jungdongpark / lou / 10
participant's alias  Wei Lian
other nicknames
> fruitie ; only her colleagues call her this because of her vibrant colored outfits she wears to work and usually because her lunch and break is only fruits. 
> sister jiang ; her students call her this because when she first started working, she was quite young, only 22. she acted more of a kind and go-to-for-advice type sister rather than a strict and demanding teacher. so she is okay with her students calling her sister jiang from time to time.
full name Huang Jiang Wei (黃江偉)
date of birth & age may 31, 1990
place of birth Bordeaux, France
hometown Boulogne-Billancourt, France 
ethnicity Chinese-French
nationality Chinese
> French | fluent ; having to live and grow up in a country where its the common language and being fluent isn't a surprise.
> Mandarin | fluent ; though she lived in a country where many of her relatives didn't live in and it was just her, her siblings and parents, to be able to excel her native language, she spoke it everywhere she went. Obviously to her parents, she never replied in French or anything to her parents she's gotten good enough to know the slang
> Korean | she's pretty advanced with this language, even though she has lived in Korea for about ten years, she hasn't picked up almost everything of the language. She still gets confused and lost and can't understand things at times. 
> English | semi-fluent ; she didn't really start learning it until she started college, it was recommended as one of her prep classes in college. 
appearance Jiang Wei is a very slender but tall woman with porcelain skin. Her jawline is very skinny and she has high cheekbones. Her face is quite doll-like because her eyes are quite big. Sometimes people say her body and face was thrown to waste to become a teacher when she could have easily become a model or actress. She stands at 171 cm and weighs about 55.2 kg. The way she dresses is very mature and classy, she always loves to look professional no matter what, well maybe except when she's at home and no one's watching. She has a tattoo on her right forearm that says, "personne d'autre a votre arriere mais toi" which is no one else has your back but you. To her it's plenty meaningful because she has had the worse trust issues ever because throughout her years people would backstab her. 
During the rainy days, she likes to wear colorful clothes so she's in the publics eye for everyone to see, but on normal sunny days, she'll wear colorful clothes too but she loves to wear black and grey most.
>> Miss A's Fei
> backup: Angela Yeung aka Angelababy
> + | witty, determined, kindhearted, trustworthy, loyal, humorous
> - | erted, impatient, blunt, short-tempered, impulsive, 
>> | Jiang Wei is a little odd with personality sometimes, some say she's bipolar. She'll be fine and all of a sudden her mood is quite ty. Oh, to as well add, she's a great actress. Because she has trust issues, the thing is, she gets along with everyone. Leaves an amazing first impression on everyone, but there are people she likes and dislikes but won't say or act in a mean way. Towards the people she dislikes, she'll act friendly as if she gives a crap about them but she doesn't. To her, it's burdening to create so many friends when she could just hide behind a mask and act like cares and eventually see how the person really is and then just like that - she can drop them without an emotional attachment if they mess up. She does this so her trust issues don't get out of hand and leave her lonely. 
She genuinely is a kind person and cares for others more than herself. She always puts others before herself. A problem with her personality is that sometimes she longs for the people that ruined her to come back because she forgives too easily. 
She has a bit of a short-temper... okay, maybe not a bit but her short-tempers are crazy. Once you piss her off, it's like anything you say can explode another bomb, it's just one bomb after another. She tends to act on impulse to, due to her anger. She can't really calm herself down unless she lashes out on the person who was the cause of her anger. But that usually just results in her cursing the person out because she can't really afford going to jail. But normally, she's pretty funny, making the best jokes about everyone and really erted among her colleagues. 
current life 
> | After moving from France to Korea at the age of 16, she adapted quite well. To her, it was like seeing "her people", even if they were technically her nationality, they were still similar to her in a way. Her family moved after her dad got offered a job in Seoul. She lived a pretty easy life after she moved out and went to college. She didn't know what she had wanted to yet when she first started. Eventually over time, she majored in physiology and sociology. But she majored in those courses to teach students about it. She spent two years taking a course to prep her to become a teacher.
Like before, many people thought she wasted her image on being a teacher but honestly, fame and luxury sound amazing but she'd rather a normal, content life. She gets up at 5 am everyday, sometimes 5:30 if she feels sluggish, then washes up and gets ready for her morning exercise. Which is jogging then bike riding. Afterwards she'd go eat her breakfast which is normally just a bowl of fruits and a smoothie, sometimes ramen and egg if she's relly craving it. She'd take about at least half an hour staring and just staring at her closet figuring out what to wear. Soon once she's all prepped and ready to go, she arrives to school at about 7:45 am. She teaches her students and once the day is over, she drives to Seoul go eat street vendors, because her lunch and breakfast is fruits and a smoothie while her dinner is usually restaurants or street vendors and cafe sorts of food. She knows how to cook, but she's too  lazy to wash the dishes. From time to time, she'll make herself a home cooked meal.
Although, she has two of her friends living with her, so it doesn't get lonely for her. She tends to go clubbing with them and hope to find a guy there to fit her liking, but usually she doesn't. She just flirts and plays around with them: a one night stand from time to time. But as for as her current life goes, it's just teaching, eating unhealthy food, meeting men and more teaching. Sometimes she really wish she had just take up on that modeling offer she got awhile back.
> master's degree | she completed her master's degree in sociology and physiology, she currently teaches as political sociology at Gunsun 
> cat person | she has a huge adoration for cats but the only sad thing is, she's allergic to them
> emotionless emotions | quite frankly, Jiang Wei is probably the worse person to come to if you're crying or whatnot. She doesn't exactly know how to portray her emotions besides anger, so a lot of the times it comes off as her not caring
> skinship | she is a huge skinship lover, she gives the best hugs ever. although, it is also a tactic to annoy her friends with if they don't like skinship
> tattoos | she has one on her right forearm, as well as a lotus flower on the back of her neck of where the spine starts.
> lotus flower | she is buddhist and that is usually the symbol of her religion, but it also means rebirth and faithfulness
> opposite hands | she's left handed and usually feels like the odd one out because people sometime complain and say, "Just use your right hand! You're in my way."
> allergies | she's allergic to milk, suuuper allergic
> addiction to caffeine | she is a major coffee addict, while many say it's damaging to your health (not gonna lie it is), she really doesn't care. She consumes all sorts of coffee and her favorite is straight black coffee and iced caramel macchiato
> foul mouth | she has quite a foul mouth and curses a lot, usually whenever she's super angry. but when she's angry, she switches her languages to French. 
relationships none really. like stated before, she has trust issues. sure she has friends here and there but none are really close enough to know what she's really like or what she's doing. or that she could even trust to say she's playing the game. she's pretty on her own and independent a lot of the times you could say. 
love interest bang yongguk + university professor
current status more than friends but not dating (ya feel me??)
> + | genuine, loyal, caring, romantic, humorous
>  -  | short-tempered, impulsive
interactions jiang wei had met yongguk at a teacher preperatory meeting. Yongguk was the person who was hosting it and lecturing it, she was amazed over how good looking he was and totally waved over what he said throughout the lecture. Yongguk noticing her constant stare, he decided to give her his number after the meeting.  They soon became good and close friends (she trusted him a lot but a part of her also didn't trust him) Though, from time to time she had one night stands and totally forgot about the guy she was with for that one night, but when she was with him doing all that diddly doo, she kept yearning for him. it was odd because she was never like this before. 
for her, the amazing intimacy times they had together weren't all that captivated her. it was him and how he treated her. they treated each other like a couple, hell, a married one even. but neither had the guts to tell each other they have feelings, but they sure as hell are heads over heels for one another. They've known each other for about two years now and nothing more has been done, when others say they like each other, the only thing they can reply with is, "Friends do this too... don't they?" maybe it's being around students so much that's got the two adults shy for each other. 
life in gunsun the very first day jiang wei started teaching her political sociology class, everyone came in thinking she was a rebellious student because 1) she looked way too young to be a teacher 2) she wasn't wearing her uniform & 3) she was sitting at the teacher's desk. For her students to even let her continue lecturing her damn class, she had to take out all her ID and etc to prove she was a teacher. It sparked around school that the new sociology teacher wasn't just some old granny, it was a young granny. ok, not granny - but a young lady that was as wise as granny. She was also beautiful and captured hearts of many male students. Since she is nicknamed "sister jiang" because many students come to her in the time of need or for advice, sometimes this could ruin her jobs. Why? Because sometimes adults or even students get jealous and think crazy ideas of what's going on like a student-teacher relationship etc and would tell it to the principal trying to ruin her career. But, nothing's ever happened badly to her. at least yet. 
in her free time, during lunch or break, she lets students in to eat and chat and from time to time, she pulls out her guitar to play and sing for people to hear. she's a popular teacher around school, she's chill and easy-going, even if her class is super hard. 
Her class is quite hard and the homework she gives out. She gives out homework two times a week, tuesday & thursday. One page worksheet. It seems easy right? But no, it's usually filled with three hard and confusing questions that frustrate her students. The answers would be in the book, but instead of it being that easy for her student, they usually have to dig deeper to find the answers. She usually has a list of books she wants her students to check out each week. Every week is five different books that go with the homework and she wants them to dig through every book until they could find the answer to her questions. Her students think she's crazy sometimes, but she doesn't want the students to always depend on technology when the library is still good for use. It's basically also her homework too because she has to find these answers herself. She usually doesn't go by the textbook when she teaches, she shows interviews, videos, documentaries, sources etc for them to learn because she knows for a fact the text book doesn't really prove anything. 
Even though her class is frustratingly hard, her students think that she's a great teacher. Not the type to just go easy and end class and early and barely teach. The students are usually actually interested in learning in her class. About 70% of her students pass with a C+ or higher in her class. 
socioeconomic class uppermiddle class
what do you think of the liar game?
what do i think? what do I think? well... what do i think? her lips curled into a smile. just by the name of the game, all i can say is that it intrigues me. she let out a slight chuckle. it sounds like a game i could easily play. 
do you want to win the game? if yes, what are the reasons for your motivation? if not, why? 
yes, i'm trying to win. she laughed loudly. no one's trying to pay so much debt if you lose, you're funny. she remained silent for a bit before speaking again. but then, I wouldn't want to win because I don't want to find so much money and end up losing that money and pay the debt. it really goes both ways honestly. 
if you were to know the students who are also involved in the game, what is your next course of action?
humans are really just sacks of hungry beasts. sure, i love my students, they're angels to me. she sighed. but this is a game, with money in it! what are you to expect me to do? treat them kindly as if they were in my classroom? she questioned. no, like i said humans are hungry beasts, they aren't gonna treat me how they would in class so i guess my next course of action is... she gave a small smirk. just to let the hungry beast out, right? i sound money hungry, but i'm not. just the involvement in the game is thrilling. 
what is your strategy to win the game? 
Honestly, knowing myself, all I can tell you is, I don't have a strategy. she says as she adjusts herself in her seat and putting on leg over the other. she gave an intimating smirk. im just gonna relax and watch people do their stuff, i don't want to waste so much energy until its really time for me to step in. 
you have received the notice that you are a participant of the game. who would you share this information with, and why? answer here
Yongguk, I would tell Yongguk. she blankly stared at the ground. Yongguk. she said his name one more time, her soft tone when saying his name was definitely more defined. "I trust him."
if one of your trusted associates is scheming to exploit you of your fortune, what is your reaction? 
She laughed at the question. Are you being serious right now? she laughed some more until her face turned red and she patted her eyes dry from the tears. I'm notorious for not trusting anyone that ever steps into my life except for one person. I don't trust anyone so why would I have associates? but just in case, hopefully my impulsive behavior acts out this time. and that means the poor snitch meets hell early. 
comments i had so much fun filling this app out and i'm really anticipating on this story! so hope you like my character!
suggestions um.. i'm sorry, i don't have any ;-;
password  truth or lie
layout by tournament, inspired by wonwooe. do not steal.


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