kpop audition/reality show theme song

so...i was randomly scrolling thru that NB site however crap dumb hypocritical the majority of comments on that site(i mean by the international netz) often are...and stumbled upon this. and seeing the comments made me think ' that's how all songs that became huge hits in kpop are songs i found extremely annoying craps and never could understand their popularity? just for that catchy repetitive factor? so that's all it takes for award winning 'good' songs?' kpop....most time i could never understand....i still like...but all i like never made it cuz they're not annoyingly good enough in whoever else's standard(not me definitely).... reminds me of this.

^ a song for audition show contestants back in 2005.

although yeah it's unfair to compare since this song wasn't sung by like a hundred people or more...but merely the finalists of the audition show. but focus on the song....shall we? ugh...i always wondered why the song wasted? it should've been at least included in Battle's first single since they're the winners of the show. (heck they could've featured other finalists that would be fine too, instead of the song just performed that one time and then locked in the cellar for good, what a waste) and the top 12 contestants actually participated in the performance more than performers, they made the choreography themselves, and i think they wrote the raps too. even in the competition, some of them did some lyrics writing(like Kim Jang Hyun)...which reminds me....Kim Jang Hyun T^T...this perf remind me why i loved him, again....that superior voice(imo at least)....a shame that first, he quitted the group before they debuted, then he debuted in SunnyHill only to later on be relegated as mascot-but-so-called-producer just as they got popular...n later on....the group just turned into entirely girlgroup....ugh. i remember how excited i was when i knew he debuted...

^ a debut song from 2007.


i had many good memories all my years being into kpop.

but it's hard to get excited anymore or make new good memories.

everything's getting generic...or shoved under the carpet...

well, maybe back then it's the same....

blah/average things get all the spotlight n everyone's attention...

good/quality things(at least to me) shoved under the carpet before anyone could notice them...

but back then i had more time energy etc to always somehow manage to discover them...

now i only have energy left to do whining bout it....

research...? no....T^T...



no matter what n who i left behind...

it stays longer with me than with whatever n whoever i left most probably...

heck, it'd probly stay forever...

i guess at the end of the day, i'm the dumbest of them all... :)


bonus song that has nothing to do with the post, but i'm just listening to it and i really liked it(n i rarely liked raps mind you). this group was one of the rare gems debuted in 2009. this was NOT their debut song though, it's just another song in their single. but their debut song 'Passion's Generation' has probly the most amazing inspiring lyrics ever, it could make you cry without even being about anyone's breakup or dying...huh. sadly, i couldn't find the translation anymore...T^T...







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