〈 런닝 커플 ♡ don't walk, run! 〉seo baek joo.

Seo Baek Joo


name — Seo Baek Joo

nicknames — Ava Seo (English name), sweet potato - given to her by her friends because she loves eating sweet potatoes.

birthday — 31 may '96. 20.

birth place — Bordeux, France

hometown — Boulogne-Billancourt, France (western suburbs of Paris)

languages — Korean | she's quite fluent in it because her parents made her speak in Korean anytime and anywhere unless she was speaking to another French person. She's fluent enough to the slangs and all that jazz. 

French | fluent, basically her native language, growing up and living in France her whole life. 

English | fluent , English was one of the classes she had to take when she younger in her school for her foreign language class. She caught onto the language very quickly and became well fluent. 

height + weight — 172cm + 53.4kg

Jungdongpark / Lou / activity lvl: 5



face claim — jung min hee

backup face claim — park hye min aka pony

appearance — she has two diamond cartilage piercings in her left ear, she also has a tattoo down her right forearm that says, "set them on fire" which is special to her because people would look down on her and doubt her and she would prove them wrong & that's her meaning of 'set them on fire'. She also has a lotus flower tattoo on the back of her neck just above where the spine begins. 

fashion style — Baek Joo treats everyday as a runway either that, or she has to feel really pretty about what she wears. She can't ever go out in public looking like a mess or else the whole day she'll regret it and keep muttering on how ugly she looks even if she looks fine. The thing is she already has a pretty face to herself but she still thinks she'd look ugly without looking her best in clothes. If she were to just throw on a white t-shirt and shorts, she would need something else to make her look a little stylish.  Even if it's just to get something small like go to a relative's house and pick something up and go home right away, she has to get dressed all nice. No way is she ever going in public like a trash. She likes to wear bright colors on rainy days, just so people can spot her out of the public's eye. On sunny days, she tends to wear dark colors. One, because she just likes too, two, because dark colors like dark and grey are usually the clothes she has that also make her stand out. She has other types of clothing for sunny days too, but she just likes to the color black and grey on her skin. She has her own way of wearing clothes, she does follow fashion trends but prefer to dress her way. 


professional - I.II.III.IV.V

date/partying/ having fun - I.II.III.IV.V.VI

sleepwear / comfy attire - one.two.three.four.five.

casual- I.II.III.IV.V

casual(II)- one.two.three.four



traits — witty | erted | smart/ intellectual | impatient | flirt | short-tempered | blunt | kind hearted

personalityshe has always had two faces, maybe not personality wise, but the mind and looks. she has a face as pure and innocent as a five year-old, but underneath all that, it's ertedness and cockiness - in front of strangers, at least, she's cocky. though she's extremely erted no matter what, liking to joke about whatever anyone says, it triggers her mind to think of something grosser and dirtier than what's meant to be said. she hides all that, though, in front of adults or elders with her school attitude and her polite manners. which of course, she does have. she's big on manners and being respectful to elders.she's always been a straight-a student - never failed once. and if she did, it's probably something in preschool for not coloring in the lines. the thing is that when school comes along, she always has to succeed and never fail. that goes for everything else around her too. if she does fail, she'll feel bad and be ashamed of herself and cry on the inside. she's had so many awards and been well liked among the teachers, which makes her think highly of herself, not on purpose. 


if people annoy her, piss her off, she doesn't take bull from anyone at all. she just comes back with a straight up rude remark about that person. sarcastic too, if they're being too 'dumb' towards her. she's a kind person too, ask her to do a favor, she'll do it but want nothing in return. unless you ask her frequently, but she changes her mind every few minutes. but to the point you keep on bugging her, she'll ignore you or say no. that's her own charm. at least she thinks so. even if she says no, it's probably to a person she doesn't like or talk to much. but most of the times, she does everything for everyone. she puts other's happiness before hers. usually when given the question, "what do you do to make yourself happy?" she doesn't have an answer to it because she always wanted others happy.however, her temper is quite bad, so anything could set her off. literally anything can just make her mood snap. when she's angry or super angry, she tends to have a foul mouth.


she is a huge flirt. just like her dad when he was younger. like father like daughter. she has a lot of charms in her flirting that makes guys fall for her, but the thing is, she's not trying too, it just comes out  that way. some people would think that she likes them but nope. just a little misunderstanding.  she had many relationship problems because of that. many people in her family (aunts, uncles, etc.,) saw her as a bad influence. she's also not the type of daughter anybody would love to have. 1) she doesn't do her chores 2) she talks back a lot because she's knows she's correct but no one ever lets her explain her side of the story. 3) she always daydreams about the things in her parents opinion, not even worthy of thinking about. 4) she always opposed to whatever her parents thought was good for her, but no, it would always end in a mess.she has a quote she's always kept in her mind though; "act like a lady, think like a man." - steve harvey. 


background — Seo Baek Joo was born in Bordeaux, France, she was the first girl and last child. Her being the only girl and her parents and her older brother longing for a girl so much, she was spoiled. Though, she didn't grow up to act like a spoiled child. Living in France, she barely had any family members that lived near her. They were either in the United States or Korea. She only had her grandma, who lived with her and her family. She grew up playing with her brother in many different roles from Aliens attacking the ocean to princess adventures. Her grandma noticed she was excited whenever her brother came up with another character for Baek Joo to act as. So then her grandma decided to enter her into many beauty pagaents and acting would be one of her talents. She won a few pagaents during her childhood. 


As she grew, her parents called it quits on the whole beauty thing and would much rather her focus on being a normal child and going to school + her grandma was getting too old to keep supporting her like this. So then, she continued to go to school normally without anything waiting for her afterschool. When her family moved to Boulogne-Billancourt when she turned six, her grandma decided to move back to Korea to live for the rest of her time she had left. Her grandma told her before she left, "Don't give it up." and from there, she kept dreaming of acting one day. When she turned thirteen, she took acting classes at a famous academy in Paris and hoped her parents would be supportive in letting her become a real actress one day because her brother was. But they weren't, sadly. Her going to acting class was just an extracurricular and they wanted nothing more to develop from that. So one day, she took a camera and recorded herself acting off scripts and later sent it into a company in Korea, SM Entertainment. After weeks of not hearing anything, she thought she didn't make it. Until one day her brother picked up a mail that was sent to her and opened it saying they would accept her as a trainee for acting. She was excited and showed her parents. But they got mad at her for doing something behind their back but in the end gave in and let her go to Korea to train. 


She trained for about two years and a half before debuting in the film, Sunny. From there, she got many love from people and came on variety shows more and more. She was a fresh new face at the time, she continued to act in many more movies and shows. She then decided to take on modeling while she was at it. Though acting wasn't the only thing she was good at it. She was also good at playing multiple instruments. 


+ skinship | she is a huge fan of skinship and the queen of suffocating hugs, to her, it's the best form of friendship. You meet new people by shaking their hands or giving a small hug. But after passing the whole new friends stage with her, it becomes a tactic for her to annoy her friends or loved ones with. but she loves the skinship feeling with a loved one it just gets her giddy. 

+ guitar, saxophone & piano | these three instruments are her holy grail. she loved the way acoustic songs sounded so she had to learn the guitar and she learned it from a teacher she looked up to very much. As well as saxophone, it was just one of those, "I wanna try" instruments. she was also taught by the same music teacher she looked up to very much. While the piano, she just loved how slow songs sounded on the piano.

+ legends | she's a er for good ol' legends that could scare her, confuse her or make her feel excited about just about anything.

+ coffee | yeah, yeah coffee's bad for you, but Baek Joo is a total addict. she drinks all sorts of coffee. She especially loves drinking straight black coffee

+ spicy food | grew up constantly throwing spices into her food and loves the fiery taste

+ bubble tea | happiness in a cup 

+ elders & children | seeing elders sitting alone at a restaurant or on the street breaks her heart, so she usually would go up to them and talk to them to make their day or whatever. She loves the bright faces of elderly people when they smile or laugh. While children melt her heart, she loves how happy and cute they are. She loves to imagine having her own kids one day. 


dislikes — 

- insects & spiders

- sleeping in the dark | she needs at least one night light in her room

- people getting in her way of her goal 

- when people don't take her seriously

- the wind 

- slackers

- when people lie to her

hobbies — 

+ playing her piano or saxophone

+ writing short stories or poems

+ learning how to make new dishes 

habits — 

+ sleeping late (3-4am)

+ because she has a roommate, she tends to sleep walk into their room and sleep

+ constantly buying unhealthy snacks for her to eat when she's up late at night

+ she scrunches her hands whenever they get tensed and this happens when she's nervous or worried

+ cursing a lot (she has 


+ sns accounts: @baekava (twitter & instagram)

+ left-handed

+ she's buddhist (hence her lotus flower tattoo)

+ whenever she's mad, she starts speaking french

+ her favorite variety shows are: Strong Heart, Beatles Code, Running Man and We Got Married

+ she's a cat person

+ allergic to milk

+ when she first started to learn how to drive, one of her cousins living in Korea was teaching her. He had gotten out of the car to teach her to back up, but instead she drove forward and broke her grandma's mailbox

+ her respected actors that she loves are: Lee Minho, Kim Won Bin and Song Hye Kyo

+ she is a politic fanatic, it was never introduced to her by anyone, she herself got interested in the political views. 

+ if she didn't become an actress, she would have become a detective or something involving politics

+ when she doesn't smile and has a straight face, many think she's a because she has a natural resting face



family — 

— Seo Jisoo | father | Though, Jisoo and his daughter were super close when she was younger, but as she grew, her personality started to take after him, stubborn and short-tempered, so the two fight often. But deeply, he cares for her but because his daughter has become like a mini him, it scares him a bit. But the two rarely converse because when they do they just fight.| 57

-- Seo (Jung) Jaeroo | mother | Jaeroo and Baek Joo used to be close when Baek Joo was younger, but as she grew older, she as well, didn't get along with her mom. They had their differences and fought often. But whenever they weren't fighting on those rare occasions, it was like they were best friends and got along so well. | 53

-- Seo (Jin) Pierre | older brother | these two are best friends and nothing could ever pull them apart. He treated his sister with much love and care and would never want to see her hurt. Though, they don't see each other as much anymore because he's still living in France, he'd try his best to call her weekly and remind her how much he loves and misses his little sister.


friends — 

— Kang Seulgi | Best friend | They were friends before Red Velvet's debut. They met each other once when Baek Joo was running an errand for her sunbae, Go Ara in the company and she hadn't explored a lot of the company and got lost. She entered the dance room where Seulgi was practicing. She didn't say anything but sorry and bowed and tried to leave but Seulgi called and introduced herself, saying she noticed that Baek Joo was the new acting trainee. She suggested they go get food after their their practices was over and Baek Joo agreed. (she was 14 and Seulgi was 15 at the time)

From there, they became good friends and watched out for each other. They would help each other get out of trouble in the company if something happened. When Baek Joo debuted before Seulgi, Seulgi would show up at her dorm and have a cake to give her as a congrats for every film or show she did. Baek Joo did the same, once a week, for however long Red Velvet was promoting their song. Seulgi and Baek Joo are considered sisters honestly, they do almost everything together when they don't have their schedules. They love to whine to each other about their basic problems and then laugh at whatever each other says| 21


— Kim Namjoon | rbest friend | Before BTS' debut, Namjoon had held a mini underground concert and Baek Joo's friend from school invited her to go watch. Which Baek Joo did go watch, she watched in amazement as he rapped. After it was all over, she came up to him and asked if he would like to get something to eat with her (she was 17 and he was 18 at the time) he agreed, as they talked and went to eat at random street vendors, she gushed over how much he became her new favorite rapper and wanted to be his friend.

He agreed to be her friend and from there, they became close and supported each other often. He'd be seen at her movie or show premieres and she'd be at his comeback showcases or a few music shows. They usually go to each other when they're having hard times or need someone to talk too. They know each other like the back of their hands. | 21


— n/a

My other half... sort of

love interest — Bang Yongguk (bap)

backup love interest — Lee Minho (shinee)


personality — Bang Yongguk doesn't act how he looks. He seems like the scary gang leader with the crazy deep voice. He's actually a goofy and kind-hearted person. He doesn't want to seem like a wimp in front of others or a crowd, so he puts this macho act so he looks tough. but deep down, he's intellectual and soft. He puts others before him, especially s. Though he doesn't just put his trust into anyone, so it's hard to open up with him the first time. But when you open him up, he will put so much energy in worrying for your health and making sure you're ok. He loves to have deep conversations with people and learning about their interests. 

relationship — The way they met or first started talking was when Baek Joo was scrolling through her twitter feed and saw Yongguk tweet out a photo of his mixtape cover and she tweeted at him saying, "Wow! @BAP_yongguk your mixtape is amazing!!" and he replied back saying, "@Baekava thank you! your acting is amazing!" so then she privately messaged him and said, "You have good taste in film (:" with him replying, "Just how you have good taste in music." and from there, the two started conversing, but never really met each other in person due to their busy schedules. But during BAP's hiatus was also during when Baek Joo was on a hiatus from acting. Yongguk then messaged her and asked if she wanted to go out for coffee.


By this time, the two had opened up to each other and consistently talked to each other when they had the time. It was obvious they had feelings for each other, they hung out often when they were on their hiatus. The way they acted around each other was very couple like. When they fought, they fought like a married couple. The members of BAP always made jokes that they were a couple, but they always denied their feelings for each other and said, "Friends act like this with each other... right?" but they were really carefree with each other, they could eat like pigs, make ugly faces, wear the ugliest clothes and their faces be bare without makeup and they would still be so comfortable with each other. 

"everyone is looking at the golden wife here aka me."

comments/suggestions — hello author-nim! i had such a fun time filling this application out lololol and im anticipating on this story a lot lot lot !! i hope you like Baek Joo ((-: 

scene requests

+ yongguk taking sneak photos of Baek Joo, not showing her face and posting it on social media, hinting he might have feelings with someone

+ baek joo doesn't call yongguk "oppa" ever, so when she does at random times, he gets excited

+ her brother Pierre, coming to Korea to surprise her

password —  running couple

turn in — back to the story


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