☀ the princesses' exchange - kingdom of caeria ; Song Min Ah (Hwang Tak Na)

  call me   Song Min Ah (Hwang Tak Na)




hey I just met you > Hwang Tak Na
especially for you > Nana, younger friends
Noona, even her older guy friends call her that, she isnt sure why though

I fell from heaven on > May 2, 1998 17
the blood pumping through my veins > Korean
never tongue twisted > Korean, mother language, fluent
beauty is in the eye of the beholder > Tak Na is 151 cm tall and weighs just under 44 kg. She has rough skin and brown hair. She has a scar on her hair line from an injury when she was young. She doesnt have any stattoos or peircings at all. 

hey I just met you > Song Min Ah
especially for you > Min Min, Older brothers
Minnie, Sisters

I fell from heaven on > August 20, 1999 16
the blood pumping through my veins > Korean
never tongue twisted > Korean, mother language, fluent
Japanese, fluent, interested in Japan

isn't she lovely? > Goonshipas Peonpaweevorakul
isn't she wonderful? > Kim Myeong Ji
beauty is in the eye of the beholder > Min Ah is 150 cm tall and weighs aroudn 47 kg. She has shoulder length light brown hair with highlights and slight bangs. She has soft skin and her ears are peirced once but hardly ever wears earrings. Sh has a small scar on the inside of her wrist but she usually coveres it somehow




I know myself like the back of my hand > sweet, trusting, uncontrolled, adventurous
clear as glass > Min Ah still thinks that people are genuanly kind and want the best for other people. She thinks life is an adventure and that all she needs to do is go out and adventure willfind her. She hates when people try to control her and she will usually do the eact opposite of what they say. She always has to be doing something more and gets easilly . She hates to sit still and act proper. She has a sort of free spriit where she doesnt believe in fighting or anger and when she comes in conact with it she choses to ignore it. 
Min Ah trusts pople until  they give her a reason not to, she is sweet and very friendly. She usually has a smile on her face and she laughs often. She doesnt want to do hard work. She woudl rather spend her time playing. She hasnt grown up yet and she will put off growing up as long as she can. She is slightly innocent, hasnt been exposed to the harshness of the world. She is sheltered, very sheltered. Min Ah is stubborn as well, but not stubborn stubborn. She is stubborn in a very bad way. She refuses to grow up and take responsiblity and she wont accept that bad things happen. 
hard as stone > Because she is the youngest, Min Ah grew up babied and pampered. Her mother thought she could do no wrong and her father didnt want to punish her for anything, he thought she was an angel. The staff knew that she was wild, she was just a child who wanted to play. She was pretty good at getting into trouble but wiggiling out of it. Her sisters didnt waist their time on her either because they didnt want to deal with the issues that came with her. 
When Min Ah was fifteen her mother set up a tutor and she started her official princess training. She hated it and once she was done she would go running and playing Her mother still thought she was an angel, no matter what she did. She thought Min Ah was such an angel that she wanted to connect Min Ah with othes. Her mother found out that the king was trying to ment relations with a neighboring kingdom and she had the perfect plan. She got in connection with the other queen and they set up that Min Ahw would marry one of her sons. What a better way to fix a realtionshi, righ? 
I woke up like this, flawless > Min Ah wakes up long after the others do. SHe sleeps as late as possible and when ever she wakes up she wants breakfast. She cant function if she doesnt have breakfast. She puts off her studies until the afternoon and spends most of her days laying around or playing around. When she does get to her studies she will complain and drag her feet about everything. Once studies are done she will go back to playing around and getting into things. 
optimism enhancers > ☼ Cookies
☼ Sweets
☼ Mornings
☼ Green
☼ Hats
☼ Cats
☼ Bulgogi
☼ Swimming
☼ Reading
☼ Candles
☼ Naps
☼ Spring time
pessimism causers >☼ Scary things
☼ Pork
☼ Cats
☼ Milk
☼ Late nights
☼ Being in a large crowd of people
☼ Shoes
☼ Summer, too hot
☼ Lighting
☼ Purple

time well spent > ☼ Reading
☼ Swimming
☼ Climbing trees and things
☼ Running around

all the little things in between > 

☼ If people pick her up she freezes
☼ She moves so little in her sleep peole need to check if she is still breathing☼ She loves hats
☼ She is a great speller
☼ She has terrible penmanship
☼ She wakes up really easily
☼ She is known for getting into things and breaking them
☼ She is lactoseintolerant
☼ She despises balls and parties
☼ She wakes up really easilly
☼ She doesnt really like kids
☼ When she is tired she will get very cuddily
☼ When people get angry she gets quiet
☼ She loves sitting in the kitchen while the staff cooks
☼ She does not like chocolate at all




I know myself like the back of my hand > Rebelious, hard headed, quick on her feet, smart, slightly blunt
clear as glass > Tak Na is a rebelious punk that goes into arguments with people and the authorities recignise who she is. She would rather things end in a fight than she be proven wrong. She has a slight temper and a go get em attitude. She is not affraid to throw the first punch. She doesnt always put her emotions out for others to see and she is very good at hurting other people meotions. She doesnt sugar caot things, finds it difficult to even. She would be the one to tell you to stop or to intimidae soemone just for fun. Even with she small size she can still put on an intimidating face
Tak Na is smart and can get her way out of almost any situation. She thinks on her feet and reacts quickly to things aroudn her. She is quick witted and when she decides she is going to be your friend she is very close to you and will protect you no matter what. If she has decided she is your friend then you are her friend. She will help you if she can, but if your being stupid she will be the first to point it out. She likes to go out and have fun btu she knows her own limits. She isnt going to kill herself to help you, but if she sees that you need something she will see if she can do something about it. 
hard as stone > Tak Na was raised by her three older brothers. Both her parents died the winter after she was born and they left the four children with a  pile of debt. The oldest boy was only twelve at the time but he did his best to raise Tak Na and her brothers. By the time she was nine theyhad almost gotten rid of their parents debt but then after that they had to forge their own lives.
They got a little house  just outside the city and ofrged a life of their own. Tak Na was always taken care of though, her brothes made sure of that. She was always the first fed and the first to get help when she needed it. She was the one best with other people so she was the one who went into the town all the time. 
When she was 17, her older brother got hurt and needed help. She went into the city and was looking for it when a girl approched her who looked identicle to her. She asked her to take her spot and like as she does. She promised that she could help Tak Na's brother brother if she did. Tak Na agreed, as long as she cudl help her brother. 
I woke up like this, flawless > Tak Na usually rises before the sun and is ff soon after. She run errands for a guy in town and he pays her and gives her food. She ugually does odd jobs here and there for him most the day but leaves early afternoonWhen she gets home she changes and goes hunting almost every day. She usually manages to bag some sort of small game and bigger things every so often. By the time she gets home the sun is almost setting and her brothers are home. Her yougnest brother is the one who cooks all the time so she leaves that to him She tries to clean herself everyday, but sometimes she doesnt get to it. When ever she is done her brothers will have dinner ready. She eats, help s clean up and goes to bed just to do it all again the next daay
optimism enhancers > Music
pessimism causers > Mornings

time well spent > Hunting
Listening to music

all the little things in between > She is ambedextrious
SHe is lactoseintolerant
She has a lot of little scars scattered over her body
She gets really dry skin
Red is her favorate color
Her left arm is shorter than her right
She doesnt like bananas
She lvoes strawberries
She only wears boots
She has a pet dog, but its not really hers
She loves hats
SHe needs glasses but doesnt know it
Tal people slighly creep her out
She has a weakness for little kids


through thick and thin > (name | age | relationship | personality traits | occupation | dead/alive.)
last choice > (rival. optional. same format as family. how you met and how you became rivals.)


Hwang Tak Na
family means nobody gets left 
behind >
Hwang Tak Hyun | 26 | brother | protective, stotic | hunter/trapper | alive
Hwang Tak KAng | 22 | brother | Friendly, bit odd | guide | alive
Kwang Tak Young | 20 | brother | distant, quiet, not a people person | hunter | alive
through thick and thin > Kang Bo Ram | 19 | Friend/crush | Talktaibe, friendly, loud | n/a | alive.
Buk Doong Na | 17 | Best friend | harsh, protective | bakers assistant | alive.




if you're wrong, I don't want to be right > Cho Sik Min (Young K of Day 6) (Hwang Tak Na's interest)
the adam to my eve > September 9, 1997
magnetic attraction > Tak Na met Sik Min when she was impersonating the princess and she fell head over heels for him. She was at a pformal party and he came up to her, supposedly reintorducing himself to her and he did absolutly everythign right in her book. He was charming and spoke with her like she was someone of great importance. 
It wasnt until weeeks later that Tak Na realised this was the person who Min Ah was supposed to marry. She becme enraged at the young princess and was slightly tempted to reveal their secret but decided not to. She was going to start going after the prince for herself and she would be damned if some rich would beat her out for the affection of the prince. 
Much to the happines of the King and Queen, Tak Na started taking a serious interest in Sik Min, but when it was jsut the two of them alone she was acting more like herself and not the princess. She didnt do it on purpose, she was just doing it. Much to Tak Na's happiness Sik Min started taking a serious interest in Tak Na as well. Things were going perfectly, until she had to go back home. 
The night she got back to 'her' palace the princess showed up and wanted to switch

you're weird but I like you > Sik Min is very charming and can talk with any one. He has an important aura about him, but he still can talk with the common man. He doesnt get emotional but usually has a smile on his face. People automatically like him and want to talk with him, he is very diplomatic and hates when people start fighting
all I ever wanted > Lee Hwan Hee (Hwan Hee of Up10tion) (Song Min Ah's love interest)
the adam to my eve >  May 6, 1998
bringing back the bacon > Scholor
magnetic attraction > While Min Ah was impersonating Tak Na, someone moved in nearby. His father came to Tak Na's brothers for furs and meat. He came with his father one day and started talking with Min Ah. He offered to take her with him to lessons one day and she said yes, just to get awaky from Tak Na's house and do soemthing differant, but when she got there it was nothing like she was expecting. Hwan Hee and his friends goofed off all the time and they had fun. 
Min Ah and Hwan Hee got close fast and that didnt sit well with Hwan Hee. He was worried that being seen with a person like Tak Na would do to his reputation so he told Min Ah that he never wanted to see her again. She was heart broken and lost. It took her a few days but she devised a plan. She would switch back to her real life and introduce herself to Hwan Hee, when he wanted her back she would blow him off, at first. She would take he back though, she thought she loved him. 
Hwan Hee didnt know how to react to his feelings for Min Ah so he pushed them aside and tried not to deal with them. Once she was gone he got even more distracted from his work and struggled more. He wouldnt go look for her though because he needed to focus on school. The longer he want without seeing her the worse he got distracted though. 

you're weird but I like you > Hwan Hee is very dedicated to his work and slightly awkward. He is very friendly and can talk with anyone. People tend to look down on him slightly because his father is a hunter, but he doesnt let it bother him. He is very good at letting insults roll off him




comments // suggestions // questions ; The Princess and the pauper
scene requests ;
layout credits to _milkshake @ fallen angel. do not steal.


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