For Why I Added a "Random" Gay Pairing in My Straight Story

If you came here from Incredible Things, then you might already know what I'm talking about.  Yes, Chanyeol and Baekhyun.  

For those who stumbled across this post from somewhere, then I'll fill you in:  I just made Chanyeol and Baekhyun, 2 supporting characters, into a gay couple in my fic. They're not the focus of the story in any way, they're just a minor, additional pairing like an ornament to the original storyline. 

So here goes. 

And about the new pairing I just made, Chanbaek.  It strays from the rest of the pairings in this fic, does it not?  I DID NOT make this pairing happen because I ship Chanyeol and Baekhyun together, like many other people who write about Chanbaek.  I didn't do it because I have gay fantasies of them or because I ship EXO with each other like some other fangirls.  I only did it because I support the LGBT community just as much and as openly as I support the straight one, the one most people are more familiar with.  I think people of the LGBT community deserve just as much love, appreciation and recognition as the rest of us with more 'normal' ual preferences.  I've read books like I'll Give You the Sun and A Single Girl's To-Do List and both of them had gay characters who are just as beautiful minded and kind hearted.  And I fell in love with them just as much as I did with the other straight characters.  I think a lot of you know this already, but I don't read .  I WON'T write .  I SUPPORT the LGBT community, but I myself do not ENJOY it, if you get my point.  There's a difference.  Which is why I made a MINOR pairing in this story gay, to show my support and love to similar readers, and to show that this story is not going to swing that way.  I want everyone to feel accepted and embraced in this story, no matter which direction you swing.  And most importantly, I made them gay to show that whether you like it or not, everyone in this world is different, not everyone will go how you prefer them to, but being different does not make them bad.  You the best you can do for them and yourself, is just to embrace it. 

I don't care how out of place this pairing might seem in this story, how you think it might ruin the story, blablabla.  It just goes to show that there may be different people around us, but they should be accepted just the same because they're not doing us any harm right?  Chanbaek aren't doing us any harm.  A lot of you love Baekhyun too for his smart mouth.  It might seem weird, oddly out of place at first, but as the story goes on, you'll see that they're just as normal and as lovable as all the other straight characters.  Heck, I would even add a black person (I hope I don't sound racist  I just don't know how else to say it) if I could make them fit in the storyline (because adding too many characters for no reason at all is honestly only going to complicate things for no good reason at all).  Why does everyone have to be Asian or partially white?  All in all, I just want to express myself fully throughout this fic, including the support I have for people of the LGBT community. Like I've already said, I just want everyone to feel that they're supported and appreciated no matter what their ual preferences are. 

With that being said, I hope you don't think I'm simply like every other fangirl who makes Chanyeol and Baekhyun each other just because they find a personal pleasure in imagining it happen and making it happen in their own limited ways (their fanfiction).  Like I said, I just want to show my love and support for everyone and anyone in the LGBT community.  So, if you don't like it.... well, they're only going to be a minor pairing in the story, but if you really can't stand it, then no one's pressuring you to stay.  


Link to my story, just in case any of you want to check it out (please do!!) ;D : INCREDIBLE THINGS 

HAVE A GREAT CHINESE NEW YEAR!  gong xi fa cai!  xin nian kuai le!  wan shi ru yi!  shen ti jian kang!  nian nian you yu! <3 mwah!


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BLINKforever #1
i totally understand you~ i support LGBT community too, it's not like they can choose who they r going to fall in love with, right?
This makes me feel so happy omg ilysm
i actually dont mind having a gay pairing in your story ngehehehe
DreamerGirly #4
I totally didn't care you making the a couple... And it was okey I understand you girl... Equality for everyone!! And i loved your wish of adding a dark skinned character to the story :)
I didn't really care how you added Baekyeol as a couple in the story but in the story, i just found it cute that they're together ^^
anyways, happy chinese new year author-nim!!! sun ling fai look (cantonese XDD)