Sports Anime Why????!!!!!!

Okay so I'm seriously one athletic in the slightest. What is excerise? Running? I have no clue but for some weird reason, that I have yet to find out, I love the hell out of sports animes. Basketball, vollyball, soccer, hell even freaking a damn cycling anime (not my most shining moment.) I've watched and loved wholeheartedly. 

It's kind of worrying to be honest. 

Especially when it makes me want to go out and every single one. 

And I hate basketball with a burning passion. Every fiber of my being just cannot with basketball yet it still makes me feel like grabbing a ball and shooting some hoops. 

I have a serious problem. 




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Omg someone who understands. Like my sure doesn't know how to swim, I only float lol, but I loved Free! so much. Haven't played volleyball in like 8 years yet love Haikyuu. The one's I love the most are Kuroko no Basuke and Slam Dunk since I love basketball (I'm gonna act like I didn't read that last part of your post ¯\_(⌣̯̀⌣́)_/¯ lol). But yeah, I don't really know how to "athlete" myself but I guess I like looking at teamwork and rivalry, I guess, lmao.