Do any of you guys read Murakami?

Now before I really start, let me just vent for a while that I had actually beautifully edited everything, put in images and about ready to click post when the damned WiFi of my college drops to two bloody bars, becomes limited and I am met with a Server Not Available page. It's so annoying! Like, it's my second time... 

sigh... I think I can start properly now. 


Okay, so... Murakami Haruki is actually an author. And I have actually only read a few of his books. My first was Norwegian Wood and definitely his way of writing and plot was rather refreshing from what I usually read. He caught my attention and I became a fan. My sister introduced me to him actually and was on the lookout for IQ84. It so happens that IQ84 begun to sell at our usual bookstore sometime after my sister started looking for a PDF. And I had just finished reading Norwegian Wood, so I was looking for another book by him to read. I purchased the three-volume-in-one book as my next reading project.

I’ll be honest… I had a problem going through it. In fact, I still have yet to finish it while I’ve read through his short compositions: Sputnik Sweethearts, and What I Talk About When I Talk About Running. I preferred the latter much more as it was a somewhat memoir. I’ve never read a book of that kind before and so I somewhat enjoyed reading it from his very own point of view. The thing with me is that, I have trouble reading very thick books lately. It’s a very slow process and I would need to be completely free of other commitments to completely devote my time into flipping through its pages.

It’s funny that I say that now. I seriously wonder how I could have finished the Twilight Saga. I don’t even want to picture how it would be like to read through the Harry Potter series. I like to read, I do. It helps at times. It’s a stress reliever from fan fics and lecture notes. But I like a light read. I like thin books, not too thick.

But anyways, the main reason why I brought up Murakami is that… well, I don’t know. I was just wondering if any of you guys have read his books before. I have a friend (*coughslovinblackcoughs*) who’s read Kafka On The Shore, even finished IQ84 and a few others. Plus, Nam Joon (Rap Monster) of BTS mentioned Kafka On the Shore in Butterfly. He’s also mentioned reading Haruki Murakami in an interview somewhere. So yeah…

I was wondering, what do you guys think of his works? Any specific reasons why you like or even dislike his works? 





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I'm just strating to read Norwegian Wood. I know it's pretty late, but better than nothing, rite? Kekekek~

I got to know this book because of Kiko Mizuhara. She played the roll for the movie, and my cousin said her acting was so bad because the book is great. Lol.

And just a couple weeks ago, my friend said she made a thesis about Norwegian Wood novel. I asked her if she's still keeping the book then she said yes!

But, like you, it's totally hard for reading thick book nowadays. Last time i finished J.K.Rowling's detective novels.

Hope i can finish Norwegian Wood by the end of this year. Kekekek. Wish me luck! :D
Kafka on the Shore was the one and only novel I read from him and it gutted me, so I never picked up another. His words are breathtaking. He writes in the same kind of realm as Gabriel Garcia Marquez and there was a time I was really into magical realism, but it got to be too bleak for me, so I left off.