For my fellow appliers: A question

So I'm working on my final apply (due to go up in June if you want to keep an eye out for it!) and I was wondering - what sort of questions do people generally have when applying? I'm making the FAQ page and I'm drawing a blank aside from "When's the due date" XD


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rolling-thunder #1
Lol so like I've not applied- or even been on this account for a long time for that matter-- so I can't help you on this matter XDDD
Another question would probably be: can I have an extension XDD
Oh! "Are collabs accepted?" That's usually a biggie.
"Can I change the layout?"

"Who are your bias groups?"
"Can I be related to your char/plotline/something to do with the bigger picture?"
"What kinds of relationships do you allow?"
"Can I be your co author?"
...I'm sure there's more XD mostly if I ask its about clarification on the story rather than the above.
What ualities do you accept? // do you accept other genders than female/male? (non-binary, trans, genderfluid, demi, agender)
Those are usually my question if nothing is mentioned xD