Technology Hates Me (Resolved)

So computer would not let me log in a week ago (as you can tell if you have read my previous blog "Technology Hates Me"). You would also know from me saying in that previous blog that my beta brought my computer home to have her mother look at it. Let's just say that her mother is my lifesaver, because she saved my computer (for now). She was able to get it so I could log back in (which was my problem), but we are not sure how long the fix is going to last :/ Could be a few days...a month....a couple of months. We really have no idea. So....I am just going to wait to see when my computer decides to hate me again ^_^''

At least editing and working on my fics will be easy again and I will be able to do all the writing I want (: It was so hard sharing a computer with my sister, though she was so nice to share it with me, but I could not write any of my fics on it because well...just no...hahaa! I would not want her reading over my shoulder or anything >_< 

But now I am going to make sure my computer is backed up so that problem (or something worse) happens again...I'm set! Let me just pray that it does not decide to become a brick again in the near future -_-'' I rely so much on my computer to get stuff done! Why does technology hate me?


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Good for you author-nim!!! :)