We are looking for staff

For the next batch that will start on january 20, we are hiring for Ilaria multishop.

5 graphic designers  - we pay 25 kp for each poster ( a designer won't take more than 5 posters before going on busy)

5 trailer designers - we pay 100 karma points for a trailer (one request at a time)

5 graphic reviewers - we pay  25 kp for each review ( 5 requests before busy status)

5 advertisers - we pay 2 kp per wall ( 3 req at a time)

3 beta readers - we pay 30 kp each req + ( 5 kp for each chapter) (2 requests before busy status)

5 reviewers - we pay 30 kp each req + (3 kp for each chapter) ( 2 requests before busy status)

10 layout designers - you will request your own price ( one req at a time)

Also we are looking for layout designers that want to sell their layouts through our shop. All the kp go to you, we won't charge anything for promoting them in the shop.

If you are interested, comment here.


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I'm interested with being a beta reader :)
Hello, I'm interested in being a beta reader
kailalu #3
can i apply as an advertise?