Guys I need your help

Hi guys. So I'm having an issue with my shop, or better said someone is having an issue with me and keeps putting false reports like this one. If you know someone who has a problem with NIGHTS OUT pls tell me. I'm just curious if I ever been rude to anyone before.


Reporter (Dec 27, 2015 01:16:51):  I am reporting the following content:
Ugh, i just got pissed when the graphic designers and the OWNER itself has been rude to the requesters! And also, one of the guideliness stated that we have to pay for karmas if we are willing to request but some of the requesters have complained, saying that their requests haven't been done and the karma points that they've given to the shop HAVE NOT BEEN PAYED BACK! Also, the services provided are not worth it, AT ALL. We pay at least for 10 karmas, and we just got less than 100 words of review! And the graphic too, it is not worth it!


TO MENTION THERE WAS ONLY ONE REQ THAT ASKED BACK FOR KP AND GOT THEM BACK and I never had someone complaining they don't like the graphic they got. This person is more than rude.


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urm... woah that's a bit crazy... my friend requested at nights out and she said she loved your services.... the reporter might be off their meds lol
... Issues I tell you. Issues.
What the hell, what a b.tch. I am sorry hun! I can't believe that you're going through this!!!
Wow, that one's probably just ranting. But whoever that is sure has the guts to complain when she/he's not the one doing the work anyway. Talk about appreciation. -_-
Uh wow. I don't know about this. But aren't we usually says to tell us the designers of they want to change something? Like if they didn't really like the design somewhere thry could talk to the designer. And they could also choose their own designer. Maybe this person is just pissed off that her/his request got a late reaponds or something. The shop was reported too before right? And were closed for days after. Good luck though, will tell you if i ever got something about this.
This doesn't sound like a serious report though. It's more like a rant and a moderator can't really do anything about your prices - like, if reporter doesn't think it's worth it, they can just refrain from requesting. It's that easy. The rest should be researched and has there been more cases (I don't think there has, but - opening the possibility) of other requesters complaining THEY should've spoken/reported you themselves. This reporter has nothing but "somebody else's word" which obviously shouldn't help her case at all - it's not proof of anything. The reporter doesn't even state anything about her own experiences but relies completely on "others". So no moderator who takes their job serious would do anything about that report , but should, if they can see reporters username, contact reporter and ask them to only report with serious reports - this is not one of them.
Maybe you should talk it out with the rest of the staffs? They might've had seen something or heard of something. Good luck with your problem though. I'll definitely inform you if I get something about it (-^_^-)