A Writer Living Amongst Non-Writers (The angst, the horror! Seriously, someone kill me now.)

I am a writer living amongst non-writers!  (The angst, the horror!  Seriously, someone kill me now.)

I spend so much time dialed in to Archive Of Our Own, Asian Fan Fics, Twitter, Youtube... basically with in the virtual fandom world where my community of like-minded peeps live.  When I come back to the real world, I'm faced with the reality that I am literally the only writer with in my house hold and the neighbors house hold and the freaking blocks household... where are the other writers?  I'm forced to endure annoying, rude and frankily very discouraging words.  

True story:  The other day my mom asked me (Why do you spend all of your time writing?) 




Seriously, how is that a real question?  

My answer:  Because... I... like it.  It's something I enjoy doing.  It's what I do.  I.am.a.writer.

I'm not talking bad about my mom.  I love her.  I respect her.  She doesn't mean any harm.  She simply doesn't get it, because she's not a writer.  

However, with that said, I can't comprehend why someone would ask another person why they do the thing that makes them happy.  Why does she watch Living With The Kardashians?  Because she likes that show.  That show makes me want to pull my hair out, but I will gladly make sure that the new episodes are recorded, because I know she enjoys it.

I have told her that I am working on a book.  

Her response:  You're twenty six years old.  Almost thirty.  You better get started.  You're not getting any younger.  You're wasting your life away with nothing to show for it.




...exactly how do I respond to that?  With internal fury that I don't express.  

Why am I telling you guys this?  Because I'm hoping that someone out there feels my pain.  Living the life of a writer amongst non-writers can be brutal and depressing sometimes.  I will never and I repeat, never not write, but it just feels good to express my internal feelings about the situation.  Thinking about that book I'm working on, thinking about my original and fanfiction works excites me.  Nothing brings me the amount of joy that writing does.  

I invite you to share your internal writer angst stories (or other possibly happy writers stories) with me guys!  

Until the next post,

Stay strong, keep your head up high, do what you love, proudly!



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My mother has a habit of rolling her eyes, because I usually writes angst so the most common question whenever I do open up about writing is "does someone die? Someone always dies." and it's so annoying because I can write other stuff, but I just like killing my characters. But overall my parents are really supportive. They didn't use to be, but I don't know what happened. Nowadays they will search "how to get published" and send me links and they'll ask "do you still write? why don't you send it to a publisher?" and stuff like that. I don't know, thankfully my family are more curious than they're judging, but they don't read a lot of my stuff so maybe that's why, haha. My friends don't really care at all. ^^
I totally get you. These days, I just tell them that me writing is basically like my brother playing pc games. My brother likes pc games because it helps him with de-stressing & keeps him happy after a long day of work. It's pretty much the same with me, except I write & not too into pc games. XD And when my mom (yes, it's mostly my mom who seriously doesn't get it) get on my case on it (I'm around the same age as you, so probably face similar "complains" as you), I just tell that I work, I pay the bills, and I'm perfectly capable of handling most things myself, so just get off my back on how I spend my free time...especially dictating what my hobbies should be. Thanks for the invite for a mini-rant here! Really appreciate the platform to get some internal wrath out of the way. ^^