown ) : bordeux, france
( ethnicity ) : korean-chinese
( languages )
• french / born & raised in france / native tongue
• mandarin / her parents had her take classes and learn so that she wouldn't forget her own culture / fluent
• korean / same reason as mandarin, she ends up living in korea for a few years, creating her korean only to get better / fluent
• english / foreign language class she took during her school years for like three years but has forgotten quite a bit / conversational
rock ur body
( fc )angelababy
( backup fc ) :yang mi
( height ) : 174.5
( weight ) : 48 kg

( appearance )
↳ has a lotus flower tattoo at the base of the back of her neck
  ↳ on her right forearm, it's a tattoo of her grandpa's name in french "
grand-père xiao"
( style ) : yen makes everyday a runway for herself (i guess it's just a model instinct) she likes to look her best everyday and give the best impression ever. she doesn't like dressing down and rarely does, but when she does get lazy and considers dressing down, she pulls of that simple sporty look. on rainy days she loves to wear bright colors to stand out. she's cautious about what she wears, not like whether or not she's showing skin, etc bc she doesn't care, but she's cautious towards whether it'll make her feel good about herself or not. if it doesn't, and she's already left the house, she'll regret it and complain about it all day and be upset.
don't hate me
( personality traits ) :
+ |
humorous, independent, considerate, bubbly, selfless
= | confident, open-minded, carefree
- | short-tempered, erted, impatient, irrational, sarcastic

( elaboration ) : Yen's personality is quite all over the place sometimes and it may seem like her personality would match her face, however, it doesn't. luckily. she's the most funniest person ever (funny as in lame jokes and laughs at it by herself & people laugh at her laughing rather than her jokes) even though her jokes so much, the fact that it and she's trying makes me people laugh. however, the girl is quite erted. along with her jokes, at any chance she gets, she'll throw in a erted joke here and there, anything anyone says she can just make it into a weird, nasty joke. yen is pretty considerate and selfless, she tends to put people before herself and always puts people's happiness before hers.

even though the girl can seem like a jokester, this part of the personality you could say definitely would match her face. she's like a ticking time bomb and anything could set her off. she gets angered real easily and once she's angered - sorry dude, you're stuck with satan all day (or at least a few minutes or hours - depending on how badly you pissed her off) she's very very impatient and she likes to get things done quickly and fast and hates waiting around. she's quite irrational too, most of the things she does aren't very rational, especially when she's angry. in her head, they seem rational at the moment, even if others say they aren't - she ignores it. she has a very sarcastic tone whenever she talks so no one could really tell whether or not she's kidding, but most likely she's sarcastic 76% of the time.

like )
coffee | she drinks it all the time as if it was basically water, she doesn't really care that it's unhealthy for you
apples | she just feels cool when eating an apple
skinship | being the huge ert she is, she loves going around and touching peoples butts or like just rubbing their arms awkwardly and staring at them until their uncomfortable or just randomly hugging someone
guitar & saxophone | instruments she learned to play through her years growing
criminal shows | she loves the thrilling feel of seeing who gets killed or the anger in the cliffhanger
dislike )
spiders & insects | when younger, her friends would chase her around with fake toy spiders and insects and she was scared and slipped and hit her head on the ground, just from there she hated them
sleeping in the dark | she needs at least one or two night lights in her room at night to be able to sleep comfortably or at least the door open
dogs | visiting her aunt in america one time, her aunt's dogs chased her around and bit her ankle and she disliked dogs since that incident
when people don't take her seriously | she could actually be a serious person, but because of her sarcastic tone, who could really tell, ya know?
milk | she's allergic to milk 
winds | she hates the winds, like absolutely hates it, it could ruin her day in an instant, she hates that it could be 90 degrees outside but with the wind blowing it becomes 84 degrees and slightly cold
hobbies )
• she enjoys writing short stories or poems 
• learning how to cook new types of food
• playing her saxophone or guitar whenever she isn't busy 

habits )
• she scrunches her hands whenever she's nervous or scared
• she tends to sleepwalk at night and go into someone else's room and sleep with them
• she has a bad habit of cursing and could usually curse up a storm and when she does, she curses in french
• every morning she wakes up, she lights an inscence and prays because she's buddhist
• bedtime everynight is 3 am and wakes up at 7am or earlier
• before bed every night she watches at least two episodes of her favorite drama on her phone
• tends to just go up to her friends and pat their butts and walk away or hug them from the side and just smile at them in a creepy way
• start here!

( trivia )
• left-handed
• has a pet cat named mao-mao
• eats about 5 large red apples a day
• when she's drunk she just starts laughing at everything and talks to the chair or wall
• the girl loves arguing about topics that you aren't supposed to talk about, like politics. it's only because she loves a good argument
• her line: "i'm gonna punch you in the face" is her own way of saying i love you
• she's the definition of clumsy, she has very weak ankles and trips at times over herself when she's walking
• when she meets new people in china or korea, she tends to act like she doesn't know the language and say, "bonjour! je m'appelle huang yen, comment ca va?" (hello my name is huang yen, how are you?) then she goes bonkers and speaks french like a madman just to confuse people
• she loves to go out shopping - but for other people. she has this love for doing favors for people
• her grandpa was a huge influence on her life as to the reason why she started modeling
• sometimes she laughs at inappropriate times just because her mind wonders off and she thinks of something weird and laughs

still by your side
( background ) : huang lila yen was born on may 31, 1988 in paris, france. she was the last and only girl in the family. being that way, her family adored her so much because she was the only girl, but never grew up a brat. in bordeux, during her school years, she always gored over fashion magazines and had a huge love for the models. she was always the type who was into the media and being up to date on the lastest things about celebrities. she was inspired to become a model one day, as she told her friends at school, they'd make fun of her saying not many asians could even be models. and that had upset her, they'd bully her about how she couldn't look like one of the models she spotted in the magazines. 
she'd cry to her grandpa everyday about her getting bullied for her looks, but her grandpa always encouraged her to keep learning about fashion and watching it, etc. though her parents would have rather her focus on her studies, they opposed her 'fantasy' idea of being a model. so her grandpa would take her secretly out and take her to beauty pagaents and model agencies for auditions when she was around 11, just to give her some practice for fun. when she was 12, she had been signed up to be a model for kids' clothing line. her parents eventually found out, but couldn't stop it because they saw how happy it made yen and her grandpa. as she grew, she began to model for more clothing lines.
when her grandpa reached almost 76-77, he decided to go back to china and live to spend his last few years back at his motherland. even though yen was about 16-17 at the time, she made the decision to move with him to china and continue her studies there as well as work, expanding her career. over the course of five years living and working and caring for her grandpa happily, she was 21 when she able to walk her first runway show, she had been invited by Marc jacobs to model, she finally made it big she thought. her grandpa had promised to have been there night to see his granddaughter on the runway. but after the fashion show, she realized her grandpa wasn't there until she received a phone call from her older brother that he had passed away and had been in a car accident on the way and no one told her during the show because they didn't want her to be distracted. it absolutely ruined her, she stopped modeling for a year because of that incident and moved to korea to study instead. someone eventually scouted her at the university she was attending and asked if she'd like to audition for modeling. she thought back to her grandpa and decided to do it again just for her grandpa, the main reason why she got into it in the first place.
she was signed and within two years, she became one of the most popular models in Asia. yen loves making new friends, so when she was scrolling through the internet and saw SBS having a new show come out, she thought it'd be a perfect time to meet new people and make friends, since she saw the same old people at her apartment, her roommate, and the same people at her company, the same old models, etc. so she decided to call up her manager asking if he could manage getting her a spot on the show and she also thought that this was a perfect chance to get herself recgonized even more. 
family ) : 
father | huang minghan | 62 | quiet, short-tempered, grumpy | the father and daughter are rarely ever seen talking together. they did, up until yen was 18. their personalities are almost quiet similar, only her father's on the more negative side. the two usually have different opinions on everything and when they talk, they fight - so it's rare they talk
mother | joo jungyeon | 60 | outgoing, kind, bubbly | whenever the two talk it's like the two are best friends, but that's whenever yen isn't busy. yen is usually most the times, so they talk to each other once a week or every two weeks. but when they finally get to catch up, the mother and daughter have a great relationship.
older brother | huang pierre | 36 | arrogant, dork, loud | the two had a huge gap, so it was awkward hanging out when they were kids, but as she grew up and became more mature, they socialized more
friends ) : copy and paste the format below if this is not enough
best friend | kim woo bin | 26 | cocky, dork, energetic | even though, woo bin is younger, he feels like an older brother to yen (probably bc of his height) but they care for each other like siblings and he's usually her shoulder to cry on when she's stressing or needs to vent or rant
best friend | go ara | 26 | bubbly, intelligent, witty | yen always considered herself a rookie no matter how long she's been in the industry and she looks up to ara a lot. even if she's older than her. the two are food buddies, movie buddies, shopping buddies, do everything together buddies especially going out to the bar at night and see who can get drunk the fastest
i'm the best
( stage name ) : vivian kan
position ) : n/a
catchphrase ) : "bonjour! i'm vivian kan - you're little eurasian buddy!" (says bonjour in french, and the name introduction in korean or mandarin + she calls herself eurasian  bc she considers herself a part of both world)
group + label ) : ESteem model (korea) _ UCSmodels (china)
newest activity/schedule ) : she recently modeled in the Seoul fashion week '16, and is to do a covershoot for Vogue and cosmopolitan 
  • her marc jacobs fashion back when she was 21, set her career off even if she took a year off
  • a few cameos for chinese dramas
love is not over
( love interest ) : n/a
( backup ) : n/a
( gender ) : n/a
( personality ) : n/a
( meeting ) : n/a
( interactions ) : n/a
( relationship ) : n/a
to the light
( comments ) : i had so much applying for this and i'm sorry if in some areas it was waaay too long )): but hopefully you like my character!
( scene suggestions ) : whatever you feel like writing author-nim (':
( password ) : there is no password
( turn-in ) — ( cheat sheet )


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