I have to apologize for not pasting the lyrics here instead but you know THIS SONG IS ALMOST 15 MINUTES LONG and editing it on Google Docs is easier. In a way.

Click here to access to the lyrics

Taken parts:
Cinderella (seollin)
Baker’s Wife
Little Red Riding Hood
Jack’s Mother
Cinderella’s Stepfamily (all three characters played by the same person)

Parts Wanted:
Parts not Wanted:
Audition Clips (max 2):
Are you willing to commit and send your parts in time?
Is it perfectly fine if you don't get your prioritized part?






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Name: Hyesun
Parts Wanted: The Baker
Parts not Wanted: Red
Audition Clips (max 2): (Is this low enough?)
Are you willing to commit and send your parts in time? If I can ^^
Is it perfectly fine if you don't get your prioritized part? Sure sure~
Shino159 #2
Name: Hee-Jin
Parts Wanted: any
Parts not Wanted: stepmother
Audition Clips (max 2):
Are you willing to commit and send your parts in time? Yes, but it depends when the deadline is I guess ^^'
Is it perfectly fine if you don't get your prioritized part? Yes
Here's my audition:
Name: Rii
Parts Wanted: Red / Cinderella / Narrator
Parts not Wanted: Jack's Mom / Baker
Audition Clips (max 2):
Are you willing to commit and send your parts in time? yes
Is it perfectly fine if you don't get your prioritized part? yes
Name: Kimmi
Parts Wanted: Narrator
Parts not Wanted: none
Audition Clips (max 2): you already know what I sound like when I talk right? XD do I still need to do an audition for the narrator?
Are you willing to commit and send your parts in time? Yes!
Is it perfectly fine if you don't get your prioritized part? Yep
Name: Melody
Parts Wanted: Stepfamily (I am totally not awkward with the laughing part, cause I'm shameless) // Jack (Because he wants cheese)
Parts not Wanted: Little Red Riding Hood
Audition Clips (max 2):
(I just recorded this after trying out the scene several times and it's at night.. I didn't realize the narrator had an accent too until the end XD But I haven't dramatized it, so it will be more in character if i get it.. XD Ha ha ha ha ha ha haaa HAHAHAHA THIS IS SO STUPID I AM ACTUALLY ASHAMED BUT WHATEVER I AM SHAMEL LA CHEESO)
Are you willing to commit and send your parts in time? Duh... Anti-procastination is my middle name
Is it perfectly fine if you don't get your prioritized part? Yes..... But I think I'd be a good stepmother/stepisster though. Hahahahaa.. And if Zoe gets jack's mother, being Jack would be fun~
omgomgomg i was in this production and i memorized all the songs including this one and i absolutely love it omgomgomg SEOLLIN ILY
Name: Jazz
Parts Wanted: I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO BE THE WITCH but i'm also fine with any other parts since again, i've memorized the entire thing (tho i'd also love to be the narrator or the stepfamily since i feel like it'd be fun)
Parts Not Wanted: nada
Audition Clips: i needa record the witch's rap since it be better if you could hear a sample of the song so i'll link it later when i get the chance

(also if you wanted a shorter song i would've recommended first midnight, though the bad part was that the timing's really weird but it's just as fun of a song hehe but YAY I'M SO HAPPY)
Name: Zoe
Parts Wanted: Jack's Mother - anything else
Parts not Wanted: the witch
Audition Clips (max 2):
Are you willing to commit and send your parts in time? Yep!!
Is it perfectly fine if you don't get your prioritized part? Of courseeee
Name: Maerin
Parts Wanted: Witch / Red
Parts not Wanted: Step-family
Audition Clips (max 2): I'm on phone but when I go on PC tomorrow I'll link em
Are you willing to commit and send your parts in time? Of course!
Is it perfectly fine if you don't get your prioritized part? Yeah~