❤︎ LAUV    —   DJ YOO

Yoo narA

jey-chan — jey — 7/10

Welcome to my  world

nameYoo Nara


Lioness | Her co-members | Nara is a very difficult person and because she has that very specific outer appearance wich makes it look as if she could jump at people and kill them (and because she actually could...) and because she can yell at people like crazy, her co-members call her the lioness

Vitamin C | Some other rookies & trainees | Within Jellyfish and even outside, it is rumoured that Nara just got into Jellyfish because of her connections

Kittycat | The manager | Because he thinks he can tame her and her temper

Eureka | Zico (Woo JiHo) | Find out about it in the Love Interest section

Lauvly | Ravi (Kim Wonsik) | He thinks he can see through her and that's why he calls her like this, trying to appeal to her cute side

The Viper | By Jellyfish Ent staff | They know about her personality but are scared to do anything against it because they know she has some influential people strengthening her back none of Jellyfish wants to mess with

Ham | By her siblings | They call themselve a sandwich, Junsun and YooA being the bread while Nara is the ham in between. She hates the name, though.

Yoo | By Secret Society Squad | Shortform for her Artist name DJ Yoo.

birthday & age 14th February,  1994

birthplace & hometown Seoul, South Korea

ethnicity Korean


Korean | Fluent | Native Speaker

English | Basic | Learnt in School

face claim  Lee Ho Jung | x

backup — Jeong Eugene | x




rock ur body


Nara is around 165cm tall, weights 49kgs and is gifted with a curvy body. Even though she doesn't really care about her style and most of the time wears casual clothes, she never looks shabby. She has that certain sense of fashion that wouldn't let her ever look bad. However, she suffers of very strong 'Resting Face Syndrome' which makes her look like an arrogant, even cold and aggressive person at some points. In fact Nara can be pretty cute. Can. That doesn't mean she usually is. She has several tattoos, like "Eureka" on her hips and a heart locker on her wrist to which Jiho has the matching key tattoo. Nara uses a lot of make-up, she hates being bare faced.

personality TRAITS

° [ + ] passionate dedicated virtuoso protective | ELOQUENT

° [ = competetive intelligent | sassy persistent tough 

° [ - ] SARCASTIC self-centered | anxious | resentful | jealous


COLD AS ICE, SWEET LIKE ICE CREAM. Ever heard of the saying 'Don't judge a book by its cover'? People should consider that more often when meeting Nara. Nara originally was a pretty cute and lively girl but judgmental people ruined her completely to the extent that she built a giant wall of ice around herself that is scaring most of the people trying to approach her. Like the Sleeping Beauty she sits in her tower, looking down on others waiting for a certain someone to manage get through to her. Most of the time she avoids talking to strangers, her interest basically directed on herself or people she is already close with instead. That's mainly to protect herself as she does not want to care about others' opinion about her. However, if they feel the need to express it towards her, she can get very, very salty and she will block any attempt to talk to her with sarcasm and cynicism except for if you managed to catch her off guard or grab her attention. If that is the case, she can be a very cool and even sweet person. Especially when you share the same interests. You shouldn't get her mad at you, though. She is extremely resentful and will kick your royal style if you mess with her.


I HATE LOSING...YOU. Her weak point is possibly her fear of losing people that she grew attached to. She can be kinda clingy, getting all possessive over people she loves and since she suffers some severe trust issues she has a self-destructive way of sabotaging her own relationships, either being shown in her thinking that others just want to harm her or people cheating on her. Knowing that this is troublesome not only to her but also to others she doesn't put herself a lot into the center of attention and instead stays in the background, seemingly all cool and to some point pretty arrogant. Wonder what she does when she grew attached to someone a looooooot? She will be overly protective then. That's how she feels towards her group. Even though she is more distant to some of the other members, she wouldn't let anyone harm them. She'd protect her group until the bitter end.


LET ME TEASE YOU, BABY. If you ever make it into her heart, expect some cuddly person who loves to hold hands and who would never stop teasing you. Nara can be kinda mean with her honesty, truth be told, but if she likes you, she is just teasing you, believe me. And she can tease you in several funny ways that will not only make you but also others laugh. If you back, she can get all pouty and girly, even give you a slight slap but then laugh it away again. See? She's not that bad of a person. Because out of a lot of cold ice you can still make some delicious Bingsu.




❤︎ Pizza & Pasta

❤︎ Chocolate

❤︎ Marvel

❤︎ Hip-Hop & R'n'B

❤︎ Strawberries

❤︎ Fastfood

❤︎ Sneakers & Leather Jackets

❤︎ Candies

❤︎ Seals

❤︎ Partys & Clubbing



❤︎ Red Beans

❤︎ Bugs

❤︎ Cigarettes

❤︎ Playboys

❤︎ The open sea (because she is scared...of fishes...big fishes...you know what I mean?)

❤︎ Airplanes 

❤︎ Superficiality

❤︎ Racism

❤︎ Noisy, annoying people

❤︎ Taking the bus in Seoul...that's like taking a ride on a rollercoaster



❤︎ "No, she didn't!" and "Whatever Karma!" are her favorite sentences

❤︎ Queen of Death Stares

❤︎ She cannot eat properly and drops food the whole time or spreads it around .

❤︎ She goes crazy when dancing in clubs (if she's not DJing)

❤︎ She's bad at texting (even though she uses a lot of emojis, she often seems not interested)

❤︎ Funny habbit of commenting on others with soundeffects

❤︎ Touches her s when talking about them

❤︎ Phone Addict (even dropped it into the toilet once... yeah...what would you do in that situation?)

❤︎ Sometimes she thinks so long about giving answers that others go on talking, thinking that she's not agreeing with what they said, trying to talk their way out of it

❤︎ She raps in the shower

❤︎ Can let her eyebrows dance (Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle~)

❤︎ She can do beatboxing

❤︎ Hates aegyo but does it a lot to Jiho because she knows he likes it

❤︎ Her family has the tradition of wearing Family rings. Her father is wearing it on the pointing finger, her mother on the middle finger, her brother on his ring finger and her sister on her pinky. Nara wears it at her left thumb.



stage name —  DJ Yoo

Persona — The Lion Queen

Position — Lead Rapper, Vocalist

BACKUP(S)  — Leader + Main Rapper

singing talent twin yayesther

dancing talent twin — SONAMOO D.Ana

rapping talent twin — yayesther

talking TWIN — yayesther





Trainee years— 1 Year

Trainee life

After getting into Jellyfish Nara had a pretty tough time. Being all the time compared to her siblings by instructors and coaches, she had also to witness how other trainees were turning their back on her because they knew that she did not enter the entertainment by being scouted or auditioning but because of influential friends. Nonetheless she managed to make some friends she grew close with and who she is often teasing and teased by. One of them is Erica who always  cracks jokes about Nara dating multiple rappers because Nara never tells her who of them she really is dating, she just gives her teasing hints.


pre debut experiences 

2008 | Auditioned for several entertainments

2010 | Dancer at 1million

2012 | Started working as DJ for Hip Hop Artists/ Don Mills' and Vasco's mentee



Sometime after debut | Caught partying/ drunk with other idols/rappers

Sometime after debut | Caught on a 'date' with G-Dragon

Sometime after debut | Dating rumours with Ravi

Sometime after debut | Caught on a date(!) with Zico




I'm a born hater


I'M SORRY - NO, I'M NOT SORRY. Nara was born as the second child of the Yoo family, being sandwiched in between her brother Junsun and her sister ShiA who both are famous in Korea. Junsun because he is a dance instructor and choreographer at 1Million Dance Studio while ShiA debutes as YooA in the girlgroup Oh My Girl. Nara had to witness how her family was all happy - with her being left out alone. Junsun and Yooa got all the attention of their parents and they loved each other dearly, too. Indeed Nara had a lot of potential, too but her looks always blocked her way being just too 'cold' and arrogant. Next to Junsun and Yooa Nara felt like an ugly duckling and she grew especially envious towards her little sister because as the maknae she is preferred a lot. When Yooa was accepted at WM Entertainment, Nara tried too but got rejected. When Junsun started working as a dance instructor, Nara tried too but couldn't compete with the other dancers. In the end she tried to be a rapper, not being accepted in the community at first but working her way up as a DJ and step by step gaining some recognition.


BOYS AND GIRLS. Knowing how Nara started you might wonder how she got into Jellyfish Ent, right? It was a long and hard way, that's for sure and without the right connections she wouldn't have gotten into it. Nara started as a DJ when she turned 18, being only recognized because she was pestering Vasco at Secret Society when a friend took her with her to the club and he was willing to give her a chance. Through Vasco Nara got to know a lot of important people in the Korean Hip Hop industry. Vasco first introduced her to Don Mills, the probably most important person she met during her career next to Jiho. He made it possible for her to work with a lot of people in the Korean Hip Hop business. One of these people was for example Kwon Jiyong aka G-Dragon who she became friends with and who tried to encourage her to follow the path of a K-Pop idol, seeing way too much potential in her than just being a simple DJ. The person who lastly helped her gaining recognition and getting into an entertainment such as Jellyfish was Jiho who she later got to know and who, through the right connections, made it possible for her to pursue the path of an idol.


SO CLOSE BUT SO FAR. After joining Jellyfish Ent Nara thought she was finally a step closer to get some recognition of her friends and family. However, her friends such as Jiyong were too busy with their own careers to fully give her the attention she needed and her family didn't give her the attention she wanted. Her parents kind of felt like their daughter joining an entertainment after the youngest was already famous, was nothing special anymore and even Junsun who always advertised YooA's comebacks didn't tell anyone about it. The only ones being there for her were her  group and Jiho, who she grew especially attached to.





Yoo Junsun | Brother | 25

Personality: 1million choreographer and instructor Junsun is a real sunshine boy, being kindhearted and actually very cute outside of the dancing room. Even though he seems like a overly charismatic and maybe even outgoing beast on the dance floor, he can get very shy and is just like the neighbour's boy - just more skilled. He makes a lot of random soundeffects and listens to everyone who asks for advise. He's a family person and he has especially a thnig for the family's maknae.


Interactions: Junsun just finished his most recent choreography during his Thursday class at the 1million studio, sitting outside on the balcony with some of his students who were telling him about some foreign choreographers they just started to follow when his phone was suddenly ringing. "What's up, Nara?", he answered the phone, his younger sister not answering in the beginning but instead clearing to show him she was really on the other end of the connection. "Hey...I just...wanted to tell you...I am in the newest Zico M-", "JUNSUN-SSAEM!!!!" One of the girls from the entrance desk was interupting the phone call, demanding for his help. "Hey Nara, I have to call you back. There is something urgent...!" When he hung up like this, Nara felt more than frustrated. This had been the perfect chance to finally get some recognition of her elder brother. Junsun, the die- hard Zico fan... she wanted to witness his reaction when he got to know but he just cut her off like this. She understood that his work was important but at the same time she was pretty sure, he wouldn't have cut off YooA like this. And this made her seriously mad.




Yoo Shia aka YooA | Sister | 21

Personality: YooA is a cute little cinamonroll, used to be loved by everyone and also loving everyone back. She is kind and gentle, whereas a little spoiled by all of the love she gets. Like Junsun she is a family person who spent a lot of time with her parents and siblings before getting signed under WM Ent.


Interactions: Nara knew that her younger sister was back in the house when she heard their mother squealing in excitement about how pretty the aknae had become. Yeah, YooA was a goddess. But Nara didn't feel like praising her sibling like the rest of the family, it made her feel like complete loser. It was okay that her older brother became kind of famous before her. But YooA having become more succesfull than her sister was something that Nara couldn't get along with too well. Still, her sister didn't know and so she was sneaking into the middle child's room like always, surprising Nara with her sudden appearance. "Unniiiiiiie~!", YooA used all of her aegyo skills to great her sister. "Long time no see~!" Nara just slightly smiled at her, when she turned around to great her back. "How is music going? I heard you became a DJ~", the maknae cooed and moved over to Nara's desk. "And that you have a lot of new rapper friends...say unnie, can you teach me rapping? I learned dancing from Junsun-oppa, I also want to learn something from you~!" Again Nara replied with a slight smile. How could she reject her sister's plea...? Was there even a chance...? Probably not.




Kwon Jiyong aka G-Dragon | Best Friends | 28

Personality: Jiyong is the kind of person your parents have warned you from your entire life. He is playful and fun to be with, being honest to the core and not putting an effort in hiding whenever he really dislikes someone. He likes to hang out with his friends and rather takes them out to party than spending a day calmly. However, when it comes to work he is very dedicated.


How they met: The two troublemakers met each other when Nara worked as a DJ at the Ultra Festival in Seoul for the first time. Jiyong like the way she arranged music and therefore approached her. Eventually they started seeing each other, never dating officially, though. Jiyong rather considered Nara as a close friend or sister and instead started dating Kiko Mizuhara, leaving Nara brokenhearted and without trust for males anymore in the future. He's the reason why she is overly sensitive and anxious when it comes to possible losses and why she is very cold and distant towards others. Anyhow, the two stayed friends with Nara telling herself that she might have misinterpreted Jiyong's feelings. Jiyong tried to get Nara into YG but YG refused since she was already too old and he couldn't promise to debut her.


Interactions: Everyone grew death silent when that person, who seemed more like a ghost or an imagination thn an actual human being, set foot on the recording set. The only one who didn't seem as shocked was Nara who frowned at her friend. "What are you doing here? This is embarassing...", Nara complained and walked towards him to shove him away. "What? This is your debute recording! Of course I came to cheer on you! And bribe the others a little!", he told her and was tempted to ruffle through her hair, only suppressing the urge to do so because he knew how long the stylist must have taken to tame Nara's hair. Nara on the other hand was more than alarmed having Jiyong around right now. If he showed up it meant that someone else would also show up soon... "Hey, everyone!" And of course he did. It didn't even take him 5 minutes after Jiyong showed up to cause even more commotion. Jiho was walking straight through the set as if he was the director, his steps getting slower however when he noticed Jiyong having shown up first. "What are you doing here?", Jiyong blurted out first. "That's exactly what I was about to ask...", Jiho muttered. "I'm here to support my girl.", Jiho then answered and in the very next momet Jiyong pulled Nara closer to himself. "Oh yeah? Who is it? This girl is mine, after all." Nara looked at Jiyong with a dropped open mouth. She knew that he didn't like Jiho at all because he didn't like how he was treating her but going this far? "Stop this! Both of you! Leave! I am BUSY!!!" Didn't they know how much they were offering to everyone on the set to gossip later about her?!



Consisting of several rappers regularly hanging out at rapper Vasco's underground club 'Secret Society'.

Mainly Vasco, Don Mills, Black Nut, Beenzino, Giriboy and Bewhy who spent their time with Nara in 'Secret Society' and got to know her because she worked as DJ for them on several  occassions. They are like a little family to her.


 Interactions: "Hey Yoo, I heard you started 

 seeing Zico." Daddy- like Vasco was grinning at Nara,

 having noticed how Jiho had been watching her the whole night when Don brought him with him to Secret Society the last time. "Who did you hear that from?", Nara asked, almost jumping up from her seat. "Not me!", Giriboy immediately answered, afraid that Nara would hit him, thinking it was him. Beenzino and Black Nut where both laughing like two older brothers while Bewhy just sighed and rolled his eyes. "Don of course... you should be careful, though. Don't make Don regret hooking you two up with each other...", "He didn't-!", Nara tried to defend herself. "Gurl, if he introduces you two to each other and then takes him with him to this place and you start meeting...what else is this?", Beenzino commented and shook his head.



Kim Wonsik aka Ravi | Friends | 23

Personality: Wonsik is an upbeat and humorful person. He cares a lot for others and has a habbit of falling asleep anywhere. Since he is a dedicated rapper, he admires Nara and her friends a lot, trying to approach her in the beginning to possibly get to know some of her rapper friends.


How they met: They first met officially once Nara was signed under Jellyfish, but Wonsik knew her before, having her seen on several Hip Hop Festivals accompanying Rappers as DJ often. In the beginning he thought she was extremely cold but after a while he was able to see through her mask (at least he believes he does) and grew attached to her. He often asks her to be his DJ when rapping, not knowing how he his hurting her by asking for that favor, not considering her as a proper rapper but only a DJ.


Interactions: Early, just too early in the morning, Wonsik was already in the new quarter of the Jellyfish musicians, ready to start training alone as he was feeling left behind a bit after falling sick the past week. He just entered the building when he noticed someone entering the elevator before him. He wanted to join Nara but instead waited, remaining all unnoticed by her. When he arrived up in the office, Nara was already practicing in the trainee's rehearsal room. Wonsik remained in front of the slightly opened door, watching her for a while before he left the building again to buy some breakfast for her. When he came back with some fresh bread rolls from Paris Baguette and some coffee, Nara wasn't alone anymore. Some of the other trainees had joined up with her, making it impossible for Wonshik to hand her the breakfast now. A bit frustrated he went back to the VIXX rehearsal room and stored the breakfast he had bought for Nara there, knowing that he would have to defend it at least from Jaehwan who could hide in a closet with it if he didn't pay proper attention.

Once it was lunch time, Wonsik grabbed the paper bag and made his way to the rehearsal room where Nara was left behind without the others - as expected. Since the girl avoided spending too much time with the others, she rather stayed in the practice room, eating all by herself a cup of ramyeon or similar. "Don't even think of eating that again...!", Wonshik stopped her from opening a cup of Shin ramyeon. "I brought you food - just in case." Nara's surprised expression let her cold mask crumble a little. "You know you don't need to do that...", she muttered. "Come one, just eat it. I know that you must be sick of eating ramyeon all by yourself." The rapper moved into the middle of the room, starting to unpack the bread roles, starting to eat one himself so Nara would just join him. She hesitantly watched him but then also grabbed one of the breads and started eating it. "Thank you, Sunbae...", she mumbled. Sunbae... Wonsik felt jealous. Jealous of Jiho and Jiyong, the only two guys Nara had ever called Oppa. He would have given a lot to be called Oppa by her as well...



Jang Kiyong | Manager | 29

Personality: Known as 'Manager Handsome' he used to be adored and admired by a lot of the Jellyfish trainees. He was assigned to manage LAUV after scouting Nara, the company thinking of her as a big profit in the first place because of her famous siblings and influential connections. Kiyong is a hard - working guy who knows exactly what he wants. He can be too determined, though. Because he knows that he is handsome, he can be kinda arrogant and to the girls, he is very strict. He wants to succeed and doesn't doubt his skills at all. In fact, he thinks he can achieve anything he longs for.


How they met: It was Jiho who briefly got to know Kiyong and informed him about Nara. Jiho back then believed that Kiyong would only want to help Nara and that it would be a profit for both, the manager and the girl. After Eureka was released, Jiho introduced Nara and Kiyong to each other and things were taking their turn from that day on. Due to that Kiyong kinda knows what is going on between Jiho and Nara.


Interactions: Another exhausting practice was over, the girls all covered in sweat, ready to get home, take a shower and then fall into their beds. They were completely out of breath when Kiyong entered the room, browsing among the LAUV members. "You seem to need some more condition.", he commented. "Yah... you go dance the whole day!", the leader huffed. Kiyong just gave her a short glance before he handed out the individual schedules for each of the girl. "Don't miss any of the appointments. You'll debut soon. And now go back to the dormitory and rest well." As the girls all left the room, Nara was still busy reading the schedule...one specific day and appointment worrying her a lot. There was a solo photoshoot set on the only day Jiho would be free to meet her. "Manager Jang...", Nara adressed Kiyong and stepped forwards. He was still waiting, sensing Nara to have a problem with the schedule. "Why do I have to take a solo shoot? Can't I take it with the others?" Kiyong tilted is head and flicked his tongue. "First of all, Kittycat...", he started. The nickname caused Nara a cold shiver running down her back. Kiyong turned really weird when the two of them were alone. He usually ignored Nara when the others were around. "...you know you can call  me oppa by now. Second, the shoot is necessary because of the teasers and your schedule doesn't match with the other girls' schedules." His answer wasn't satisfying her at all. "Then just make it matching...isn't that your job?", Nara asked upset and salty.  The moment Nara wanted to hand him over the papers, Kiyong's hand suddenly grabbed her wrist und pulled her closer to himself. "Are you like that because of him? You know what I think about that." Nara scowled at the manager, more than discontent. "I don't care what you think about him.", she hissed through gritted teeth and freed herself of him to leave. "Work comes first!", Kiyong yelled after her. "This group will be everything left when he dumps you! And he will! Because you won't win against his career!"

I am you, you are me

love interest Block B's Zico, (Woo Jiho)

backup(s) DEAN

personality TRAITS

° [ + ] toughtful | charismatic | creative passionate

° [ = cheeky | straight-forward | playful | clever

° [ -  stubborn | sometimes hesitant | shy?! | impatient


TOUGH COOKIE. Charismatic to the edge on the outside, nobody would ever expect Jiho to be a shy person. In fact he is when it comes to things he desperately desires but is unaware how to approach. He acts all charismatic to overplay the truth, that's also the reason why he started a liking for Nara. Sensing that she was just the same as him, pretending to be someone else. However, Jiho knows exactly how to act in front of others to protect himself. He is hard to approach, even to Nara, as he is not revealing a lot of himself to anybody, scared that he might be hurt because he had been hurt in the past before. That's also why he is hesitant to make serious decisions and he has some serious issues going on chosing the priorities in his life. Work? Love? He doesn't know himself. He just knows that he loves his work and he also loves to care for the people he loves the most.


MY NAME IS ZICO. Wondering how he is in front of all the others? Charismatic, cool and loud. AND very impatient. Never make him wait, he can be very, very angry because of that. He is also the type of person to call 100+ times if you don't answer the phone - and pray to heavens that he won't kill you once you pick up. He is also very straight-forward, telling others how he thinks if he doesn't mind what others think about him. Besides that he is a very playful person with a personality spiced up with sassiness.

How you met

SEEING THROUGH A PERSON. "I don't think this was a good idea, Don...", Nara worried, looking around the recording set. Tough Cookie...that was what they would record today and to be honest, Nara had no idea why she was here. When Don told her he would take her with him to record the MV Nara was all excited - because it was just the thought and the possibility of really attending the filming. Now that she really was here, she felt more than uncomfortable. She didn't belong here and by the looks the staffs were giving her, she felt just confirmed in her thoughts. "Don't worry, I took you with me as my mentee, stop whining!", Don told her and ruffled through her hair, laughing about her all of a sudden being so insecure. She had such a big mouth being around the people she knew but in a complete new surrounding she became a bundle of nerves. "AYO ZICO!", Don suddenly shouted and caused Nara to wince before she also noticed that pimpish looking guy in front. Zico... thanks to her siblings she knew enough idols to recognize the Block B leader in an instant. But honestly spoken she couldn't tell if he was handsome or not underneath the masses of make-up and his way over the top looking clothes. "This is DJ Yoo, my DJane and mentee. I took her with me to check out how a MV recording looks like, alright to you, nah?" Zico just nodded with a smirk. "Sure", he answered. "Who knows, this kid knows how to dance, you can include her as a back-up dancer as well. A little twerking isn't that much of a big deal to you, huh?" The way how Nara was immediately looking at Don, trying to kill him with her looks alone, Zico started laughing immediately. She looked so angry but Zico could cleary see the panic and the embarassment in her eyes. And even though she didn't talk to him at all during the shoot... there was something which fascinated him.

Just one week later Zico managed to grab some free time and show up in the Secret Society club. Don brought him with him and led him to one of the VIP tables. Nara was standing behind the little DJ desk in front of the dancing crowd while Giriboy was rapping to the music she was putting on, when Don noticed how Zico was looking at the DJane. "You seem to like her a lot.", he commented and caught Zico off guard. "What?", he stuttered but Don didn't let him find another clear thought and instead grabbed his wrist, dragging him towards the DJ desk. "Talk!", he just told the two of them with Zico literally crashing into Nara. Both blinked irritatedly at each other, not knowing how to proceed. "Hey...we didn't get to introduce each other properly the last time. My name is Jiho." Nara looked up at the rapper who she thought was supposed to be overflowing with charisma but instead he was standing in front of her like a little boy, helplessly looking for a way back home. It was cute. Even adorable. "Nice to meet you, Jiho. I am Nara.", she answered and smiled - something really rare.


EUREKA. It had been quite a while now that Jiho was seeing Nara but whenever he tried to approach her, she just blocked him and banned him back into the friend zone over and over again. Of course he had been wondering about it...and when Nara told him about this god damn Kwon Jiyong, he knew why Nara was shielding herself from him. But Jiho wouldn't have been Jiho if he didn't know how to handle the situation. He was willing to do something big to prove to her that he was serious.

"So why did you call me over?", Nara was asking, sitting on Jiho's couch with a can of Milkis in her hands, looking up at him with her cat-like eyes. "Today is the release of my new song.", he told her and sat down next to her. "I wanted to watch it together with you." The girl frowned as she heard the idol rapper being all cheesy. "What?" "You heard me right, I wanted to watch it together." Nara was obviously making fun of him but Jiho wouldn't let her turn him down this time again. So when it was time for the release, he the TV and while EUREKA was playing, he watched Nara as if she was a wild cat in the zoo. Her eyebrows moved in surprise and disbelief about the lines and lyrics and when it was over she slowly turned her head towards him and tilted her head. "It is really...ual. But it has a really good tune.", she commented. "Aren't you curious?", Jiho asked and looked straight into her face without changing his expression. "What do you mean?", "You're my Eureka."

Silence. Jiho's words hit Nara like a basketball right in her face. "What?!", she exclaimed. "I'd write thousand more songs about you if you want me to." The rapper wasn't moving an inch and Nara couldn't help but uneasily move on her seat. Jiho could clearly see how she was contemplating. He knew she liked him. She was just too scared to admit. And now he put her into dilemma.


PRIORITIES & THE TOXIC YOU. "Are you sure we can do this?" Nara sounded insecure, looking around the filming set to 'I am you, you are me' in which she would be starring in. "Nobody will know about us, don't worry.", Jiho assured her. "I made sure that it looks like you are promoting your own group by appearing in my MV. People will wonder who you are. And if we ever come out... then they will know that we started dating back then. And this video will be the proof of it." It had been an absolutely suicidal idea of Jiho to let her participate in his MV but since he was always telling her that the song was about her, nothing could change his mind to record the MV this way. "You are insane...", the girl commented a little frustrated. Even though she was more than happy that he was willing to prove his love to her this way, she still kind of felt discontent. Since both of them were busy with packed schedules, they were lucky when they could meet once in a month... and this was something which made Nara more than lonely. Of course Jiho was making an effort to text her everyday at least...but the girl sometimes didn't know if he was absolutely serious about her. And she knew that Jiho knew that she didn't like to be in a relationship like this. It was just a question of time when this relationship would come to an end. It made both of them sad and anything else but happy. But they stuck to each other for whatever reason. Was it love? Nara wasn't sure. She just knew that Jiho was like a drug to her...she knew he was bad to here but she couldn't stop no matter how hard she tried. This love was toxic to both of them and everyone else who knew or sensed something about them was aware of that, some even waiting for them to finally part ways to make space for something better.




HIDE AND SEEK. "I bet they are dating...!" The two staffs were standing next to the filming set, watching how Zico and that Jellyfish trainee whose name they couldn't recall yet were preparing for the last shots. The two musicians were sitting at the table, looking at each other, the girl all serious while Zico himself was smiling brightly at her. "Nawww, they are not. I heard from one of the Jellyfish staffs that she is often getting visits of  G-Dragon. If someone is dating, then I guess it is her and the Big Bang leader. I mean if you had the choice who would you go for? " The other one nodded slightly. "Should we bet then?", he suggested, his female colleague looking at him with big eyes. "But how will we find out about it? I don't think they will tell us if we ask them...", she told him. "Then let's find out by observing carefully.", he suggested. Again the two looked at the two idols.

"They are watching...", Nara whispered towards Jiho. "Who?", he asked and attempted to turn around but Nara stopped him before he could act just too obvious. "Basically everyone!", she hissed at him. "I can literally hear them talking about us...stop being all that lovey dovey around me...!!" Jiho frowned when Nara told him to stop showing his affection. Nobody would know anyway. As long as he denied, nobody had a proof of that the two were dating. "...as you wish.", he agreed and cleared his throat waving over one of the staffs. "Hey, can you fix her make-up? She starts looking less pretty again.", he asked the staff who immediately nodded. Nara's mouth just dropped, her shocked face glaring at her boyfriend who just grinned and shrugged, looking all innocent.


JUST THE TWO OF US. It felt as if it had been years since the two had been able to spend some time together all alone the last time. All the more they were happy, cuddling on the sofa in Jiho's appartment while eating some delivery pizza and watching TV. "Say Aaaaaaaah!", Jiho commanded and already led the slice of pizza towards his girlfriend's mouth who couldn't react in any other way than surrendering and let him feed her. "I can eat by myself...!", Nara complained and looked up at Jiho who finished the slice of pizza and grinned at her. "No you can't.", he contradicted and gave her a pizza-flavoured kiss. "Baaaaah, kissing while eating is gross, hon...!", she complained again and finally made him laugh with the mixture of disgust and frustration on her face. "Why? I'm just trying to feed you bird style!" Nara made a face, shook her head and slightly slapped his shoulder. "Not romantic at all!", she said huffy. "Who claimed that I am a romantic?", Jiho teased and tried to kiss her again. "You are always acting so cheesy and then you pretend not to be romantic at all...what is this?", she blocked his attempt to kiss her by covering his lips with her hands. Of course he wasn't stoppable and waved her hands away, pulling her down on the couch and then showering her face with kisses. Nara started squealing and laughing. "YAH! What are you?! A dog?!", "Anything you want~!", Jiho responded, also laughing and shaking his head before he kissed Nara properly. "Hey...Nara...", he mumbled into the kiss. "Mh?", she voiced back. "...can you do that one move from your choreography again for me?"- "YAH!"



❤︎ Share a couple tattoo

❤︎ When they meet, they most of the time eat

❤︎ Always fight about who is better: Captain America (Nara) or Ironman (Jiho)

❤︎ Sending each other super cheesy text messages is their hidden talent

❤︎ Hate it when the other one is going clubbing alone...always ends in a fight and purposely making the other one jealous

❤︎ Jiho acts hostile around Nara's male friends he knows are very close to her

❤︎ Jiho doesn't know how Manager Jang treats Nara

❤︎ Because Jiho is busier than Nara, he sometimes doesn't contact her back for days...but if she's not answering him within an hour he trows one tantrum after another

❤︎ They once met to put Ironman and Captain America sheet masks on their faces and started a pillow fight war. Jiho won.

❤︎ Jiho and Nara once recorded Boyfriend does my Make-Up and I do my boyfriend's Make-Up in which they tried to make the other look like themselves



Goldfish | Jiho | He often forgets what he tells Nara or the other way round, so she calls him a goldfish. She even calls him goldfish when she is talking with others about him

Honey | Jiho | When Nara tries to be very cute, she calls Jiho Honey

Violent Kicker | Nara | Jiho calls Nara like that beause she kicks him very hard when he says something that upsets her

Eureka | Nara | Guess why

STATUS  — Couple | Who knows?

i'm ready to get hurt

comments/suggestionsAaaaayoooo~ Finally managed to finish her! I hope she is not tooooo dramatic but I felt like a person that looks y and is y needs a good reason to be y hahahaha. I also hope it is okay that I let her be the sister of Junsun Yoo and YooA, I know that famous sibling thing was originally planned for another plotline but I couldn't resist after Junsun was currently promoting OMG's comeback in his dance classes XD (Yeah, I am living in Seoul and I attend 1million). I didn't add their parents because I didn't feel like giving them names is necessary. Btw the thing about the family rings is real hehe~ I also hope it is okay that I invented a manager >_< If not, just cut him out hahaha

scene request Not until now so far~

password DIA - Somehow or SONAMOO - Cushion

turn in back to story


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