Lee Jinwoo


Hello : It's : Me



→ Prick ⋮ A common descriptor, often muttered distastefully after he's left a room.

BIRTHDATE:  03/05/96
BIRTHPLACE:  Seoul, South Korea
HOMETOWN:   Seoul, South Korea


→ Native Korean ⋮ He's from Korea so yup


FACE-CLAIM: Kim Jinhong (24K)
BACK UP: Han Sanghyun (VIXX)
WEIGHT, HEIGHT: 64kg, 183cm


Jinwoo is very handsome, and he's well aware of it which in turn makes him even more attractive (confidence is hot!). He has a well-defined jaw line, sharp dark eyes, and soft semi-full lips that all fit perfectly onto his face. He keeps a regular routine at the gym as well, so his arms are pleasantly toned and his legs are the stuff of fangirls' dreams. He doesn't have very impressive abs since his workouts focus on toning, but he does have a firm stomach that he's not afraid to flash for the cameras.

Jinwoo knows a big part of being attractive is how you dress, so he's always on top of the newest fasion. Not to say he only wears the newest trends - in fact he usually only uses those for formal events. His causal attire usually consists of a collared shirt, top button open, and nice jeans that show off his perfectly toned legs (and . He's very proud of his , it's a nice )



(+) Charismatic, Flexible, Focused, Reliable
(/) Honest, Intelligent
(-) Egotistical, Aggressive, Self-Important, Braggart


Jinwoo is an absolutely infuriating human being, and the fact that he's not actually a bad person only makes him that much more unbearable. If you could simply write him off as a jerk it would be one thing, but Jinwoo is actually a genuinely nice guy - albeit a very loud walking advertisement of his own perceived awesomeness.

Addressing the obvious first, Jinwoo is egotistical to the point of borderline narcissism, though he's been tested and phsycologists say that he isn't that extreme. He's definitely egotistical though and think very highly of his ability to do everything. He lives life the best, and you can disagree all you want, he knows it's true. Jinwoo's tendency to be very loud about his own self-worth is highly annoying and near impossible to stop. He truly believes everything he says, and as far as he sees it he's simply saying things how they are. Jinwoo is nothing if not honest about basically everything. He's actually not a bad liar, he just sees no point in it. Things always come back to bite you in the after all.

But again from this honesty not only comes, well, honesty, but a propensity for bragging. And he can get a little agressive about it, as he seems nearly unable to get through a conversation about anything without talking about himself and his own abilities. It almost seems like he's trying to belittle whoever he's talking to with his constant one-upping and endless self-praise. He isn't, to be fair, but it happens anyway because of course it does, people don't like braggarts. The thing stopping him from realizing how annoying he can get is his own sense self-importance.

Surprisingly though, Jinwoo is actually a highly charismatic and almost likable person when he isn't talking about himself. He was born to a politician and a lobbyist, so naturally he grew up learning what to say to make people like him. He's stubborn in how he views himself, but in every other situation he's more than happy to be flexible and look at things from every angle. He's a bright guy and actually enjoys questioning things and trying new approaches, as well as doing what he can to help other people keep an open mind as well.

Jinwoo is also a great person to leave in charge, as aside from him being very honest and admitting if something's gone wrong, he's very reliable. If he's given a task he'll make sure it's accomplished to the best of his abilities in the time he's given, and as a highly focused person as well he usually gets it done in one or two sittings. He doesn't like to have things half-finished and will find time to work on them so as to complete them quickly.



Jinwoo's parents were pretty old when they had him because they were pretty old when they met. Jinwoo's father is a small-time politician who was attempting to make it in the big leagues and his mother was a tried-and-true lobbyist. They met after a rally and there was one of those rare, instant connections. They were married barely a year after meeting and have been going strong every since. Jinwoo loves to tell the story of how his parents met, since he finds it extremely romantic. And also to brag that he comes from a union of true love, but he usually leaves that part to be inferred. As a child, Jinwoo grew up surrounded by politiians and extravagantly wealthy people, both coworkers and clients of his parents. The family themselves were about middle class, but Jinwoo had a good taste of high living for the entirety of his childhood.

Music came into his life pretty late for someone who ultimately ended up in music. He was fifteen years old when he literally ran into Kim Heechul on the street. They didn't speak, but Heechul's effortless confidence and crowd of fans were both things Jinwoo wanted. He already had the confidence - all he needed were the fans. He knew he recognized Heechul from somewhere and made it his mission to figure out how to become like him. After finding a Super Junior fan meeting, he registered for the fanclub and got a ticket. Once there he made a beeline for Heechul and asked what he had to do to become famous. Heechul just laughed and told him "with that face SM will take you in a heartbeat." Jinwoo wanted to audition immediately, but his parents, for the first time, put their foot down and told him to finish school first. Never one to go against his parent's wishes Jinwoo agreed, not realizing that by the time he graduated he'd be "too old" for SM, and too untalented for other agencies. He was on the verge of giving up and applying into universities as an adult when he came across a scout for Fringe Entertainment at one of his failed auditions.




→ When his mere presence annoys people, which it usually does

→ Fruity alcoholic drinks - yes he does drink despite his age, but he knows to keep that on the down-low around cameras
→ Anything scary - horror movies, campfire stories, haunted houses, you name it he loves it. Even if he does scream like a 5-year-old at all the aforementioned things
→ Guitar. He can't play himself so he thinks anyone who can is basically the coolest person ever.


Sour foods
→ Snakes. He's not scared of them, he just doesn't really like them

→ Dolls. He may love horror but he wil never watch Chuckie again
→ Being called a prick. Yes he knows he's annoying, but he's not mean
→ Crybabies. Jinwoo rarely cries over anything so people who cry over everything just confuse him and weird him out


→ He cannot seem to keep his tongue in his mouth, it's always running over his teeth or poking out between his lips.
→ Batting his eyes innocently when someone gets frustrated with him

→ He can't make eye contact if he's lying. As such he's an absolute liar


Hanging out with people specifically because he knows it annoys them
→ Annoying people without actually being overtly annoying is just a guilty pleasure of his in general


This man is the king of girl group dances. And y dancing
→ He's always quick to site SJ's Heechul as his inspiration and role model

→ He has a major sweet-tooth, and promises of candy is a sure way to get him to behave if he ever goes too far
→ He's an only child, but grew up in an apartment with several same-aged neighbors so he doesn't think he had a very lonely childhood
→ He used to self-diagnose as narcissistic until he actually met a narricist and realized he wasn't that bad
→ When people badmouth politics and generalize politicians as corrupt he takes it very personally and often holds a forever grudge against the commentor
→ He's just super protective of his parents in general. It's embarrassing how unashamed he is about being a huge mommy and daddy's boy
→ His favorite genre of movie is horror, but he has to watch with someone or else he can't sleep that night
→ His IPod contains nothing but English pop songs and you better believe he can twerk to basically all of them
→ He picked rapping as his main talent by putting three paper slips in a hat and picking one







⟪ Please introduce yourself. ⟫ 

Hey, my name is Lee Jinwoo. Pleasure to make your aquaintance.


⟪ How did you find out about Do or Die? ⟫ 

I heard about it at one of my auditions, though honestly I couldn't tell you which I've been to so many.


⟪ Why do you want to be an idol? Are you prepared for everything it entails? ⟫ 

I'll be frank with you guys, I want to be famous. And whatever that takes, I'm happy to do it.


Do you have any prior experience in the entertainment industry? ⟫ 

I've met Kim Heechul a couple of times and I always ask him for tips, so I'm pretty sure he knows who I am. If that counts, which i suppose it doesn't really.


⟪ Where do you feel you're strong, and where do you feel you're lacking? ⟫ 

Ha, I don't kid myself. My stregths are my looks and stage presence. I know how to make people notice me, and it has nothing to do with any musical talent to speak of.


⟪ Why should we choose you for Do or Die? ⟫ 

With a face like this in the show you know more viewers will tune in. People like pretty almost as much as they like watching us tear each other down. And I've got both those things in spades.





STRENGTHS: He doesn't kid himself about being a great rapper: his strengths are his looks and his stage presence. Jinwoo isn't someone who's easy to forget, and that charisma and the natural love-hate reaction he draws from people make him a great choice for a show that thrives on emotional whiplash. (Also his face. Because everyone knows looks always factor and he has a great freaking face)

WEAKNESSES: Well, the fact he's genuinely, completely talentless is an issue for some I'm sure. Plus he does rub people the wrong way, so it can be tough for him to work in groups mostly because his groupmates usually don't want to deal with him.

PREVIOUS EXPERIENCES: Unless you count that one time he gave an impromptu and highly intoxicated rendition of "This Love" at his friend's sister's wedding, he hasn't really done anything like this before.





ANY LAST COMMENTS: So I refound this wonderful twit and decided to throw him into the ring because why not? Also, I thought you might enjoy the original blurb I wrote about him:

To phrase it as a fan once said, "He's an with an ."

More explicitly he's a highly charismatic (and attractive) person with an ego just as high if not moreso. He thinks great things of himself and is unafraid to let everyone know it - why keep the perfection of him to himself? That aside he does what he can to help out (and get more attention) and he can always be counted on in tough situations, both on and off the stage.

People's usual reactions to him are "I want to hate you so badly but I can't." And it amuses him greatly because he totally knows that.


SCENE REQUESTS: I linked that particular dance clip for a reason ;P No but seriously, just Jinwoo being Jinwoo and driving everyone crazy is all I ask for in life XD ALTHOUGH IMAGINE IF IT GOT OUT THAT HE DRINKS.

PASSWORD: This would be about right.



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