「 ✕⋮ HELLO YENXCOFFEEE! 」 ⋮ thank you for registering



Baek Yen

〈jungdongpark : blue〉


「✕」peachy — she has an obsession with peaches
「✕」 little ankles — she's called this due to her clumsiness and tripping often

DATE OF BIRTH : may 31, 1995 
BIRTHPLACE : Bordeux, France
HOMETOWN : Boulogne-BIllancourt, France
uality : straight

ETHNICITY : Korean-Vietnamese 

「✕」 French — native | her mother language basically
「✕」 Korean — fluent | even though she lived in France, her parents often wanted her to not lose her culture so made her learn to become fluent in the language
「✕」 Vietnamese — semi-fluent | same reason as to learning Korean, but she isn't exactly fully fluent in the language as Korean
「✕」 English — conversational | a foreign language class she had to take starting fourth grade but she never learned anymore outside of class, so she only knows how to keep a conversation going and that's about it


FACE CLAIM : han sunhwa (secret)
BACKUP : jessica jung
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 167cm & 53.2kg 

appearance : Yen is the type to always look her best wherever she goes. It's not to show off her looks or anything but it's because she just wants to have a good impression on people sometimes. Rarely will she ever dress down and if she does, she just wears the plain sporty look. If she doesn't try her best to look nice that day, she'll be just chilling all day thinking about she looks like a disaster. She has two tattoos, one behind her neck at the base where the spine begins and it's a lotus flower and one on her forearm that says "le chat gagne toujours" which translates to the cat always wins. She loves to try her hair in different types of hairstyles. 

personality traits : gemini | bloodtype: AB+ | erted, flirty, short-tempered, blunt, impatient, bubbly, selfless

personality :

「✕」 Yen's face has always contradicted how she acts. She looks like sweet, stay-home study innocent girl everyone loves. However, she isn't. She's quite erted and cocky at times. For her ertedness, she'll usually change anyone's words into something dirtier and gross than intended. She's quite the flirt, she tends to lead guys on, but it's just a misunderstanding. To her, flirting is so fun and harmless. She tends to act cocky in front of strangers sometimes because she thinks she's better but she really isn't. She's just a shriveled turtle, seriously. She's probably the most bubbly person ever when she's not being erted. She's usually bright and always laughing her off for the most stupidest reasons ever, sometimes just laughing at her own joke when no one else is laughing. She's considered a blonde stuck inside an asian sometimes because of her airhead answers and questions sometimes, but she's not like that in class.  

「✕」Some people dislike Yen's personality because when sometimes she's just too honest and too blunt. But Yen hates sugar coating with a passion, she feels that there is no need to sugarcoat anything. She hates when people sugarcoat the truth to her, she'd rather be hit with something mean and honest then hear anything fake or sappy. Yen is like a ticking time bomb. She is easily impatient and her impatientness can lead to her bad temper. Anything can set Yen off and once she's been set off,  sorry man - you're stuck with Satan all day (or at least for a few hours). Usually, when she's in a bad mood, she's probably the meanest and heartless person you'll ever see. But don't take it the wrong way, she's not like this normally. She loves and cares for her friends so much, she always puts them before herself and loves to spoil others and never wants anything in return

trivia :

「✕」 she loves playing on her guitar and saxophone in her freetime to relieve stress
「✕」allergic to milk
「✕」bc she's buddhist, every morning she lights an incense and prays every morning
「✕」because she has a roommate, she tends to sleepwalk and usually sleepwalks towards her roommates bed and sleeps with them
「✕」Yen will (after her 3rd class she's likely too) fall asleep during her lectures and because of that, she records the lectures so she can listen to them later and learn
「✕」she's pretty well-known around school only because she goes to parties often and has waaaay too much fun with guys

「✕」 she's majoring in criminology because she loves the thrill of playing what she calls 'hide & seek' with the killer, to find them and punish them for their wrongs. she hopes to become a criminal profiler or a dectective once she graduates
「✕」 during the daytime, you can usually find her at the university's library or any cafe on campus, she's probably catching up on some homework that she should've done but instead chose to go have a nightout with friends instead of studying
「✕」 she's a huge politic fanatic and loves a good debate or conversation over it
「✕」 left-handed
「✕」 she's a party-goer and often has too much fun that could put her behind schoolwork and when that usually happens, she tends to take two weeks off of going out with friends and just stays at the dorm and study and study until her grades are back up
「✕」to her, her lifestyle at night is quite more outrageous than how she actually is during the day, she isn't as carefree
「✕」truthfully, her older step-brother doesn't approve how she always parties, only because she tends to not be careful when it comes to things like one night stands or whatever and because sometimes she throws her studies aside

「✕」 she has only three guy best friends that she trusts the most and sits in between them in her sociology class, usually they know her secrets first
「✕」 When she isn't dozing off in class, she actually pays attentions and if you were to read her notes, it looks like a unicorn threw up all over the pages
「✕」her username on hello stranger is yenxcoffeee because she loves drinking coffee, she knows it's bad for you but she's such a huge addict
「✕」eats about three apples a day



social network : 

「✕」 step-brother - Song Mino (WINNER) - s_min - 1993 - political theory & 4th year - university's boxing club

↳ how you met: family member
↳ personality: loud, playful, prankster
↳ interactions/relationship/other stuff: even though they're step siblings, they treat each other with such kidness and love. they look out for each otherno matter what, but like all brothers and sisters, they never go a day without insulting each other

「✕」 best friend #1 - Bobby (iKON) - jwkimb - 1995 - physiology & 3rd year - co-captain of the football (soccer) club

↳ part time job: cashier @ one of himnae's cafes
↳ how you met: bobby is actually her step-brother's best friend and met him when she went to mino's dorm to drop something off, soon later she noticed he was in one of her classes
↳ personality: dorky, jokester
↳ interactions/relationship/other stuff: the two interact by insulting each other, they greet each other in the morning with a "morning, , here's your coffee." or during class, "you're a piece of , i printed this out for you and you lose it already, what a ratface." but by the end of the day, they stop by giving each other hugs and jokes

「✕」 best friend #2 - Choi Minho (SHINee) - charismafireee_ - 1993 - statistical science & 4th year - captain of swim team

↳ how you met: theymet when Yen was trying out for the swim team
↳ personality: hot-head, impatient, serious
↳ interactions/relationship/other stuff: Minho is basically the serious and arrogant one among the best friends, he's basically the male version of Yen only more serious and less bubbly. Although, the two clash well. If they were to get mad, they wouldn't get mad at each other, they'd get mad at someone else and then laugh it off together later


「✕」 best friend #3 - Kris Wu  (EXO + ex member)) - galaxy_fanfan - 1992 - economics & studies / 5th year - movie club

↳ how you met: she met him at a party & happened to make out with him that night
↳ personality: arrogant, witty, jokester
↳ interactions/relationship/other stuff: even though the two have made out with each other before, when they saw each other around campus, they were embarassed at first to approach each other, but overtime they got over it and became really close friends and constantly throw jokes at each other back and forth


「✕」 close friend - Kim Hyuna (4minute) - hyuniiee_aa - 1995 - biochemistry & 2nd year - dance club

↳ part time job: internship @ a nearby chemistry lab new the university
↳ how you met: they're actually roommates!
↳ personality: bubbly, playful, dork
↳ interactions/relationship/other stuff: the two are like sisters with each other and you can't pull them apart once they're together. they usually do everything together from partying to sleeping

student card

〈no ones gonna topple me down, I'm
fine right where I am〉

academic information

YEAR FOR 2015 :  2nd

SPECIALISATION : criminology major and sociology minor
DEPARTMENT : law & management / social sciences
GRADE FOR 2014 : 88%



campus life

APPLY FOR A DORM? Yes [x] No [ ]
NUMBER OF ROOMMATE(S) : 0 [ ] 1 [x] 2 [] 3 [ ]
INDICATE A SECOND CHOICE : 0 [ ] 1 [ ] 2 [x] 3 [ ]
ROOMMATE(S) : kim hyuna & kang seulgi

HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOUR ROOM? Neat [ ] So-so [x] Messy [ ]

WHAT TIME DO YOU LEAVE YOUR DORM IN THE MORNING? honestly... hahaha um... well, first things first, I don't GET BACK to my dorm until 4 am... so I won't wake up until 8 am. yeah, yeah, four hours of sleep, I'm used to it. immuned, y'know?? like when your body gets connected - no, not connected - used to the virus! my bodY is used to sleeping late and waking up early, yA FEEEl? Because my classes don't start until 9:30 am, I wake up at 7:30 and leave my dorm at about 8 to get my day started basically. 

WHAT TIME DO YOU COMEBACK TO YOUR ROOM IN THE EVENING? if you're talking about classes coming back, then my classes are done at 4:30 and I'll trail around campus before coming back to my dorm which is approximately 5:05 pm. Buuuuuuuuut unless you're talking about going out than I won't be home until 3 or 4 am. but since i dont go out every single day (bc omg id  punch myself if i did that , thats so unhealthy ) anyWAAAAAYS , but usually and normally at 5:05 pm I'd be back at the dorm

DO YOU WORK LATE IN YOUR ROOM? Usually I tend to finish most of my work in class if im not dozing off and decide to work ahead of time . But if theres whatever I don't finish in my first class , I just hold it off until I do it back at the dorm to keep me busy and not bored, so in that case then yes , I do work late in my dorm. but its only every other day .

ANYTHING ELSE? im aFRAID OF MILK & ITS NOT BECAUSE IM ALLERGIC , well yes it is but I am hate milk and its so gross and like i just - ugghHh i cry . i hate sleeping in the dark , maaaaan like - i juSt wanT my niGhtlight ))': oh oh oh plus I can't sleep UNLESS THE AC or fan is on (-:


DO YOU HAVE ANY OTHER ACTIVITIES? i'm on the university's swim team as well as being in the dance club! 

DO YOU WORK PART TIME?  sadly, I don't work part time ): probably bc im lazy sometimes buuut I'm actually just looking around for an intership at local pd stations and all, but other than that no part time jobs hahaha oops


hello, see through!

〈thank you for taking the time to answer this anonymous survey.〉

have you heard of the website "hello stranger!"? please tell us your impressions 

「✕」 Mino, being the "so-called cautious and caring" older brother, he knew the ropes around the school and etc, soo when I first started, apparently one of the ropes were, hello stranger! which is whatever the thing I'm answering right now lol can I even write lol?? But my impressions were like LOL HECK NO IM OUT, like sure there were discussion rooms and group chats all that snazz, but it's a SCHOOL-CREATED PROGRAM. like what if the school reads what we say?? like i say some pretty weird , I don't want any admin looking at me in the wrong way if they saw half the bs i said.

I mean I kinda got used to it, so if the admins to read it then lol oops

do you visit hello stranger often? was it ever helpful for you?

「✕」 honestly, i always used hello stranger for recommendations of certain things like i lOve loVe COOFFEE, it is my heart and soul, I as well love bubble tea. So I would use to see where people went for drinks and cafes when they posted blogs of their reviews or I'd use it to see who's just having parties and new faces are allowed ((-: 

if hello stranger were to close, would you miss it?

「"soo what are you up to today?" Kris slumped down on her red bean bag as well as Bobby. The three were in Yen's dorm room and were supposed to be "study" - or well only Yen was, but the two invited themselves over. "Answering the survey I guess." Yen shrugged, she turned her chair around, "Where's Minho?" she raised her eybrow. "Who knows, dead probably." Bobby replied, playing with her pillow. Yen rolled her eyes, annoyed at Bobby."Kidding! He's at swim practice." she nodded, staring at her computer screen, "Good looks, I skipped practice for the lamest questions." Kris and Bobby laughed, "I never took the survey so oh well, let me see some questions!" Kris stood up and peered over her shoulder and Bobby as well.」 

「✕」 i would probably miss it only because i get lazy to find suggestions and reviews on things i like lol but no, i tend to get hooked on new social medias that im introduced too or ones that i found, so I'd defintely would miss it


Kris Wu

〈i try not to make it obvious but all day, i keep smiling because of the love you planted in my heart (i love you)〉

academic information

YEAR FOR 2015 : 5th

SPECIALISATION : economics major & physics minor
DEPARTMENT : sciences & mathematics & social sciences
GRADE FOR 2014 : 96 %



campus life

APPLY FOR A DORM? Yes [x] No [ ]
NUMBER OF ROOMMATE(S) : 0 [ ] 1 [x] 2 [ ] 3 [ ]
ROOMMATE(S) : jackson wang


DO YOU HAVE ANY OTHER ACTIVITIES? member of himnae's radio, usually on during the nighttime as well being apart of the movie club Captain of the university's basketball team


love interest : Kris Wu / Wu Yi Fan
dob : November 6, 1992
back up love interest : Kim Namjoon
dob : September 12, 1994

personality traits : arrogant, witty, jokester, optimistic, romantic, impatient
personality :

「✕」 Kris Wu is quite a guy, he's all over the place honestly. But, he knows he is good at whatever he does, sports, clubs, etc. And he tends to be arrogant about, acting like he's hot sometimes. When he isn't like that, he's so open-minded and filled with jokes and usually can brighten up anyone's day or mood real quick. He's basically the clown among his group of friends. He's quite the romantic guy too, he loves the girl he's with, with all his heart. He's usually loyal if he's in a relationship but if not, he'll play around. But when he is in a bit of a romantic type feeling, it'll be like what you see in the movies. See, he's quite impatient as well, but not short-tempered. He wants things to get done quick and hates having to drag on time. 

relationship status :

「✕」 best friends

love story :

「✕」 After finishing her finals, Yen thought it'd be a great idea to just go relax and have fun. "Relax" as in partying. She decided to go with her step-brother because his friend was just throwing a house warming party. "Alright, go have fun and - DONT get pregnant," Mino warned. "I got it, dad." she rolled her eyes and split ways with her brother. Halfway into the night, she got super drunk and found a cute boy that she had never seen before but he claimed to be around campus. "I'mmm Kreease Wuu," his voice slurred and his breath reeked of alcohol. Yen started to just giggle becaushe just thought he was plain cute and smashed her lips onto his. The two proceeded to have made out in the host's bathroom. 

 the two were too drunk to realize who each other were, so Mino took his sister home as his friend helped Kris home. A few days later, she was sleeping in her sociology class when her phone buzzed  text message from Hyuna saying, "You and Kris sunbae are dating??" confused, she asked what was going on and Hyuna said to check Hello Stranger. She checked it and it was just photos of her and Mr. Kris Wu making out, she groaned and called Mino after class, then Mino had set up a hang out for her to meet him in person

After the two met each other, it was pretty awkward at first especially with a rumor floating around, but soon after a few hangouts they became best friends. Always making jokes about each other, insulting each other, treating each other as if they were really a couple. People could see they really fell for each other but they always reply with, "Don't friends act like this with each other?"

trivia :

「✕」 Kris usually invites himself over to Yen's dorm, sometimes when she's not there, he just comes over and chills and waits for her to arrive ( and yes, he has a spare key to her dorm) Kris calls her y-axis, because whenever he's in his calculus class and sees a y-variable, it reminds him of Yen only bc her name starts with a "Y". They love to pull pranks on their best friends with each other. The two are pretty uncertain about their feelings towards each other only because Yen is pretty flirty, so she tends to talk to whatever guy and be attracted to him for a few days and Kris is just unsure if that would fly well if she were to be his girlfriend. But whenever they're together, nothing could really pull them apart. 

Since the two have made out before, they try to resist thinking about that time, but sometimes they just bring up the topic when texting to see if maybe if they should just makeout and just do ual things for fun - the topic immediately sinks only because they don't want each other to think they're using each other.


social network :

「✕」 close friend -  henry lau (super junior m)  - 1992 - 5th year & music theory major

↳ part time job: convenience store
↳ interactions/relationship/other stuff: childhood friends

「✕」 rival - Kim Jongin (exo) - jongink - 1994 - 3rd year & media economics major - co-captain of the university's basketball team

↳ interactions/relationship/other stuff: Jongin is the co-captain of the team, while Kris is the captain. Jongin was always jealous that Kris was captain. So usually on the team, the two would fight due to having leadership issues. So the two rarely converse outside of the team. Although, Jongin would try to get at Yen from time to time, so it bothers Kris immensely making Kris dislike Kai even more


「✕」 moodmaking dongsaeng - jung jooyoung - 1993 - 3rd year & computer science major -theatre club

↳ interactions/relationship/other stuff: usually when Kris is feeling down or is need of advice, he goes to jooyoung for help and she usually cheers him up and helps him out, she's like a little sister to Kris. 

goodbye, stranger!

register on hello stranger : visit hello stranger

LAST WORDS : I AM A HUGE CAT pERSON HAHAHA but im allergic sadly ((-: oh - oh  POKEMON NO MATTER WHAT HAHAH OVER ANYTHING it sits in my heart 4 lyfeee & oh my, I always loved sailor moon ( i know basic of me to like the main chara ) but venus and mars are the close seconds ^-^


「✕」kris' interactions with other females and Yen getting jealous
「✕」yen and her best friends having fun together

stars you want to see as teachers? 

「✕」 Kwon Boa (solo) | 30 | social science | strict but fun teacher | dance team coach

password :Hello, see through! (click on CC for eng subs too) :D


layout made by mintcream, please do not steal or use as your base code


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