소원 - Sowun Ent| Moon Aecha | Sirena | Main Dancer Vocalist


Character Name — Moon Aecha
nickname — 
Cha Cha - kage/sirena members - since she's the dancer and because of her name they like to call her cha cha sometimes even adding a miss at the beginning of it.
Ayeee - love interest - he'd most likely call her this as a nickname because he thinks it's funny. 
☘ Channie - everyone - most of her friends and family call her this as a simple nickname

birthday — 02/14/1994
birth place — Busan, South Korea
hometown —Busan, South Korea

ethnicity — Korean
nationality — Korean

languages — 
 Korean - fluent - native language
 Japanese - conversational - has been taking classes in college
blood type — AB

baek aecha

by stormatsea (clara)


— What is exo planet? pretty sure that we are in korea.

face claim — Han Kyunghyun 1 2 3 
back up — Lee Sungkyung 1

height — 164 cm 
weight — 51 kg

Medium length light brown hair, mismatched eyes and big lips Aecha has a face of unique beauty that some can get passed or look through to see the person underneath. She has a birthmark on her shoulder that she usually covers with shirts or makeup if wearing a tank top. She has the most perfect arch on her eyebrows and they never have to be touched up. She doesn't do much in matters of her appearance makeup or hair wise usually keeping it in a ponytai or simple braids. 

fashion style

— Should I manse before i rush?

Aecha has a simple kind of style but has a thing for comfortable and flowy. Honestly anything that feels good and looks good, because you still have to look good no matter what, and it'll probably has it stashed in her closet and dresser. She doesn't have a problem wearing heels though flats and tennis shoes are her overall preference. 



— Dumb dumb, red velvet isn't just a cake 

+/- traits; adventurous, genuine, reliable, compassionate // gullible, insecure, absentminded, procrastinator

Aecha is pretty adventurous when she wants to be, for example she'll be the first to line up for a new ride, or a brand new flavor that doesn't sound at all appetizing but she will think "hey why not? can't hurt right?". You can consider her a free spirit since now that she was given another chance she decided might as well try everything and find out what you like and don't like because you just never know. And so because of this she's always more than willing to go on adventures with anyone and everything that everyone else is too scared to even think about trying. Besides being a little too curious for her own good sometimes Aecha is very very genuine and will always tell the truth, mostly because you can tell she's lying by the look on her face, but she tries to keep herself on the truthful side of things not really wanting to hurt someone's feelings even by accident. However on the flip side of that it makes her extremely gullible. She'll believe just about anything that she's told, even if it's something completely stupid and is obviously false she'll look at you with big eyes and ask all sorts of questions laughing and smiling about learning something new. It's a bit sad when you really stop to think about it as she should know the difference by now but most of the time she'll fall for the same tricks and pranks as always. 

Aecha can be reliable when she wants to be. Though it's not always in the aspect that most people would think. No it's not by remembering, or by being smart and always knowing the right thing to do. She'll always be there for you. It doesn't matter if she's known you for three years or for three minutes if you need a shoulder to cry on or a person to listen as you vent out all of your frustrations she's your girl. It can be the middle of the day or in the dead of night as well she won't mind being woken up because someone needs a person to talk to. Aecha is also quite openminded and doesn't judge or make judgments no matter what the person did and will offer her support to anyone who needs or wants it. So it's easy to tell now that she's compassionate to those she knows and doesn't. If someone is crying she'll cry with them and then procceed to do anything she can to make them feel better. Though she can be seen as being nosy and annoying for getting into everyone's business she doesn't care or really mind it since one way or another her actions had helped. Something that most don't know or realize however is that Aecha is insecure. She hides it behind her sunny desposition and compassion for others but she's always looking at herself asking if she did the right thing and if she really had the look and skills do be doing what she is. She often asks her friends if they're really okay being around her or if she was annoying them too much. 

One thing that everyone knows about Aecha is that she's pretty absentminded and tends to lose herself in daydreaming not paying too much attention to anything really. She could be in the middle of something and totally space out for a while forgetting all about it, meaning don't tell her anything without writing it down because she will probably not remember it and then feel extremely guilty because she forgot. Along with that Aecha is one hell of a procrastinator. Now some may not be all that bad but she takes it to a new level. Anything that can be put off till the last minute she will and then forgets so she's struggling to get everything done on time. She's had many different jobs because she was fired for not getting her work done before the deadline. Overall Aecha is someone who seems easy to read but is actually more complex once you get to know her.


— likes

one — Any kind of sweets (though strawberry shortcake is her ultimate fave)
two — Dancing
three — Sleeping 
four — Jogging (usually early morning)
five — Kittens (so cute)
six — Foxes (her favorite animal)
seven — Classical and Indie music 
eight — Being around positive people (no one likes a negative nancy)
nine — Being Comfortable

— dislikes

one — Things that are too bitter
two — Being woken up rudely
three — Bananas 
four — Grasshoppers
five — Not being able to go for her daily jog
six — Too much rain
seven — Peanuts (allergic)
eight — Injuries (then she can't dance)
nine — Jellyfish (they're weird)

— habits

one — Stares at nothing when spacing out, sometimes it looks like shes staring at people so its a little creepy.
two — Laughs at just about anything.
three — Taps her legs or hard surfaces when uncomfortabld
four — Face will turn very red when shes embarrassed
five — Makes a really ugly face when trying not to cry.

— hobbies

one — Dancing
two — Jogging
three — Playing the violin
four — Collecting small snowglobes
five — Staregazing

— other facts

one — Carries an epipen around with her just in case she eats something with peanuts in it and wasn't paying attention
two — Always goes for a jog, usually early in the morning since that would be the time she could do it. 
three — Prefers when it's sunny but not too hot.
four — Took many dance classes when she was younger
five — Has a hard time falling asleep and wakes up easily
six — Always tries to get some strawberry shortcake when out
seven — Doesn't really like her birthmark
eight — can play the violin and piano
nine — When she's really into a song she'll often dance around, making you wonder if she's really the main dancer
ten — Was a simple office worker in her time, it was really boring


— rock 'ur body to my love equation

Aecha lived a pretty boring life back in 2045 working a smile office desk job going back and forth between her apartment. Although even back when she was younger she took dance classes and loved it, she felt it wasn't something she could ever do for a career and being out on her own she needed money for bills an easy job that payed enough so she picked one and went with it. Her parents divorced and both off living their own lives but she did visit her mother as often as the two of them could spare some time. Aecha went out to office parties, mostly because she was roped into them, but other than that she spent more time in her apartment dancing around to music on the radio to keep herself fit and also remind herself to be happy and that this life can't be all that bad. But when sowun.com was gaining a lot of buzz and her co workers were talking about the wishes that they posted Aecha couldn't contain her curiousity or a glimmer of hope and posted on the website as well, though she didn't think it would actually do anything. 


Mother — Lee Jinae // 49 // Tutor // Kind, Loving, Outspoken // They get along pretty well even after the divorce and though Aecha lives on her own they'll still make time to see one another whenever they can. 


future friend — Kim Namjoon // 21 // Idol  // Outgoing, Funny, Obnoxious // These two bacame fast friends when they met backstage one day and get along well their weirdness compliments one another and they laugh at the same stupid jokes. 


 sirena|main dancer, vocalist

— do good and good will come to you

Why did they wish to pursue music? — Well it's a little hard to describe as I'm more into dancing but music is an amazing artform. It can make you feel like you're on top of the world or deep in dispair from just one song. I want to affect people and connect with them on that emotional plain with someone across the ocean. It's truly inspiring, not to mention a heck of a lot of fun. 

 Do they like being in 2015 with the others?  — I like being with them just fine. Though some may be harder to get along with than others, we're all in the same boat sailing down a waterfall so we understand each other to a certain extent. 

Stage name;Aecha 
Persona;The Enigmatic Fox
Singing twin; Sistar Dasom 

Dancing twin; BoA 
Rapping twin; n/a


last comment — I hope you don't mind that I changed up the colors and that they're prety easy to read. Clink on the clovers for the links ^_^

scene requests — 
☘ Aecha coming back to the dorm with a kitten she found on the street and asks to keep it. 
☘ Funny moments between Aecha and her love interest where he greets her by saying aayyeee so everyone else picks up on the nickname and starts calling her it

☘ Maybe have them go on a bonding trip and the sirena and kage members get into a huge competition

password — tara suger free

i'll love you right like any wolf can.

—  applicant
— back up love interest

personality — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porttitor dui nisi, id commodo massa imperdiet ac. Praesent velit dui, efficitur sit amet nisi id, suscipit congue orci. Nam et gravida mauris. Fusce vel tristique velit, in scelerisque lacus. Morbi sagittis, felis ac blandit egestas, libero neque aliquam turpis, at pellentesque urna enim eget justo. In porttitor purus non nunc posuere finibus. Morbi tincidunt blandit velit, vel semper risus rhoncus sed. Ut vulputate nisl vitae elit consequat, quis ultrices massa varius. 

relationship — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porttitor dui nisi, id commodo massa imperdiet ac. Praesent velit dui, efficitur sit amet nisi id, suscipit congue orci. Nam et gravida mauris. Fusce vel tristique velit, in scelerisque lacus. Morbi sagittis, felis ac blandit egestas, libero neque aliquam turpis, at pellentesque urna enim eget justo. In porttitor purus non nunc posuere finibus. Morbi tincidunt blandit velit, vel semper risus rhoncus sed. Ut vulputate nisl vitae elit consequat, quis ultrices massa varius. 

First Meeting — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porttitor dui nisi, id commodo massa imperdiet ac. Praesent velit dui, efficitur sit amet nisi id, suscipit congue orci. Nam et gravida mauris. Fusce vel tristique velit, in scelerisque lacus. Morbi sagittis, felis ac blandit egestas, libero neque aliquam turpis, at pellentesque urna enim eget justo. In porttitor purus non nunc posuere finibus. Morbi tincidunt blandit velit, vel semper risus rhoncus sed. Ut vulputate nisl vitae elit consequat, quis ultrices massa varius. 



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