


Kang Taeil

JungDongPark + Blue



— peachy ; she has a huge obsession with peaches

BIRTHDAY ☆ May 31, 1992
BIRTH PLACE ☆ Bordeux, France
HOMETOWN ☆ Boulogne-Billancourt, France

ETHNICITY ☆ Korean - French


— French ; native language growing up
— Korean ; she's fluent in the language because her parents made her speak it and learn it all the time so she wouldn't have to lose her culture 
— English ; she's semi-fluent in the language because she had to take a foreign language class starting in her fourth grade

BACK UP ☆ Jessica Jung

BACK UP ☆ after school
MEMBER POSITION-CLAIM ☆ main dancer / Cao Lu

FASHION STYLE ☆  Taeil treats everyday like a runway, either that or she has to feel pretty about what she's wearing. She doesn't like going out in public looking like a slob or else she'll just regret it the whole day and be bothered by the fact she didn't try her best to look nice. The only exception she has on looking like she didn't put much effort on her outfit is when she's wearing the sporty look. The thing is, her face is already pretty but her self-esteem is lowered when her outfits don't look nice, even if she wears a simple white t-shirt with black jeans, she has to add something to it to make it look a little more put together. Even if she's going somewhere quick like to a relatives house to pick up something or to the gas station, she has to look decent. Usually on rainy days, she loves to wear bright colors to make her stand out from everyone else.

casual - I.II.III.IV.V

professional - I.II.III.IV.V

casual (II) - one.two.three.four

date/ having fun/ partying: I.II.III.IV.V.

sleepwear/ comfy attire: one.two.three.four.five.





Jekyll & Hyde

no, luckily I'm not like that


Taeil growing up as has always had two faces, definitely not personality wise but the mind and looks. Her face is pure and innocent but underneath it, she's quite erted and cocky. In front of strangers, at least, she's cocky. Though she's erted no matter who she's in front of (except for her parents or elders), liking to joke about anything anyone says. It usually triggers her to think of something grossier and dirtier than what was intended. But she hides all that in front of elders with her school attitude and her polite manners, which of course she does have. She's always been big on respect and manners to her elders. She's the type to try and succeed and try her best in everything she does, if she doesn't, she'll mope around for a few hours thinking of how much she or failed. This is where her arrogant or cockiness plays in, because usually she tries her best to be amazing at whatever it is, she likes to show off sometimes about it how good she is. 

If people annoy her, piss her off, she doesn't take bull from anyone at all. She will come back with a rude remark to that person, sarcastic too. She'll be sarcastic to a person who she finds is just acting plain dumb sometimes. She's a kind person though, she usually puts others before her, and she'll do things for people without ever wanting anything in return. Although, she has quite a bad temper and anything could set her off. But once she's angry but sorry man - you're stuck with Satan all day. She has a foul mouth too. 

She's a huge flirt too, she has charms that make guys fall for her but the thing is - she isn't trying too. It just comes off that way. Some people think she likes them but nope, it's just a little misunderstanding. She's had relationship problems because of that. She does have respect but she will not give it to just anyone, if she respects someone but they treat her poorly, she won't give it back. An eye for an eye basically to her. 


skinship | she is a huge fan of skinship and she is a the queen of suffocating hugs. To her, it's the best for, of friendship. You meet new people by shaking their hands or giving a small hug. But after passing the whole new friends stage with her, it becomes a tactic for her to annoy her friends or loved ones with, but the skinship feeling with a loved one gets her giddy.
guitar, saxophone & piano | these three instruments are her holy grail, she always loved the way acoustic songs sounded with these instruments so she learned at a young age
legends | she's a er for good old legends that could scare her, confuse her or make her feel excited about anything
coffee | yeah, coffee's bad for you, she knows. But Taeil is a total addict for it. She loves drinking straight black coffee
boba | little deliciousness in a cup
spicy food | grew up constantly eating spicy food and loves fiery taste
elders & children | she loves hanging out with old people and listening to their stories of when they're younger. She'll literally walk up to a random elder in the park and make conversation with them or take them to lunch just because. She loves little kids because they're just cute mini human beings that she wants to hug and squish
books | she loves discovering new books that will keep her captivated


— insects & spiders 
— sleeping in the dark (needs at least one nightlight)
— people getting in the way of her goal
— when people don't take her seriously
— the wind
— liars



— playing her piano, saxophone or guitar
— writing short stories or poems
— learning how to make new dishes
— because she sleeps in a dorm, she tends to sleepwalk into others rooms and sleep with her roommates
— she scrunches her hands whenever she's nervous
— curses a lot


— sns accounts: @kang_tae (twitter & instagram)
— has a lotus flower tattoo behind the her neck at the base
— when she's mad, she starts muttering things in french
— allergic to milk only, milk usually causes her to throw up everytime
— left-handed
— favorite variety shows: Strong Hearts, Beatles Code, WGM
— when she first started to learn how to drive, she ran over her cousin on accident when she was supposed to reverse but instead went forward

— she's a huge politic fanatic and loves a good debate or conversation
— when she first met her CEO or boss, she accidently greeted them in french rather than korean saying, "bonjour, monsieur, je m'appelle kang taeil!" (hello sir, my name is kang taeil)
— many call her " little ankles " because of her clumsiness

— she loves composing ballads, but usually it's for her ears and hasn't shown anyone any of her music yet


Behind the scenes of Kang

It's really not as cool as mv bts


Kang Taeil was born May 31st, 1992 in Bordeux, France to two loving parents and a loving older brother. Her family had always wanted a daughter and therefore they got one. So she was spoiled a lot but she never grew up to become a brat or anything, she was humble usually. She wasn't close with any of her cousins growing up because they were either in the States or Korea. She was usually the black sheep too. She usually spent her time with her grandma or her brother who loved her very much. 

When she was 14, her parents had difficulties in their marriage, soon the two had divorced. She went on to live with her dad because her brother refused to live with her dad. Because of the divorce, her dad and her moved to Korea to live. She had lost contact with her brother and mother after the move and when she did try to contact them, no one answered. About a year after her parents divorced, he remarried a woman he met who had a younger son named Song Minho. The two didn't get along that well at first but became close when both had an interest in the music industry in Korea. She soon got used to her new family member and the two would always make music together or sing together, etc. Soon their parents realized to just have them audition for fun to see where it would take them. Auditioning for fun landed Taeil a spot to become a trainee for SM Entertainment


Father, Kang Chan Soo 61  owner of Kang Cafe  short-tempered, stubborn, quiet  when Taeil reached her puberty stage in life, the two communicated less and when they did, it'd always end in an argument
Step-Mother, Joo Suk Ah  57  professor @ Yonsei University  easy-going, bright, kind  Taeil rarely talks to her step-mom, she only talks when she has too but other than that she's quite quiet around her step-mom. Though Suk Ah tries her best to be the mom and be there for Taeil in her time of need, but it doesn't work out. Taeil sometimes thinks Suk Ah could be those mean rude step moms in kdramas, so she keeps her distance.But when she does talk to her step-mom, she's pretty grateful she's there.
Step-Brother, Song Minho  22  Rapper of WINNER  playful, sarcastic, loud  Ever since the debut of the two, they've talked less. But whenever they do talk, it's like they were never apart. The two are usually jokesters around each other


Best Friend, Kim Namjoon  21  Rapper of BTS  jokester, loud  Taeil's friend one day invited her out to go see an underground concert and she was Namjoon's performance and immediately fell for it. After the show, she came up to him asked if he would like to go for coffee and become friends  the two usually just insult each other back and forth and that's how they get along. But at times, they feel mushy, they tell each other how much they're glad to have each other. 
(2nd) Best Friend, Bobby Kim  20  Rapper of iKON playful, loud  Bobby is Minho's best friend and one day Bobby was over at their parents house just hanging out with Mino, when Taeil decided to come home and visit her parents after such a long time until she saw only Bobby and Mino at home. Since it was just Bobby and Mino home, she spent the time visitng her parents to get to know Mino's best friend.   the two tend to always pull pranks on each other and make jokes about each other's looks or make fun of others together in English. 
(female) Best Friend, Kim Hyuna  23  Rapper of 4minute  dorky, bubbly, cheerful  They met backstage during a music show and Taeil approached Hyuna telling her that she looked up to her a lot and from there they usually met up to hang out  Hyuna's like an older sister to Taeil, they love to share stories with each other and do everything with each other usually





Think like a man act like a lady


HOW LONG AGO WAS YOUR LAST RELATIONSHIP? ☆  Wowowza, my last relationship?? It was definitely before I entered the company. *laughs hysterically* So like when I was 17, 18? Wow, that's about five years ago, oh my gosh. I cry haha. Waaayy too long. That is so embarrassing *rubs arm and awkwardly smiles*

WHAT & WHO IS YOUR IDEAL TYPE? ☆  My ideal type? Hmm... Oh, oh! I know! I love men that are taller and built so they could protect me. Like, I love guys that have deep voice, I just find that so appealing, oieofnaoihwe like Chanyeol from EXO?? his voice is godly haha, or Yongguk of BAP. I just want a guy who's tall, like super tall and like built, so I could fit in their arms and like I don't know, haha, become a little sushi roll in their arms.

WHAT IS YOUR DEFINITION OF LOVE? ☆  GOSH I LOVE QUESTIONS LIKE THESE. But, love is simply love. I feel like love is being able to be in their prescence just chilling and doing nothing and still be happy and comfortable. I think you can just feel that it's love when you're in it. For me, love is dousing yourself in their existence and never becoming bored of it, ever. *eyes widen* I just remembered! I read somewhere that if you can't sleep at night, it's because the person you like is dreaming of you *covers face and laugh* 


Bang Yongguk

Bobby Kim (iKON) + Lee Minhyuk (BtoB)


PERSONALITY ☆  His face definitely contradicts his personality. He seems like he's that mean gang leader, but really, he isn't. He's the sweetest person ever and down to earth. He cares for the people around him a lot. He usually puts people like s, before himself. He doesn't trust very easily. Hence as to why he has a small circle of friends. But once you've past that stage and earned his trust, he's honestly the weirdest living person you'll ever meet. He's usually very quiet when he's anger, he likes to keep to himself to deal with problems and hates to burden anyone with his problems.

RELATIONSHIP ☆  His relationship with Taeil is very outgoing and weird. When they first met each other, it was pretty shy. But after awhile of getting used to each other, they would just sit around and insult each other and never get bored of it. Or they'd make jokes and prank each other. The two could literally talk about anything and never get bored of each other. They usually tell each other they hate each other a lot and act like they're so annoyed of each other and usually end in a play fight with pillows. 

The two would have weird competitions to see whos better than who, like who could eat the most carrots or who could sleep the longest, etc.

HISTORY ☆  n/a

OTHER ☆  n/a


last comment i had lots of fun filling this out author-nim! hope you like her !

scene requests ☆ any thing you like honestly (: it's up to you


password  hyungsik & jihyun



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