bored, let's do this.

stolen and modified from here. not bcuz i'm a er for new year...but bcuz i'm a er for quizzes n surveys n would be happy to look for any excuse to get me some without appearing too...needy?



1. What did you do in 2015 that you'd never done before?

Hmm...travelling by plane?(never thought it'd ever happen since i'm just too damn lazy) i don't remember any other new thing i did compared to before...

2. Did you keep your new year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year?

Do/Did i even have any 'new year resolution' stuff? O_O

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?

Well, if we're taking that 'close to you' really seriously...i'll

4. Did anyone close to you die?

same as above...

5. What countries did you visit?

Hmm...if you know, you know...otherwise, it's not even an important information so yeah...

6. What would you like to have in 2016 that you lacked in 2015?

Assurance. Sense of belonging. Being appreciated/valued for what i worth. (and i would say all apply mostly in

7. What dates from 2015 will remain etched upon your memory and why?

well...i don't know...Was it January 30th...that i met with snow for the first time? and it's the first snow of the winter in that country? idk...if there's anything that memorable...though Battle reunion was close to ugh perfection(yet i didn't remember the date dundundun) wait...i think it's easier to just remember Battle's anniversary /grins/

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?

Having Chris replied to my tweet saying Battle loves me too...yay~~~ haha...and having discovered my Weather Forecast oppars...very few have the chance to encounter n appreciate such awezomeness...i'm lucky...really. Oh...and knowing my oh...and buying everyone in my family birthday cakes....especially for my mom...well, that's a great achievement since there's a time i was in a slump to afford anything for birthdays....and i guess...travelling...considering my laziness...oh...and buying more CDs if those count...oh and colouring books and colour pencils too....xD...and if i may add, everytime i get those rare comments of few days ago...i received comment on one of my vids of someone expressing happiness bcuz he/she had been looking for the song for a long time. and every translation is a huge achievement for me too....even every poem created, every story updated/posted, every little thing makes a huge difference one way or the other no matter how irrelevant they seem...ooohhh...n bake a bunch of diff cookies for raya after hardly any ever since after 2010 or so...and.....baked muffin for the first time...sweetcorn muffin! xD i'm so proud of myself for that achievement since i'm always scared of baking those cakes/muffin/etc stuffs...n then there's my little music buying business...getting my first client was the best feeling...

9. What was your biggest failure?

I'm tempted to say my life is a failure...but i ought to be more grateful and count my blessings...even as a loser, i've been really lucky n i have to admit 2015 had been better than say...the year before...maybe? despite still being almost as unmemorable.... But since i've felt how it feel being at the bottom for so long...i feel like i have less to worry/be upset about and more to be grateful and hopeful...oh...if i may add, getting people to respect my hardwork..yeah i failed at this

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?

Well, no i guess, not physically...

11. What was the best thing you bought in 2015?

Let's colouring book n colour pencils and CDs- Park Jung Min-Save Us Tonight limited editions, Summer Break i think, Winter Love, It's Summer Time various vers-all worthy since they're exclusive n so damn hard to get anyway n i love the music, Rainbow!!!-Innocent!!!, ZE:A-First Homme(not really feeling this album...but oh well, i got tempted by the album size ugh), Nine Muses-Wild(i don't like Wild, but i love the other songs n i just couldn't choose which of their album i wanted at the time), Broccoli,You Too!-Golden Hits Collection (ugh...i listen to this gold a lot of times n never got tired <3 n i'm so proud to have their album now though i couldn't buy more since their albums are expensive lol..or at least at the shop i bought), ROMEO-uber expensive Last Notes ugh... and d awesome Faith n Run Away that i have yet to receive n looks like i'll only get them in 2016 while i'm not at old fashioned discman and also my mp3player to keep my happy with music n more music....etc.etc. i only buy things that make me happy ok...

12. Whose behaviour merited celebration?

me me me....haha....

13. Whose behaviour made you appalled and depressed?

me too......haha...(ps: n my bros if i may add...haha)

14. Where did most of your money go?

CDs...ain't it obvious....T^T...n travel, and i buy a lot of food and whatever i want to...i like feeding my family(not really by cooking though)...eating time is happy time even if it makes my sis mad that i'm trying to make her fat or whatever...

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?

Is there anything....maybe....unexpectedness...hope? not that it happen much in 2015...well, i do get excited easily...but not to the point of 'really really really excited', yaknow? well, but amongst the things that made me closest to 'really really really excited' would probly be Battle semi reunion n the discovery of Chris the fab singersongwriter...haha...

^ especially when he did acoustic ver of Battle urghhhh !!!!!!! <333...even though he's embarrassed about it...the fans were soooooooooooooooooo amazing they even rapped for him loud n proud n how many years has it been already? ugh...i'm so fking proud to call myself part of this awesome fans...i love their loyalty...that'a rare. n i love how he just twist the song into a totally something with diff feel than original...maknae made me so proud here. i bet the other Battle members who attended this show were proud of him too.

^ i don't know how much i squealed like an idiot over this moment...Battle is still alive in 2015...woohoo!

maknae line, my lil bro hwichannie needs to go back to sing in his homeland though he's probly so much more appreciated in other country who am i to ask him to go back... 

16. What song will always remind you of 2015?

All of oppars songs! <3...yeah i know they're songs from the 90s...but i discovered them all in lucky i am despite the lateness, i found them!

17. Compared to this time last year, are you:

a) happier or sadder? probly...idk...different things can make you both happier and sadder at the same time...can't get everything...

b) thinner or fatter? idk...probly fatter? or the same? i don't know...

c) richer or poorer? More or less the same...richer in some ways, yet poorer at the same time...isn't life filled with ironies

18. What do you wish you'd done more of?

Make myself and people around me happy. Being more reckless in making decisions maybe /grins/...Being less reckless and more prepared...i know....contradiction...isn't that what humans are made of? or write more fanfics/updates...i realize i feel happier everytime i succeeded to post updates...oh well...

19. What do you wish you'd done less of?

Wasting time getting upset by all the racism, stupidity n hypocrisy on facebook, making people around me unhappy/hurt with my uberhonesty...hesitating and not taking more crazy chances. expecting anything from anyone for whatever reason...

20. How did you spend Christmas?

I don't. well, maybe working.

21. Did you fall in love in 2015?

Hahahah....does a tiny short lived crush that ended almost as fast as it began count? or does falling in love with my oppars count?

22. What was your favourite TV programme in 2015?

idk...i only watch TV for family bonding time...oldish Hindi movies are the best for that purpose(especially if it has Shah Rukh Khan...not to say i'm a fan...i wouldn't call myself one but whenever we see him it's tv time lol)....and also...P.Ramlee movies also great for bonding tv session...(the guy probly makes stories way more advance n even criticizing societies of today in satire ways, way back in 50s n shows nowadays are nothing but craps) tops best drama forever though.

23. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?

Well, as they say...hate is a strong word...for people who aren't that significant...upset/annoyed would be better descriptions...?

24. What was the best book you read in 2015?

i hardly read books in more newspapers n reader digest n own fanfics? haha, excuse my biggest fan

25. What was your greatest musical discovery in 2015?

Weather Forecast oppars. no argument!

26. What did you want and get?

Most of the albums i bought...visiting some countries i've always wanted to visit. my colouring set lol.

27. What did you want and not get?

to see some places at the countries i went to, albums i couldn't get my hands on...attend Park Jung Min & Romeo concert before his enlistment...since he's awesome live singer...n he even had one perf focused on acoustic n had Youngsaeng, Kyujong n Hyungjun as guests, i'm really upset...n then Chris' showcase where other Battle members guested...aaaaaaaghhhh...Ryu, Kihyun, Hwichan!!!! T^T...job that i could imagine not feeling as tortured going through...n to have Kevin(ZE:A) in Mask's such an annoying wait when i diligently watch the clips every week just hoping to find him bcuz why wouldn't he be found there? to the point i just gave up watching the show at all...since it's just wasting my intnt bandwith ugh.

^ this song was fully composed n written by one of my oppars(who...rarely seen have his songs sung by any other idols) ;) ...all other lyrics in the album were written by the singer himself...except for this.

^ this song is just everything...

28. What was your favourite film of this year?

/scratch head/ nope.

29. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?

slept till afternoon...and then followed my sis to get my birthday cake...which i don't really want since i'd rather be the one to treat ppl...but my mom and sis insisted, at least i managed to buy moree food for everyone that it turned out looking like a party when it wasn't......oh well...nothing outstanding though...i had to make my own tea on my own birthday which i believe it's not hard to tell my age i won't

30. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?

Sense of belonging. Appreciation.

31. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2015?

cheap. cheap has always been my core criteria in buying clothes

32. What kept you sane?

Expressing what i feel/think...

33. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?

As for local ones, i'd say it used to be ..Amy Mastura...she used to be my fav singer, loved her music(especially her first-2nd, 3rd, albums, maybe 4th n 5th still okay) n i loved her movie too/coughputeriimpiancough./...i don't like her music the past 1+ decade or something, well, music here in general have been getting y anyway...but i like how she remains as classy as ever, 20 years in ent business n still not a single cheap scandal/publicity...she has good, humble, friendly, down to earth wholesome girl next door image(probly one of the cleanest image ever for celeb) it's more amazing how she maintained it up until now...and the fact that she married her longtime neighbour even after being a star was for kpop...i think i'm too loyal to have anyone take over the throne from wise, they're not my fav...but they've become part of my...pride? my identity? and watching them always awaken the inner immatured fangirl in wailing kyaaaaaaaaaaa

34. What political issue stirred you the most?

Urgh...don't get me started....this year was filled with my rage over all these dumb political, economics, social, religious discrimination n prejudice, n hyporcirsy n selective humanity and devil conspiracies...idek where to start...

35. Who did you miss?

People i treasured in the past...even if they remain in present...if they're no longer the same as the people i met in the past, they're not the ones i missed...but that doesn't mean i won't miss their past selves that i knew once upon a time...

36. Who was the best new person you met?

Oh cmon...isn't this mean?....

37. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2016

Does it matter? 

38. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year

too lazy sorry....

this sound inspiring.motivational though...


and here, have some ear cleansing session with ROMEO...albeit just the instrumental ver since nobody uploaded full song on yt yet...they're still so ethereal n grand always with Romeo's music


and something happy to raise the mood since i gotta go sleep to work tomorrow...haha...


^ this song never....and i mean NEVER fail to make me happy... 

and so...another one since we can't get enough can we? :p



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I also feel weird saying this, but I have a deep love for numbering things LOL.

Your answers for:
6! Hm. I want to find answers and become stronger in my individuality.
I was excited about your muffins and the music business!
19! "expecting anything from anyone for whatever reason..." maybe I should make that my #6.
24. I wonder if we have reader digests where I live! We have reader digest magazine which I like, haha. Are the ones you read in English? :'( I want to read them!
29. Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwww~ because I so didn't want to share this, but I forced my parents to buy me a cake and my sister thought that was so sad. But I really wanted a cake. I took an (unflattering) picture of me with my cake
32. Made me think a lot. I think if I express and find more what I think and feel, I would feel better in general.
33. I didn't know her! She is very pretty
anddddddd Battle luvs youuuuu