소원 - Sowun Ent| Lee Insu | Kage | Leader Main Rapper


Character Name — Lee Insu
nickname — 
☒ Wolf - Kage members - he's a bit of the lone wolf and likes to stay on his own most of the time so he's called this. (nox members mostly call him wolfie because they think it's funny)
☒ Marshmallow - Sirena members - he likes to think he's tough but he does actually care so the girls call him this. He doens't really appreciate this nickname as much.
☒ Poker Face - everyone - he tends to keep an emotionless face and you never know what he's thinking so he earned this nickname

birthday — 09|22|1989
birth place — Seoul, South Korea
hometown —Seoul, South Korea

ethnicity — Korean
nationality — Korean

languages — 
☒ Korean - fluent - native language
blood type — B

lee insu

by stormatsea (clara)


— What is exo planet? pretty sure that we are in korea.

face claim — Sen Mitsuji 
back up — Nadech Kugimiya 

height — 182 cm 
weight — 67 kg

Short black hair and a tall and thin, yet still muscular body Insu can be kind of intimidating especially with his usual stone cold face. He has a small tattoo on the side of his neck up by his ear. (same one the faceclaim has.) He has a couple of scars on his arms from just natural clumisness, which in Insu language he either doesn't remember or just doesn't want to tell anyone. 

fashion style

— Should I manse before i rush?

The main color in Insu's wardobe is black, with some variation between grey and white. Nothing that has a lot of color or patterns becasue they're not his style. He does like adding a beanie to his outfits though sometimes he'll just stuff it in a coat pocket in case he wants to wear it later. 



— Dumb dumb, red velvet isn't just a cake 

+/- traits; adaptable, fair, independent, loyal // antisocial, serious, pesimistic, venomous

From spending most of his time on his own and migrating from one couch to the other Insu is quite adaptable. He can go from one place to another without even blinking and will seem like he's been living there forever instead of showing up just that day from the train. He's the kind of guy who blends in with the crowd and doesn't show much discomfort at all just going with the flow doing his own kind of thing. Insu is also incrediably fair, and though he won't want to be the mediator he will listen to both sides and declare both of them stupid saying it was both of their faults and both of them apologizing would be best. Then he immediately goes back to doing his own thing with the job done so he doesn't have to bother with anything anymore. He does like to keep things fair and square never liking when someone had the upper hand, a level playing field he likes to call it. So of course Insu is beyond independent. He doesn't ask anyone for help, even when he needs it being stubborn and refuses help. Call him rude and cold for outright rejecting the help someone was so gracious to give to him, but it makes him feel weak that he can't even do something on his own. He can cook, find his own shelter, and though he could be a hyocrite for using someone's couch instead of his own he doesn't think of it like that. Now this one might be a bit of a stretch to see but to anyone who can get close enough to Insu's bubble he's incrediably loyal. Need backup? Got into a bit of trouble? He's the guy to call, be prepared for a good lecture and a hard smack upside the head for waking him up in the middle of the night, but he'll show up. 

Sadly it's hard to penetrate that steel bubble of his as Insu is beyond antisocial. He doesn't like to talk to anyone or go out, preffering to stay in his room with his music. The only exception are his gigs, since that money puts food in his stomach and transportation. He's pretty awkward around people and doesn't really understand how to comfort them or even how to interact with them and kind of gets nervous. He hides all that nervousness behind his poker face and come across as horribly mean, which sometimes is the case. He's the definition of serious. This guy hardly cracks a smile, except with stupid jokes and the occassional random cute moment, and looks like he's made of stone instead of skin and flesh. Nothing is ever a joke especially music and if anyone ever made a joke about someone's music just because it wasn't their style and he will go off on them for being disrectful. Even though he isn't the kind of guy to usually burst in on someone else's conversation everyone has those triggers that make them see red, and dissing music is his. He has a serious aura that just sweeps off of him and gives a commanding presence that many get a little nervous about joking around. He's also a big pesimist. Looking at what could go wrong and how much is going to go wrong. He voices these opinions, no matter how uncomfortable or upset it'll make people because he feels that somone has to say something. Insu can also be quite venomous with his words. If it'll make that person feel bad and he feels they deserve it he'll say them. He's not the most popular person around, but his talent is too much to ignore and it's the reason why he's managed to get where he is now. But don't let the stone cold face and nasty attitude get everyone down somewhere deep down he's a loyal guy who won't leave those close to him.


— likes

one — Sleeping
two — Music
three — Coffee
four — Being alone
five — His guitar
six — Owls (they're cool)
seven — Winter
eight — Sunglasses

— dislikes

one — Aegyo (makes him cringe)
two — Too much skinship
three — Candy
four — Being forced to do things
five — Dissing others dreams
six — Know it alls 
seven — Awkward Situations (doesn't know how to react)
eight — Having to actually step in (he tends to let people take care of themselves and doesn't like butting in unless he has to)

— habits

one — Sighing (for literally everything)
two — Glaring when people get too close (it's a talent)
three — Cracking his fingers and neck
four — Bites the inside of his cheek to keep himself from talking
five — Checking his phone a lot

— hobbies

one — Rapping
two — Writing his own lyrics
three — Playing guitar
four — Playing games on his phone
five — Sleeping

— other facts

one — Tends to take his guitar everywhere after being so used to having it with him
two — Keeps a notebook of lyrics in his guitar case
three — Has his phone attached to his hip 
four — Cracks a smile at really stupid jokes, messing up his poker face
five — Doesn't feel he's meant to be the leader but knows how to get everyone to settle down when push comes to shove
six — Had a really bad habit of smoking but quit the year before
seven— Keeps an empty pack as a reminder in his drawer
eight — Knows how to cook, but won't do it unless no one else can. He refuses to starve
nine — Admires many rappers all over the world and looks to them as inspiration
ten — Addicted to coffee


— rock 'ur body to my love equation

In 2045 Insu was traveling around Seoul working any small gigs that he was given for even just the amount of cash. Yes that's right he was the wandering artist slash homeless bum with nothing but his guitar and a small messenger bag. He slept where ever he could, sometimes it was on a buddy's couch who had some room that night, or on a bench somewhere. It wasn't an ideal life style but he was fine with it, and actually preferred it to all the pressure he had back at home. His parents had wanted him to forget about his music and focus on school, get a good job, and stuff his dreams in the closet in a small box to as a nice reminder of his hobbies when he was older. Insu however wasn't okay with that and left that night deciding being on his own would be better than dealing with his family. Some tell him he's stupid for leaving a nice home with a bed but he just shrugs and lets them think what they want. His gigs varied from just playing his guitar to rapping, something that he honestly loved to do, and met just as many crazy people who he had gotten along with well enough but didn't consider them friends. It was one of these buddies that told him about this random website that was so freaking popular and he should check it out. Insu wasn't convinced nothing of the sort can actually grant wishes and half heartedly made a comment, not expecting anything but a good laugh out of it. 


he's been on his own long enough that he doesn't have a family


too antisocial for friends 


closest thing to a friend he's gonna have — Kwon Jiyoung (GD) // 27 // Idol // Fun, Goofy, Obnoxious, Not serious at all // Insu and Jiyoung are seriously polar opposites, but it's possible thats the reason they get along so well. Jiyoung is the one who drags Insu out and about in the world making him have some sort of life, no matter how much it's not wanted. 

 kage|leader main rapper

— You know my name. not my story. you've heard what I've done but not what I went through.

Why did they wish to pursue music? — I've been chasing a music career for years now it's literally my life at this point. I just worked whatever gigs I could, both rapping underground as well as playing my guitar around the city for money. When I heard about this website from a couple of buddies of mine I just checked it out not expecting much. 

 Do they like being in 2015 with the others?  — Eh, honestly I don't really care either way. I guess it's nice not being alone all the way in the past? But I don't really try to think about it. Just focus on myself to do what I can now.

Stage name; Insu
Persona; The Lone Wolf
Singing twin; na
Dancing twin; Block B Zico
Rapping twin; Tablo



last comment — Hope you don't mind me making another one. I just felt kind of bad since there were more girls than boys. 

scene requests — 
☒ the girls running around calling him marshmallow so the kage members call him marshmellow leader and promptly getting a smack upside the head.
☒ his love interest trying to get him to open up more even though it's a bit difficult at first.
☒ somebody using aegyo to get what they want from Insu since they know he doesn't like it. 
☒ just some fun/dramatic moments between the members.
☒ somebody catching Insu thinking about smoking from all the stress and stops him


password —
☒ 2pm my house
beast 12:30

i'll love you right like any wolf can.

—  applicant

personality — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porttitor dui nisi, id commodo massa imperdiet ac. Praesent velit dui, efficitur sit amet nisi id, suscipit congue orci. Nam et gravida mauris. Fusce vel tristique velit, in scelerisque lacus. Morbi sagittis, felis ac blandit egestas, libero neque aliquam turpis, at pellentesque urna enim eget justo. In porttitor purus non nunc posuere finibus. Morbi tincidunt blandit velit, vel semper risus rhoncus sed. Ut vulputate nisl vitae elit consequat, quis ultrices massa varius. 

relationship — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porttitor dui nisi, id commodo massa imperdiet ac. Praesent velit dui, efficitur sit amet nisi id, suscipit congue orci. Nam et gravida mauris. Fusce vel tristique velit, in scelerisque lacus. Morbi sagittis, felis ac blandit egestas, libero neque aliquam turpis, at pellentesque urna enim eget justo. In porttitor purus non nunc posuere finibus. Morbi tincidunt blandit velit, vel semper risus rhoncus sed. Ut vulputate nisl vitae elit consequat, quis ultrices massa varius. 

First Meeting — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porttitor dui nisi, id commodo massa imperdiet ac. Praesent velit dui, efficitur sit amet nisi id, suscipit congue orci. Nam et gravida mauris. Fusce vel tristique velit, in scelerisque lacus. Morbi sagittis, felis ac blandit egestas, libero neque aliquam turpis, at pellentesque urna enim eget justo. In porttitor purus non nunc posuere finibus. Morbi tincidunt blandit velit, vel semper risus rhoncus sed. Ut vulputate nisl vitae elit consequat, quis ultrices massa varius. 



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