≪ PLEASE BE MY WIFE ≫ ー Jung Jae Joo

❝The cat? Does it win in your story?❞
FULL NAME Jung Jae Joo
BIRTHDATE May 31, 1991
AGE 25
> fruitie|her friends call her that because she loves eating fruits and is obsessed like seriously obsessed. 
> Jaejae|her friends call her this, a shorter version of Jae Joo
HOMETOWN Bordeaux, France
ETHNICITY Korean French
> French | native tongue
> Korean | fluent: her parents made her speak Korean constantly and everywhere they went, obviously not when she was speaking to French citizens, but she became fluent and even understood the slang and etc.
> English | advanced: was a foreign language class she had in her elementary and middle school days. She also took some English class to learn more when she moved to Korea.
OCCUPATION Sociology Professor (two morning classes), Criminology Professor (one afternoon class)
FACECLAIM  Jessica Jung
APPEARANCE She has a tattoo on her right forearm that says, "le chat gagne toujours" which translates to "the cat always wins". 
POSITIVE witty, hardworking, intellectual, determined, humorous, loyal
NEGATIVE short-tempered, erted, blunt, impatient
Jae Joo has always been a sarcastic type girl who had witty remarks about anything anyone said. That being said, she also had the most erted remarks. Usually, everyone's first thought, when they think of her, is that she's really laid-back and weird. She usually has weird jokes and laughs at it herself and everyone just questions her sanity. But behind her weirdness, she's quite a mean person when you first meet her. Many say she gives off this intimidating aura when you meet her and it sometimes hard for others to even have a simple conversation with her, even if she's being kind. It's just her aura, man. Her face naturally just looks mean. Usually, when it's people she meets for the first time, she tends to give a blunt answer or reply as if she had better things to do than listen to you introduce yourself to her. It's not intentionally. Okay, yeah, it's intentional, only because she's comfortable with her circle of friends, she doesn't want to have a hassle of adding another friend in and finding out they're fake (but that doesn't happen too often). Among her colleagues, she has the worse temper. She gets angry fast and once her mood is , well... sorry buddy, you're practically stuck with Satan the whole day. She's extremely impatient, for her, she has to get things done quick and easy. She doesn't like waiting around for things to get done. The lady is a bit flirty honestly. She loves to flirt, to her it's just so fun. She feels bad that she would lead a few men on, because she never thought they were being serious about dating her. 
She's probably the worse person you'd ever come to when asking for no sugar-coating because her not sugar-coating will probably make you cry. Even if you didn't ask her to not sugar coat, she will tell the truth about everything and has no filter. She thinks that if she's close with her friends, there should be no reason for her to hide or lie to her friends about what she thinks. Jae Joo is well aware that she has this certain look to her, the mean one. So she tends to put on this exterior of looking and acting tough as if she didn't care what anyone said about her. But deep down, she is probably the most down-to-earth and caring person ever. Although, she sometimes feels weird expressing her feelings towards other, so it's hard for people to tell if she really cares for them or not. But honestly, she cares for the people around her so much and puts them before her all the time.  
Jae Joo was born on May 31, 1991 in Bordeaux, France. She basically lived their her whole childhood until she turned 14 and her parents hit her with a "Hey, Jae, we're moving, so say goodbye to your France life because you're never coming back. I mean, the country doesn't need you filthing it up." well, at least, that's what she heard. Anyway, she was gonna be moving and her parents had no intention of moving back ever. She was quite upset about it, she didn't want to make new friends and she thought France was a beautiful country and no other country could compare. Being the hypocritical child she was, she immediately fell in love with the country when she saw so many beautiful sights. When she first started high school, she never made friends with anyone. She didn't bother talking to anyone. It was always others that approached her first. That's probably the only way Jae Joo started making friends. She dated a few guys throughout her high school and college career. 
She was always crushing on this guy who was a grade older than her, but she knew he'd never notice her, so she always found someone else to date that made her heart flutter. But when she would be single again, her heart would oddly start crushing on the older boy again. She never really approached the boy, all she would do is stuff notes that she calls, "daily compliments". Why did she name them that? She overheard the older boy talking to his friend about his struggles. "Yongguk hyung, c'mon, you aren't a failure, okay? Don't think that." his younger friend patted his arm. "Thanks... I don't know I just don't think anything I do is good enough sometimes." Yongguk replied. After hearing that, she made those daily compliment notes and stuffed them in his locker, hoping he'd lighten up and realize that he wasn't a failure or whatnot. After he graduated, she never saw him again and he never knew she sent those notes and after a few years, she lost feelings for him. 
This girl had always been fascinated in the human mind and the world of criminal and law. She worked hard in college to major in sociology and criminology, which is what she ended up teaching as a professor at Yonsei University. She could have easily been a detective with her degree in criminology, but she thought it would be too time-consuming and she'd never find a husband. She lives in a nice apartment complex that's way too big for her to live in her own. Every day, she makes herself look her best for her lectures and colleagues. But by the end of the day, she's usually seen out in streets with other colleagues with her hair down, in her sweats and a plain face, no makeup and eating at random street vendors and cafes. When she's not lecturing and hopefully, its the weekend, she's helping out older people because she loves old people plus she has nothing better to do since it takes her mind off those numerous amounts of horrible essays she has to grade. 
Now, that she's almost twenty-five, she's quite upset she hasn't a guy to stick with. Her parents married at 25 and 26, why couldn't she? She fantasized about getting married one day and having kids of her own. She had been single for three years now, she was always too busy with work to go out and date. She would go on dates, but no one has captured her eyes. But she'd love for someone to ask her out on one, it felt amazing to date and feel giddy. Once, during a lecture, her students asked, "Miss. Jung, was there ever someone you had feelings for, but you never told him? If so, did you ever regret not saying anything?" That question shocked her. She thought hard, she just couldn't think of anyone, until she looked at her forearm. le chat gagne toujours. It was her signature that she put on her daily compliment notes. "Il n'a avis pas moi," she replied to her student in French before switching back to Korean. "He didn't notice me," she translated this time. "So it's okay, I don't regret it." she smiled. 
Jung Josook ー Father : 57
Josook's personality is quite short-tempered all around. He's constantly in a bad mood for no reason, meaning he's yelling and getting mad at every little thing that goes on. Jae Joo gets her temper from her dad and so they often clash. Father-daughter moments? What are those? I mean, unless you count bickering at each other as father-daughter moments, then yeah! Very rarely are these two aren't arguing with each other, but when they aren't - it's a very loving memory. 
Jung (Hwang) Haemi ー Mother : 56
Haemi is the quiet type mom. She sees everything and doesn't ever say anything, making you think she's just a clueless mom and that you could get away with it all. For Jae Joo, with that mindset, she gets in trouble A LOT. Her mom and her get along a bit better than her and father, but they fight often. But they're like bestfriends when they aren't fighting. 
Jung (Chan Soo) Pierre ー Older Brother : 29 : Faceclaim: Kim Woo Bin
Pierre has wished for a little sister ever since he learned how to talk. All he wanted was a little sister to take care of and love and protect her. And after a few years, he got one. He treats her like an absolute princess. He cares for her and always has her back to get her out of trouble and etc. The two are probably the definition of perfect siblings, it's rare they fight or get mad at each other.
Bang Minho ー Father : Father-in-law : 58
He's quite strict but easy-going once you get on his good side. He usually is hard and strict on Yongguk and his older sister, but a harmless and kind old man to others. He likes the fact his finally decided to get a wife, he felt like it was forever. So Minho cherishes Jae Joo for finally saying yes. Though, he has yet to learn more about his daughter in law, he likes her for who she is already. 
Bang (Park) Mae Ra ー Mother : Mother-in-law : 54
She is basically your kind, happy-go-lucky mom. She cares for her family members like crazy and looooves to show off her kids if they did something as good as refilling the gas tank. She didn't immediately love Jae Joo the first time she met her, only because of the vibe that gave off. But sooner or later, she was able to accept and welcome Jae Joo warmly some more as time went by. 
Bang Sarang ー Older sister : Sister-in-law : 32
Sarang isn't exactly the warmest and welcoming person ever. She's pretty cold all around, she doesn't open up easily. She gives straight blunt answers with no emotions at all. After she's opened up and gotten used to a person, she's a bit more at ease and kinder, but usually it's a nope nope nope, no kind feelings whatsoever. However, hearing that her younger rascal brother had a "wife", she eased up on Jae Joo. She was kind to Jae Joo on the first meeting because she thought Jae Joo made her younger brother happy and anyone who made her brother happy, made her happy. 
Seo Soohyun  ー Close friends : 24
She's quite a sunflower, very bright and happy. She's one of those people you'd probably never get bored of and could talk about anything with. They are quite close to each other, sometimes they even finish each other's sentences. The two have a habit of making jokes about each other, whether it's mean or nice, no hard feelings. The two both have lives and jobs, so they message each other when they can, but when they do talk or hang out, it's great fun. 
Seo Hyunjoo ー Close friends : 31
Jae Joo tends to come to Hyunjoo to relax and talk and have great laughs. Hyunjoo loves teasing Jae Joo about almost anything, especially when she gushed over Yongguk to Hyunjoo. Hyunjoo tells her often that this marriage thing may not be so bad and to just enjoy it, since it's been so long since she's dated or even had a partner. 
+ ) left-handed
+ ) has two master's degree (sociology & criminology) 
+ ) loves loves skinship deeply
+ ) when she gets angry, she usually starts speaking in French
+ ) she has quite a foul mouth, and curses up a storm when angered
+ ) addicted to coffee and will drink coffee anytime of day
+ ) allergic to milk
+ ) favorite type of flowers are lotus flowers and forget-me-nots
+ ) plays her guitar or saxophone when she's bored
+ ) loves to go out and drink, she doesn't get drunk very easily
PLOTLINE From Your Secret Admirer
BACKUP PLOTLINE The Not So Great "Wife"
I still think this guy is messing around with me, did I mention he was KNOWN for being a jokester back in high school? For a moment, in my head, I thought he really wanted to marry me!! I was like, yes! My time has finally arrived. Hahahaha, but reality hit me in the face when he was all about a "fake" marriage. I mean... at least I get to be with someone I've always crushed on?? Gosh, I sound like I'm back in high school. See? This is what spending six hours with students every day is like. It turns you back into one. I mean, my university students are mature and all but -- oops, I'm getting off tangent. Being his real wife would have been nice, but being his fake one is close enough, so I'm content. As much as I'm being okay with this whole ordeal, I feel like he's really just ing around with me right now to embarrass me or something to use this as future blackmail. What am I even saying, he's perfect. Wait what? Ok, I'm lost now. le chat gagne toujours ~
After I graduated high school, I spent some time in France, studying over there. I had these daily compliment cards that I kept that I found in my locker. I thought they were silly until I read them. I spent several years over in France seeing if anyone even knew the phrase, "le chat gagne toujours." I just felt like whoever wrote these to me probably cared and actually understood me somewhat, even if they didn't know me personally. I know it's silly, but I felt like the person is my soulmate. No girl that I dated in France or here in Korea knew the phrase. I visited Yonsei University one day because I was holding a presentation among the students and I overheard students talking about the phrase. I found her. Or at least, I think I did. I just, just want to test and see if it's really her. If she's the one who wrote these. That is why I asked her to be my wife. Although, that is part of the reason why. Like 1/3 of the reason why. 
The other reason is that I'm practically 26 now, and you know when you're at that age when your parents start to wonder, who's your girlfriend? Where are your kids, etc. Honestly, it's sooo annoying hearing them ask me that whenever I call them up to see how they're doing. But then again, where is my girlfriend? Where are my future kids? Truthfully, I wouldn't say I'm all that prepared for getting married, but you know - it sounds mean - but I guess a test run? Like I want to see how marriage actually feels like and fix it if I mess up or something along those lines. Plus, it could get my parents to stop nagging me for the time being. I just want the first time I actually get married, to be perfect because once I know the ropes of it, my marriage with my future love wouldn't be so difficult, if ever. So... that's why I'm having a fake marriage for now. That's 2/3 of the reason why. 
Okay, so the last reason is just plainly because my sister is already married. Hell, my sister is having a kid on the way. When you sit around the table with a bunch of married couples and listen to them have their adult talk -- okay, there's a difference in adult talk. It goes from being an adult to married adult. It's so different, trust me. But when you're sitting there, listen to the adults talk, with some girl your sister set you up with next to you, it's uncomfortable. A part of me feels just left behind that I'm the only one still unmarried. But like I said, I'm still not that prepared, so this fake marriage is a test run. Plus, this is to stop my family members from setting me up with girls that I find materialistic and annoying. 
❝ Funny how Tom the cat always loses. Especially against Jerry. ❞
BIRTHDATE March 31, 1990
AGE 26
OCCUPATION Lawyer at Seo & Attorneys Co. 
POSITIVE genuine, loyal, caring, romantic, humorous 
NEGATIVE short-tempered, blunt, jealous, stubborn
Yongguk may seem like your average stone-cold gang leader, but he isn't. He's actually quite caring and kind-hearted. Somewhere. Deep down. But the thing is, he puts on a tough mask because he doesn't want to seem like a wimp to others if he shows a little bit of sensitivity. He's the type to stick to one girl and one girl only, he isn't a cheater or anything, in fact, he despises that. Sad thing is, he's never the one to break hearts. It's always the girls that break his heart. He's quite a romantic. He seems like he isn't but he is. He just expresses it in the most awkward way ever. He always cares for the people around him, his close friends and family. He always puts them first and watches out for them constantly and cares and worries about them. He's known to be quite the jokester too. He makes quite the effort to put a smile on people's faces. 
Despite all that, he's quite short-tempered. He's easily angered and snaps immediately. But he won't be angry for too long, maybe an hour or two before he returns back to normal. He's very very blunt, he doesn't feel the need to sugar coat anything he says, so he's very honest. He's quite the jealous man too. Like stating before, he always has eyes for one girl and one girl only, which is usually his girl. He isn't unfaithful, he would shower her with so much love and care. But if a guy were to have her attention for even just a second, he'd get angered so easily because sometimes people knew it was his girl. Why would they have the nerve to talk to her?  
He does propose to Jae Joo for real. While they're having dinner, Yongguk pauses eating to tell her, "I don't think you should be my fake wife anymore." Jae Joo was extremely confused, did he not want to be with her anymore, was she that bad of a wife. For so long, she felt like she was really his wife. It didn't feel fake to her. 
"What do you mean?" she mumbled. "I don't want you to be my fake wife anymore, we're done with that." he replied. Jae Joo, at that moment, feeling super hurt, she said, "Oh..." trying to hold in the tears until he got down on one knee and pulled a ring out of his pocket and said, "We're done being fake husband and wife. You're done being my fake wife. I want you to really be my wife, my actual wife. So will you... Jung Jae Joo, marry me?" so they do end up getting married.
Honestly, at first, I thought it would be hard because he doesn't know that every time I would fall back to being single, my heart would just pound for him and just admire him from afar. So when he told me that, I was like well, I'm screwed that's for sure. But I respected him and his rules and decisions. If he didn't want me to be in love with him, then I'm willing to do so. But I feel iffy seeing him again, so I don't think my heart would return back to him. It's been a few years and I've matured. 
It was things like us hugging, us sharing a bed together, giving each other kisses in front of strangers or his friends. His touch. His touch was very different for me and it felt strange because you'd look at him and think he's a very rough person but his touches were soft and delicate. Everything that he did kinda contradicted to how he looked. So that made me confused at times. I hated it so much when his friends would give me trivia questions about Yongguk to see if I really cared and understood him and I'd be so lost and confused because I didn't know much about him, so he'd nudge me and say, "Remember sweetie? It was ..." and then I'd act like I'd totally forgotten and laugh and say "Oh yeah! I remember now!" 
He and I both short-tempered, so it was such a problem whenever we argued because we were so stubborn to listen to each other's explanations, so that was pretty difficult for me. He was easily angered just like me so it felt like I was really fighting with myself haha. 
About a month or two into the fake marriage, I became extremely stressed with work and my boss was being a total face and said rude remarks to me that hit me in the spot. He especially said something rude about my "husband" which made me blow. So I remember just arguing back at my boss that my "husband" had nothing to do with my work and that his name shouldn't even be mentioned because he was a good person, just getting called out for no reason. I defended my husband and kept saying he wasn't a distraction, if anything, he was supportive and understanding. He wasn't anything cruel or distracting like my boss stated. I stormed out of his office and emailed my students cancelling class and sat in my car thinking.
I was oddly confused. I would never defend a person like that. To me, being friends or in a relationship a month or two in was still fairly new. So there wouldn't be a reason for me to defend them. That's when I realized I started to actually develop feelings for him, falling for the guy. It shocked me. I said I wouldn't fall for him. But, but this time I actually did. 
I was upset at myself. I promised myself I wouldn't fall for him but I ended up doing so. I kept thinking to myself, I don't know him well enough. I can't like a person I didn't know well enough. I was in denial, I just kept thinking it was just slight butterflies but really, it wasn't. I was hoping he'd drop me aside soon before he realized I started having feelings. But boy oh boy... this number one rule makes me so sad because it was someone I basically longed for, but I didn't have a right to fall for him. I guess the cat doesn't always win. 
A LITTLE LOVE LETTER FOR AUTHOR? ( questions, comments, concerns? ) 
I had so much fun filling out this app! I'm really anticipating on this story, it sounds so fun and cute. Well hope you like my app, author-nim!
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