Re-Play - No Bitna - The Actress

Lilshocker8 • lils • like, 4/10 now because school ;; turn in

No Bitna

remplace with face claim 120*120

birthnameNo Bitna

nicknames/Other Names 

— Swan Princess ; both a reference to her ballet beginings and the fact she so frigging graceful how does one even walk like they're floating???

birthday October 17, 1987
birthplace Seoul, South Korea
hometown Seoul, South Korea
ethnicity Korean
languages spoken

— Fluent Korean

face claimShin Eunyoung (Purfles)
back up face claimPark Seoah (ex-Brave Girls)
height & weight 172cm & 58kg

— Tall and slim, Bitna has all the makings of a model, including great skin which she has always taken for granted much to people's annoyance. Being a dancer has kept her very lean and muscular, which matches her slim face and makes her seem very put together. Her hair is one thing that she takes excellent care of though, always buying the highest brands of shampoo and conditioner and paying the extra money for a top stylist when at the salon. She's very vain about her hair. To be fair it's great hair.


personality traits
(+) Passionate, Curious
(/) Impulsive, Open-Minded, Greiving, Desperate
(-) Self-centered, Impatient

— Once upon a time Bitna was a free spirit. The sort of person who went on spontaneous adventures through the city and ended up randomly deciding to audition for a nothing company because why not. Someone who was always open to new ideas and ready and willing to try the strangest things. Now that isn't to say that Bitna didn't have her negatives. She was superficial and flighty and judgemental, but most people found her negatives generally tolerable for the most part. But things changed after the accident, and in the worst way possible.

— After the accident Bitna has become withdrawn and bitter. For years she's searched for some way to heal her knee, and she's wiling to pay whatever for the craziest and most fringe science she can find. She's desperate in her quest, determined to dance again no matter the cost. To suggest that it's impossible is a sure-fire way for Bitna to decide you aren't a part of her life anymore. Her grief over the loss of dance was so intense she grew depressed and has contemplated killing herself many times, though she always talks herself out of it.

— While she was always rather self-focused and superficial, the past three years have emphasized Bitna's worst traits, leaving her a rotten core of the person she once was, worn down by denial and anger at an unfair world. Bitna doesn't make friends anymore, assuming everyone is against her quest to find happiness again, and she's so wrapped up in herself and her own misery that she's incapable of noticing if someone is trying to reach out. Her world revolves around her and her alone, and if you can't handle that then she'll ignore you. She's stubborn to the point of straight up denial.

— However, despite her broken and twisted outlook on life now, there are still sparks of the brigt and curious person she was. Her willingness to try new things hasn't changed, and she goes out her way to find them, just as she always did. She's impulsive and impatient, flitting from one shiny new idea to the next and quickly moving on if results aren't immediate. She still has her flighty curiosity and it's still highly driven by her passion for dance - that passion has just become tainted.


— Bitna was born to dancers, so it was inevitable that she'd become one. And sure enough by the age of four she was begging to start ballet lessons at the studio her parents both worked at (which was how they had met in the first place). Bitna took to dancing like a fish takes to water. From the moment her first lesson was done everywhere she went Bitna was dancing. She danced in her room, she danced in her seat at school, she danced down the street while walking to get groceries. Nothing could keep this girl still for very long. She took lessons for her entire childhood and branched from ballet into tap, jazz, and eventually modern and hip hop though the classics were always her favorites and where she most excelled.

— Being an idol honestly had never crossed Bitna's mind before she came across Sunday's open audition when she was twenty five. Of course she was familiar with the concept of Kpop, and had even done a few dances to popular songs belonging to the genre, but becoming an idol herself had never been a thought of hers until she saw the sign. The thought that she might be too old never crossed her mind as she signed up and proceeded to freestyle through two ballet pieces and one modern dance as her audition. Then they asked her to sing, and she honestly laughed and said "Well I've only ever sung to my radio but alright!" She was far from mind blowing, but it was promising enough that, when paired with her actually mind blowing dancing made her one of the final four choices.

— Training was weird for Bitna. She was used to pouring hours into dance, but she loved it so it never really felt like work. Training more often than not felt like work, and Bitna was not a big fan. She was something of a princess and often complained about sore throats from singing and not getting lunch at the "right time" of the day. However her passion for dancing and otherwise friendly demeanor kept her at the very least tolerable for her groupmates, and she thinks they're fun to hang out with so things worked out.


— Dogs. Good lord is Bitna a dog person.
— Ballet. She's done most forms, but the originals are still her favorite
— Styling her hair. She will spend hours on it if she's allowed
— Anything lavender-scented
— Queen. She really loves their music and a lot of her choreographies are to Queen songs.

— Standing still
— Sleeping. She knows it's important but it's boring
— Cats. They are the spawn of Satan, true story
— People who know jack-all about dancing trying to say anything about dance
— School. It was hard.

— Flipping her hair. ALWAYS flipping her hair
— She is constantly in motion, whether it's a bouncing legs, fiddling with her clothes, or spinning in circles, Bitna never comes to a stand still
— Choreographing. She's not actually that great at it, but she can do basic formations and she finds it fun

— Bitna's parents opened their own dance studio when she was twelve years old, and she started teaching beginer ballet there when she was 15
— Her relationships with people now relate directly to her accident: does she blame them? Do they try to discourage her endeavours to be fixed? If not then she'll usually keep them around.
— She's mildly scared of heights. Not so much that she won't go high up, but when she does she'll be clinging to something or someone for dear life the entire time she's up there
— She's just super graceful. You'd expect it from a dancer, of course, but it still surprises people exactly how elagantly she carries herself in real life
— As a very young girl she dreamed of one day being in the ballet. She still kind of wants to do it some day
— Bitna picked up acting on a reccomendation from Yeonwoo, but she's only okay at it which was why she really never blew up
— Bitna moves around when she sleeps. A lot. People have been literally kicked out of the bed from him midnight movements.
— Her shampoo and conditioner are lavender-scented so she always smells like lavender
— She wears a ring on her right ring finger that her parents got her for her 16th birthday. She cannot count the number of times someone has asked her if she's married because of it.
— She actually didn't own a phone until RePlay broke up. She just stole everyone else's when she needed one for something.


— Family • Bunch of Crazies / 5
With four kids and two parents the No household was busy enough. With all six of them being passionate dancers it was downright chaotic, and they wouldn't have it any other way. The oldest daughter is Duri who was 35 when Bitna debuted. She's married with a son of her own and no longer lives with the family, but still works at their dance studio. The oldest son Kyungyu was 31. He still lives at home and also teaches at the dance studio. The middle daughter is Eunbi who was 28 at Bitna's debut. When talking about her family Bitna always refers to them as a whole rather than by individual member, but it's clear that she adores them when talking about them.

— Strained • Park Yeonwoo / 23 / Manager / Diligent, Pushover, Kindhearted / 2
Before everything fell to pieces Bitna loved Yeonwoo. He was her "little brother" manager since she was three years older than him, but she listened to him and found him absolutely adorable. And he was the most supportive person when she went through the accident. However, when he tried to convince her to move on and accept dancing wasn't an option for her anymore and he didn't like seeing her destroy herself over it she fired him and cut contact. She almost didn't go to his funeral in fact, but she did end up feeling guilty and attended, and she's glad she did. Back in the past her relationship with Yeonwoo is far more strained as she can't get over his percieved betrayal from her known future.

— Appreciative • Im Sunkyu / 25 / Stylist & Coordinator / Vivacious, Outspoken, Emotional / 3
During their first round a Re-Play Bitna and Sunkyu were definitely prone to clashing horns. Bitna was something of a spoiled princess and often complained about wardrobe choices. Bitna didn't dislike Sunkyu, she just thought it could do the year-younger woman to listen to her suggestions more often. And right after the incident Bitna partly blamed Sunkyu's wardrobe choices for that day. But after seeing her at the funeral, and how miserable she looked, Bitna decided she'd try to be a little bit nicer the second time around to their stylist.

— Uncertain • Lee Myungjun / 28 / PR Coordinator / Calm, Composed, Protective / 3
Bitna never had much of an opinion on Myungjun. He was around, he existed, but he didn't really have that much to do with her life directly so he ended up at the outskirts of her interests. Her feelings towards him specifically really haven't been affected - he wasn't a main concern to begin with, so he has no connection to her accident in her mind.


Plotline The Actress

Prior Experience 

— Bitna was a dance teacher at her family's school prior to joining Sunday. It was simple work and it wasn't really paid though she lived with her parents and had access to their credit cards so that was payment enough really. It was a happy and simple life where Bitna could do the thing she loved most and share it with others.

Why do they want to be an idol?

— Haha, honestly? I didn't realy. I kind of found the audition by accident and thought it could be fun! And it definitely was, dancing on stage is always a huge thrill for me, and so when they told me I could get paid to do that? Of course I said yes! (Pre-accident voice)

If they could change anything, what would they choose?

— I can remember every detail leading up to the accident. What pants I was wearing, that there were three girls at the front on their phones and I tried to play a bit to them to get them to pay attention and stop being rude. I remember when I realized my leg was about to lang wrong, but by then... I wouldn't do it again. Screw those girls, I would focus on nailing that move, every move. I wouldn't let the accident ever happen in the first place. (Post-accident voice)

What price are they willing to pay for this chance?

— ... What's your proposed price? Whatever it is I'll do it. Just give me my life back.


love interest Dance
back up love interest N/A


— Graceful but difficult.

love story

— Bitna met dance when she was four and her heart was from then on occupied by nothing but. Dance is Bitna's life and soul, and she'd do anything for it. Anything.

remplace with love interest 120*120

last comment What even is that piece of personality section wow Lils much great, good job OTL So yeah Bitna be a hot mess I apologize for this you may throw it out XD


Fun fact we can prove that infinity does not equal infinity. Certain sets of infinity are larger than others. However there are as many Integers as there are Rational numbers, and as many Natural numbers as Integers (Natural numbers are integers that do not include negatives. Integers include both positive and negative numbers. Rational numbers are any numbers that can be written as a fraction of two integers) You'd think that there are twice as many Integers as Natural numbers but nope. IS YOUR BRAIN EXPLODED YET. But there are versions of infinity that are greater than others. Like Real numbers, which include all the numbers including ones that can only be written as decimals and not fractions (like rational number can be) but not irrational numbers is a larger size of infinity than the three infinite sets I mentioned already. Isn't that so cool? And you can keep finding bigger and bigger sizes of infinity using things call Power Sets that I won't go into but eventually it gets so big that it can't be considered a number set anymore. AND THAT IS WHAT I'M STUDYING DON'T YOU ENVY ME YES YOU DO. MATH IS GREAT.

Update: I did really well on my midterm I think! Yay! :D

scene requets

— Too sleepy. Brain no worky.

password Sometimes not giving up isn't such a great idea Jason...



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Math IS great