Defense Mechanism

Helloooowww~~~ It’s been a long time people, since I last blogged. I feel like it’s high time I did for this year. It’ll be my first post of the year – yes, I know, it took me two good months to write something but I have thought of writing about a few things in the past like a New Year’s greeting, but never came about to writing it. Maybe it was because what drove me to write it was because of the wrong reasons so I kind of skipped it.

Now, onto the reason why I have chosen this auspicious day to write out a blog.

I don’t know if any of you guys have read my About Me/Profile but I stated somewhere around there that I have writing as a defense mechanism against stress? Yep (I just checked it – lullz) And lately, I have been stressed and so, I have been writing. Non-stop actually, for the past… few weeks? And the reason why I haven’t posted any is because they are completely new ideas (or sort of new? Modified versions of au’s, or plans, stuff like that). And they are written in such a raw state I’m afraid to actually read them back. So I thought, since I’m on a roll, let’s write out a blog post.

It’s kind of weird for me to be writing like this, because usually I write a lot on my laptop. I hardly use paper, but these ideas have been swarming me during classes and lectures so I keep pulling out loose lined paper and I’d use a good 3-4 sheets just writing out and planning stories like they’re some kind of big project I’d start working on during semester break – which is complete bull because I have yet to finish anything I’ve started since the year 2013. Okay, maybe 2013 is stretching it, maybe 2014? I’m not sure… but in that range of time, I’ve hardly finished anything and my brain acts like I can finish it and conjures up more ideas by the second.

Although I do kind of like the process of writing. It definitely soothes me and sends me to a whole other world. I’m completely lost in my head and thoughts and ideas. But with four assignments due this week, this is the kind of I pull – blog writing. Highly recommended to those feeling rebellious and want to risk those A’s on their grade (but I advise I otherwise because really, procrastinating will bring you a lot of in the end).

Initially, my plan was to tell you people the stories I’ve conjured. I wanted to share them with you people, but I suddenly feel like… if I do, I might lose the motivation to write them out in the end, and so… I’ll just conclude this blog post with a bunch of gifs of the characters I plan to use in the future.


Note: Yes, I did include solo shots of some members outside of their group because I plan to include them specifically as a main. 


and i did not intend for the last row of gifs to be all blonde people. 
anyways, i'm so sorry for gif spamming. gifs are not mine as i merely got them off the internet. credit goes to the respective owners for creating these masterpieces. 





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